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Back to regular outings

September 30, 2021

Since early July, my wife and I have been going weekly to the Ann Arbor Farmers Market on Saturday mornings (with a few exceptions). We have seen a lot of fruit in terms of conversations which got people thinking about their relationship with God or with the Catholic Church. It has also been fruitful in terms of learning how to steer the conversation a little more effectively to an invitation. Some people were open to being prayed with and all who did expressed sincere appreciation and gratitude. We recently had an hour training session with Bob Wilson at our parish and many people showed up to learn how to evangelize on the street. We went out after each of the 2 trainings to put into practice what we learned. One thing I was hesitant to do was to share the gospel message. After one training, I put into practice this piece of it and had wonderful results. The person receiving it, did so with joy. The Holy Spirit really annointed what I was saying and I was amazed at what came out of my mouth! This is the highlight of my week (after Mass) and I look forward to having more people join by team as a result of the training. All glory belongs to God, from start to finish!