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Country: United States
State or province: Iowa

Team Leader
Shaun Burnett

Team Badges

St Patrick's Day Parade in Des Moines

March 17, 2025

We went to Des Moines to the St Patrick's Day Parade. We parked north of the Cathedral and walked down the street and set up in front of the diocese office. In which the parade ran right in front of so I worked out good . I had my mobile evangelization unit. And we walked around and talked to people and handed out prayer cards I handed out a lot of St Patrick's Day prayer cards they went over well . Also hand it out probably a dozen rosaries and a couple of metals prayed people struggling with addictions and other things . I invited two persons to become Catholic . Also talk to some Protestants who are walking around evangelizing. I think it went over very well ! St Patrick pray for us ! Amen !


KC’s Fish fry in Chariton

March 14, 2025

SPSE Team Photo we evangelized at the KC fish fry in Chariton . with St. Patrick’s Day coming, we handed out Saint Patrick prayer cards and it went over real well. I only had one person not take one. we also tried praying with a few people and I did manage to hand out one rosary, but because of the weather, we got a late start evangelizing, but we tried


Milo small town Christmas

December 7, 2024

We evangelized at St Augustine in Milo Iowa. We gave away rosaries and medals. We prayed with a few people. I invited one person back to Church. Also invited someone to come to Church. We taught people how to play the rosary and the divine mercy chaplet . I think it was a good outing we planted some seeds.


Lacona celebration

August 24, 2024

We evangelized at the Lacona  celebration . We gave away rosaries and a few metals. Pray with several people I invited several people to church. I think it went pretty well.


st Mary's chicken dinner

August 4, 2024

We went to St Marys IA. For their annual chicken dinner. We prayed with people gave out a few rosaries miracles medals St Benedict Medals . I gave out some podcast cards and some radio cards for Iowa Catholic radio . I talked to one person who did not realize that you didn't have to be Catholic to come to Catholic Church. I tried to explain to him that you had to be Catholic to receive communion. I told him baby steps. And invited him to come to church with us.



July 24, 2024

The Des Moines Register has a bike ride ever year . Is called RABRAI stands for register annual bike ride across Iowa . This year they came through Lacona. So I thought it was a good time to evangelize , I bought a wagon and put some supplies in it. I called it my MEU mobile evangelize unit. We walked around and pray with people. Gave away rosaries and miraculous metals. Prayed  for safety on their bike ride and for a rider that was injured earlier in the day. Also played for family memories of people who were sick.


KC fish fry

February 23, 2024

We went to the KC fish fry in Chartion Iowa. We gave away some medals. We also prayed with several people. Over all I think it went well. Just would if like to talk to a few more people.


Milo small town Christmas

December 2, 2023

On dec. 2 we attended Milo’s Small Town Christmas. We set up a table in the entryway of St. Augustine’s Church, which was hosting a Christmas bazaar and bake sale. We were able to give away a few Rosaries , Miraculous medals and able to pray with people. I explained how to pray the rosary to a woman who had fallen away from the church. Both that woman and her sister said they didn’t need to go to church but could just pray at home. Pat was able to visit with them about the gift of the Eucharist then one sister requested prayers because she was having surgery on Wednesday to remove a mass. She was afraid it was cancer. We did encounter one woman who said she recalled visiting with us last summer and again brought up the cannibalism of Catholic’s . We tried talk to her, but she walked away not wanting to listen but only talk. We able to invite some people to our church and back to our church.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam


Indianola farmers market

September 9, 2023

We went to the Farmers market in Indianola Iowa. We walked around handed out rosaries , miraculous medals , pamphlets and podcast cards. We had a good conversation with a couple who said they were Christians and they prayed, but they did not go to church. The man asked what we thought we needed to do to be saved. We answered and also explained why we were Catholic. It was a good conversation. They took a couple pamphlets. We had other conversation that didn’t go as well. One with “ Bible believing evangelical and one with two Jehovah witness women. We even heard about answered prayers from a Latina who prayed to the Virgin of Guadalupe. Asking for a new kidney which she received and now was healthy. We prayed too with a young Catholic who asked for prayers for her family , took a miraculous medal and podcast card. We visited and prayed with others as well.

¡ Viva Cristo Rey!


Lacona celebration

August 26, 2023

We were at the Lacona celebration. We set up the display ( rosaries, Pamphlets, medals) and sat awhile and also walked around. We were able to talk to people, pray with them, invite them to come to the church or back to the church, and we gave rosaries, medals and pamphlets away.


August 6 2023

August 6, 2023

We went to St. Mary’s Iowa for the annual chicken dinner, bingo face painting, cake walk and farmers market. As people stood in line. We were able to give serval miraculous medals, rosaries , prayer cards and pamphlets. We were also to pray with many folks dealing with leukemia, deaths , dying spouse, all sorts of health issues and of course we prayed for closer relationship with Jesus.


Des Moines Farmers market

May 13, 2023

We traveled to Des Moines huge Farmers market and were able to pray for a young families, a homeless young man, an elderly lady in a wheelchair, a young man discerning the priesthood, and two other men, also a group wanting prayers for an elderly woman who just had hip surgery.
We were able to give away several rosaries, Miraculous medals and cards and pamphlets and invited people to the Catholic Church. We were able to share the good news of Jesus’s love and mercy.


Fish fry Leon Iowa

March 25, 2023

SPSE Team Photo On March 24th Shaun and I went to St. Brendan’s in Leon Iowa. Where they were having a Lenten fish fry. It was a great evening as we were able to witness to several of the teen’s and adult visitors. With the the teen’s we discussed the temptations they were facing and how Mary loved them and wanted them to turn to her for help when they were tempted. We were able to pray with the teen’s and a few adults. Who also accepted the miraculous medal and several pamphlets and booklets. We were able to ask several of there went to church and one woman asked many questions including how to pray the Rosary. Some younger children all took Rosaries and a few also miraculous medals. We felt we had done some good that night.    Written by Pat Thompson.


KC‘s fish fry

March 4, 2023

SPSE Team PhotoAre first outing of the year! KC’s fish fry in Chariton Iowa . We give away a few rosaries some miraculous medals. Sent some pamphlets with a gentleman who lives 30 minutes away . To put in the back of his parish. Also sent some information with a college student. Pray with a few people! Give a book and pamphlets to a gentleman that goes to a Baptist Church. 


Milo small town Christmas

December 3, 2022

SPSE Team PhotoAre fifth outing in Milo la for there small town Christmas. Bake sale at Saint Augustine church. We give away a few rosaries. A lot of Miraculous medals. A few pamphlets. I asked a lady of she when to church. She said that she came here once and nobody talked to her . I said I am sorry and invited here back. I give my card and told her I would meet her at the door. Just when we where getting ready to leave. A man asked if I was in charge because I had my St. Paul street evangelization name tag on . I explained who I was and invited him and his wife to church. We also prayed with a lot of people.


4 th outing

October 30, 2022

SPSE Team PhotoAre 4th outing .  Sacred Heart parrish pinic in Chartion . We give away some medals and rosary. Had a good converstion with a devort Catholic . Sent some books and pamphlets with a college student to put in the back if the church on campass.


3rd outing

October 2, 2022

SPSE Team PhotoMy 3rd outing went good. At the knights of Columbus bike ride in Chariton Ia . The Bishop of the Des Moines was there . I was able to talk to him and ask for his support.  I give out some medals and pamphlets. Also had two more Prayer Warriors join my team.


Second outing

August 27, 2022

Second outing at the Lacona celebration. Forgot to take a picture. We give away some rosary and miraculous medals and had some good conversation.


First outing

August 7, 2022

SPSE Team PhotoFirst outing at St. Mary’s Iowa. At annual chicken dinner. Give away a lot of miraculous medals. A few pamphlets. Had a few good conversation. I think it went pretty well.