
In This Issue

1. Featured: Check out our new Podcast, "God in Everything"
2. Story from the Street: It's All About the Eucharist
3. Story from the Street: God Loves Us Amidst Our Suffering
1. Featured: Check out our new Podcast, "God in Everything"
2. Story from the Street: It's All About the Eucharist
3. Story from the Street: God Loves Us Amidst Our Suffering

Wanna know a secret? You can easily find God in just have to look! And that's precisely what we're taking a look at in our brand new podcast, "God in Everything". It features hosts Maddie Lorio, SPSE Marketing Director, and Lexa Davis, SPSE Video Production Specialist. They discuss how God can actually be found in all things, specifically in pop culture. They’ll also explain how to connect with others and evangelize through common interests like music, film, social media, etc. Make sure to check out the first episode, "Your Personality is the BEST for Evangelization", where they talk about how different personalities can be applied in evangelization. They'll figure out their own Myers-Briggs personality types, as well as which personality type they believe Our Lord, Our Lady, and St. Paul have!


It's All About the Eucharist

Warren, MI. Today there was a substitute mail carrier (“Sara”) who came in to deliver packages. We started talking a bit, and then she returned to her mail vehicle to get more packages. I noticed Sara left her keys on the chair, so I brought them outside to her and started a conversation. I told her I’m a missionary and asked if she needed prayer for anything. She said “Yes, please pray for my son. He’s away from God.” I told her I’d be glad to. It turns out that Sara used to be Catholic, but now she attends a different community. Then I explained that I understood how some feel like they’re not being fed in the Catholic Church, but I told her that Jesus has always been there. I mentioned that she should think about just stopping by a church and praying, because Jesus is in the tabernacle. I asked Sara if she remembered what the tabernacle was and where it’s located in the church, and she said “yes, I do.” I told her she can just stop and pray for a minute in silence, or talk to a priest, or go to confession…I said, “because the Sacraments are wonderful.” Then I told her, “that’s one reason I choose to remain Catholic, despite all of the scandals and everything…I stay because of the sacraments. I try to remember it’s all essentially about The Eucharist.” She agreed, and said she will give some thought to what I said.


God Loves Us Amidst Our Suffering

Allentown, PA. We had four people on a recent Sunday evangelization outing: Maria, Nick, myself and Chris from New Jersey. The following are just a few of our memorable encounters.

We asked a family if they would like some free rosaries. The family said no thank you and continued walking. However, the mother/grandmother turned back around, called us over, and said, "I am a Christian, and we are on the same team." She then explained that it was her birthday and teared up as she told us that she lost her husband a year ago. While she was enjoying her day, she talked about how she was married to him for sixty years, and it was difficult for her most days. She gave us her full name and asked us to remember her. We believe that she wants us to continue to pray for her. Would you please pray for Sue?

It is easy to stereotype and think that teenagers will not be open to faith, but think again. Some young teen girls wearing belly shirts stopped to listen as I offered them Miraculous Medals. I explained who the Virgin Mary is and how many people have been kept out of harm's way while wearing the medal. The girls accepted the medals, said thank you, and walked off. One girl put it on as she walked. Later, the girls came back around the block, and we saw that all three girls had the necklaces on. As they passed, Maria offered them each a rosary. They walked past at first, but one girl came back and said, "Actually, can I have a rosary?" She picked out her favorite color, took a pamphlet, listened to a brief explanation, and quickly ran back to her friends with a slight smile.


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