About the Youth Workshop

***New! Teens make amazing evangelists. Read the story of one group that took this workshop in a new book by Ignatius Press.***

Our live teen encounter [ brochure ] workshop is geared towards helping Catholic teens examine their own relationships with God, delve deeper into what it means to be a disciple, and work with our national staff in a hands on environment to prepare them to share their faith with their classmates and friends, whether on the field, in class, or outside of class. It’s a fun experience as teens learn to go beyond their comfort zones and share the Good News of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Best of all – it’s fun!

Teen training is set up in a 6 hour format with Mass & lunch (or dinner) included. It can also be split up over two days. After the 6 hour training is complete our office will provide the supplies for teens to join us and evangelize on the street in your area. At one of our recent teen encounters our young evangelists gathered over 300 prayer requests and touched the lives of many people!

Typical Schedule:

  • Battle Ready: The New Evangelization (Focus on the Saints)
  • The Spiritual Life of the Evangelist
  • Basic Etiquette for Evangelization
  • Sharing the Story of Salvation
  • Sharing our Testimony
  • One Good Reason: Practical Apologetics
  • Praying with Others
  • Street Evangelization Live Lab

Due to safe environment standards we can only train teens in the context of their Catholic youth groups. All adults must be in compliance with the national charter.

There are costs associated with the training and we know that budgets in most youth groups are tight. We can help you find benefactors if you do not have the finances to cover the costs associated with training.

Bring Teen Encounter To Your Youth Group!

Fill in the form below and be sure to include your parish, contact person, number, email, & proposed dates of training. Someone will get back to you quickly!

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