Profiles in Evangelization "*" indicates required fields First Name*Last Name*Team Name*What year did you start with SPSE?*Personal info you'd like to share - Please tell us a bit about yourself: Your family life, profession, education, background, etc.*Describe your team - size, location, frequency of outings, etc.*Please select and answer a few of the following questions These questions and answers will be included in your profile and each should be about paragraph in length. Please answer at least 2 questions.How has God worked in and through your SPSE team?What motivates you to evangelize? or What led you to SPSE?What is the relationship between evangelization and your spiritual life (prayer)?Is there a scripture passage that you turn to often, or a favorite part of Mass?Is there an obstacle you have overcome while leading your team? (Tell me about it.)Can you share an "elevator speech" version of your testimony of God's work in your life?You write the question - If there is something else you think other team leaders would like to know about you or your team, please include it using a question/answer format.Please upload a picture of yourself to include for your profile (A head and shoulders shot works best.)*Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 2 MB.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Ξ