
In This Issue

1. Featured: Only a Few Days Left Until Our Virtual Street Evangelization Workshop -- Sign up Today!
2. Story from the Street: Evangelizing at St. Vincent de Paul
3. Story from the Street: You Set the Tone for my Whole Day
1. Featured: Only a Few Days Left Until Our Virtual Street Evangelization Workshop -- Sign up Today!
2. Story from the Street: Evangelizing at St. Vincent de Paul
3. Story from the Street: You Set the Tone for my Whole Day

Don't forget to register for our Virtual Street Evangelization Workshop this Saturday!

Among the skills you will learn are:

* How to start and direct a conversation towards faith in Jesus and the Church

* How to share what God has done in your life

* How to share the Gospel message

* How to pray out loud with someone

* How to invite someone to a deeper relationship with Jesus


Evangelizing at St. Vincent de Paul

Atlanta, GA. Our regular crew made it out, along with our newest evangelizer, Lisa. We set up outside the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store to share our faith and offer prayers to those in need. We encountered a steady stream of people who approached us despite temperatures in the 90s.

We had good exchanges with numerous people. The first was Will, who attends a Presbyterian Church. He visited our table and talked of his mom establishing his faith foundation and how it wavered and grew throughout his 70-year life. He had polite questions about the Catholic faith and took with him necklaces with Marian pendants for himself and his wife.

“Amy” approached with her 3 kids, asking prayer for healing for her eyes. She’s been experiencing issues with her eyes and is frightened. We offered prayers of healing and assured her God is there for her. Her two teenage children chose medals (St. Pio and St. Therese of Lisieux). They were also told the story of and received encouragement to accept Miraculous Medals. Her second-grade son Tomas, chose a necklace with a crucifix as well as a keychain with a cross. His enthusiasm for our religion was a living testament to his parents who clearly have instilled the faith.


You Set the Tone for My Whole Day

Detroit, MI. A total of 4 evangelists went to Eastern Market this past Saturday and we worked in 2-hour shifts. Anne and Mark were there 8-10:00 a.m. while Steve and Beth were there 10:00 to noon.
Anne approached a police officer on a bicycle and offered him a St. Michael medal. He accepted the medal and said that he knew that St. Michael is the patron of law enforcement. Anne offered to pray with him and listened as he talked about his concerns with his work and his family. Anne lifted all of his concerns to the Lord and prayed that he would experience a renewal of strength and the peace of Christ.


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