
In This Issue

1. Featured: Always Be Prepared
2. Story from the Street: Stimulating Encounter
3. Story from the Street: Native American Days
1. Featured: Always Be Prepared
2. Story from the Street: Stimulating Encounter
3. Story from the Street: Native American Days
cuyahogafalls pic 21

SPSE is proud of all of our teams, leaders, and evangelists for the time and effort they put into sharing God's truth and love with the people in their community. But sometimes, a particular team will stand out, showing great fervor. One such group has come to our attention over the last few months -- the team in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. Led by Donna Bungo, they've already hosted at least 10 events (at least one was impromptu) in the past two months, which is impressive for a new team. We encourage you to read their latest story below, and keep them in your prayers, that they may continue to reach many souls for Our Lord.

"Always Be Prepared"
1 Peter 3:15 “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.” That means we need to be full-time evangelists. This past weekend, I had the privilege of serving with a healing ministry on a young adult (under 45) retreat. These young men and women are amazing. Their honesty and vulnerability before the Lord is a witness to me.

Adoration, healing ministry and confession were offered outside on a crisp, clear autumn evening. One young man came for healing prayer to ask for forgiveness for an ex-girlfriend and pornography. After the prayer, I sensed the Lord telling me to ask him if he prays the Rosary. You know, if you ask someone to give up a bad habit or a sin, you have to replace the void with a good habit or virtue. He said no, he needs help with his prayer life and did not own a Rosary.

Since we were in the parking lot, and my car was 25 feet away, I asked him to take a walk with me. I opened the back of my SUV and revealed my mobile bookstore. He asked for a blue Rosary and as I was untangling it for him, he helped himself to the pamphlets on “how to pray the Rosary” and “sexual purity.” He also accepted a Miraculous Medal. He walked away at peace and armed with a battle plan. It was an anointed evening for sure, and I was glad I had my trunk stocked. It wasn’t planned, but the Holy Spirit was working overtime that night. I don’t think I will ever remove my SPSE supplies from my trunk!


Stimulating Encounter

Dallas, TX. Yesterday the Dallas Uptown Team met three young men from the Watermark Church in Dallas. Watermark is a non-denominational, evangelical church that has a robust membership. They were evangelists and came by our table to see what we were about.

We enjoyed a lively and respectful discussion about the role of faith and works in salvation and the need of the sinner to repent and seek God’s mercy before the infinite merits of Christ’s sacrifice can be applied to him. I had formerly been an evangelical Protestant, which helped in explaining to these men how their understanding of the economy of God’s grace in salvation was erroneous. We hope to have further conversations with these men.


Native American Days

Tombstone, AZ. Today we went to Tombstone to evangelize at its Native American Days event. We handed out over 100 Rosaries and information about how to pray it, accompanied with the 15 promises of Mary along with 100 Miraculous Medals and 75 St. Michael Medals and 30 Our Lady of Guadalupe Medals. We also handed out many of the 10 Reasons the Catholic Church was started by Christ flyer.

We spoke to many people. Many were Catholics who had not been to Mass since COVID started. They told us they were watching it on the internet. We reminded them that Jesus said, “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life within you.” All said they would go to Mass tomorrow (Sunday).


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