You have been selected to be a reference by someone who would like to become a St. Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE) team leader. They chose you because you have worked with them in a faith-based setting. Here at SPSE, we take seriously our responsibility to evaluate new team leaders and we appreciate your response to the requested information. The applicant will not see this form.
Team Leaders play an important role in the work of evangelization by bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the street. You can learn more about what a team leader does here: https://streetevangelization.com/what-we-do/. This applicant should be a faithful Catholic who loves the Lord and has a zeal for souls.
Thank you. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.
In Christ,
Brian Lee
Director of Evangelization Teams
brian@stpaulse.com | 765.293.7107
Character and Disposition
We know that nobody is perfect; in Christian charity, we both bear with and build up one another (Ephesians 4:2, 1Thes 5:11). For that reason, it's important to know as much as possible about the applicant to assure their high level of success in the role of evangelization team leader as we bring them on board. In their evangelization outings, they will be a public witness to the faith as a representative of St. Paul Street Evangelization and the Church in general. In this section, we are looking specifically for character traits that may negatively impact the applicant's ability to lead.
Personal Evaluation
Please check any words or descriptions which pertain to the applicant
Does the applicant have any attitudes or behaviors that may reduce their effectiveness as an SPSE Team Leader?
If yes, please explain:
Has the applicant shown to be unreliable, dishonest or of questionable character?
If yes, please explain:
As far as you know, is the applicant involved in anything that would cause scandal? (sexual sin, drug abuse, occult practices)
If yes, please explain: