
News Blog


Ministry Partnership in the Gospel

Interested in supporting my mission? By supporting my work in the apostolate, I am able to help local Catholics here in Orlando spread the gospel. Together we can make a difference in our culture, one city at a time.

Tree Lighting

Tree Lighting

For the christmas season we decided to go out to a tree lighting ceremony in Lake Eola. The park had a 72ft christmas tree and a short musical showcase nearby with lots of vendors. The local news showed up to film the mayor turn on the christmas tree lights and people...

Fiesta in the Park Pt. II

Fiesta in the Park Pt. II

Here are some more stories continuing from the first day: We had a couple who came up to us after seeing the medals on the table. I began speaking with the husband who informed me that his wife was raised catholic and that he attended a local baptist church. He was...

Fiesta in the Park Pt. I

Fiesta in the Park Pt. I

There was a large festival called Fiesta in the Park in Lake Eola which started on All Soul’s Day. We set up our first tent for the festival with everything we had. It was very hot and we had two people giving out rosaries while the others watched the tables. While...

All Hallow’s Eve

All Hallow’s Eve

We ventured to Oviedo in the Park on Halloween for a food truck event. The outing was simple and we saw many people in costumes enjoying the park. There were two main encounters that night that really stood out: There was a young couple about our age walking towards...

Art Festival

Art Festival

This month is filled with a lot of family friendly events for the fall (even if it doesn't feel like fall in Florida!) which are held in public parks. The majority of the fall festivals bring a large crowd of people who casually stroll along the parks admiring local...

Lake Eola Pt. II

Lake Eola Pt. II

*Note: All names recorded in Orlando stories have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals This is a continuation of stories from the street in Lake Eola Park, Orlando: We walked towards a small fountain nearby and saw a few men sitting alone in some...