Student Growth & Goals Worksheet
Due: 10/06/2020 (At the beginning of the third class.)
Instructions: Use this worksheet to develop goals for your first year in the school. We use 6 basic levels of relational ministry. According to St. Paul, “faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes by the preaching of Christ.” (Romans 10:17) We also know it takes time to develop the skills, coupled with our natural talents and supernatural gifts, to have these kinds of conversations that lead to and flow from faith. Everything else, such as programs and events, are window dressing to these basic relational conversations that lead to conversion. |
Goals should be SMART
- Specific – Your goals should address an area of growth within the content of the course.
- Measurable – You should be able to measure whether or not you have reached your goals.
- Attainable – Your goals should be attainable, but should move you beyond your comfort zone.
- Relevant – Your goals should focus on something that makes sense with the broader overall goal you have for this program.
- Time-bound – You should be able to reach your goals by the end of the year.
Preparation Level (Level 0)
- Experience a conversion of heart and mind to Jesus and strive to live and walk as a Christian disciple. Â
- Make frequent use of the Sacraments, especially going to Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation and going to Confession on a regular basis.
- Take time out daily to pray and read the Bible.Â
Basic Level (Level 1 Conversations)
- Overcome fear and evangelize with a team and on your own in everyday life.
- Intercede and be a prayerful presence during ministry times with the school.
- Learn and use tools to start conversations about faith.
- Ask for and listen to a person’s story.
Faith Level (Level 2 Conversations)
- Use the “One Good Reason” method for evangelization.
- Be able to clearly articulate your personal testimony in class.
- Be able to clearly articulate the Gospel message in class.
- Pray out loud for someone’s needs.
- Develop a lifestyle of interceding for grace for others and making reparation for sin.Â
Responsive Level (Level 3 Conversations)
- Have a conversation about faith after giving “One Good Reason”.
- Have conversations that engage the beliefs and experiences of the other person.
- Encourage someone to take the next step in their faith journey.
- Make invitations to respond to the Gospel message.
- Make invitations for follow-up. Passing on contact information.
- Use the Socratic method in conversation.
Follow-up Level (Level 4 Conversations)
- Follow up with the person you meet and develop a basic friendship.
- Get them connected to the local parish or faith group (e.g. Newman Center, Bible study)
Conversion Level (Level 5 Conversations)
- Bring a person to the beginning stages of discipleship (repentance and faith).
- Bring a person to RCIA or back to the practice of their faith.
- Start walking with them as new disciples. Establish a relationship where you are supporting the person in their faith.
Mentorship Level (Level 6 Conversations; covered in year 2)
- Begin one-on-one discipleship mentoring with a person. Meetings often happen weekly or bimonthly.
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