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Crystal - St. Raphael

Country: United States
State or province: Minnesota

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Sharon Hedman

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July 3 Drive Thru Prayer

July 3, 2021

With a soft breeze to sustain us and young lady dipping her toes to see what street evangelism is, we set up once again in front of St Raphael church on the first Saturday in July.

"C" asked the prayer team to pray for health, finances and safe travel to Illinois.  "G" asked for all youth to be lifted up in faith and service.  Dave stopped once again and picked up a crucifix on a chain, but couldn't stay long as he had groceries and soda fountain drinks to bring back home.

Evangelist Dave is doing a ministry of giving a friendly wave to people driving by as he walks on the sidewalk.  Many people wave back or honk.SPSE Team Photo

Sharon answered many questions that "N" had.  "N" is someone Dave, Serena, and Sharon met after Mass one day.  She is in a summer RCIA program at a neighboring parish and picked up several medals and brochures today for herself and a friend.  Peggy and our potential new evangelist spent a long time engaged with man that approached our book/rosary/medal station near the sidewalk.  He took brochures on Confession and How to Pray the Rosary , but declined to take a rosary because he wants to read more about it.

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With addition of "I Heard God Laugh", we have good supply of books to give away.  No one took any books today but "N" expressed gratitude for the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" that Serena and Sharon took from our book inventory and gave her after Mass about a week after we met her. "N" asked about several of the books in the box, but said she hadn't read the other books given to her the same time as the Catechism.



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