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SPSE Oktoberfest!
September 16, 2019
The Lexington chapter of St. Paul Street Evangelization had an amazing time last weekend (September 11-12) at the Cathedral of Christ the King’s Oktoberfest. Amidst crowds who showed up for raucous concerts, warm kettle corn, and to throw their hat into several raffles, the evangelists of SPSE Lexington set up shop to spread the gospel. With rosaries and informational pamphlets in hand, our team set about meeting people where they were and offering them information about the Catholic faith.
Many good conversations were had during our time out, including one from a mother who said she was Buddhist. Claiming to have been hurt by those in the church as a young woman, she had set about finding something different. The expectations were too high, she told one of our evangelists. Though visibly at ease with her decision, she graciously accepted some information about the Church and an invitation to have her back in the fold of Mother Church. Please pray for this mother, and others like her, who have had negative experiences which have driven them away from Christ and his church.
Another story, which came as a shock to a couple of SPSE evangelists, happened when a young father approached the SPSE table and began perusing the material. After greeting him, one evangelist asked the man if he was a Catholic; “I want to be” was the response! Seeing their opportunity, the two evangelists shared some information with the father. After taking a CD and some pamphlets, the father thanked the evangelists and went about his way. What an amazing opportunity we had to bear witness to the moving of the Holy Spirit in this man’s life!
We are hoping to keep the momentum going by setting up at other local events throughout the year and by visiting other public locations where the gospel message can be disseminated. Please pray for our team and consider joining our effort.
Peace be with you!