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June 29, 2024
Last Thursday Sheila, Bob, Amparo and I were approached by many people curious to what we were handing out for free. A man was standing by just observing what was going on. I went up to him and asked him if I could give him the good news. He immediately said that he had his own religion and that it was as old as 2,000. I just stood and listening and there was terminology he was using that I could not understand. I just let him talk and said to the Holy Spirit I don't really know where this man is coming from and felt a bit intimidated. He had tattoos on his arms and showed me in his wallet that he had served in the army and had been to Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and other countries I could not remember. I sensed that his religion was a mixture of beliefs, but the bottom line was his view of God was an angry and violent one. I wanted to steer away from getting into a discussion of what he believes and what I believe as I sensed he was getting a little defensive. I asked him where he was from and found out he grew up in this area and went to the local high school. He then got a little more relaxed. I asked him if I could share with him why I am here and told him how my life was a total mess and my high school girl friend came back into my life and shared the good news with me. The power of her testimony changed my life forever as she was so convincing and joyful. In invited God into my heart and the rest is history.
I then told him that God never created death and through the envy of the devil we all have been deceived thinking that we can be our own God and not trust him. At that point his bus came. He actually listened the whole time while I was talking and I believe God was bringing truth into his mind and heart. He would not take any information but I continue to pray that God open up his mind and heart to the truth. Amparo was able to connect with some Spanish people who just arrived in this country and helped them to connect with the local parish. Sheila in the picture was sharing with this man who was about to join a Protectant church, the riches of our Catholic faith especially the Eucharist. He was very much interested and took information. May God work in all the people that we encountered and reveal His truth and love in their hearts in Jesus's Name through the intercession of Our Lady.