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Detroit - Eastern Market

Country: United States
State or province: Michigan

Team Leader
Mark Nemecek

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Fruitful Conversations - 8/6/22

August 9, 2022

We had about a dozen conversations that were fruitful in our outing at Eastern Market today.  We talked with Chris about the reality of the devil and about why he chose to reject God. Chris is one of our regulars and often has interesting theological questions and we're always willing to answer them. He's been in many religions before including Islam but we think he's moving closer to the true Faith. We talked to a family for quite a while about reasons to consider the Catholic Church and they were very open. We talked to another man who is struggling with alcohol addiction and asked us to pray that he might someday want to actually give up his addiction. He doesn't want to quit yet even though he knows it's causing damage to his life and his relationships. We let him know that God could help but it's going to take work.

We gave out dozens of Miraculous Medals and rosaries, each of which was received with great joy. Amy also taught several people how to pray the rosary, very patiently talking them through the different prayers and the benefits to praying it. Steve gave an interesting example of his own personal testimony relating why he chooses to be Catholic among all the different Christian options. Please pray for all the people who we spoke with today and all the people that our evangelists all around the country speak to.
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