Invite One Back Training

A Workshop for Parish Leaders to Engage Fallen Away Catholics

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About Invite One Back Training

In response to the National Eucharistic Revival in the United States, St. Paul Street Evangelization has developed the Invite One Back Training workshop. This workshop is specifically designed for parish ministry, focusing on helping Catholics reconnect individuals with Jesus Christ and His Church on a personal, one-on-one basis. While there is some overlap with our Basic Evangelization Training, the Invite One Back Training takes a more targeted approach to ministry within the parish setting and everyday life and focuses on those who are Catholic, but have fallen away from the Church.

Workshop Goals:

  • Equip Leaders for Evangelization: Train leaders to train, mobilize and empower Catholics for the vital mission of evangelization, especially to disengaged and fallen away Catholics.
  • Understand the Church’s Mission: Deepen the understanding that the primary mission of the Church is evangelistic: the salvation of souls. All other works of the Church serve this central mission.
  • Discipleship and Missionary Discipleship: Explore what it means to be a disciple of Christ and a missionary disciple. We will examine how Catholics can effectively engage with modern cultural assumptions about God and life, offering a thoughtful response to help share the Gospel more effectively.
  • Eucharistic Framework for Evangelization: Understand the role of the Eucharist in missionary discipleship. While Protestant and Catholic evangelistic models share common goals, the Catholic perspective on the Eucharist as a central event in salvation history offers a unique lens through which to view the Gospel and the Church’s universal mission.
  • Collaborative Learning and Planning: Use the collective experience and expertise of participants to discuss best practices and create actionable plans for inviting individuals back to the faith. The workshop will include table discussions that leverage the wealth of knowledge present in the room, helping to shape practical strategies for the diocesan “Invite One Back” initiative. Participants will also complete an action plan either individually or as part of a parish cohort.

Workshop Outline

These are some of the sessions that may be included in the Basic Evangelization Training workshop, depending on the schedule and time allotted. We need at least 6 hours of instructional time to complete all of the sessions and small groups. We need at least 8 hours to complete the full workshop and run a live lab. About 50% of our workshops include a live lab.

  • 9:00 AM – Mass
  • 10:00 AM – Session 1 & Small Groups: Missionary Discipleship in a Eucharistic Framework
  • 11:00 AM – Break
  • 11:15 AM – Session 2: Basic Methodology Reaching Inactive Parishioners
  • 12:00 PM – Lunch
  • 12:45 PM – Session 3 & Small Groups: Door to Door Ministry Guidelines, Answering Questions without Defensiveness, & Action Plans
  • 1:45 PM – Session 4 & Practice: From Conversation to Concrete Invitation and Follow-up
  • 2:30 PM – Break
  • 2:45 PM – Session 5 & Practice: Prayer Ministry Primer
  • 3:30 PM – Final Q&A
  • 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM – Live Lab Street Evangelization Experience

Part III – Live Lab

The best way to learn how to evangelize is to go and do it in a real-life setting. The optional live lab is a chance to take your faith to the streets, where we evangelize together for 1 hour using the simple, non-confrontational methods we learned during the workshop. It’s always an incredibly grace-filled time. For Invite One Back Training we strongly recommend that workshop organizers collaborate with the parish to do door-to-door ministry to inactive parishioners.


I heartily endorse St. Paul Street Evangelization. I attended their Basic Evangelization Training Workshop here in the Diocese of Pittsburgh in May and witnessed firsthand the contagious joy and enthusiasm of the presenter and the effect it had on the participants. They couldn’t wait to hit the streets and go share their faith!

The SPSE program is comprehensive and applies practically to the lives of people today. It is faithful to the teachings of the Church and the call to the New Evangelization. I am sure that their ministry will bear much fruit for evangelization in the years to come.

– Most Reverend William J. Waltersheid, Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh, Vicar for Evangelization (Full Text)

Thanks so much again for taking the time to come be with us this past weekend for the basic evangelization training! I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback regarding the workshop and am confident that we will be able to deepen a culture of discipleship and evangelization with so many of our leaders in the parish having participated!
– Marc Laudonio, Director of Faith Formation, St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church

“Recently, my office hosted Saint Paul Street Evangelization’s Basic Evangelization Training (BET) workshop. It is an event that I recommend for a diocese or parish for a number of reasons. The workshop was genuinely “basic” in the sense that it did not presume prior formation in evangelization. This made the workshop accessible to anyone who wished to attend.

The workshop also gave attendees basic evangelization knowledge and skills that are applicable to all forms of evangelization, not just street evangelization. The skills that were developed can be used in the setting of parish, school, family, and door-to-door, as well as in the street.

Finally, the content of the workshop was authentically Catholic. The BET roots everyone in an understanding of Christ-centered evangelization that proceeds from the heart of the Church. Attendees came away with a stronger sense that evangelization relies on prayer as its source of efficacy and it showed them what gifts and tools are available to us in the Church to help us evangelize. Of particular importance was the instruction in the use of sacramentals for efficacious evangelizing.

I recommend the Basic Evangelization Training as a practical and genuinely effective aid in igniting the new evangelization in a diocese or parish.”

– Meghan Cokeley, Director, Office of the New Evangelization, Archdiocese of Philadelphia [ Full Text ]

“Yesterday’s Evangelization Training was beautiful, practical and inspirational. It lifted my heart to hear someone speak so passionately about relationship with Jesus Christ! I was also lifted up going around to the small groups and listening to some of your stories. May we all be salt of the earth and light to the world as we share the Good News of the Gospels!!”

– Brenda Quinn, Director, Collegium Center for Faith and Culture

In the Church, there are many worthwhile efforts being made to further the New Evangelization heralded by Pope Saint John Paul II. Among these, I enthusiastically recommend the work of St. Paul Street Evangelization. “SPSE” helps Catholics bring the gospel of Jesus Christ from our churches into our communities, where it meets people of all walks of life who in one way or another hunger for God. Lapsed Catholics, Protestants seeking more, non-Christians starving for truth – all of these are reached by the apostolate.

– Deacon Guadalupe Rodriguez, Director of Diaconal Formation [ Read Full Text ]

Over forty people gathered at a parish in the diocese of Rochester, New York to be trained by Adam Janke of St. Paul Street Evangelization. The training provided a wonderful theological and practical foundation for evangelization. Those in attendance agreed that the training gave them not only an understanding of the necessity for evangelization today, but also the tools needed to engage in evangelization. Since the evangelization training in March we have established an SPSE Chapter in Rochester with a growing group of evangelists who are joyfully spreading the Gospel at public markets, parks and the local baseball stadium. My hope is that my diocese will continue to embrace this kind of practical training and encourage more people to be trained for street evangelization. I’m grateful for St. Paul Street Evangelization for their commitment and zeal for the Gospel.

– Fr. Mike Mayer, Rochester, NY

“The live training has proven to give Christ’s followers the confidence, the knowledge, and the experience to boldly proclaim the Good News of Salvation and to take the Catholic faith into the streets. The Church has been calling forth for a New Evangelization, and St. Paul Street Evangelization has taken the Wisdom of the Church and has placed it into the hands of Her disciples. I am proud to work with my brothers and sisters in the Lord to accomplish a task so desperately needed in the world today.”

– Chris Gawel, Director of Young Adult & Campus Ministry, Archdiocese of Detroit

“I am very impressed with your training and with the work of SPSE.”

– Kyle Neilson, Director of Adult Evangelization & Discipleship, Archdiocese of Vancouver

“The Office of Evangelization has sponsored several successful training events with the SPSE. And without hesitation, I give thanks and praise to God for their presence with us and for what the Lord will continue doing through this grassroots, Catholic evangelization ministry.” [ Full Text ] – Fr. Eduardo Montemayor, SOLT, STL, Associate Director, Evangelization and Hispanic Ministry, Archdiocese of Detroit

We answered what we think, and now know, was a sincere call from that same Holy Spirit, to attend an outreach program to train us to go out and proclaim the good news of salvation of Jesus Christ through the JOYFUL proclamation of the KERYGMA. As you guys so skillfully presented to us that, as you told us what Pope John Paul II said: “The moment has come and is here NOW!”, it is on us to go out and present what we have been enlisted to do by our commitment to the new evangelization. I personally hope that I am up to the challenge to go out and do what I suspect was very hard for you to do for the very first time. THANK YOU and all who helped put on the training program at Sacred Heart Seminary.”

– BET Participant

“A boost to my soul!”

– BET Participant

“Great information. Evangelization is not as frightening a topic as I thought it would be. You made this a very comfortable, intriguing presentation.”

– BET Participant

“Wonderful presentation! Faith filled, full of the Holy Spirit.”

– BET Participant

“Very practical tips on how to evangelize. Great group discussions among the attendees. Long live this ministry! God Bless You!”

– BET Participant

“This training provides guidance and courage for many who are not sure how to share their faith!”

– BET Participant

“Thank you for the inspiration to draw closer to Jesus.”

– BET Participant

“Wonderful, educational and inspiring workshop!”

– BET Participant


All of our workshops are heavily subsidized by St. Paul Street Evangelization. We do not have a set amount we charge (though we do provide guidelines); instead we ask that your team prays about what to give as a donation for our work.

Expenses include transportation and accommodations for the speaker, making copies of handouts, and the return shipping on any leftover items from a sales table.

Workshops that include the “live lab” may have additional costs for materials to use during evangelization.

Finally, you are also responsible for any hospitality or meals you offer your participants. You may recoup your costs by charging participants a fee to attend. Most groups charge $25-40 per person. We will provide online registration and deduct any money collected from your final invoice.

We provide a registration portal and marketing materials to our hosts. 

Use the form below or email Adam Janke at with questions or to set up a workshop. 

Host a Workshop

Please use the form below if you are interested in hosting a workshop or talk at your diocese, parish, retreat, or other event. If you are a team leader for St. Paul Street Evangelization and would like to host a kick off training, please use this form. If you would like to attend a workshop, please see this list of upcoming workshops, or register as a partner and take our online School of Evangelization.


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