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Extravagant Love of the Father
October 5, 2020
I was very much struck by the gospel this past Sunday about the parable of the landowner who planted the vineyard If you know the story, he leased it to tenants and when vintage time came, he sent his servants to the tenants to obtain the produce. The tenants seized the servants and beat and killed not only three of them, but also another group of servants as well. Finally the landowner sent his Son to them thinking they will respect him. Why would the landowner risk in sending his only Son to collect the fruit after the servants were so brutally treated? This is the extravagant love of God our Father to us, who time after time wanted to display his mercy, power and love to His people. But instead we put His only Son to die a cruel death on the cross to set us free. What an incredible price he has paid for all of us!
I share this parable with you after I encountered a very humble middle-aged man who had just been released from prison after 30 years! He had very kind eyes behind his mask, a full beard and dressed very respectfully in his flannel shirt and holding a binder. He could not wait to show me as if I was the very first person he wanted to tell - he was now a free man! And there it was on paper - Floyd, after serving a sentence of 30 years, is now a free man! He was 18 when he entered and is now 48 years old. I felt so privileged to have met him. I prayed over him and asked God to protect him and direct his steps. I sensed that he was Christian as he was so receptive of the prayer. I gave him information about our church and pamphlets about the Good News. Please pray for Floyd that God would truly bless, direct and protect him! Please also pray for a kind, gentle soul, an older Spanish man, Saul, who received prayer for direction and for God to provide a job. Edward, Rachel and Natali were also three young teenagers whom I shared my witness with and received information and a prayer to commit their lives to God, that they would follow through.
Thank you to Rick who joined me for the first time last Wednesday and was a great help in evangelizing! Let us all rejoice because of our baptism! We have been plunged into the very death of Christ and have been given a new life, and, like Floyd - free men and women in Christ Jesus!