Parish Schools of Evangelization

The Church exists to evangelize. That's where we come in.

A Part of the St. Paul School of Evangelization

2-hour classes once a week. 4 quarters with 8 classes each.

Registration for 2023-2024 classes is now open.

“I am absolutely LOVING the class and look forward to it every single week! It fills me up spiritually and I am certain God led me to take this class at this time and at this moment.” – Student

“St. Paul Street Evangelization was the missing piece to my life. This completes who I am. Up until this point I thought nursing was just about caring for people’s bodies and emotional wellbeing. What about their spiritual health? St. Paul Street Evangelization really is a beautiful thing.” – Student

“Another wonderful class. Again, thanks for all you and your team are doing. This formation and training is so critically important. I pray that in the next couple of years, the Institute will be so swamped with applicants that it will propel your work to a whole new level.” – Student

1 Year Program

Full Membership in our Online School & Resource Website ($300 Value)

Weekly meetings and regular opportunities for growth.

No experience needed.

Guest Speakers throughout the year. Past speakers have included Dr. Ralph Martin, Steve Ray, Dr. Mary Healy, Dcn. Keith Strohm and more.

Mentoring, small groups, prayer ministry, class discussion, demonstrations, activities, and public evangelization.

The Mission is Urgent.
The Moment is Now.

Responding to the Great Commission of Jesus to go out into the whole world and make disciples, the St. Paul Evangelization Institute is excited to announce the St. Paul School of Evangelization!

Every baptized Catholic has received a call to be a part of the New Evangelization. However, as Archbishop Allen Vigneron of Detroit pointed out in his pastoral letter Unleash the Gospel, “Since evangelizing does not come naturally for most people, being effective evangelizers also usually requires the development of some practical skills.”

Our weekly School of Evangelization is designed to help ordinary Catholics become extraordinary evangelists in their own communities. Our new virtual school meets once a week in the evening and includes time for teaching, discussion, small groups, activities, and prayer.

At the school we will:

  • Serve the parish where the school is located in order to assist the pastor in carrying out his vision for evangelization. In the virtual school, each student will create and launch an evangelization project.
  • Equip and empower ordinary Catholics to live out their extraordinary call as missionary disciples.
  • Use the best methods, insights, and strategies of effective evangelization.
  • Teach students how to authentically proclaim the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ.
  • Help students discern charisms that the Lord performs through us as signs of the Kingdom of God.
  • Foster student growth through a specialized ministry team that accompanies each participant every step of the way.
  • Lead students to apply knowledge and gain confidence through small group learning, real-world experience, and best practices!

Learn More about the School

About the School

Using a “hands-on approach,” our on-location (and virtual) school helps Catholics learn more about their faith and how to share it with others in a joyful, non-confrontational manner. Our method of teaching looks to the leadership model of Jesus. Jesus invited ordinary people into a close relationship with Him, to walk with Him, and to learn to model Him in holiness. Together the Lord’s students engaged in discussions, grew in prayer, studied the Scriptures, received supernatural gifts, were filled with the Holy Spirit, and were sent out into the whole world to make disciples. They proclaimed the Gospel with boldness through words of wisdom, with the testimony of their lives, and with great signs and wonders. All who repented and believed in the Gospel they invited into the Body of Christ, the Church. Those ordinary disciples changed the world.

This is more than history, this is our story. Ordinary disciples can change the world again. “Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize” (Pope St. Paul VI). As baptized Christians, we share in the identity and mission of the first disciples. The Church is calling us to the work of making disciples by becoming more like them.

We welcome you to the St. Paul School of Evangelization! We want to train, equip and mobilize you to live out your vocation. It is our firm belief that our God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things for the kingdom of God in the world. Together, we can faithfully and effectively witness to the love of God revealed in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Areas of Emphasis

  • A priority on each student’s response to the kerygma and growth in holiness through prayer, worship, and the full sacramental life of the Church.
  • Dynamic lessons, discussion groups, and small class sizes that honor each person’s gifts, talents, and contributions to the Body of Christ.
  • A faithful study of theology and scripture which is spirituality directed to a deepened understanding of foundational principles, methods, and strategies for the New Evangelization.
  • Expert instructors and guest speakers who participate in various evangelization initiatives and invite students to join them to gain real-world experience as evangelists.
  • A ministry team that accompanies students on their spiritual journey, builds up their confidence with the course material, and helps them flourish in their unique callings.
  • A learning curriculum informed by 10+ years of grassroots level ministry experience in forming effective, on-fire evangelists around the world.
  • Inspiring stories from over 300 active chapters of street evangelists

Past End of Year Student Projects

Below are a few examples of end of year projects from our evangelization students. 

  • A current SPSE team leader used their formation to start a healing ministry.
  • A student contacted and worked with the local prison to start a prison ministry.
  • A student worked with their local evangelizationt team leaders to start their own street evangelization team.
  • A student started a Catholic small group for women, especially those who are having a hard time in their marriages. They have started to seeing emotional and spiritual healings.
  • One student started a book study at their library using great Catholic books.
  • One student with a gift of helps started evangelizing in her everyday life, especially while tending to the parish garden. Many fruitful and healing encounters have come out of their new ministry.
  • One student began a large evangelization ministry in the Phillipines. 
  • One student started their own Catholic t-shirt ministry. 
  • Several of our students have started their own St. Paul Street Evangelization teams.

About the School Curriculum

Our school emphasizes direct evangelization strategies, relational ministry, and personal growth as an evangelist. Our method of teaching is to learn together through small groups, mentorship, class discussion, and group evangelization outings. This cooperative approach helps each student to grow confident evangelizing in various circumstances (family, friends, strangers, in public, and in ministry). There is an evangelization field trip at the end of each quarter and the year culminates in a four-week offsite evangelization project. Each student completes a goals and growth worksheet, and a mentor works with each student on those goals throughout the year.

Quarter 1 – Basic Evangelization Training

  1. Introduction to Evangelization
  2. Foundations of Evangelization
  3. The Spiritual Life of the Evangelist
  4. Proclaiming the Story of Salvation
  5. Preparing Your Testimony
  6. Evangelization Strategies
  7. Introduction to Evangelical Apologetics
  8. Evangelization Live Lab

Quarter 2 – Practical Evangelization Training

  1. Developing a Catholic Worldview in a Modern Culture
  2. Direct Evangelization, Relational Ministry, and One Good Reason
  3. Divine Revelation, and the Trustworthiness and Authority of Sacred Scripture
  4. Atheists (Existence of God) / Agnostics (Science & Faith)
  5. Evangelizing Catholics
  6. Evangelizing Christians (Protestants, Ecumenism)
  7. Family Life Issues
  8. Evangelization Live Lab

Quarter 3 – The Proclamation of the Gospel

  1. Prayer Ministry: The Mystical Dimension of the Church
  2. Prayer Ministry: Healing in the Bible and the Early Church
  3. Prayer Ministry: Healing Prayer Model
  4. Prayer Ministry & Evangelization
  5. Capstone: The Promise and the Warning
  6. Capstone: The Economy of Grace & the Call of the Evangelist
  7. Capstone: God’s Wrath Against Sin, and His Love for Sinners
  8. Capstone: Divine Love & Fear of the Lord

Quarter 4 – Virtuous Leadership & Team Project Quarter

  1. Leadership, Virtues, and Running an Evangelization Team
  2. Evangelization Project Preparation
  3. Parish/Personal Evangelization Project
  4. Parish/Personal Evangelization Project
  5. Parish/Personal Evangelization Project
  6. Parish/Personal Evangelization Project
  7. Class Breakfast & Graduation


Upon successful completion of all classes and assignments, students receive their Certificate in Evangelization, approved by the institute’s Board of Directors.


Students will receive homework each week, including Bible reading, study questions which will be used for in class small groups, a prayer focus, and individual evangelization assignments. Homework should take most students around one hour per week.  

2023-2024 Class Details

Class Details

Fall 2023 Classes

Our Lady of Mount Carmel
14598 Oak Ridge Rd
Carmel, IN 46032
Taught by Thomas Gallagher & Team
Registration is Open

Virtual School
Offered Online over Zoom
Taught by our National Staff
Registration is Open

How To Register

There are two steps to register:

  1. Fill out a registration form (below) so we can get to know you.
  2. After receiving your letter of acceptance, make a deposit to reserve your seat.

What costs are involved?

The school costs $150 per quarter and includes all materials for the class as well as full partner access to our online resources, discounts in our store, and free shipping on everything (a $300 value). Tuition is non-refundable.

No student is turned away because of an inability to pay. A $50 discount is given for any student who pays in full by September. An additional $50 discount is given to active sustaining partners who give at least $25 a month.

Students will receive a tuition statement at the start of each quarter and are asked to pray and give generously to the work of our apostolate. If a student gives less than the full amount, they can continue to take classes.

We understand that other schools or online platforms may cost less money or even be free. 

We are asking Catholic disciples to see the value of the school and sow into our apostolate with their treasure. Our school is priced evenly or less than other similar Catholic schools. Evangelization should be a big part of our lives as Christian disciples and something that we invest in with our time and finances. This school isn’t simply another program but helps us make faith sharing a part of our life and identity. We hire highly qualified staff, musicians, and faculty who pour their hearts into preparing the school and each lesson through prayer and sacrifice. Your tuition goes to help support them, our evangelists, teams, and the production of future resources.

The cost includes all of your materials for class and for evangelization opportunities. It also includes full Partner Access to all of the resources in our online School of Evangelization at no additional cost ($300 value), discounted products in our store, and discounted prices on future events and resources.

“Prepare your generous gift beforehand, that it may be ready as a matter of generosity and not as a grudging obligation.” 2 Corinthians 9:5

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