Team Leader Highlights

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Nancy McCambridge (Gaithersburg, MD)

Nancy McCambridge (Gaithersburg, MD)

Started with SPSE in 2015 Nancy has been in active ministry for over 4 years. She started out on the Gaithersburg team working with and learning from our former SPSE Urban Missionary Joanne Portzer.  When Joanne stepped down in October 2017, Nancy generously took over...

Lucy Stamm (Boise, ID)

Lucy Stamm (Boise, ID)

Started with SPSE October 2012 Lucy started as an evangelist on the Boise, Idaho SPSE team in October 2012. The team currently consists of 4-5 street evangelists, 30-50 behind-the-scenes prayer warriors, and dozens of generous Rosary makers.  They set up their...

Bill Brown (Tampa, FL)

Bill Brown (Tampa, FL)

Started with SPSE October 2016 Bill was motivated to start a team after a friend gave him Steve Dawson’s book “Catholic Street Evangelization” and said, “Read this. We need to do this.” That fall he held a few meetings with Catholic friends and had our first event in...


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