Bishop Mark Brennan’s Endorsement
May 5, 2020
Dear Steve Dawson et al,
I realized recently that I never thanked your Board of Directors for the present they gave me, a scarf with my coat of arms on it, so, even though this is months late, I do thank you and the Board for this thoughtful gift.
When I was the pastor of St. Martin of Tours Parish in Gaithersburg, MD, I met some of your Street Evangelization people. They had some success speaking to people at bus stops. They asked for space in our school one evening a week to follow up with those interested and we were able to accommodate them. I pray that God may abundantly bless your ministry, so needed at this time. I enclose a small donation to assist you.
May the Lord sustain you in these unusual times, which, if challenging, are also full of opportunities. “The wind blows where it will, and you do not know from where it is coming or where it goes; so it is with anyone born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8)
Sincerely in Christ,
+ Mark Brennan