The Saint Paul Society

โ€œThe time has come for the Church to focus ALL of its energies on a New Evangelization.โ€ -Pope St. John Paul II


The Saint Paul Society is a community of monthly donors whose financial support of St. Paul Street Evangelization forms the foundation to sustain its mission: to train, equip and mobilize Catholics for the urgent work of evangelization in the public square.


As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we rely entirely on the generosity of those who believe in our mission and feel called to share their financial blessings with us.

Become a Society Member Today

About the Saint Paul Society

Why does St. Paul Street Evangelization need your ongoing support?

Recurring online monthly donors form the foundation of financial support at SPSE. Your monthly gift helps us plan for the future by providing realistic expectations of future support. Monthly gifts are critical because SPSE receives no money from the Vatican, any diocese, or other organization affiliated directly with the Church. We rely entirely on the generosity of those who believe in our mission and feel called to share their financial blessings with us.

How to become a Member?

For as little as $20 per month, you can make a difference by partnering with us to continue the work of the New Evangelization on the frontlines against the ever more aggressive secularized culture!

Youโ€™ll receive unique and exclusive Society Welcome Gift:

    • Complete access to the St. Paul Evangelization Online School with more than 25 courses, and training modules on evangelization, healing, apologetics, the Catechism and more!
    • Society access to our online store with exclusive products, steep discounts, and free shipping!
    • An exclusive Saint Paul Society t-shirt
    • A necklace with our signature blue-tone Miraculous Medal
    • SPSE and Saint Paul Society logo stickers.

Damascus and Companion Circles

Thank you for your interest in joining the Damascus or Companion Circle within the Saint Paul Society! St. Paul Street Evangelization is blessed to have such dedicated and engaged supporters, many of whom have been alongside us for years and come from all 50 states and around the world!

By Joining either the Damascus or Companion Circle, you will help make the future vision of St. Paul Street Evangelization a reality! You will also receive our gift to you:

Damascus Circle 

$100 + per month

    • A Saint Paul Society Welcome Gift
    • A yearly call from a member of the SPSE Board of Directors
    • 50% discount for all SPSE Events
    • A Free SPSE polo shirt (US Shipping Only)

Companion Circle

$200 + per month

    • A Saint Paul Society Welcome Gift
    • An opportunity for a yearly conversation with SPSE Founder and President, Steve Dawson
    • 100% off the cost of all SPSE events
    • A free SPSE Jacket (US shipping only)