
In This Issue

1. Featured: Job Opening: Development Director
2. Story from the Street: Confession
3. Story from the Street: Unusual Request”
1. Featured: Job Opening: Development Director
2. Story from the Street: Confession
3. Story from the Street: Unusual Request”

St. Paul Street Evangelization is looking for a joyful, mature Catholic disciple to work with our team at the national office to promote the advancement of our mission through development activities. The Director of Development is responsible for planning, organizing, and directing all of the St. Paul Street Evangelization's fundraising including, the major gifts program, planned giving, grant writing, mail
marketing campaigns, special events, and capital campaigns. The Director works closely with the Chief Operating Officer in all development and fundraising endeavors.

If you think you may be a good fit for this role, submit your resume, cover letter, and references to:

Adam Janke
Chief Operating Officer

Click here for the position desctiption.



Sierra Vista, AZ. We publicly prayed the Rosary at noon on Saturday, Feb. 19, and then went to Carl’s Jr. This is a place we never go to. But Robert and I went there because our friend Terry gave us a coupon for 2 for 1. We got our food and at the next table was a man making balloon animals and all kinds of things. He was really good at it.

We got in a conversation with him and I asked him what church he goes to. He said he was raised in Montana in an orphanage run by nuns. I asked him if he was baptized Catholic and had his First Communion and Confirmation. He said yes, but that he had not been to Mass in over 50 years. I told him all he needed was a good Confession to get back into the Grace of God and in His Family again. He smiled and said that sounds like a great idea!


Unusual Request

Tampa, FL. After receiving a complaint about setting up a table, we switched to the wagon (or METU–Mobile Evangelical Tactical Unit) for our outing at the Riverwalk. Once again, the weather was beautiful, and we had a lot of foot traffic. Thanks to Reuben and Mike for joining me.

An adult son was walking his elderly father, so I offered rosaries. They said “no thanks,” but about 50 feet later, they turned around and came back saying, “We changed our mind, my father would like a rosary.” People suddenly changing their mind happens all the time and gives us an opportunity to talk. We did enter into conversation, and I found out that the father had been married at Sacred Heart (nearby church in downtown Tampa) in 1964. His wife had long since passed, and I could see how tenderly his son cared for him. About an hour later they returned, and the son sheepishly asked for a “How To” brochure. I added the Rosary CD which would help his father even more.


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