Public Service Announcements
Public Service Announcements
The following Public Service Announcements are available to use on your website or radio station. Right click on each link to download the full PSA.
NEW 30 Second Spots:
Spot 1: We have a big problem. Our culture is dying and souls are in danger of being lost. The answer is conversion to Jesus Christ, in His Church. St. Paul Street Evangelization is a Catholic organization, and we have hundreds of teams spreading the good news throughout the country, but we need your help. The harvest is great, but the laborers are few. Find out more and get involved today at street evangelization dot com, that’s street evangelization, dot com
Spot 2: Saint John Paul the Second stated that, for the disciple of Christ, evangelization is a duty, an OBLIGATION of Love, and the Catechism of the Catholic church states that Evangelization is NECESSARY FOR SALVATION. So we know we’re called, but how do we do it? St. Paul Street Evangelization can help. To learn more, contact us at Street Evangelization dot com.
Spot 3: Pope Francis reminds us that it does not take a specialized degree in theology to become a great evangelist. We’re all called to evangelize! Think about the woman at the well. After she encountered Jesus, she immediately went into the city and invited others to meet Him as she had. You and I can go out now and do the same, and St. Paul Street Evangelization can help. Get involved today by contacting us at Street Evangelization dot com. That’s Street Evangelization dot com
Spot 4: A lot of people think that street evangelization involves yelling out of a bullhorn, telling people that they’re going to hell. Not so with St. Paul Street Evangelization. Our methods are non-confrontational and effective. We simply offer information on the Catholic faith, along with rosaries, miraculous medals, and prayer. Pope Francis wrote about how beautiful it is to see “street preachers”, joyfully bringing Jesus to every corner of the earth! Street Evangelization is fun and fruitful. Join us today at street evangelization dot com.
Spot 5 & Spot 6: Pope Francis said, “The key that opens the door to the faith, is prayer.” Join Saint Paul Street Evangelization by running a prayer station in the public square. You don’t need to be a professional apologist or theologian – just listen to the needs of the people you encounter, offer encouragement, take prayer requests, and pray with people right on the spot. Find out more and get involved today at street evangelization dot com, that’s street evangelization, dot com.
Spot 7: Do you love praying for people? Have you ever wanted to use your gift of prayer to share Jesus with others, and build up the Body of Christ? Start a public prayer station with Saint Paul Street Evangelization. Listen to peoples needs, pray with them, or invite them to meet you at Church. Saint Paul Street Evangelization can help you get started. Find out how at street evangelization dot com, that’s street evangelization, dot com.
Spot 8 & Spot 9: You’ve heard that Saint Paul Street Evangelization supports hundreds of teams of evangelists sharing the good news in public. But did you know that some of these teams are public prayer stations? Set up a sign on the public sidewalk, and offer prayer and encouragement to those you encounter! Everyone needs prayer! Try this new method of witnessing to Jesus. Contact Saint Paul Street Evangelization to get started, at street evangelization dot com, that’s street evangelization, dot com.
Spot 10 & Spot 11: Pope Francis said “All of us are called to mature in our work as evangelizers. We want to have better training, a deepening love and a clearer witness to the Gospel.” St. Paul Street Evangelization’s online School of Evangelization will equip you with the tools you need to be an effective evangelist. We’ll ask for [a] pledge of financial support, but if you don’t want to give, we’ll hook you up for free! Find out more and get involved today at street evangelization dot com, that’s street evangelization, dot com.
Spot 12: Do you love sharing the Gospel and want to learn to be more effective? Join the St. Paul Street Evangelization online School of Evangelization. You will learn to build bridges of trust and make disciples by befriending strangers, proclaiming the Gospel, inviting people to the Church, and praying with others. We’ll ask for [a] pledge of financial support, but if you don’t want to give, we’ll hook you up for free! Find out more and get involved today at street evangelization dot com, that’s street evangelization, dot com.
30 Second Spots:
Spot 1: “Do you want to end abortion, halt the attack on traditional marriage, and ensure religious freedom for ourselves and for our grandchildren? To do this, we MUST convert the culture. St. Paul Street Evangelization is a grass-roots initiative that recognizes this need and takes it to the streets. If you’re interested in peacefully sharing the Gospel in your area, visit streetevangelization dot com to learn more.”
Spot 2: “* r i n g * God calls everyone to a life of holiness and to proclaim the faith in word as well as witness. * r i n g * To help discern your role in the conversion of the world, go to street evangelization dot com. There, St. Paul Street Evangelization will show you how to share your faith, in a non-confrontational way. * r i n g * Street Evangelization dot com: If God DOES call, answer. * r i n g*”
Spot 3: “Go forth and preach the Good News. It’s not just a suggestion. If you want to take more seriously the command of Jesus to share the Gospel with those around you, consider joining St. Paul Street Evangelization. It’s a grass roots organization that brings the Catholic faith to the streets in a non-confrontational way. Visit our website … www dot streetevangelization dot com to learn more … and don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook. It’s time to do our part!”
Spot 4: “St. Paul Street Evangelization isn’t like other evangelism you might have seen on the streets. We don’t yell and we don’t force anyone to pay attention to us. Instead, St. Paul Street Evangelization is committed to presenting a positive, passionately Catholic, presence to a world hungry for truth. For more information, or to start a chapter of your own, go to www dot Street Evangelization dot com. It’s time to do our part!”
60 Second Spots:
Spot 1: “Jesus commanded his disciples to go forth and preach the Gospel to all nations. This they did, in word and in deed. More recently, the Second Vatican Council reaffirmed every Catholic’s role in this Great Commission. In answer to this call, St. Paul Street Evangelization has developed a unique, non-confrontational approach to this mandate, loosely modeled after the modern pro-life movement. We aren’t like many other evangelists that are pushy and in your face. We don’t stand and yell on street corners or force anyone to listen to us if they don’t want to. Instead, St. Paul Street Evangelization is committed to presenting a positive, passionately Catholic, and non-confrontational presence to a world hungry for the truth. For more information on how you can help, go to www dot Street Evangelization dot com. That’s www dot Street Evangelization dot com.”
Audio (60 seconds)
Spot 1: “Jesus commanded his disciples to go forth and preach the Gospel to all nations. This they did, in word and in deed. More recently, the Second Vatican Council reaffirmed every Catholic’s role in this Great Commission. In answer to this call, St. Paul Street Evangelization has developed a unique, non-confrontational approach to this mandate, loosely modeled after the modern pro-life movement. We aren’t like many other evangelists that are pushy and in your face. We don’t stand and yell on street corners or force anyone to listen to us if they don’t want to. Instead, St. Paul Street Evangelization is committed to presenting a positive, passionately Catholic, and non-confrontational presence to a world hungry for the truth. For more information on how you can help, go to www dot Street Evangelization dot com. That’s www dot Street Evangelization dot com.”
Audio (30 seconds)
Spot 2: Saint John Paul the Second stated that, for the disciple of Christ, evangelization is a duty, an OBLIGATION of Love, and the Catechism of the Catholic church states that Evangelization is NECESSARY FOR SALVATION. So we know we’re called, but how do we do it? St. Paul Street Evangelization can help. To learn more, contact us at Street Evangelization dot com.
Spot 3: Pope Francis reminds us that it does not take a specialized degree in theology to become a great evangelist. We’re all called to evangelize! Think about the woman at the well. After she encountered Jesus, she immediately went into the city and invited others to meet Him as she had. You and I can go out now and do the same, and St. Paul Street Evangelization can help. Get involved today by contacting us at Street Evangelization dot com. That’s Street Evangelization dot com
Spot 4: A lot of people think that street evangelization involves yelling out of a bullhorn, telling people that they’re going to hell. Not so with St. Paul Street Evangelization. Our methods are non-confrontational and effective. We simply offer information on the Catholic faith, along with rosaries, miraculous medals, and prayer. Pope Francis wrote about how beautiful it is to see “street preachers”, joyfully bringing Jesus to every corner of the earth! Street Evangelization is fun and fruitful. Join us today at street evangelization dot com.
Spot 5 & Spot 6: Pope Francis said, “The key that opens the door to the faith, is prayer.” Join Saint Paul Street Evangelization by running a prayer station in the public square. You don’t need to be a professional apologist or theologian – just listen to the needs of the people you encounter, offer encouragement, take prayer requests, and pray with people right on the spot. Find out more and get involved today at street evangelization dot com, that’s street evangelization, dot com.
Spot 7: Do you love praying for people? Have you ever wanted to use your gift of prayer to share Jesus with others, and build up the Body of Christ? Start a public prayer station with Saint Paul Street Evangelization. Listen to peoples needs, pray with them, or invite them to meet you at Church. Saint Paul Street Evangelization can help you get started. Find out how at street evangelization dot com, that’s street evangelization, dot com.
Spot 8 & Spot 9: You’ve heard that Saint Paul Street Evangelization supports hundreds of teams of evangelists sharing the good news in public. But did you know that some of these teams are public prayer stations? Set up a sign on the public sidewalk, and offer prayer and encouragement to those you encounter! Everyone needs prayer! Try this new method of witnessing to Jesus. Contact Saint Paul Street Evangelization to get started, at street evangelization dot com, that’s street evangelization, dot com.
Spot 10 & Spot 11: Pope Francis said “All of us are called to mature in our work as evangelizers. We want to have better training, a deepening love and a clearer witness to the Gospel.” St. Paul Street Evangelization’s online School of Evangelization will equip you with the tools you need to be an effective evangelist. We’ll ask for [a] pledge of financial support, but if you don’t want to give, we’ll hook you up for free! Find out more and get involved today at street evangelization dot com, that’s street evangelization, dot com.
Spot 12: Do you love sharing the Gospel and want to learn to be more effective? Join the St. Paul Street Evangelization online School of Evangelization. You will learn to build bridges of trust and make disciples by befriending strangers, proclaiming the Gospel, inviting people to the Church, and praying with others. We’ll ask for [a] pledge of financial support, but if you don’t want to give, we’ll hook you up for free! Find out more and get involved today at street evangelization dot com, that’s street evangelization, dot com.
Spot 13: “Do you want to end abortion, halt the attack on traditional marriage, and ensure religious freedom for ourselves and for our grandchildren? To do this, we MUST convert the culture. St. Paul Street Evangelization is a grass-roots initiative that recognizes this need and takes it to the streets. If you’re interested in peacefully sharing the Gospel in your area, visit streetevangelization dot com to learn more.”
Spot 14: “* r i n g * God calls everyone to a life of holiness and to proclaim the faith in word as well as witness. * r i n g * To help discern your role in the conversion of the world, go to street evangelization dot com. There, St. Paul Street Evangelization will show you how to share your faith, in a non-confrontational way. * r i n g * Street Evangelization dot com: If God DOES call, answer. * r i n g*”
Spot 15: “Go forth and preach the Good News. It’s not just a suggestion. If you want to take more seriously the command of Jesus to share the Gospel with those around you, consider joining St. Paul Street Evangelization. It’s a grass roots organization that brings the Catholic faith to the streets in a non-confrontational way. Visit our website … www dot streetevangelization dot com to learn more … and don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook. It’s time to do our part!”
Spot 16: “St. Paul Street Evangelization isn’t like other evangelism you might have seen on the streets. We don’t yell and we don’t force anyone to pay attention to us. Instead, St. Paul Street Evangelization is committed to presenting a positive, passionately Catholic, presence to a world hungry for truth. For more information, or to start a chapter of your own, go to www dot Street Evangelization dot com. It’s time to do our part!”
Spot 17: In Morse code, the sequence S.O.S. is a distress call when someone’s in trouble. It’s been said that S.O.S. stands for Save Our Souls. Well, right now the world is in DEEP trouble, and we’re putting out an S.O.S. call for help. Will you answer the call? St. Paul Evangelization has hundreds of teams of evangelists that go out and share the Good News with souls that are in danger of being lost. Visit street evangelization DOT COM and find a team near you so you can answer that distress call. That’s street evangelization DOT COM.
Spot 18: St. Therese once told her sister Celine that when we trust ourselves and not God, our soul becomes barren and incapable of virtue. Her remedy? External works of charity. We all try to do it on our own sometimes, without asking for God’s help. At St. Paul Evangelization we suggest sharing the Gospel with someone who needs it. Check out streetevangelization DOT COM, to find a team near you where you can share the love of Jesus..if there isn’t one in your area yet…perhaps God is calling you to start a team in your city! To learn more, visit streetevangelization DOT COM. That’s street evangelization DOT COM.
Spot 19: Who was the first Catholic in your family tree? Why did they choose to join the church? Was it the recommendation of a friend? A coworker? Maybe a neighbor? Did you ever think that YOU could be that person who forever changes the lives of someone, and their children, grandchildren, and generations to come? St. Paul Street Evangelization invites you to consider this fact…and join the thousands of evangelists who go out to invite people into a relationship with Jesus and his Church. Visit street evangelization DOT COM to learn more about how you can become a life changer.
Spot 20: The Catechism defines evangelization as the proclamation of Christ and his Gospel by word and the testimony of life, in fulfillment of Christ’s command. But what does that look like, in real life? It looks like the St. Paul Evangelization volunteers…out on the street…sharing the Good News with people in a non-confrontational way. Handing out free sacramentals. Listening to them. Praying for them. Teaching them. Planting seeds, and letting the Holy Spirit make them grow. Visit streetevangelization DOT COM, and learn more so you can get involved in real-life evangelization.