Ignite Your Community
What is Light the Fire?
Light the Fire (LTF) is an event where volunteer evangelists invite people to come into a Catholic church for an encounter with Jesus. The church is open to the public, and guests find beautiful instrumental music playing while the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in a monstrance on the altar. Other volunteers stand ready to welcome them, pray with them, and share the Gospel. The key invitation is for people to come into the church to light a candle.
Why this event?
Most people in our post-Christian culture rarely set foot in a church, and fewer still have opportunities to interact with intentional disciples who are ready to talk to them about faith in Jesus. The purpose of Light the Fire is to engage people as they are and where they are at, and to offer them an opportunity to encounter Christ within the church, in hopes that they might respond to God’s grace and experience a powerful, transformative encounter with Jesus Christ. Most people reject an invitation to come into the church and pray, encounter Jesus, sit in silence, or go to adoration. The invitation to light a candle is something simple and tangible. Everyone can light a candle. As volunteers respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, Light the Fire becomes a way to help people move out of a merely institutional understanding of Christianity by facilitating an intentional response to a personal invitation.
What makes Light the Fire successful?
An understanding of all the pieces that come together for a Light the Fire event will help make it successful. Success is not recorded in the numbers of people who cross the threshold of the church, although that is a good indicator. Success is determined by the readiness of the volunteers and the responses of the people who encounter Light the Fire volunteers. Some of the characteristics of a successful Light the Fire include plenty of intercessory prayer, a good location for the event, and a sufficient number of volunteers to minister to visitors. See the LTF Booklet for more information.