Local Directors of Teams
What is a Local Director of Teams?
Inspired by Jesus and the call of the Church to proclaim the Good News to all people, Local Directors bring the New Evangelization to their own regions. They enthusiastically engage in street evangelization and work to inspire, train, and help local Catholics to spread the Gospel. This is done through through partnerships with local team leaders, lay leaders, pastors, diocesan staff, and bishops. There is an urgent need for effective and passionate Catholics laboring in our local communities who will spearhead the work of the new evangelization, galvanize the Catholic community, and teach and train ordinary people to do the extraordinary work of proclaiming the Gospel. Local directors work first and foremost with local teams in giving support, encouragement, and practical help in bringing the Good News to their area. In addition, Local Directors engage Catholic groups, parishes, and diocese and offer practical tools, training, and talks to prepare Catholics to become missionary disciples.
A Local Director of Evangelization Teams is first of all rooted in prayer, then according to personal charisms, he or she will support current street evangelization teams, plant new teams, offer free talks on evangelization, train new evangelists, collaborate with local Catholic leaders and organizations, actively engage in local street evangelization. promote and advertise SPEI to advance the New Evangelization, read and study Sacred Scripture, Church documents, the writings of the popes and saints, and materials from our National Office to enrich spiritual development and growth, and work closely with the National Office and help with projects as needed.
Local Directors work at home, wherever that is. It can be in a city or town almost anywhere. Local Directors use the networks and relationships they already have, reach out and build additional networks and relationships, and work with teams and team members to spread the Gospel and help build an evangelizing community. Typically, Local Directors live near a major city. Local Directors can work from a home office or a local venue like a library that has the space and area available to work. Local Directors work under the supervision of Adam Janke, VP of Programs & Operations at our National Office.