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Country: United States
State or province: Maryland

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Nancy McCambridge

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The Harvest is Ripe

January 15, 2021

It says in Matthew 9 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness... He said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." As my husband Bob and I went out this past Saturday, we met a woman whom I had met before and shared my faith with called Kat. My heart went out to her as she has been very much influenced by the culture, dressed in masculine clothes with tattoos all up and down her arms and appearing very tough and rough. She had been very receptive of our conversation before and is actually a Catholic but had been away from the church for awhile. I could tell she really needed to hear how much God loves her and has a plan for her life. She actually goes to the same church as we do and I encouraged her to start going again and gave her the Mass times and confession. I believe the Holy Spirit is prompting me to reach out to her and get to know her better. Many young adults frequent this bus stop. John and Christopher were one who were very receptive in receiving information about the good news and were eager to receive the Mass times. I also had a good conversation with Ty, another  young adult who moved here from Virginia and was looking for a fellowship group where he could be fed. I gave him information and encouraged him in the faith.  So many people are hurting because of the job situation and need prayers.  We prayed with Francisco and encouraged him that God is with him and to trust.  We have been cutting our time short to go out because of the cold, but what we are finding is that the harvest is indeed ripe and when we offer him our little loaves and fishes, He comes through a hundred fold and brings joy to our hearts/

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