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Little Acts of Kindness Can Change the World
October 28, 2024
As we all arrived at the bus transit station last Saturday and were setting up, a very anxious elderly gentleman came over to us very distraught that he could not find a cab to take him home which was a couple of blocks away. He had a couple of bags of groceries. David arrived at that time and quickly responded to his needs and actually walked him home carrying all the bags of groceries. The man was so grateful for David for reaching out to him and wanted to pay him which he of course refused. I do believe those little acts of kindness make a big impact on people's lives especially if they live alone and are very lonely. During that time also an elderly woman came to the table and wanted information about the different churches in the area and Tom took the time to get to know her. They conversed for awhile and by the end of the conversation she was so grateful to have received this information as she was new to the area. Thank you Tom for reaching out to her.
As I went on my usual rounds at the station last Thursday, I noticed an elderly black lady that I felt drawn to talk with. She talked for awhile and said she grew up in Montgomery County. She mentioned many things about her family and daughters that she had raised and sensed that she had suffered much in her life. much rejection. She also shared with me that she had cancer of the eyes and that the prognosis was not good. I asked her if I could pray over her and she was very receptive. After I prayed I asked her if she needed to forgive anyone as that could hamper the healing taking place. I encouraged her that we cannot forgive on our own but God can give us the grace. At that point she walked away. I was so happy to see her again on Saturday, but she avoided me and slipped away. Please pray for Pam that God would give her the grace to forgive so He can manifest His love for her and heal her eyes. I also met a young man whom I shared my witness with and who was very happy to receive the good news pamphlet as he had never heard the gospel before. I told him how much God loved him and wanted to reveal Himself to him. I felt it was like salve to his heart as I sensed he felt very much alone. Please pray for Rene.
May God continue to bless and protect our little chapter and Our Lady guide us.