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Country: United States
State or province: South Carolina

Team Leader
Cathy Jones

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God Had Another Plan!

June 13, 2022

The SPSE team’s table was set up in front of the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry when a red pickup truck pulled up in front.  The driver and passenger were seated inside.  The driver turned off the ignition and waited for the food to be delivered for pickup.
After several attempts to restart the engine failed, prayer was offered up.  After praying, however, although the engine did not start, revelation was given to the passenger to check the oil pressure gauge which revealed the oil level was extremely low.  This was confirmed manually, as well, by the dip stick level.
Being aware of the critical situation at hand, a team member quickly and enthusiastically drove off to a local dollar store to purchase the needed motor oil.
In the interim, while waiting, the other team member had an opportunity to evangelistically engage the passenger, who, as it turned out did not know Jesus nor ever responded to the salvation message. Using the “Jesus knocking at the door” card as a show and tell lead into an explanation of the kerygma, the passenger responded to the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ.
The truck, after being filled with some oil, started up and the driver and passenger were on their way.
Praise be Jesus Christ!


"HIs Amazing Grace"

May 15, 2022

Last year we had two separate encounters with a woman who came to our SPSE  table in front of the St Vincent DePaul food pantry, next to St Mary’s church.

The first time we Initially saw her was when she was headed to our table crying out in distress.  Her gait was not steady and she needed assistance in sitting down.  She was distraught, disheveled and in pain.
After speaking to her at length, she shared she had just fallen into a ditch and her back and legs were hurting.  A noticeable black and blue mark appeared on her face. She was also distraught over the recent death of her sister and was crying out for the Lord to take her.  Her life was in shambles and she was experiencing emotional and physical pain.
We prayed and asked the Lord to heal her of the physical and emotional torment she was going through.  During prayer we experienced the tangible presence and power of the Holy Spirit as we lifted her up to the Lord,
After praying for her she shared the back and leg pain subsided and from what we observed it was quite obvious she was able to walk much better.
Several weeks went by before we saw this precious lady again as she and another lady approached our table.
We were not sure whether this was the same lady we encountered previously and before we could get the words out of our mouth she inquired if we remembered who she was.  She greeted us with a big smile and told us her name.  She looked and acted like a completely different person; neatly dressed, hair combed, and at peace.  She mentioned she was working at a local restaurant.
As it turns out she ministered to us by telling us how much God loves us!  She took some of the pamphlets on the table along with a few rosaries and was planning on going to the Salvation Army shelter, perhaps to share Jesus’ love with them.  This woman was transformed by His amazing Grace and the power of prayer!  All Praise and Glory be unto Jesus!


SPSE Team at ST. Marys Help of Christian Church, Aiken SC. Aiken Jaycees Christmas Parade 2021

December 16, 2021

The SPSE Team at St. Marys Help of Christians Catholic Church in Aiken, SC had the privilege of participating in the 2021 Aiken Jaycees Christmas Parade on Dec. 12th. Members from the recently formed Newman Club at the University of South Carolina in Aiken and a representative from the Life Runners group at St. Marys  joined us. The theme of our float was "Jesus....God's Greatest Gift". We carried posters with the seven "I Am" scriptures from St. John's Gospel. One little boy got very excited when he saw the banner, "Jesus...God's Greatest Gift", others gave us a thumbs up and smiles. We believe many hearts were touched and are grateful for the opportunity to bring Him Glory!

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Stories from the Street

August 11, 2021

The evangelization team from St. Mary's Help of Christian Church in Aiken SC had it's first outing in April of this year. We set up our table in front of the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry adjacent to the church. After being set up a short time, a young man walked over to the table and said that he wanted to go to confession. He shared that he had not been to confession for ten years. He also let us know about a difficult situation in his life he had been dealing with. We gave him the information he needed to be able to go to confession and then had the opportunity to pray with him.

This was so encouraging to us being our first time out on the street. It was a joy to be able to minister to this young man! We sensed through this encounter the Lord affirming us in this ministry.

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