
In This Issue

1. Featured: Evangelizing By the Book
2. Story from the Street: Serving the Server
3. Story from the Street: 4th in the Fall Fest
1. Featured: Evangelizing By the Book
2. Story from the Street: Serving the Server
3. Story from the Street: 4th in the Fall Fest

Isle of Wight, England. What a blessing when our Catholic Street Evangelization book can reach and help others evangelize too! Such was the case in today’s story, when a nun from England read the book and was inspired to create a leaflet in hopes that those who read it will read Steve’s book, but most importantly seek after Jesus and the Catholic Church.

Earlier in the month, an email was sent to Steve letting him know that his book inspired Sr. Claire, OSB, to compose a tri-fold leaflet. “It was inspired by Catholic Street Evangelization", she said. "Two A4 leaflets, printed on both sides, and each folded into three. They are intentionally very simple.” Steve expressed his appreciation and Sr. Claire replied, “I’m trying to use personal contacts to make (the pamphlets) more widely available. Our bishop has put them on our diocesan website and drawn attention to them in his e-news. The chaplain of the local prison is having them printed for the Catholic prisoners. Other monasteries have shown interest in them, for their visitors, as have some priests. I hope to try the local school. I try to draw attention to your book, and our bishop read it as a result.”

What a blessing that God worked through our book to motivate a nun to start evangelizing!

Praised be Jesus Christ!


Serving the Server

Warren, MI. Late Sunday after Mass, I went to dinner with a friend. We were very tired and almost didn’t go since it was near closing time. The server, Clare, was nice but there was nothing in particular that stood out in our interaction. As my friend was paying the bill, I asked the Holy Spirit how I could bring Jesus to our server. I knew I needed to pray for her, but other than asking her directly, I wondered if there was anything else I could talk to her about. The thought of two kids came to mind.

As she processed the bill, I asked if she was working late and she confirmed that she was. After more chit chat, I said, “Hey, before I go, this might sound crazy but I like to pray for people and sometimes I feel like God tells me something that will bless people.” She jumped in and said, “Oh I pray all the time!” I said, “Oh good! To God?” She responded, “Yes! all the time!” Oh great! When I asked if she went to church near here, she said no, we have our own relationship but I do pray a lot. Great! Now how about Jesus, do you talk to him too? No, not really. She explained that she grew up Catholic, but wasn’t anymore. I asked if she had two kids and she said, “Yes, two girls!” I asked if I could pray for her and she said yes, as soon as she took care of something. When she came back, I explained that Jesus loves her and wants her to know He is real, and that we were going to pray that He shows her right now in some way. During prayer, she felt a warmth within her. I asked if this has ever happened during prayer and she said no. I explained that I believed it was Jesus letting her know how much He loves her and knows everything she’s going through with her family. She looked astonished and agreed. After encouraging her more I gave her a Miraculous Medal and asked if she knew who it was. She said “Yes, St. Mary!” I explained the story and she said, “I’m going to put it on right now!”


4th in the Fall Fest

Beecher, IL. The team and I went to the Fall festival in Beecher, Illinois. We were able to engage with a lot of people. Some people came over for prayers. One lady asked us to pray for her husband who had an injured back. Another lady kept staring at the display signs and eventually came over to the booth. She stated that she has mental health issues. My team prayed over her as well. It felt nice being able to help other Christians.


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