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Archived Newsletters

August 12, 2020

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: Register Today for the St. Paul Virtual School of Evangelization! 2. Story from the Street: God Is The Greatest 3. Story from the Street: Seeing Smiles Through Masks, Pt. 1 Register Today for the St. Paul Virtual...

August 6, 2020

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: Announcing Our New Virtual School! 2. Story from the Street: Thrift Store Blessings 3. Story from the Street: Unity Announcing Our New Virtual School! Do you want to learn how to evangelize and still have a learning...

July 29, 2020

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: Praying for Bicyclists 2. Story from the Street: Blown Away By St. Benedict 3. Meet and Greet: Join Us in Welcoming Our New Marketing Director! Praying For Bicyclists Rochester, MI. The kindness of our street...

July 22, 2020

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: In Dark Times, The Light of Christ is Needed All The More 2. New Lesson: Watch "Argument from Miracles" This Friday 3. Story from the Street: Fruit of Evangelization In Dark Times, The Light of Christ is Needed All...