
In This Issue

1. Featured: Check Out Our New Podcast, "God in Everything"! Episode Two is All About the Fab Four
2. Story from the Street: He Asked to Borrow My Church
3. Story from the Street: The Lord Affirmed Us in Our Ministry
1. Featured: Check Out Our New Podcast, "God in Everything"! Episode Two is All About the Fab Four
2. Story from the Street: He Asked to Borrow My Church
3. Story from the Street: The Lord Affirmed Us in Our Ministry

The second episode of our new podcast, "God in Everything", features Maddie & Lexa reflecting on the songs of The Beatles, and how we can find God in their music. While John, Paul, George and Ringo may not have written many of their songs with an explicit religious intention, this podcast will focus on the spiritual depth that many have found in their music. As we know, the Lord can use anything, even if the intention wasn't the noblest, to reach and inspire our minds towards Him! Lexa & Maddie even made a Spotify playlist of the songs that have influenced them, which you can find here. If you'd like to support this podcast, simply click here!


He Asked to Borrow My Church

Chicago, IL. During the summer in Chicago, there’s a festival happening nearly every weekend. I was planning on going to the Chinatown Summer Fair, and was inspired by the Holy Spirit to invite my non-denominational Christian friend, Bill. He’s a friend from college and someone I’ve been evangelizing through email for the past 10 months. The Fair was on a Sunday, and since he was going to be away from home and couldn’t attend his normal church service…he asked me if he could “borrow” my church! What a great surprise! I thought I’d have to ask him and assumed he’d say no. Having only attended Catholic Mass once before with me in college, Bill was very open to the idea.

My parish offers Mass in four languages, and that Sunday happened to be in Cantonese. I asked Bill if he still wanted to come, and to my surprise, the foreign language actually made him MORE excited to attend. He told me that he loves to learn new languages. I emailed him tips to non-Catholics attending Mass for the first time and several websites that explained the Order of the Mass and the prayers so he could understand what was going on. On Sunday morning, he met me before Mass and had a nervous excitement. He wanted to do everything correctly. He had printed out the Order of the Mass so he could follow along as Mass was happening and he was very respectful to our faith. He made sure to genuflect before going into the pews and when leaving. He even learned how to say the words that accompany the sign of the cross—in Cantonese! During Communion, he was eager to cross his arms across his chest and went up to the priest for a blessing.


The Lord Affirmed Us in Our Ministry

Aiken, SC. Not too long ago, our evangelization team from St. Mary Help of Christian Church had its first ever outing. We set up our table in front of the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry adjacent to the church. After being set up for a short time, a young man walked over to the table and said that he wanted to go to confession. He shared that he had not been to confession for ten years. He also let us know about a difficult situation in his life he had been dealing with. We gave him the information he needed to be able to go to confession and then had the opportunity to pray with him.


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