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Crystal - St. Raphael

Country: United States
State or province: Minnesota

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Sharon Hedman

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Drive Thru 9-2-23

September 2, 2023

Today we had five evangelists-Jack, Michael, Pete, Phil and Sharon.  We also had a guest evangelist, our pastor Fr. Hagen.

Shortly after we set up, Father Hagen and Jack engaged in long conversation with D. D was Catholic, but was not practicing anymore.

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Phil, while walking along the sidewalk holding a Drive Thru Prayer sign, engaged two different times with people at the gas station on the corner, who while Protestant, appreciated our efforts to pray for people.

Pete and Sharon spoke with a teen carrying her pet reptile (some sort of dragon). She requested we pray for her father who has cancer.  She volunteers at her Protestant church reaching out to peers.  Sharon lauded her efforts as the young lady previously gave the impression that she is a regular church goer.

Pete and Sharon also spoke with C. who is divorced and his adult daughters are estranged from him.  This causes him much pain and he, while a faithful Protestant, has been struggling to attend church as he receives no comfort from sermons anymore and receives more comfort praying/reading Bible  at home.  Sharon remarked that some Catholic saints have suffered through the "dark night of the soul" while still believing in God, they struggle to pray and to feel God's presence in their lives. Pete offered comfort as he has a relative in a similar circumstance regarding estranged children.  It was remarked that God must have wanted C to interact with us as he had two choices of paths to walk to destination and he chose to walk past our church. Pete invited C, who had attended a Catholic high school, to attend Mass any time he wants.