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Nancy McCambridge

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Surprised by the Spirit

December 16, 2019

A woman from the Congo approached Deacon Mike and I last Wednesday when we first arrived at the Bus Stop straight away and was so amazed that we were Catholic since she had been looking for a Catholic Church after recently moving here. It was a joy to see how enthusiastic she was about her faith and to receive information about all the Catholic Churches in the area and a miraculous medal and rosary. We were then approached by Edith asking for prayers for her elderly father who has pneumonia. Please pray for his healing. Deacon Mike also prayed with three women who approached him who were from the Protestant background and were very much interested in why we were out there and was able to share with them the beauty of our Catholic faith and give them information. Please pray for Rosemary, Josephine and Gladys that they would be open to the fullness of the truth. Please also pray for Solomon, Jason and Liz whom I shared the gospel with and received information, that God would draw them to Himself. The last encounter was with a young man who listened very attentively as I was sharing my witness. I asked him if he had been baptized into any particular faith and he said no. His father is Muslim and his mother Christian and they were leaving it up to him if he wanted to be baptized or not. I was able to offer him the beautiful pamphlets on Baptism, the Good News, the Eucharist and Why Be Catholic. He felt that this was providential as he was looking for more direction in his life. As his bus pulled up, he gave me a big hug and parted with a smile on his face. It is such a joy to bring glad tidings to people and to see how the Spirit leads. May God continue to bless our little chapter, that it would bear much fruit for his kingdom and that Our Lady would continue to guide us.