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Night Fever at St. John the Evangelist

September 16, 2019

Night Fever is happening at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church.
What is Night Fever?

On the fourth Thursday each month adoration of our Lord takes place from 9 PM to 10 PM as the liturgy of the hours is prayed. Disciples of Christ sent by Fr. Rick Nagel, pastor of St. John the Evangelist, go into the night to encounter and invite anyone they meet on the street to come into the church, light a candle and pray.

They are invited to pray for peace in our city, our nation and the world. They are invited to pray for a loved one who is suffering or for a personal intention. What ever their need they are welcomed into the opened doors of the church to find hope and peace in their lives.

Fr. Nagel has invited St Paul Street Evangeilization to participate in Night Fever to help those seeking answers to find them, Catholic answers. That night several people came in saying they had often walked past, but had never entered the church. They remarked how beautiful it was and how much they appreciated being invited to come in. I remember four young Black men in particular who were not Catholic. I asked them if they prayed and they said yes, I told them that they should have a rosary so that they could pray a powerful prayer and explained how the prayers were based on scripture. They all eagerly accepted the rosaries and Miraculous medals we offered them, happy to share their time with us.

This being my first time I must admit it was a bit exciting to meet and speak with people willing to share with us and allow us to pray for them in their circumstance. No confrontation, no challenges or arguments, just a kind word, an offer of friendship, and a chance to perhaps encounter Christ on the streets of Indianapolis.


Indiana Catholic Men’s Conference

September 16, 2019

The St. Paul Indy team was invited to set up a table at the Indiana Catholic Men’s Conference on November 19, 2016. As many as 800 men attended this years conference. A Eucharistic procession through the streets of downtown Indianapolis took place from the convention center to St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church. It was a wonderful sight to behold, some 600 to 800 men following our Lord, under the appearance of bread, to offer Him and ourselves to the Heavenly Father.

SPSE Team Photo

There was much interest shown in evangelizing at the conference. Men were signing up for the St. Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE) newsletter as well as for information about our February 11, 2017 evangelization training workshop.

As with so many Catholics who are unsure how to share the faith with strangers and even with family these men were eager to learn about the non-confrontational approach utilized by SPSE. Some who are comfortable evangelizing wanted information to take back to their parish.

SPSE Team Photo
Many men were interested in learning about St. Paul Street Evangelization
SPSE Team Photo
Eric’s second time serving.
SPSE Team Photo

Jamison’s last official service as our Team Leader

The Indy chapter would like to thank Jamison for his on-fire determination to get this chapter started in Indianapolis. We ask all those who read this post to join us in praying for Jamison as he discerns religious life as a Franciscan Friar.


Night Fever at St. John the Evangelist

September 16, 2019

Thursday night we were invited to set up the table downtown at St. John the Evangelist church (126 W Georgia St.), from 9-10 pm.  On the fourth Thursday of each month (third Thursday this month due to Thanksgiving) the young Catholic adults gather at the church for adoration and prayer. During adoration some stay to pray while others go out into the streets, two by two inviting anyone they see to come into the church to light a candle and pray.  St John’s calls this event Night Fever.

Soon the young adults began to return with many of our streets homeless and forgotten people.   Among those who came was Todd.  He is a homeless man who panhandles on the corner and sleeps in an alley off of Illinois Street.  Todd expressed his love for Jesus and said he had been clean and sober for two years since he got out of jail.  Todd was so glad when we invited him into the church because times have been tough since he got beat up and mugged last month.

We taught him how to pray the rosary and he asked for extra Miraculous Medals to give to his friends who panhandle on the corner.  We gave him a coat out of the St. John’s donation bin and made sure he knew where to go to get free food the next day.  After lighting a candle and praying with him in the church Jamison took him back to his corner.  He promised to pray for us.

Another encounter we had was a with Catholic couple who was visiting from California.  This husband and wife were walking the streets of downtown and found St. John’s doors open.  They were blessed to have this time to come in and pray so late in the night.  Additionally they were encouraged by what they saw happening here in Indianapolis and were excited to take God’s perfect “just-by-chance” experience home with them to share with their Catholic community.

One thing that must be pointed out.  Most of those who came in are living on the fringes of society and sleeping in the alley next to St. John’s.  However, these castaways and unforgotten know Fr. Nagel and Fr. Nagel knows them.  What a testimony of God’s love and mercy.  These forgotten people who are a nobody in the eyes of the world, are a somebody to Fr. Nagel and the young adults who minister to them.   Responding to this ministry, these street people know that they are loved and reciprocate the love they receive back to the team at St. John’s church.  If God is calling you to share his Gospel with charity and love, please consider joining us.


South Deanery confession times

September 16, 2019

Attached is a local listing of as well as a confession guide. Hoping that you take advantage of this wonderful Sacramental Gift.

(Thanks to the Evangelization Ministry at Our Lady of the Greenwood for this post.)

Reconciliation Times at Local Catholic Churches



Evangelizing at “Trunk or Treat”

September 16, 2019

We set up a table at the “Trunk or Treat” event at a local parish thinking maybe we could give a few kids a rosary.
     The 100 or so rosaries we brought were all accepted, along with pamphlets on how to pray the rosary. Lucky for us one of our members had more rosaries with him.
We brought almost 100 Miraculous medals, and after giving them away we gave away the extras that we had in our pockets.
     Many adults were interested to hear the story of the medal, and a few who were not familiar with praying the rosary were willing to hear about how the rosary was an ancient prayer and meditation on the events of the life of Jesus as seen through the eyes of his mother. After learning a little, they took rosaries and pamphlets for several members of their family.
     We had our usual rack of pamphlets set up, and a few Catholics took pamphlets on confession.
     In a discussion with one family, the mother told us that she attended mass but had never received her first communion. When we told her about RCIA and put her in touch with the local director, she was very excited to get started.
     Overall  it was a huge success, and I recommend that everyone plan to find a similar event to evangelize at next year.