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A New Team in Town!
March 21, 2021
Hi, my name is Emma. I am the team leader for the St. Paul Street Evangelization team here in Belfast, and I am here to invite you to join the first St. Paul Street Evangelization team in the State of Maine!
It is here on this blog that you can read about our most recent outings and find future scheduled outings in our calendar.
I am really excited for our group to start meeting our brothers and sisters downtown where we will be handing out rosaries and miraculous medals, offering prayers and sharing the love that God has shared with us.
Not too long ago I gave a miraculous medal to someone going through a hard time. I explained to him that I wear one too and whenever I am going through a hard period in my life this medal has always been a reminder to me that I am loved, that I have a God Who loves me and is there to help me, and Mother Mary always points me to Him. It was such an amazing experience to see how touched he was by that gesture. To give him a miraculous medal showed him that someone cared about him and it was a reminder that someone would be praying for him.
It's encounters like this that I am so excited to have with you as we meet more people on the street. I never would have thought how powerful it can be to just offer a rosary or a prayer card to someone. It is such a small gesture but God can do so much with that act of love! God is good! This is the essence of what this ministry is: sharing the love that God has shared with us with others! and that is why I am so excited to get started with you!
I will be supplying our team with all the materials we use, including miraculous medals, rosaries, holy cards and pamphlets. I will be scheduling our first outing sometime in early spring and will be posting dates in the calendar. If this is something that you would like to learn more about or get involved in, please feel free to contact me by clicking here. I am available to answer any questions you may have and I would love to have you join us and come try this out!
God bless you and I hope that you have a blessed and inspired day!