March 5 – April 17, 2025
What is Sent4Lent?
Sent4Lent is a national campaign to encourage and equip Catholics to evangelize during the Lenten season. There are three different ways to participate in Sent4Lent:
- Have your team schedule at least four evangelization outings during Lent
- Join a team on at least one outing (if there’s a team near you)
- Give away four sacramentals, and evangelize in some way (Share the Gospel, Share your testimony, pray out loud for someone)
Lent, which begins March 5th and ends April 17th, is a season of preparation for Easter where we’re called to deepen our relationship with God through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. God wants us to examine our hearts, and strengthen our faith by helping those in need. At SPSE we believe that the greatest act of charity is to share the Good News of Jesus, because if someone doesn’t know Jesus, how can they go to heaven? Making it to heaven is the purpose of life. This is why we’re running our Sent4Lent campaign.
Is there a theme for Sent4Lent outings?
There is no mandatory theme, but we recommend focusing on spreading the word about the Sacrament of Confession with a special intention of getting Catholics back to that Sacrament. We feel this is appropriate since Lent is a season of penance. Some of our teams have reported great success by handing out our Confession pamphlet and using our Confession signs. These materials can be purchased at our online store.
Do I have to go out four times?
As mentioned above, four outings is the minimum amount for a team member to count as part of the Sent4Lent challenge. However, if you’re not already a member of a team, you can either join a nearby team for at least one outing, or evangelize on your own in four separate instances. This could be a family member, friend, someone you work with, or a stranger you meet in everyday life. You can give them a rosary, or Miraculous Medal, and then share with them the Gospel or your personal testimony, or it could be something as simple as inviting them back to Mass or confession. The goal of this campaign is to encourage teams and individuals to get out there and evangelize, calling people back to God.
Where can I evangelize during Lent?
- Ash Wednesday Mass
- Parish fish frys
- Local soup kitchens
- Door to door missions (view guide)
- Local festivals (St. Patrick’s Day)
- Parish festivals
- Public high foot traffic areas
- Outside Catholic churches (Light the Fire)
What happens when we’re done?
After Easter Sunday, we’ll have a random drawing with prizes awarded in each of the three categories:
- Team Leaders who go out four times – $50 in-store credit
- Evangelizing at least once with an existing team – SPSE Jacket
- Evangelizing four people on your own – Catholic Gift Basket (Catholic book, SPSE t-shirt, SPSE stickers, SPSE’s signature Blue Miraculous Medal)
To be eligible, you just need to submit a story to stories@stpaulse.com of your experience evangelizing. Make sure to put Sent4Lent in the subject line. We want to hear all about your encounters…were they receptive to what you had to say? Do you plan on talking to them again about our Catholic faith? Were there any challenges?