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John Findlay

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Team Liberty Inaugural Event - Liberty Farmer's Market 7/29/2023

July 29, 2023

SPSE Team Photo

In the shadow of a statue of Mark Twain (a noted critic of organized religion), our fledgling evangelization team set up camp.  Strategically located in a shady sidewalk alcove along a main street leading up to the Saturday morning Liberty Farmer's Market on the historic downtown square, we placed ourselves well to intercept much of the foot traffic between the nearby public parking lot and the weekly Saturday morning Farmer's Market.  We are in a predominantly Southern Baptist and Mormon area.

Our first street evangelization event here in Liberty, Missouri in northeast suburban Kansas City went very well.  We saw lots of foot traffic.   Fellow evangelists Nancy, Herman, Steve, Gonz, and I after an initial huddle and prayer, offered cold waters, miraculous medals, rosaries, and other brochures and The Warning books on a hot, humid day to initiate some fruitful conversations with passers by.   It is worthy of note, that Gonz (pictured in the orange t-shirt) actually travelled about an hour drive all the way to Liberty, Missouri from Gardner, Kansas just to check out what our team was doing.  He may be interested in starting his own team.  I invited him to join our team mailing list so he can at least stay in the loop with us for now.  Lord, we pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire and guide him in his desire to evangelize.

One younger gentleman by the name of Andrew and his sister stopped and he spoke with me about his experience being baptized in the actual River Jordan in the Holy Land.  He is active Air Force Intelligence and was stationed in the region for a time.   Now living in Liberty, MO and working out of a nearby air base, I asked him if he was Christian.  He said he is but he doesn't go to church.  However he does study the bible on his own.  He had a surgery a short while back where while under anesthesia, he said he had visions of angels.  Ever since he has been learning about spiritual warfare, angels, and demons.  We spoke about how much of Jesus' public ministry was casting out demons, and he was generally interested in hearing about deliverance ministry and exorcism in the Catholic Church.  I mentioned that nearly every major religion has their own exorcists, including Jews, Muslims, Hindu, etc. but when they encounter difficult full possession cases they cannot adequately deliver, they always quietly refer them to the Catholic Church.  After our conversation, we exchanged contact info and hopefully we can continue our conversations and perhaps even study the bible together.

We prayed for Angela who has was on crutches and recovering from a recent knee surgery to repair ligaments in her knee.

Three heavily tattooed people (one older gentleman in a wheel chair, an older woman, and a younger man...I wasn't quite sure what to expect) stopped and gratefully accepted some cold bottles of water.  I offered them miraculous medals, and the men accepted, but the woman said she already had one that was her mother's and it was over 40 years old.  I asked if they were Catholic and they said they were Christian but her late mother was Catholic.  I complemented the younger gentleman on his tattoos, most of which were Bible verses.  Just goes to show that you have to be careful not to judge books by their covers.  They thanked us for the water and parted with a sincere "God Bless."

We had many local and visiting Catholics stop by as well and they were somewhat surprised, but very complimentary on our efforts and presence.  I was very proud of our new evangelists, in particular, Nancy was very good with handing out the $1 Billion Dollar Bills to many of the kids.  Most of the people we encountered accepted some water, a gift, exchanged some pleasantries, and then kept walking.  But the few who did stop to chat were very friendly and engaging.  One notable exception was an elderly lady who divulged that she is a long time fallen away Catholic that refuses to come back to the Catholic Church.  I asked her why, and she said "because of all the child abuse" and stormed away in a huff.  We will pray for her and hope the Lord softens her heart.

All in all, it was a great day and a great experience.  We will definitely being doing more of these events in the future.  We will discuss returning to the same location regularly with the hope of becoming a more familiar presence in our community.  We are one of the first St. Paul Street Evangelization teams to start in the Kansas City area.  We hope the idea spreads and we see more!  Please for us, and we will pray for you.  Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, and all praise be to God.

--John Findlay, Team Liberty

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