Faithful God

Faithful God

The following story is a continued encounter with a woman from the prior week. The paragraph in italics is a recap of what happened last week: I saw a woman walking by and offered her a rosary I was holding in my hands. She kindly accepted it and stopped to ask more...
Rosaries at the Park

Rosaries at the Park

When I went to the park this week I finally was able to sit down at a bench and offer some rosaries and prayers. I was planning to say hello to a hispanic family walking by when I saw a man walking by a large bible in his hands. I waved hello and asked him what kind...
Djembe Style

Djembe Style

I walked around Lake Eola today and ran into a man who was playing the djembe on the bench. He said hello and asked if I knew of any drum circles around the area. I started talking to him and learned that he had been playing for over 40 years, including his own...
College missions

College missions

I’ve been going to different places for daily mass, and I ended up running into a student I met before the pandemic during mass one day. I felt like the Holy Spirit was telling me to encourage him in his faith, so I asked him how he liked going to mass. He was...
Prayer with Tourists

Prayer with Tourists

I went to visit the tourists area around the shrine for evangelization. My idea was to strike up conversations while being there and offer prayers. A major feast day had passed, the feast of Angels, so the large statue of Michael the Archangel had flowers all over it....
Going after the One

Going after the One

I have been recently evangelizing every week, but there have been a few obstacles for it to be fruitful. It has been empty around local campuses in the beginning of this month, and there has been a lot of rain in the second half of the month. This past week, I decided...