
In This Issue

1. Featured: Our New "God in Everything" Podcast Episode asks, Where the Heck is God in Twilight, loca?
2. Story from the Street: A Simple Prayer of Blessing
3. Story from the Street: Beecher Freedom Fest
1. Featured: Our New "God in Everything" Podcast Episode asks, Where the Heck is God in Twilight, loca?
2. Story from the Street: A Simple Prayer of Blessing
3. Story from the Street: Beecher Freedom Fest

Our New "God in Everything" Podcast Episode asks, Where the Heck is God in Twilight, loca?

You likely have seen or at least heard of the wildly popular vampire books (and movies), Twilight. In their new podcast episode of "God in Everything", Maddie and Lexa will be sharing their personal experiences growing up with the series, talk about how to find God in Twilight, and how it can also impact you as an evangelist! Some may be surprised to learn that the drama addresses crucial issues such as abstinence, the pro-life vs. pro-choice debate, and the importance of tradition. If you thought that Twilight was just a superficial vampire drama for teens, think again!


A Simple Prayer of Blessing

Warren, MI. I picked up a used bike from the classifieds and began talking with Aaron, the man selling it, about our interest in music and cars for a while. He mentioned his family and I mentioned how I was a missionary. I asked if he went to church and he said he hasn’t been lately and I inquired as to why. He explained how he recently went with a friend but church wasn’t the same from when he was younger. I began to share my testimony of how God saved my life and how faith and church are important for our good but especially for our children. He agreed.


Beecher Freedom Fest

Joliet, IL. We recently spent the afternoon at a booth in Beecher for their annual Freedom Fest, moved from July to Labor Day weekend due to COVID. Although our location didn’t have the best foot traffic, we were conveniently located next to the taco booth, which is how we met “Joe”. Joe kept glancing our way while he waited for his tacos, giving me the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation. Joe revealed that although he had fallen away from the Catholic Church many years before (he believed he could pray on his own without the company of other people), he believed in Jesus and read the bible. When I asked him if he followed what Jesus said in the bible, he enthusiastically agreed. I then responded that in the bible, Jesus said we should build a church. Joe became silent, clearly deep in thought. My fellow evangelist, Bill, asked Joe for a favor. Bill requested that Joe go home and pray that God would lead him in the right direction, whatever that may be, in terms of membership in the Church. Joe said he would. Then he accepted the SPSE pamphlet, “Reasons to Return to the Catholic Church”, and left to pick up his tacos.


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