Code of Conduct

St. Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE) uses non-confrontational methods to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the streets. We encourage all evangelists to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit and the divine appointments God places in their life. However, when representing SPSE in an official outing, evangelists and teams must adhere to the following Code of Conduct. An official outing is any outing the team leader deems to be official that follows this Code of Conduct while employing SPSE's methods.

  • I assent to all the teachings of the Catholic Church
  • I will not formally cooperate with any group that dissents from the teachings of the Catholic Church
  • I will conduct myself with Christian charity, cultivating peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control, while rejecting hatred, strife, anger, dissension, and factions (cf. Gal 5:20-23)
  • I will not evangelize children without at least one of their parents or guardians present
  • I will not participate in political advocacy while evangelizing
  • I will not give legal, medical, or professional advice
  • I will not use or possess alcohol and/or illicit drugs
  • I will not engage in physical altercations
  • I will cooperate with all legal and canonical authorities
  • I will not evangelize without at least 2 people present
  • I will not accept any donations while evangelizing
  • I understand that the times when I do not adhere to the above SPSE Code of Conduct, I am not representing SPSE in an official outing

For Team Leaders: In addition to the above,

  • I will be a positive role model for SPSE volunteers
  • I will not evangelize on private property without permission from the property owner or management
  • I will not allow any minor to participate in an outing unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian or unless the outing is part of an official parish or diocesan event


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