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Nancy McCambridge

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May Your Kingdom Come, Oh Lord!

January 3, 2020

As we can see from the prayer of the Our Father that Our Lord gave us that the primary concern of God's heart is that "His kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven".  As Bob, my husband and I, ventured out last Saturday, December 28, I prayed that God would give us an expectant heart.  That God would use us, weak instruments that we are, to pray that His kingdom would come into people's hearts, that people would experience his presence.

The first person that God brought to my husband was Martino.   Martino shared with him the great joy and comfort that he saw in people being out on the streets actually sharing about their faith.  He was a Christian and shared with my husband his great conversion story of God delivering him from a very sinful life style and from alcoholism.  It was beautiful.  Bob prayed with him that God would continue to strengthen him in that area. His wife, however, was in a wheelchair and could not walk.  As my husband, Martino and I prayed over Renee, his wife, I proclaimed over her that the Kingdom of God is real and that it was God's desire to heal and manifest His love.  I knew God was with us and Renee and Martino expressed a real gratefulness that we prayed with them.  I pray that God would continue to bring healing and health to her body.

The second person I prayed with was a partially blind beautiful woman, Kim.  I felt for her because it was hard for her to see the right bus that she was to take in order to get where she was going.  I asked her if she would like prayers for God to heal her eyes, and she was very receptive as she was Christian.  Again I proclaimed the Kingdom of God is here and that God was with her and had a great love for her.  I asked God would restore the wandering eye that I saw in her left eye and all the membranes connected with it.  She asked what church I belonged to and was very surprised that Catholics were out on the streets praying over people and sharing their faith.  She asked for information and I gave her a list of the churches in our area and the bus routes as I walked her to her bus. May God continue to do a great work in her.

Bob and I gave out many miraculous medals and good news pamphlets and ended up talking to a young adult, Robert, who was very sincere in seeking the truth and God's plan for his life.  It was a joy to encourage him in the faith and to speak into his heart God's great love for him.  Please pray for him that God would bring him into a personal encounter with him.

May God continue to bless our little chapter this new year, that it would bear much fruit for God's kingdom and that Our Lady would guide us.