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Dallas - Uptown

Country: United States
State or province: Texas

Team Leader
Anna Chaney

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Another Outing after weeks of stormy, rainy wweather in the South

June 3, 2024

Outing Sunday, May 5, 2024

After another stormy, rainy night, the weather cleared up Sunday afternoon and two of us set up after 2 pm on our regular spot in Uptown Dallas and were blessed with many interesting visitors:  Standing out among them were:

- Kendell, a young man of Christian parents happily accepted a miraculous medal and a crucifix and was very open and keen to hear more about the Catholic Church and the need to take a stand  if one desires to be saved. It was as if he had waited for this encounter. After pointing to the real presence in the Holy Eucharist, all the sacraments only present in the Church Jesus founded, he was given good reading material and invited to spend a little time in front of the Blessed Sacrament in the nearby Cathedral or in any Catholic church because there Jesus is truly present in the tabernacle. He agreed and left with the assurance of our prayers that the Holy Spirit may guide him. He generously pledged to pray for us too.

- Two catholic Hispanic couples with several children greatly appreciated receiving medals and rosaries. Both couples are married in the Church and all their children baptized and attending  CCD. It was so very refreshing as such families are not very common!

- A couple of mixed Christian denominations with three children welcomed miraculous medals and crucifixes. As the conversation evolved, they showed keen interest in the Catholic Church and were given a lot of information and were grateful. It was as if they too had long waited to hear the good news. How wonderful to see the Holy Spirit so obviously at work. They left with our recommendation to pray to the Holy Spirit to lead them on. Our prayers go out for them and all encounters.

- Lastly a lady who identified herself as a Witness of Jehovah in passing pointed to the medals in my hands and commented that  this was idolatry; only God was to be warshipped. She then attempted but failed to find Bible verses to proof her point. I agreed with her that only God is to be warshipped. Anything else would be wrong and sinful. I explained that Catholics worship God, but ask the Blessed Mother and the Saints who are with God and are his very dear friends, to intercede with God for us and our needs.

Before our visitor moved on, I cautioned her to be careful not to offend God by sin. Disrespecting and shunning the Blessed Virgin - God’s own choice to bring Jesus into the world – was offending  God. Furthermore, before dying, Jesus from the cross appointed his mother to be the spiritual mother of all. God commands us to honor our mothers!

[Both the Witnesses of Jehovah and Muslims regularly have a stall further up on the same street. Once in a while one of the passing witnesses stops to expresses  their believes in an  attempt to win us over.]

We thank God for the opportunity to reach out and share God's love and our faith with all who will listen and enter into dialogue.


Our first 6 outings since our team leader Randy Grasso left Dallas

February 9, 2023

Nov. 2022: Since Randall Grasso left Dallas mid September 2022, our team had seven outings. We thank God for the opportunity the St. Paul Street Evangelization Apostolate gives us, to reach out to people from many different parts of the world, people of many different creeds, and share with them the Good News of salvation. We were privileged to talk among others to the following people:

November 6: (Team  Steve, David, Anna)

  • Jean, a friendly young Ungandan gladly accepted our Bl. Mother's medal. He attends the Kingdom Hall. On further probing, we learned that his mother is catholic. "So you were baptized and raised in the Catholic Church?" He silently nodded. It was pointed out that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus on Peter; that no earthly founder of any other denomination has the power to safe the member of his denomination; that we must be faithful to Jesus and His Church and her teaching to obtain the salvation Jesus won for us. Jean looked surprised. We encouraged him to return and explained that this is done by means of a good confession and profession of faith and that this is necessary before he can receive Our Lord in holy communion. Jean listened attentively, accepted the relevant, excellent SPSE flyers and Rev. Fr. James Buckley's booklet on the church. He said he would study them.... We keep praying for his return. We also reminded him of the exemplary faithfulness of the Ugandan martyrs (he was familiar with their brave witness) and of the vibrant Catholic Church in his own country!
  • James & Charity from Kenya and Tanzania returned to the Catholic Church and are happy they did. After arriving in the US, James attended the Prebytarian Church where “all the Kenyans” meet on Sunday. His brother is a Jesuit priest and teaches at the seminar in Nairobi. But it was his own children who brought the parents back to the Church when they refused to attend the other church with their parents because this would prevent them from attending catechism classes and deprive them from going to confession and receive first holy communion! James mentioned that he observed many Kenyans signing themselves before the prayers began. I begged him to faithfully attend the Catholic Church, but for the sake of saving ‘lost sheep’, return to the Presbytarian church to bring other Catholics back to the true Church founded by Jesus.

November 13, 2022 (Team Steven, David, Renee, Anna)

  • Guillermo and family are catholic and thankful for the crucifixes and miraculous medals they received. As we offered to pray for whatever intentions they might have, his eyes filled with tears. He begged for prayers for his recently deceased grandfather. We prayed together for his grandfather. The group left gratefully and were reminded that offering holy masses is the most efficacious help for our dear departed.
  • Another Mexican family begged for prayers for aunt Veronica hospitalized in Mexico with 4th stage intestinal cancer. We prayed for her and encouraged them to have her anointed and recommended praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercyat her bed side. We gave her a card with this prayer. Another sister is constantly praying at the bedside in the hospital.
  • Jim and Hulie with son Alex happily received a miraculous medal and crucifix. Jim is catholic, but has not gone to mass in decades except while travelling to England and Germany. He said he likes the Catholic Church. His wife is not catholic, but attended a Catholic School for her first three grades. Their son was never baptized.  We explained to Jim the great importance of returning to the Church for the sake of his salvation and how this process starts with a good confession and gave relevant SPSE flyers and Fr. Buckley’s booklet on the Church. To his wife and son we recommended entering the RCIA program at a good traditional catholic church where they will learn more about the faith and be able to the Church. Their first challenge is to find a good orthodox Catholic Church north of Austin.
  • A big Spanish speaking catholic family asked for miraculous medals and a rosary. We inquired and learned that their two year old little boy has not yet been baptized. We encouraged them to have the child baptized ASAP. They have dragged their feet because they live in San Antonio and want a person from Houston to be the ‘padrino’. We recommended to ask a catholic friend in San Antonio to be the “stand-in godfather” and then celebrate when the real godfather whose name is to appear in the documents, comes to San Antonio. They became pensive, nodded, and were touched knowing now that they have a responsibility to no further delay the baptism.
  • “Please pray for my husband Abdulrahman so that the Holy Spirit enlightens him and he comes to Christ” reads the prayer request of his wife from Spain who belongs to the orthodox Church. She had visited our table earlier with her companion, then received medals, but now returned with Abdulrahman, a Palestinian from Jordan. The couple talks a lot about their different faith. Abdulrahman is keenly interested in Christianity, has read the Bible, but has many questions he cannot reconcile. We answered some. He cannot believe that Jesus is divine. The SPSE flyers on the Divinity of Christ and the Holy Trinity will be a valuable help to him. He would not accept a miraculous medal nor a rosary, but spoke highly of the Immaculate Mary. He claimed he had his own rosary, the Moslem prayer beads on which he prays the 99 praises of Allah. We also gave him Fr. Buckley’s booklet and invited him to come back once he has studied the material. But above all, we encouraged him to continue in his search for the Truth and pray for this.


Recent outing

November 16, 2022

SPSE Team Photol


Mary’s Gift on a Special Day

November 6, 2021

SPSE Team Photo

What better gift to a beautiful girl than the most beautiful Blessed Virgin’s Miraculous Medal!   Happy Quinceanera!


Another Great Outing

October 17, 2021

On Saturday, October 16, the Dallas Uptown Team was blessed by Jesus and Mary with many great conversations with people open to deepening their relationship with God and the salvation and sanctification of their souls.  Among these were a woman pursuing a PhD from Fordham University in the spiritual life, a  grandmother and her daughter and granddaughter, all members of the Assembly of God, who received the Miraculous Medal and instruction on the Rosary, and a single woman on her thirties who had come to the part to walk and pray about her single status and who gratefully received the Rosary and learned how to pray it. Afterwards, Randy met with a friend of his who is a first year seminary student from Dallas Theological Seminary and showed him many passages from the Bible that support Catholic doctrines that his professors had challenged.  Randy gave him “Bible Proofs for Catholic Truths” by Dave Armstrong, and he was most excited.  Randy also discussed why Catholic bibles are bigger and is giving him a Douay-Rheims Bible so he has the entire Bible.


Stimulating Encounter

October 10, 2021

SPSE Team Photo

Yesterday the Dallas Uptown Team met these young men from the Watermark church in Dallas. They were evangelists and came by our table to see what we were about.

We enjoyed a lively and respectful discussion about the role of faith and works in salvation and the need of the sinner to repent and seek God’s mercy before the infinite merits of Chirst’s sacrifice can be applied to him. It was helpful that Randy had been an evangelical Protestant in his past and could assist these men in seeing their erroneous understanding of the economy of God’s grace in salvation. Praise be to Jesus Christ! We hope to have further conversations with these men.


Saturday in the Park

August 29, 2021

Almost every Saturday the Dallas Uptown Team evangelizes in downtown Dallas near the major cultural landmarks and tourist attractions of the Dallas Museum of Art, the Nasher Sculpture Center, and Klyde Warren Park.

This past Saturday was no exception.  Our members from Mater Dei, the FSSP Latin Mass parish in Dallas, situated our table between a lemonade stand and an elote cart.  We were perfectly positioned to greet all comers in the shade of a broad sidewalk across from the food trucks lining the Southern boundary of Klyde Warren Park.

We had many good casual conversations with Catholics and non-Catholics alike.  We make it a point to meet people where they are in their journey to God through careful listening and sometimes pointed questioning.  Our goal is for people to wake up to their need for God’s mercy and then to take the necessary steps to obtain that mercy.   The best part this week was when a Protestant young man came up to us and asked us to pray for him and when we encouraged a young girl to pray the Rosary with her mother.


We will have many more stories to come. Stay tuned.