
In This Issue

1. Featured: Our Virtual School of Evangelization Begins Sept. 14. Sign up today!
2. Story from the Street: Jesus is our Path to True Independence
3. Story from the Street: Taste of Bolingbrook, Pt. 2
1. Featured: Our Virtual School of Evangelization Begins Sept. 14. Sign up today!
2. Story from the Street: Jesus is our Path to True Independence
3. Story from the Street: Taste of Bolingbrook, Pt. 2

Our Virtual School of Evangelization Begins Sept. 14. Sign up today!

This start of this year's virtual school of evangelization is fast approaching, with classes beginning on Tuesday, Sept. 14! Our virtual school offers students the same high quality education as the onsite school--the only difference being that it's virtual. You still get the personal attention, small group discussions, opportunity to speak with the instructor one on one, and so much more. Students from all over the world took our virtual class from the comfort of their homes this past year and learned how to be effective evangelists.

Why not take the first step towards becoming an evangelist by signing up for our virtual school? Learning from home is a convenient option, yet our virtual course still offers a rigorous curriculum taught by evangelization experts.

Each school year consists of 4 quarters, with 8 classes per quarter, and runs from September 2021 to May 2022. To learn more, simply click here.


Jesus is our Path to True Independence

Lebanon, OH. On July 3, we had the distinct privilege to be in the City of Lebanon 4th of July Parade! It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for an event like this. After a year like 2020, it felt good to be part of the parade. We were placed in the Jeep section because the vehicle we used for the parade was the Connolly family’s beautiful blue Jeep. Everyone was decked out in their finest red, white and blue. There were streamers and glitter, flags, musical instruments, and tons of cheering throughout the ordeal. Deacon Jay, Lauren and myself were running around handing out crochet crosses and packets that contained a rosary, a card on how to pray the rosary, and information on how to get ahold of St. Paul Street Evangelization in case anyone has any questions. John drove the Jeep with Kathleen riding shotgun and Connor waving to people from the backseat. At some point during the parade, while ducking and weaving around the cheerleader’s pom-poms, it became pretty obvious to us why people throw things at parades instead of personally handing them out. However, a package this precious deserves a personal, face-to-face delivery.


Taste of Bolingbrook, Pt. 2

Joliet, IL. Continuing the story, when I later returned for my evening shift, a young woman, “Annie”, came up to our table and engaged us in conversation. She asked for prayers for her mental state, and for peace. After prayer, she said she belonged to a Baptist church, but she hasn’t really gone to church on a regular basis. She noted to us that this is something she should be better about. We talked about the necessity of coming together as a community, as Christians, and I asked her if she was baptized. She said that she was, and I gave her a prayer card invoking the Holy Spirit, so that she could grow closer to Him and have those graces within her activated. We then talked about the necessity of gathering together at church, and I told her that the most important reason we must gather together is so that we receive the Eucharist. She’d never heard that word before, so I explained to her that in the Catholic Church established by Christ Jesus, we receive Him in Holy Communion. She remembered Communion from her days at a Catholic high school where she’d attended Mass periodically. I explained to her why we as Christians must be joined to our Lord in the Eucharist, and encouraged her to take the pamphlet on the Eucharist, which she gladly accepted before departing.


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