Tech Tips

Great Commission Leaderboard

Bob: Hey y’all welcome to the April Tech tip. I’m joined today by Michael Miller. How ya doin, Mike?

Mike: So what’s the tech tip about this month?

Bob: Today’s tech tip is about the Great Commission Leaderboard.

Michael: Oh man, that sounds fancy. The what?

Bob: Great Commission Leaderboard. It’s not super fancy. It’s just a list of the top 10 teams who go on the most outings.

Michael: Oh, that’s kind of cool. So people can see which teams are most active.

Bob: Yeah, when you look at our leaderboard from last year you can see that the Gaithersburg Maryland team led the charge with 22 posted outings. Now, there were probably some teams who went out more, but we only know about the outings that were posted on the team calendars.

Mike: Ahhhh

Bob: yeah, so the idea behind this leaderboard is to inspire a sort of “holy rivalry” among our teams to see who can go out and evangelize the most.

Michael: Holy rivalry? Aren’t rivalries bad?

Bob: They can be. But if you’re trying to prompt each other to carry out God’s will and save souls, then it’s a great thing!

Michael: Ok, so if I evangelize once a week, that can be part of a holy rivalry?

Bob: Yeah, but for this competition, the outings only count if you add them to your team calendar. That’s how we’re able to keep track.

Michael: That’s awesome, so how do I post an outing?

Bob: First, go to Then with your mouse, hover over ‘Get Involved’ and then click ‘Team Leader Homepage’. When you’re there, hover over Events and click ‘Great Commission Leaderboard’. At this point you should see the leaderboard. Click “Add an outing”, and you may need to log in first, and then Click ‘Add New Event’ and fill out the form. Make sure to give your outing a date and a time. When you’re done, click Publish Event and as the number of outings you’ve completed grows, you have a better chance of being on the leaderboard.

Michael: Okay, so do I get on the leaderboard as soon as I publish an outing?

Bob: No. First of all, the outing has to take place, you don’t get credit for merely planning an outing. It only counts once it happens… The 2nd thing is that you have to crack the top 10. The Leaderboard is only going to show the top 10 teams with the most completed outings.

Michael: What if I post an outing and then it doesn’t happen for one reason or another?

Bob: Well, we’re going to use the honor system, so if that happens, just remove the event.

To remove an event, use the same steps you’d use for adding an event, but click ‘view past events’ instead of ‘Add New Event’

Then Click the event you want to remove and then click “Delete Event.”

Michael: Thanks Bob, this is gonna be great, I’m really looking forward to all of our teams adding outings on their calendar and seeing who ends up in the top 10. By the way, I heard that you get a reward if you’re one of the top 10 teams at the end of the year. What’s that about?

Bob: Yep… we’re storing up treasures in heaven.

Michael: Fascinating, but I thought we were going to give the top 10 teams some kind of reward they can use here.

Bob: We can do that too, I guess…okay, how about this? A big box of rosaries for the top 10 teams and a SPSE jacket for each of their Team Leaders.

Michael: Those are some nice perks! Sounds great! I’m fired up now! (or something like that) you gonna come out with us this Saturday?

Bob: I am now

Michael: Great! Let’s lift each up with this holy competition.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at


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