Tech Tips

Upcoming Events

The Upcoming Events page is one of the most popular pages on our website. It’s where we display all of our upcoming events such as our next Basic Evangelization Trainings and other parish events. We recently made it so that any team leader can add events to that page too. Feel free to post any event that your team is doing, like an evangelization outing, a Bible study, a Seeker Small Group meetup, or some sort of fellowship thing with your team. Our hope is that people will check our Events page for info about St. Paul Street Evangelization events around the world, especially events that our teams are doing. 

To view the Upcoming Events page, click here. Alternatively, go to and click Events in the menu, or Schedule. View all the team events on the Events page by scrolling down to Team Events. You can click the Details button on any event to view more specific information that a team leader has added about their event. You can also click the Contact Team button if you want to email the team leader, such as to let them know that you plan to join them for their outing.

To add your own calendar entry, click Add an event. Login using your username and password. You can also use your email as your username. When you click Log In, our website will automatically detect whether or not you are a team leader using your login information. Only a team leader, a missionary, or a website administrator can add an event to our Events page. Once you’re logged in, click Add New Event and fill out the event form. Make sure to give your event a date and a time. When you’re done, click Publish Event.

To view your event, go back to and click Events or Schedule. You can also view your event on your team website: go to, click Locations, and find your team using the search bar beneath the map. Click the calendar badge next to your team to view your team’s calendar entries. If you don’t have any calendar entries, the calendar badge won’t show up, so make sure to add a calendar entry using the process outlined above before you look for the calendar badge. Notice that your team calendar only displays events that your team is doing. If you want to see what events other teams have scheduled, visit the calendar page of the team you want information about or visit our events page at

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at


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