Continuing with the first day on the streets of Detroit, I smiled as several people walked around to their jobs or to get coffee or even just strolling along the park. With another evangelist, we encountered an elderly couple named Roschell and Howard who we gave free rosaries to. They were excited and open to talking about Jesus and we prayed with them to continue to be open to the truth.

We also meet an elderly woman named Renee who had her god-daughter with her on a walk around Detroit. She was beaming when we gave her a miraculous medal, and explained that she was simply seeking to learn more about God. We told her about the miracles associated with Our Lady and prayed with her to be open to learning more of the truth about God. She left with her god-daughter full of energy.

A bit later we meet a very young lady named Diamond who recently graduated from a local high school. She was interested in learning more about the miraculous medal. She explained that she grew up Mormon but didn’t really know how to pursue her faith. I shared with her my own experience of practicing my faith after high school. I also encouraged her to put her trust in Jesus and even learn about the miracles of Our Lady to get some more encouragement to continue seeking after truth. We prayed together for an increase in a desire for faith as well as a spirit of peace for the upcoming year. She left with a more relaxed stature as she continued towards the library.

With a team of evangelists this time, we encountered an energetic veteran named Howard who willingly accepted our free rosaries and miraculous medals. We talked with him about our faith and rejoiced in the blessings that came with believing in Jesus. 

What a wonderful first few hours of evangelization! People continue to be moved by the Gospel, no matter what era we are in.