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St. John Bosco School Presentation

September 16, 2019

On Tuesday, February 2 of Catholic Schools Week Fr. Mike Mayer and Karen Kuntz spoke to the student body at St. John Bosco School in East Rochester, New York. Fr. Mike and Karen discussed what evangelization is and shared some of the ways in which the Rochester Chapter of St. Paul Street Evangelization proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the public square. They concluded by passing out “Basic Evangelization Kits” (over 130) to each student and faculty member and explained how to use the kits. Each kit contained an evangelization prayer, a rosary, a rosary brochure, a write-up on evangelization and how to use the kit, and a plastic bag in which the students could place the rosary, rosary brochure and a prayer card of their own making. Last year two students used their experiences of street evangelization in their Cor Unum project (see June 16, 2015 post). What a wonderful group of young evangelists.

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