His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Prefect Emeritus of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura: “I am very happy to have the occasion to express my deepest esteem for St. Paul Street Evangelization. This apostolate, inspired by the Servant of God Fr. John Hardon of the Society of Jesus, is doing a tremendous work in bringing Christ and his truth and love to all parts of the United States and also in other nations. I give my wholehearted support to the work and I pray for it daily that it will continue and grow for the sake of the salvation of many souls… I am happy on this occasion to recommend to you St. Paul Street Evangelization and urge you to become involved with it.”
His Eminence Francis Cardinal Arinze, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship: “I am happy to note about the activities of the St. Paul Street Evangelization. It isn’t just priests or religious brothers and sisters who should speak about Christ, it is every baptized person. All of us can share. It can be for many of those people the beginning of a new conversion. May God bless the efforts of all those who organize St. Paul Street Evangelization, those who engage in it, and those who profit from this form of witness in Christ. The Holy Spirit has not ceased in giving new gifts to the Church. God bless you.” (Watch full video)
His Eminence Joseph William Cardinal Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, New Jersey: “I am writing to commend you on the work of St. Paul Street Evangelization. This apostolate is certainly helping to fulfill the Great Commission by bolstering the confidence of Catholics in a non-confrontational approach to evangelizing people in their local community.” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron, Archbishop of Detroit: “One of the new methods [of evangelization] I would like to recommend is the work of St. Paul Street Evangelization … I, having personally participated in their work of street evangelization, enthusiastically endorse this group … I encourage you to join me in offering your prayers and support for this organization.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Earl A. Boyea, Bishop of Lansing: “It is always good to acclaim the zeal and energy and faith of those who wish to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are all responsible for announcing that Gospel. One group which is doing this work quite forthrightly in the world is the St. Paul Street Evangelization.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Robert F. Vasa, Bishop of Santa Rosa: “I am repeatedly edified by the zeal of our young people and the souls affiliated with Saint Paul Street Evangelization exemplify that zeal. I pray that their number increases, that their zeal remains unabated and that they receive a warm welcome in our parishes, communities, institutions and most especially in our streets.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix: “I am writing to express my support for the work of Saint Paul Street Evangelization in the Diocese of Phoenix. Those involved in Saint Paul Street Evangelization put a human face on the Church. For those who would never consider seeking the truth by contacting a Catholic parish, they are given an opportunity to learn what the Church truly believes and practices. This can be a powerful gift to our community as we seek to share the good news and build respectful relationships among men and women of good will.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, NY: “Service to the New Evangelization requires of all of us a capacity for compassionate listening to the struggles of believers and non-believers alike, as well as a willingness to speak god’s truth from the heart of the one Church founded on the Apostle Peter. As an organization that acts sentire cum ecclesia, St. Paul Street Evangelization is welcome in the Diocese of Brooklyn. (Read the full text here)
The Most Reverend Daniel E. Thomas, Bishop of Toledo, OH: “I support your efforts and those of the Toledo Team, and highly encourage you to use this ministry as a vibrant form of evangelization for the Catholic Church in the greater Toledo area.” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend Thomas J. Paprocki, Bishop of Springfield, IL: “I am happy to offer this letter of support for your participation in this apostolate in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Thomas J. Rodi, Archbishop of Mobile, AL: “I am happy to provide you with this letter of commendation for St. Paul Street Evangelization … In this Year of Faith, and having been called to foster the New Evangelization, it is my hope that your organization will bring many to the love of Jesus Christ and His Church.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Glen John Provost, Bishop of Lake Charles, LA: “The New Evangelization is of the utmost importance for the Church as she seeks to give firm and faithful witness to the world that Jesus Christ suffered, died, and has truly risen as he said. The non-profit corporation, St. Paul Street Evangelization, established by Mr. Steve Dawson, founder and national director, offers the Church another way to spread the Gospel to all nations … It is my hope that St. Paul Street Evangelization will increase in the Lord and bear great fruit among the people of God and those who do not yet know Him.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron, Archbishop of Detroit: “It is a blessing for me to have this opportunity to commend St. Paul Street Evangelization, which you have established here in the Archdiocese of Detroit after having begun in Portland, Oregon, and which has grown tremendously in the past year, with teams evangelizing across the country and beyond.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Michael W. Warfel, Bishop of Great Falls-Billings, MT: “I am happy to provide you with this letter of commendation for St. Paul Street Evangelization … Evangelization has been a top priority for me since arriving in the diocese of Great Falls-Billings and it is my hope that this organization will get more people involved with sharing our Catholic faith.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend J. Douglas Deshotel, D.D., V.G, Bishop of Lafayette, LA: “Bishop Farrell … is happy to encourage the work of evangelization especially during this Year of Faith … May the Holy Spirit guide you in the work of evangelization and open the hearts of those to whom you bring the good news of the Gospel.” (Read full text here; Second Letter; Third Letter)
Most Reverend James V. Johnston Jr., Bishop of Springfield: “With this letter I offer my support of St. Paul Street Evangelization. Be assured of my prayers for you and for all those who seek to lead others to Jesus Christ and His Church.” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend Anthony B. Taylor, Bishop of Little Rock: “I hereby grant permission for SPSE to carry out its mission within the Diocese of Little Rock…Please know of my support for your eforts to share the Perosn of Jesus Christ and the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith with a hungry culture!” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans: “I am very grateful not only to know about [St. Paul Street Evangelization], but to support you in this important outreach. Thank you for your leadership. […] I am pleased that in New Orleans we, through your leadership, are represented in this way.” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend Gregory Parkes, Bishop of St. Petersburg: “I wish to express my gratitude to you, the members of your board, and all who have supported your vibrant apostolate. […] Please be assured of my prayerful support of St. Paul Street Evangelization now and in the years to come.” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend Thomas Wenski, Archbishop of Miami: “His Excellency sincerely hopes that the works of ‘St. Paul Street Evangelization’ will assist many of the Christian faithful to answer the call to holiness of life, build up the local Church, and bring glory to Almighty God. He is deeply grateful for your service to the Archdiocese of Miami.” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend Mark Brennan, Bishop of Wheeling-Charleston, West Virginia: “When I was the pastor of St. Martin of Tours Parish in Gaithersburg, MD, I met some of your Street Evangelization people. They had some success speaking to people at bus stops. They asked for space in our school one evening a week to follow up with those interested and we were able to accommodate them. I pray that God may abundantly bless your ministry, so needed at this time. I enclose a small donation to assist you.” (Read the full text here)
Jeff Cavins: “I wanted to thank you for coming to the Twin Cities. You really did a great job of presenting the material and leading the people. I’m grateful for your efforts and pray that the Lord will bring about a lot of fruit as a result of the weekend.”
Steve Ray: “Street evangelism is as old as the gospel itself. The Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ were the first street preachers announcing the good news of salvation and the Church in the streets of the Roman Empire. This tradition was practiced by the great saints throughout history and is alive again with and spreading across the globe. The faithful Catholics who make up St. Paul Street Evangelism live up to their name. Support them, follow them, join them!”
Gary Michuta: “Ideas often become abstractions. They can easily be mischaracterized, misunderstood, misrepresented, and even become the focus of anger and bigotry. If the world’s only experience of Catholicism is that of an idea, it too will become an object easily twisted, lampooned, and dismissed. St. Paul Street Evangelization breaks through this virtual cocoon of misleading videos, blogs, and discussion groups by presenting and defending the Catholic Faith with real, living, holy, intelligent, good-humored, and well-equipped Catholics who are prepared to enter into the public arena as an outreach and a witness to the truth of Christ and His Church. People can easily dismiss an idea, but it is much more difficult to dismiss a person who embodies that idea. For this reason, St. Paul Street Evangelization is needed now more than ever. It breaks through the toxic mischaracterizations dished out by the major media and internet and presents to the public an authentic personal witness to the truth, sanity, holiness, and love of the Catholic Faith.”
Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers: “Why am I called to evangelize? By our baptism into Christ’s death, we are all called to be disciples. A disciple is one who hears, accepts and carries out the teaching of Jesus in their life. In short, a disciple follows and imitates Christ by speaking the truth in love. We must go out to the world with the Holy Spirit at our side, meet people where they are, and witness to them.”
This is what Saint Paul Street Evangelization is all about and does so very well. In response to the call for a new evangelization, the members of this incredible apostolate share their love for the Catholic faith in response to the grace they received in baptism—they are sowers planting seeds. Saint Paul Street Evangelization recognizes that each baptized Catholic has a mission and calling to actively share their experience of knowing Jesus Christ personally, and then inviting others to do the same. By sharing the truths of the Catholic faith with great joy, passion, and enthusiasm, Saint Paul Street Evangelization engenders a spirit of love that helps to remove the fear and doubt that hinders the people they encounter from being true followers of Christ.”
Dave Armstrong: “It’s time to show the world that evangelism is a hallmark of Catholicism, too: that we care enough to do it. For too long, Protestants (particularly the evangelicals) have almost assumed that they owned evangelism: and the Bible as well. As an evangelical Protestant for 13 years, I virtually never met any Catholics who were willing and able to confidently share their faith with me. When I finally did, it was a key factor in my own conversion. I was ‘ripe.’ I just had to be found, and talked to.”
“In the 16th century, the Catholic Church excelled in evangelistic fervor, with the likes of St. Francis de Sales and St. Francis Xavier hitting the streets (and other countries). The former is said to have helped persuade 72,000 Calvinists in France to return to the Catholic Church. South and Central America are overwhelmingly Catholic to this day because of such outreach. The budding Protestant movement was then far less evangelistic. More recently, Catholic evangelists like Frank Sheed were very active in spreading the Word.”
“Today, Catholics need to reclaim their heritage of fervent evangelism (meaning, often, re-catechizing nominal Catholics) and robust, confident apologetics. St. Paul Street Evangelization is doing exactly that. It’s an exciting, rapidly expanding, “on-fire” group of Catholics who joyfully share the Catholic faith in a congenial, relaxed, non-pushy way.”
“As a street evangelist myself (in my evangelical Protestant days), I resonated with this group right away, and have given it my unqualified, enthusiastic support: including as an editor of their self-produced tracts and continuing advisor. I strongly urge anyone who recognizes the importance of Catholic evangelistic outreach, to generously support SPSE: both financially and by prayer and encouragement (and/or to join the movement in your local area if so led). The harvest is ripe!”
His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Prefect Emeritus of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura: “I am very happy to have the occasion to express my deepest esteem for St. Paul Street Evangelization. This apostolate, inspired by the Servant of God Fr. John Hardon of the Society of Jesus, is doing a tremendous work in bringing Christ and his truth and love to all parts of the United States and also in other nations. I give my wholehearted support to the work and I pray for it daily that it will continue and grow for the sake of the salvation of many souls… I am happy on this occasion to recommend to you St. Paul Street Evangelization and urge you to become involved with it.” (Watch full video)
His Eminence Francis Cardinal Arinze, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship: “I am happy to note about the activities of the St. Paul Street Evangelization. It isn’t just priests or religious brothers and sisters who should speak about Christ, it is every baptized person. All of us can share. It can be for many of those people the beginning of a new conversion. May God bless the efforts of all those who organize St. Paul Street Evangelization, those who engage in it, and those who profit from this form of witness in Christ. The Holy Spirit has not ceased in giving new gifts to the Church. God bless you.” (Watch full video)
His Eminence Joseph William Cardinal Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, New Jersey: “I am writing to commend you on the work of St. Paul Street Evangelization. This apostolate is certainly helping to fulfill the Great Commission by bolstering the confidence of Catholics in a non-confrontational approach to evangelizing people in their local community.” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron, Archbishop of Detroit: “One of the new methods [of evangelization] I would like to recommend is the work of St. Paul Street Evangelization … I, having personally participated in their work of street evangelization, enthusiastically endorse this group … I encourage you to join me in offering your prayers and support for this organization.” (Read full text here)
And: “It is a blessing for me to have this opportunity to commend St. Paul Street Evangelization, which you have established here in the Archdiocese of Detroit after having begun in Portland, Oregon, and which has grown tremendously in the past year, with teams evangelizing across the country and beyond.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Thomas J. Rodi, Archbishop of Mobile, AL: “I am happy to provide you with this letter of commendation for St. Paul Street Evangelization … In this Year of Faith, and having been called to foster the New Evangelization, it is my hope that your organization will bring many to the love of Jesus Christ and His Church.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans: “I am very grateful not only to know about [St. Paul Street Evangelization], but to support you in this important outreach. Thank you for your leadership. […] I am pleased that in New Orleans we, through your leadership, are represented in this way.” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend Thomas Wenski, Archbishop of Miami: “His Excellency sincerely hopes that the works of ‘St. Paul Street Evangelization’ will assist many of the Christian faithful to answer the call to holiness of life, build up the local Church, and bring glory to Almighty God. He is deeply grateful for your service to the Archdiocese of Miami.” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend William J. Waltersheid, Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh: “I heartily Endorse St. Paul Street Evangelization. I attended their
Basic Evangelization Training Workshop here in the Diocese of Pittsburgh in May and witnessed firsthand the contagious joy and enthusiasm of the presenter and the effect it had on the participants. They couldn’t wait to hit the streets and go share their faith!” (SPSE Endorsement Letter)
Most Reverend Earl A. Boyea, Bishop of Lansing: “It is always good to acclaim the zeal and energy and faith of those who wish to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are all responsible for announcing that Gospel. One group which is doing this work quite forthrightly in the world is the St. Paul Street Evangelization.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Robert F. Vasa, Bishop of Santa Rosa: “I am repeatedly edified by the zeal of our young people and the souls affiliated with Saint Paul Street Evangelization exemplify that zeal. I pray that their number increases, that their zeal remains unabated and that they receive a warm welcome in our parishes, communities, institutions and most especially in our streets.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix: “I am writing to express my support for the work of Saint Paul Street Evangelization in the Diocese of Phoenix. Those involved in Saint Paul Street Evangelization put a human face on the Church. For those who would never consider seeking the truth by contacting a Catholic parish, they are given an opportunity to learn what the Church truly believes and practices. This can be a powerful gift to our community as we seek to share the good news and build respectful relationships among men and women of good will.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, NY: “Service to the New Evangelization requires of all of us a capacity for compassionate listening to the struggles of believers and non-believers alike, as well as a willingness to speak god’s truth from the heart of the one Church founded on the Apostle Peter. As an organization that acts sentire cum ecclesia, St. Paul Street Evangelization is welcome in the Diocese of Brooklyn. (Read the full text here)
The Most Reverend Daniel E. Thomas, Bishop of Toledo, OH: “I support your efforts and those of the Toledo Team, and highly encourage you to use this ministry as a vibrant form of evangelization for the Catholic Church in the greater Toledo area.” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend Thomas J. Paprocki, Bishop of Springfield, IL: “I am happy to offer this letter of support for your participation in this apostolate in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Glen John Provost, Bishop of Lake Charles, LA: “The New Evangelization is of the utmost importance for the Church as she seeks to give firm and faithful witness to the world that Jesus Christ suffered, died, and has truly risen as he said. The non-profit corporation, St. Paul Street Evangelization, established by Mr. Steve Dawson, founder and national director, offers the Church another way to spread the Gospel to all nations … It is my hope that St. Paul Street Evangelization will increase in the Lord and bear great fruit among the people of God and those who do not yet know Him.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend Michael W. Warfel, Bishop of Great Falls-Billings, MT: “I am happy to provide you with this letter of commendation for St. Paul Street Evangelization … Evangelization has been a top priority for me since arriving in the diocese of Great Falls-Billings and it is my hope that this organization will get more people involved with sharing our Catholic faith.” (Read full text here)
Most Reverend J. Douglas Deshotel, D.D., V.G, Bishop of Lafayette, LA: “Bishop Farrell … is happy to encourage the work of evangelization especially during this Year of Faith … May the Holy Spirit guide you in the work of evangelization and open the hearts of those to whom you bring the good news of the Gospel.” (Read full text here; Second Letter; Third Letter)
Most Reverend James V. Johnston Jr., Bishop of Springfield: “With this letter I offer my support of St. Paul Street Evangelization. Be assured of my prayers for you and for all those who seek to lead others to Jesus Christ and His Church.” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend Anthony B. Taylor, Bishop of Little Rock: “I hereby grant permission for SPSE to carry out its mission within the Diocese of Little Rock…Please know of my support for your eforts to share the Perosn of Jesus Christ and the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith with a hungry culture!” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend Gregory Parkes, Bishop of St. Petersburg: “I wish to express my gratitude to you, the members of your board, and all who have supported your vibrant apostolate. […] Please be assured of my prayerful support of St. Paul Street Evangelization now and in the years to come.” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend Mark Brennan, Bishop of Wheeling-Charleston, West Virginia: “When I was the pastor of St. Martin of Tours Parish in Gaithersburg, MD, I met some of your Street Evangelization people. They had some success speaking to people at bus stops. They asked for space in our school one evening a week to follow up with those interested and we were able to accommodate them. I pray that God may abundantly bless your ministry, so needed at this time. I enclose a small donation to assist you.” (Read the full text here)
Most Reverend Ronald W. Gainer, Bishop of Harrisburg – “For this reason I am welcoming St. Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE) to the Diocese. Since its inception, it has proven to be a practical and effective way to realize ‘the grace and vocation proper to the Church’. SPSE is an apostolate that will help train and empower the laity to be evangelizers.” (Read the full text here)
Jeff Cavins: “I wanted to thank you for coming to the Twin Cities. You really did a great job of presenting the material and leading the people. I’m grateful for your efforts and pray that the Lord will bring about a lot of fruit as a result of the weekend.”
Steve Ray: “Street evangelism is as old as the gospel itself. The Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ were the first street preachers announcing the good news of salvation and the Church in the streets of the Roman Empire. This tradition was practiced by the great saints throughout history and is alive again with and spreading across the globe. The faithful Catholics who make up St. Paul Street Evangelism live up to their name. Support them, follow them, join them!”
Gary Michuta: “Ideas often become abstractions. They can easily be mischaracterized, misunderstood, misrepresented, and even become the focus of anger and bigotry. If the world’s only experience of Catholicism is that of an idea, it too will become an object easily twisted, lampooned, and dismissed. St. Paul Street Evangelization breaks through this virtual cocoon of misleading videos, blogs, and discussion groups by presenting and defending the Catholic Faith with real, living, holy, intelligent, good-humored, and well-equipped Catholics who are prepared to enter into the public arena as an outreach and a witness to the truth of Christ and His Church. People can easily dismiss an idea, but it is much more difficult to dismiss a person who embodies that idea. For this reason, St. Paul Street Evangelization is needed now more than ever. It breaks through the toxic mischaracterizations dished out by the major media and internet and presents to the public an authentic personal witness to the truth, sanity, holiness, and love of the Catholic Faith.”
Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers: “Why am I called to evangelize? By our baptism into Christ’s death, we are all called to be disciples. A disciple is one who hears, accepts and carries out the teaching of Jesus in their life. In short, a disciple follows and imitates Christ by speaking the truth in love. We must go out to the world with the Holy Spirit at our side, meet people where they are, and witness to them.”
This is what Saint Paul Street Evangelization is all about and does so very well. In response to the call for a new evangelization, the members of this incredible apostolate share their love for the Catholic faith in response to the grace they received in baptism—they are sowers planting seeds. Saint Paul Street Evangelization recognizes that each baptized Catholic has a mission and calling to actively share their experience of knowing Jesus Christ personally, and then inviting others to do the same. By sharing the truths of the Catholic faith with great joy, passion, and enthusiasm, Saint Paul Street Evangelization engenders a spirit of love that helps to remove the fear and doubt that hinders the people they encounter from being true followers of Christ.”
Dave Armstrong: “It’s time to show the world that evangelism is a hallmark of Catholicism, too: that we care enough to do it. For too long, Protestants (particularly the evangelicals) have almost assumed that they owned evangelism: and the Bible as well. As an evangelical Protestant for 13 years, I virtually never met any Catholics who were willing and able to confidently share their faith with me. When I finally did, it was a key factor in my own conversion. I was ‘ripe.’ I just had to be found, and talked to.”
“In the 16th century, the Catholic Church excelled in evangelistic fervor, with the likes of St. Francis de Sales and St. Francis Xavier hitting the streets (and other countries). The former is said to have helped persuade 72,000 Calvinists in France to return to the Catholic Church. South and Central America are overwhelmingly Catholic to this day because of such outreach. The budding Protestant movement was then far less evangelistic. More recently, Catholic evangelists like Frank Sheed were very active in spreading the Word.”
“Today, Catholics need to reclaim their heritage of fervent evangelism (meaning, often, re-catechizing nominal Catholics) and robust, confident apologetics. St. Paul Street Evangelization is doing exactly that. It’s an exciting, rapidly expanding, “on-fire” group of Catholics who joyfully share the Catholic faith in a congenial, relaxed, non-pushy way.”
“As a street evangelist myself (in my evangelical Protestant days), I resonated with this group right away, and have given it my unqualified, enthusiastic support: including as an editor of their self-produced tracts and continuing advisor. I strongly urge anyone who recognizes the importance of Catholic evangelistic outreach, to generously support SPSE: both financially and by prayer and encouragement (and/or to join the movement in your local area if so led). The harvest is ripe!”