Become a Member
Supporting Members Receive:
50 FREE Miraculous Medals.
Full access to our evangelization training website and certification courses.
Access to updates and new training modules each month.
Access to live training video conferences.
Access to free e-books that will help you grow in the spiritual life.
Access to all of our pamphlets in PDF format (in both English and Spanish) to print out and distribute free of charge.
Access to the Members Only Store with discounted resources including medals, pamphlets, holy cards, and more.
Access to various evangelization team development resources and templates that our team leaders use.
Live technical support and much more.
There are 2 steps to becoming a member:
Step 1: Monthly Pledge*
Step 2: Start Training!
Step 1: Monthly Pledge
The monthly pledge is the primary means of support by which we are able to offer these evangelization resources to our teams and the general Catholic public. We suggest a $15/mo pledge, but if you cannot afford $15.00, please prayerfully consider giving less as your budget allows. You may pledge by PayPal or by Credit Card below.
Pledge by PayPal
Pledge by Credit Card
Pledge by Credit Card at the link below. You may choose to pledge monthly or yearly (Recommended $15/mo or $180/yr). Minimum pledge is $10/mo or $100/yr.
Step 2: Start Training!
Your username and password will be sent to you in an email within several minutes after your pledge has been submitted. If you do not receive an email response from us within one hour after submitting your pledge, notify us by sending an email to Our response email may get marked as spam by your email program, so be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see our email in your inbox. Your membership also gives you access to all future professional resources and pamphlets we are developing to help you spread the Gospel.
*You may cancel your pledge at any time. If you do not wish to financially support SPSE, please fill out this form here to be exempted. Exempted members cannot purchase from the Members Only Store.