Who Does God Want to Save? - 2025-02-02
February 9, 2025
God wills everyone to be saved (cf. 1 Tim 2:4). So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A thin, 20-something man named “Drake” barely paused when offered a Rosary. He said he hadn’t made the decision for Christ yet. But he stopped walking when e. Chuck offered that the Mysteries of the Rosary were a great way to figure out who Jesus is through His life story, and that prayer was an effective way to question God. Drake thought about this a moment then politely said no again, immediately heading out, though saying over his shoulder that he still wasn’t sure about Jesus. The evangelist replied, “I’ll pray you figure Him out.” Drake returned to the table and said, “Okay, you can pray for me”, and waited expectantly. So, the evangelists joined in prayer that our visitor would be given the gift of Faith and experience the joy of knowing the Lord. Please join us in praying for Drake that he will come to know and love the God who came to his rescue.
“Richard” was a perhaps first-time visitor. On a bicycle, he was headed to a university library since it would be open late. He talked loudly, cheerfully, and at length with e. Chuck. Richard had been homeless for seven years, although currently housed. Unfortunately, he was in denial about the causes of his homelessness and felt it was not a problem to have a drink whenever he wanted. At the encouragement of a social worker, who happened to be Catholic, he was attending church again. We encouraged him to persevere in his connection to the Body of Christ and offered him a Rosary, which he declined saying he was a non-Catholic Christian and “didn’t need one”. He also told us he was an avid reader but was between books, so we suggested he try a Scott Hahn book and spelled Hahn for him several times. Pray that Richard admits his addiction and perseveres in being part of a faith community.
Several families with 3-4 small children each went by. All the parents said no. Then, out of the last such family passing by, one young girl dropped back to get a Rosary anyway. “Only if it’s okay with your mom,” we cautioned. Then the mother came back, too, and gave permission. The girl chose a blue Rosary that matched her doll’s dress, but hurried away before we could give her the pamphlet on how to pray it. Blessed Mother, ask your Son to bless that girl and, through the Rosary, lead her whole family to your Son and salvation.
Although it was raining steadily before our session, the rain stopped just as the team met to walk the several blocks to “our spot”. And the rain didn’t start up again until the session was over and we headed to our cars. (God is so good! Thank you, God!) And, because God granted a break in the weather, there were a decent number of people who ventured out and past our table. Altogether, the evangelists were able to give away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as a copy of the “Good News”/kerygma pamphlet and a copy of the “Divinity of Christ” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
Souls still need the salvation found in Jesus Christ alone. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“They are happy, whose strength is in you, in whose hearts are the roads to Zion” (Ps 84:6).
Needing a Savior - 2025-01-26
February 2, 2025
Everyone needs Jesus! So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A Catholic family stopped so their preschool-aged boy could get a Rosary. He wanted a Red one, but we didn’t have any red string Rosaries left. He finally settled on one with the colors of a local university. May God bless the family, especially when they pray together.
A couple in their early 20s stopped at the table. She chose a Rosary made, we think, by our late team member, “e. Mike Nourse”. The distinctive Rosary had been donated by a friend of the apostolate who had found it while cleaning out her spare room. May God bless all of our Rosary makers, and others who kindly supply us with their extra Rosaries!
“Marty” stopped briefly. His hand seemed to be nearly recovered. Praise God! He almost chose a Rosary, but didn’t. We said, “Next week!” May God bless Marty, continue to heal him, and lead him close to Himself!
A tall, thin woman strode by. When offered a Rosary, she flippantly proclaimed, “No, I’m going to hell!” Later on, as a man walked by, he shouted that if he was a Catholic he would sell his soul and fatally harm himself. While it is more than likely that each of these was being provocative rather than serious, they are in need of our prayers! Ask God to open their eyes and hearts to His offer of forgiveness, mercy, and love.
A woman quickly chose the purple chain Rosary we had just put on the table. She didn’t seem especially interested in the Rosary prayer, but when e. Chuck complimented her geode necklace, she brightened up. “I’m a geologist and I made the necklace with a geode I found!” she said. May God use her interest in His Creation to draw her to Himself, its Designer and Sustainer.
A homeless person declined receiving a Rosary, but wanted the “Our Lady untier of Knots” and “Divine Mercy” prayer cards. May Our Blessed Mother lead him to her Son and salvation!
The following is a vague memory that wouldn’t hold still long enough for the evangelist to write it down. It was two men? One said he was Christian or at least he knew about Jesus but then, just before they walked away, he asked if he could have a “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlet. (The other evangelist thinks this might have been an encounter during the session two weeks ago.) At any rate, the Holy Spirit brought the memory up for a reason. Please pray for this man that his heart opens to His Savior and he is granted the grace to order his entire life toward Him!
As we were putting away the Rosaries at the end of our session, several groups of girls in their early teens stopped at the table in quick succession. Two girls were the first to stop. One, who was shivering because she was not dressed for the weather, was a non-Catholic Christian but admitted she only got to church at Christmas and Easter. Her friend had been raised a non-Catholic Christian, too, but didn’t consider herself a believer anymore. The shivering woman, with a big smile, said she was “working on her” and asked about the Rosary prayer. She responded to our explanation with enthusiastic interest while her friend smiled skeptically. We gave the skeptic a “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlet. May the Holy Spirit fill these two young women so the first may evangelize in the spirit of truth and love and the other may return to faith.
These and the other groups of teenagers all sported lots of ballpoint-pen “tattoos” on their faces and arms. Most of them seemed impatient as they chose a Rosary, but with each group e. Chuck proclaimed the Good News about Jesus Christ, and e. Lucy encouraged them to use the Mysteries of the Rosary to seek answers to their questions. Almost all of the girls chose a Rosary apiece. May the Lord draw them into a cohesive group that helps each other grow closer and closer to their Savior.
Altogether, we gave away 10-12 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 1-2 copies of “Do I Need a Savior?”, 1 Our Lady untier of Knots prayer card, and 1 Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
“Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb 13:8) and we need Him just as much as anyone. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate and its message. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“They are happy, whose strength is in you, in whose hearts are the roads to Zion” (Ps 84:6).
Job Security - 2025-01-19
January 26, 2025
After a couple-of-years’ absence, winter has arrived. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
First-time evangelist “Danielle” joined us for the session. She was very good, but said she’ll need to pray about whether she’ll join us more regularly. Pray that she receives good, clear knowledge of God’s will.
A big, homeless man wanted a Rosary, but had only a vague idea of Who Christ is and seemed indifferent to prayer. When the Rosary wouldn’t fit over his large head, he was ready to move on. We offered him a longer, chain Rosary. He rejected it, too, since he thought its colors would cause problems for him. We kept emphasizing the saving work of Jesus, which he parroted back but remained fixated on the belief that he was European and that was why things weren’t going well for him. Finally, we found a string Rosary that was an inch longer than any of the others. He made it work and thanked us. Pray that his mind be at peace so that his faith in Christ can grow.
Another homeless man, smelling of alcohol, stopped at the table. He wanted a Rosary and all the pamphlets and prayer cards we had, telling us that he liked to read. He was suffering from the cold because he was staying “down by the river at night.” When told of local emergency-housing resources, he replied that he was on the waiting list, but had a such a severe phobia of crowds that he couldn’t use any of the shelters while he waited. Please pray for him and all the homeless who are suffering through this winter. Lord, have mercy!
A teen came to the table to receive a Rosary. He had no idea what it was, but had some knowledge of Christianity. So, we briefly explained the devotion and encouraged him to use the Rosary meditations to grow closer to Christ. May the Lord grant him living Faith!
The homeless couple passed by again this week. E. Chuck called out to them and asked if they were using the Rosary they had gotten from us a few weeks ago. “Yes, every day!” replied the woman. May God bless them, heal them, and draw them ever closer to Him!
“Uwe” passed by and simply waved, since we had several other visitors at that moment. May God continue to draw him closer to the One True Faith!
A woman, from a group of at least four people, called something out to us as they headed into the remodeling show that was going on in the main convention center. None of us understood her, but two of us thought it sounded a bit like a certain ancient language. Anyway, her tone didn’t seem especially friendly, so it may not have been a blessing. Still, may God bless her and her party and lead them all to Himself and salvation!
An older couple declined our offer. As they passed by, the woman turned to say, with a grin, that she was a Catholic but just a “half-[way] Catholic.” Pray for all who have a lukewarm faith, that their eyes may be opened and their hearts inflamed with love for God.
As we were getting ready to leave, a man speeding by on a bicycle hurled insults at us but did not stop. Pray that his heart is softened and he finds the courage to stop and talk to us in a rational way.
Other than some attendees of the home-improvement show, foot traffic remained very light. This was possibly due to the chilly wind that was preceding a 20-degree F drop in temperature that took place just after our “closing time.” Still, we three evangelists were able to give away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, a Divine Mercy prayer card, a “Our Lady Untier of Knots” prayer card, a “Good News” pamphlet, and a “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
No matter the weather, the Lord has work for us. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“They are happy, whose strength is in you, in whose hearts are the roads to Zion” (Ps 84:6).
The Work Continues - 2025-01-12
January 19, 2025
Even as seasons and decorations change, we offer witness to the Faith. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
As a large group of non-Catholic Christians carrying pamphlets (evidently to hand out to people) came close to us, a woman broke from the group and strode to the table demanding to know why we “prayed to dead people”. We began to point out what the Bible and the Catholic Church has to say, including “[God] is not God of the dead, but of the living, for to Him all are alive“ (Luke 20:38). But, her manner abrupt and angry, she interrupted to glibly explain away that and other Bible passages we were sharing. She continued to make false claims about what the Church teaches and what Catholics believe in their hearts. We came to learn she had been raised Catholic and had left the Church when she “found Jesus.” When we expressed sorrow at what she was missing out on in the Church, she indignantly insisted that she was the one who was sorry for us. Then she sarcastically asked what she could possibly be missing out on? We began to talk about the Sacraments, but she interrupted to say, “I have Jesus, that’s all I need.” And she returned to her group. Please pour out your prayers for this woman, that her angry and outraged heart would be softened, that her mind would be open to truth, and that her expressed love for Jesus would lead to true conversion.
Last week, as a man was lifting a red chain Rosary off the table, we suddenly noticed that it was defective. (The group of Our Father and 3 Hail Mary beads at the beginning had been attached backwards so that the two Our Father beads ended up together.) We repaired it, and then lay it out on the table as one of our first Rosaries this week. Three teenage boys came to the table, and one of them, who said he’d gotten a Rosary from us before, chose it. A bit later in their visit, one of the other boys asked if we had another like it. We said no, since we didn’t have another defective-and-then-repaired-red-chain- Rosary that we knew of. All three boys chose a Rosary for himself and accepted the pamphlet on how to pray it.
A couple stopped to greet us, though they declined receiving a Rosary. Their names were “Kate(?)” and “Olivier”. May God grant them the gift of Faith!
“The merchant” just waved as he went by. May God grant him knowledge of his need for Our Savior and the willingness to pray.
“Marty” stopped briefly. His hand was out of the brace, since he said it hurt less without it. He mentioned he would wait on “The Big Guy” to heal it, pointing upwards. We offered to pray for him for healing, but he declined and went away.
A Catholic man went by. He said he had “plenty of Rosaries” and thanked us for being out there. May God bless him and grant him perseverance in Faith!
A man wearing “tactical pants” veered off his course to come get a Rosary. He wasn’t Catholic, but listened politely to our explanation of the devotion. Then he chose a Rosary for himself and accepted the pamphlet on how to pray it. May God grant him the desire to pray that Rosary and keep him safe!
A tall teenager in a black trench coat, wearing a black trapper hat with the ear flaps down, paused to pull a single ear bud out so he could hear us. He didn’t know what a Rosary was and was evasive about what he believed. The idea of praying seemed off-putting to him, so the evangelist offered that having a Crucifix with you was a good reminder that God was willing to die for us to save us. This seemed to resonate with him and he picked out a Rosary. But he declined the prayer pamphlet as he honestly admitted he would never use it. Pray that the sight of that little Crucifix will be the tiny seed that takes root in his life and grows into a relationship with the God Who loves us.
A teenager sped by on an electric scooter with a younger boy on another scooter trying to keep up with him. The second boy skidded to a stop wanting a cross necklace. His t-shirt depicted hands holding a cross and a dollar sign. Though he was in a hurry to catch up with his friend, he politely listened to our exhortation to pray the Rosary. Then he rushed off. As he and his friend zoomed by later, the boy was wearing the Rosary and gave us the thumbs up. We thank God for his willingness to publicly display his faith in Christ and pray that he will mature with perseverance and a humble poverty of spirit that leads to life everlasting.
A family of four were our last visitors. The mom was the first to want a Rosary. And she accepted a copy of the Rosary pamphlet in Spanish. Then all the other members of the family each chose a Rosary. May the Lord bless them as a family!
The skating rink that took up the center of the business park has been dismantled, although an opaque 6-foot-high fence still surrounds the decorated Christmas tree in the middle. The weather was chilly out and dark clouds moved in to block the sun just before the session was over. Unsurprisingly, foot traffic was very light. Still, we gave away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of the effort.
We maintain hope that people will be ready to hear the Good News about Jesus Christ. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“They are happy, whose strength is in you, in whose hearts are the roads to Zion” (Ps 84:6).
Heartstrings - 2025-01-05
January 12, 2025
The Lord speaks to the heart. So, thank you and for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A woman visiting from out of state, carrying a wind-wrecked umbrella, and her adult son responded tentatively to our offer of a free Rosary. She approached the table slowly while the son stood to the side. She was raised Catholic, but remembered nothing about the Rosary prayer. She couldn’t seem to get over that we were giving her a nice chain Rosary. She took a step away from the table as she looked in awe at the Rosary. Then she said she had been feeling a call back to faith and maybe this was the answer. We agreed it was a wonderful first step back to Christ and his Church. But she took another step back, her voice cracking with emotion, and said she had done bad things and was totally unworthy. We assured her that not one person on earth was worthy of God or deserving of his forgiveness but the fact that she was being called by God showed her His great love for her and His desire to forgive her. She was overcome by emotion while the son picked out a Rosary. We encouraged them to ask questions and express their doubts and worries while they prayed the Rosary. Pray that she answers the Father’s call, that she learns to trust His Son, and that she is comforted by the Holy Spirit.
“The merchant” came by and grabbed a Rosary. We took it back and reminded him that we can give only one per person. He accepted a Rosary pamphlet instead.
“Marty” stopped to say hi. He had fallen and injured his right hand, and so ordinary tasks are quite difficult, since he lives alone. Please send up a prayer for his recovery?
Two teenage girls were passing by. One of them paused when she heard our invitation, and then came to the table with a sigh, as if she were obligated to do so. She chose a Rosary, and the other girl did, too. They said they were already familiar with the devotion.
A non-Catholic Christian came to the table for a Rosary, but was unfamiliar with it. We gave a brief explanation of the devotion and how it helps you grow closer to Christ. We also recommended he search for the “Rosary in a Year” podcast. He agreed to do so.
The down-and-out couple from last week passed by again. E. Chuck encouraged them to pray the Rosaries they got from us.
A man in a leather jacket stopped for a Rosary and listened to our explanation of the prayer with a smile, but seemed hesitant to speak. Finally, he agreed that Jesus has shown us great love and hinted that he thought we each hear something different from God. But then he lapsed into silence again before wandering away. Pray that the love God has for him helps him recognize the unity He desires for us in the oneness of His Church.
Altogether, on this Epiphany Sunday, the evangelists gave away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.’’
God’s love for each of the people we encounter is overwhelming. What a joy when they respond! So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Still Seasonal - 2024-12-29
January 5, 2025
In the lull between holidays, the message of Jesus Christ still resounds. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort. One evangelist was available.
Two men stopped. One was Catholic, attended a nearby parish, and picked out a Rosary. The other man declined, saying he was a non-Catholic Christian. So, the evangelist showed him that the focus of the prayer is on Jesus. But he still didn’t want a Rosary. As they walked away, however, they were in conversation about the Rosary. Praise God! Pray that the Holy Spirit fills these friends so the first may lead the other to the fullness of the Faith.
A young couple named “Doug” and “Faith” stopped. The man asked e. Chuck if he was saved. He also wanted to hear the evangelist’s faith story. So, e. Chuck shared his story and asked about Doug’s journey. Doug had been “saved” while in prison. He then asked about praying to Mary, so the evangelist enthused about the Communion of Saints and the wonder of being part of the Church whose members stretched all the way to heaven. Doug liked the explanation and lamented that people his age were being dragged down by a lack of faith, depression, and self-harm. In fact, Doug’s girlfriend had attempted that at some point. They did not take a Rosary, but thanked us for taking Christ into the public square. Pray that their eyes remain focused on Christ and that they trust only Him.
As a couple (possibly homeless?) passed by, the man said he had plenty of Rosaries. Then he paused to encourage his girlfriend to get one. She did not approach the table, so he picked one out for her and took the pamphlet that goes with it. He assured the evangelist that he had been raised Catholic, knew the prayer, and would teach it to her. On top of that, she had only recently been baptized! As they were walking away, the evangelist overheard him tell her not to wear the Rosary as it was for prayer only. Pray that they persevere in faith, have the courage to remain hopeful, and abound in charity.
“Floyd”, a Catholic father of four, along with his wife, passed the table saying they had plenty of Rosaries. Then Floyd stopped and challenged the evangelist about Vatican II and the Latin Mass. The evangelist emphasized unity and obedience, while Floyd kept telling him to look up critiques of Vatican II and to attend a Latin Mass. Pray that Floyd’s personal preferences not lead him into breaking with the Catholic Church.
It started out rainy and dark with little foot traffic. But the sun almost worked its way through the clouds by the end of the session. And our intrepid evangelist gave away 8 to 12 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8). So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Jesus is Calling - 2024-12-22
December 29, 2024
The Cross speaks invitingly. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A national championship sports bowl game was to be played later that day. We saw players, coach, the coach’s family, fans, and marching band members. It seemed like someone from every group stopped for a Rosary. Though it didn’t seem like many of them were Catholic, they were all attracted to the Crucifix. Pray that their faith in the saving work of Christ on the Cross will grow and continue to define their lives.
“Marty” stopped by for some small talk. May God bless him, heal him, and lead him into a closer relationship with Himself!
A couple of times, children passing by with their family wanted a Rosary. When we said they could have one if it were alright with their folks, all but one of the children received permission and eagerly chose a Rosary. May God bless all of those families!
A Catholic couple paused to ask us what we were doing and to chat a bit. They did not take a Rosary as they said they had plenty. Sometime later, they approached us with a cup of peppermint hot chocolate for each of us! What a blessing on a cold day! Thank you for the generosity of your disciples, Lord. May You reward them just as generously.
The man who had lost his temper some weeks ago, and caused a stir in the business park by shouting at us, passed by the table with a friend. The friend emphatically declined a Rosary and the man yelled his political views, but they did not stop. Pray that they will allow Christ to change their hearts from stone to flesh.
Some business park employees brought poles and boxes of equipment and placed them fairly close to us. They waited, though, to set things up until we had “closed up shop” and were walking away. May God bless the operations manager of the business park who makes sure we’re allowed to operate there every week!
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 25-30 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, 1-2 Divine Mercy prayer cards, and 1 Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God allows the Cross alone to attract many people to our table. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“They are happy, whose strength is in you, in whose hearts are the roads to Zion” (Ps 84:6).
Souls for Jesus! - 2024-12-15
December 22, 2024
As typical, we received a variety of visitors last week. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
As we were setting up the table, “Louia” approached and let us know he had talked to us some months before. A Catholic, who had previously admitted he had been struggling with his faith and angry at God, he let us know he was once again attending Mass although still sometimes feeling frustrated with God. Currently, he is praying for a woman he had seen on the news, who had died unjustly, and for the police to find her assailant. He selected a Rosary and stayed to chat for a while. Pray that Louis grows in confidence and trust in God’s timing and good will.
A grinning man stopped and asked, “What’s your pitch?” We explained the mission and purpose of the apostolate and the Rosary. Still grinning, he replied that he was an active Catholic and had plenty of Rosaries, but appreciated what we were doing. He asked about e. Chuck’s conversion and shared his own stories of arguing with non-Catholic friends. Pray that our visitor is filled with the Holy Spirit so he may evangelize his friends.
Two men and a woman were noisily working their way across the business park, carrying leftovers from lunch. The short man kept clowning around as he talked to e. Lucy. He wasn’t Christian, so she encouraged him to get to know Jesus Christ through spending time thinking about the Mysteries of the Rosary. He also good-naturedly accepted a copy of the Good News/kerygma pamphlet. The woman listened to all that was being said, encouraged us for being out there, but didn’t accept a Rosary herself. The tall man, meanwhile, was more serious and seemed uncomfortable taking a Rosary. He said what denomination he grew up in and e. Chuck shared that he had converted to Catholicism from that denomination. He wanted to know why and e. Chuck began to share the short version of his story, but the other man and woman were urging him to leave and he began edging away. We let him know we were there every Sunday, if he wanted to talk some more. Pray that the seeds of curiosity take root and he seeks to know more about the Catholic Church.
A mom with a young girl wearing a blue sparkly tutu stopped so the girl could choose a Rosary. We explained the devotion to the mom, but she didn’t choose one for herself.
Soon after, another mom stopped, also accompanied by a dressed-up girl, perhaps a year or two older than our previous visitor. They each accepted a Rosary, the pamphlet on how to pray it, and the encouragement to pray it together as a family. Then one of the evangelists asked what the event was, since another fancily dressed girl had just stopped for a Rosary. They explained that the traditional holiday ballet performance had just occurred a few blocks away. May God bless them and show them that He is “the one thing necessary” (cf. Luke 10:42).
A Catholic couple paused briefly so the man could ask us to pray for “Tom”, his recently deceased nephew. Eternal rest grant unto Tom, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. Through Your Mercy, may his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
A soft-spoken man in iridescent sunglasses came to the table and said he had grown up Catholic but didn’t remember how to pray the Rosary. We helped him out then asked him why he was no longer an active Catholic. He shrugged and said a big non-Catholic church was next door to his house and it was more convenient to attend there. We offered that he was missing out on the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. He shrugged again and said he had no problem going to a Catholic Church, but the other one was just next door so it was easier. E. Lucy gave him a map to area parishes and we urged him to seek God’s guidance in where to go to church by praying the Rosary. Pray that his eyes are opened to the truth, beauty, and authority of the Catholic Church and his need for it.
A man who rides by on his bike every week stopped and let us know he worked nearby, which was why we saw him so often. He said he appreciated our positive presence every week, but declined a Rosary because he didn’t really believe in anything except loving people. E. Chuck said that was a good start, but that loving God was a better basis for life. The man hedged, implying that he could maybe think God was okay, but that religion had too many unloving ideas like hell, etc. As the evangelist began to reply, our visitor said he didn’t really want to get into a discussion, and he just wanted to stop and say hi. He left with a cordial handshake. Please pray the evangelist can remember his name and that the man will be willing to stop again and risk a deeper conversation.
Altogether, we gave away 15-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a Good News/kerygma pamphlet and a map to area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
We try to nudge everyone closer to Jesus. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
The Rosary as Prayer - 2024-12-08
December 15, 2024
We encourage people to actually pray the Rosary. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort. Two evangelists were available.
Two teenage girls stopped for a Rosary. They weren’t familiar with the devotion and they weren’t Christian. The evangelists proclaimed the Good News/kerygma to them, and they chose a Rosary apiece. May God speak to their hearts and save them!
The face-blind evangelist accidently offered “the merchant” a Rosary, which, of course, he accepted. A group of four came to the table about the same time, so we described the devotion and set them each up with their own Rosary. May God use the Rosaries to draw each of these people to prayer and to Him and the salvation that only He can offer!
A dad with a young daughter went by, shaking his head no thank you to our offer. Then, a few minutes later, as we were finishing up with another group, they came back. I think the child’s father was familiar with the Rosary already. So, we set them both up with one and encouraged them to pray it as a family. May God bless them both!
Two families, with two children each, both stopped. We set everyone up with a Rosary and encouraged them to pray it together daily. May God bless and save them, and all families.
A 30-something man stopped for a Rosary, saying he had one at home but wanted one for his car. We encouraged him to use the Rosary for prayer, extolling its benefits. May God draw him to pray with the Rosary and, through meditating on its Mysteries, get to know the God Who loves him so much!
The weather was damply cold, although the sun did come out during the last half hour of the session. Still, relatively few people ventured outside and past our table. Even so, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, 2 “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlets, 1 Divine Mercy prayer card, and 1 Our Lady un-tier of Knots prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
We recognize the importance of actually praying the Rosary, and try to pass that idea on. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“They are happy, whose strength is in you, in whose hearts are the roads to Zion” (Ps 84:6).
The Real Good News - 2024-12-01
December 8, 2024
The Gospel message is still fresh today. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
"Our business park" was very busy last weekend. The main convention center was featuring its annual display of decorated trees. Opposite the plaza from us, a pseudo-Christian religion was holding a rally, complete with choir. Plus, the free skating rink was finally open in center of business park. This year, we were able to set up just across the walkway from our usual spot.
Three different groups from the pseudo-Christian religion stopped to ask what we're doing.
- The first group consisted of 3-4 young adult men. Their leading question, "What ward are you with?" clued the evangelist in that they were not Catholic. The young man who acted as spokesman for the group, perhaps to show how open-minded he was about other religions, mentioned that he had attended events at e. Chuck's parish and at the university’s Newman center. He might have accepted a Rosary from us. The group as a whole thanked us for being out there and having a positive effect on society.
- Out of the second group of 3, an older man stopped. He told the story of how he and his mom suffered an economic crisis when he was in third grade (about 9 years old). They’d had to move to "the projects", and the mom worried about the bad influence of neighborhood children on her son. Then a priest that she had met made arrangements for him to attend a Catholic school in a better neighborhood. On the first day of school, the teacher had asked them to memorize a short poem. He did as he was asked. The next day it turned out that he was the only one to have done so. After he recited the poem for his class, his teacher took him down to the 4th grade class to recite it for them, too. To thank him, the religious sister who taught 4th grade opened her desk drawer and gave him a Cadbury egg. He felt very encouraged. I don't know if he ever became Catholic. He declined taking a Rosary, but did accept a Divine Mercy prayer card.
- The third group was of young-adult women. They, too, did not want a Rosary, but did want to encourage us in what we did.
The odd thing about all three groups is the sudden discomfort they each displayed when the evangelist exclaimed about how grateful we are for what Our Savior did for us and explained how meditating on the Mysteries of the Rosary is a good way to grow closer to Jesus Christ. Only later did she remember that, though that religion acknowledges the Divinity of Christ, they understand neither the oneness of God, nor our need for Redemption. Lord, may their discomfort at the thought of our need for a Savior lead them to You and salvation!
A group of three young-adult Catholic women stopped. They didn't want a Rosary because they felt "Rosaried-out". They told the evangelist that they're part of a group of local young adult Catholics that get together on Mondays and prays the Rosary together. They asked what group we were with and I referred them to the SPSE website (see below). Lord, bless them and keep them faithful!
A woman from e. Lucy's parish stopped to say hi on her way in to the decorated tree festival. “Marty” said hi as he passed by, but didn’t wait until the evangelist had time to chat.
A nervous-looking woman, who may also have been housing challenged, was hurrying around giving away candy canes. The candy was attached to a card that, if read carefully, contained an invitation to a non-Catholic Christian church. She was not interested in learning about the Rosary.
A woman stopped for a Rosary, speaking with a heavy accent. The evangelist asked if she would like the Rosary pamphlet in Spanish and she gratefully said yes.
A man stopped to ask for Rosaries for his two children (not with him). A small family group stopped so the son could chose a Rosary for his grandmother. May the Lord bless these families!
A man almost chose a Rosary. Instead of accepting the pamphlet on how to pray it, he chose a Divine Mercy prayer card. However, when he saw the instruction on the back referring to "Our Father beads", he said “It freaked him out.” The evangelist tried to explain the reference, but he just hurried away.
Just as I was packing things away, several more groups stopped and we gave away another 10-12 Rosaries and a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Altogether, during our first session in Advent, we gave away 25-30 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as 2-3 Divine Mercy prayer cards.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Truth can hit a nerve! So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
"They are happy, whose strength is in you, in whose hearts are the roads to Zion" (Ps 84:6).
Non-Verbal, but Loud and Clear - 2024-11-24
December 1, 2024
The Rosary speaks a message of peace. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort. Two evangelists were available.
Two 40-something men stopped so one could get a Rosary. The other man was already wearing one around his neck. He and we wondered if he’d gotten it from us years ago. We described the devotion to the new man, and also gave our repeat visitor a copy of the Rosary pamphlet, encouraging him to use it to pray the Rosary he already had.
A man declined a Rosary as he walked past, then changed his mind and came back. He said he “needed to pray because [he was] in pain today.” When we offered to pray for him on the spot about his pain, he hesitated, declined our offer of prayer, and left with a Rosary. After he was out of earshot, though, we asked the Lord that when our visitor did pray for healing, that He would have mercy and grant his prayer, healing both body and soul.
A group of 4 or 5 non-Catholic Christian teens stopped. We explained how the Rosary is Christ-centered and helps one grow closer to Him. Then they each chose one.
A father and pre-teen daughter were passing by. The girl heard the key word, “free”, but the dad declined our offer of a Rosary. However, the girl must have pleaded her case, since they soon came back to the table so she could get a Rosary. It turns out that the dad is Catholic, but the girl’s mom is not. So, we described the devotion to her and encouraged her to pray with it and grow closer to Jesus Christ.
Two men in their late teens, eager for a Rosary, stopped. At first they were quiet, except to speak to each other, as we tried to figure out whether they were Christian. Suddenly, they finally heard what we were saying and said they were Catholic and loved praying the Rosary. Then, one man asked if we had a St. Michael the Archangel card, which we were able to give him. As they were walking away, he was holding the card up to show his friend and talking animatedly about it. We thank God for their faithful enthusiasm and pray for their perseverance in prayer.
Three Catholic adults, two women and a man, on electric scooters zoomed past then circled back, led by one of the women. She, the youngest woman, spoke English and translated for the other two. She was from out of state and here to visit family for Thanksgiving. She was surprised by what we were doing and kept asking why we were giving away Rosaries. As she came to understand our purpose, she exclaimed that she had never seen such a thing done where she was from. We told her she could be the first in her community to set up an SPSE table and spread the Good News. The other woman understood some English, but the man had very little. We set each of the three up with a Rosary and its pamphlet, in English (1) or Spanish (2). The two non-English speakers were from the local area. Pray that all three listen for and heed the Holy Spirit’s call to serve God, no matter their vocation.
As the evangelists were distracted and looking the other way a man came to the table unbidden, wanting a Rosary for his daughter. All he said was that he was not Catholic but he was married to one. He also told us there was a non-Christian religious group on the other side of the construction zone giving away popcorn which, he seemed to imply, was equivalent to what we were doing. Pray that his eyes are opened to the True, Substantial Food to be found in the Catholic Church and that his family becomes united in faith.
A man almost shrugged off our offer then turned to the table and chose a Rosary. He said he had been raised Catholic but had tried many other denominations/religions and knew all about “sacraments and ordinances” but was at the point where he trusted only his own judgment when it came to God. He did not stay to hear us offer him a way back to the Church. Pray that Our Lady’s humble faith will become his model so that he will say “may it be done to me according to Your word” instead of relying on his own easily deceived understanding.
During the session, we saw a slighter larger percentage than usual of Catholics, who encouraged their companion(s) to get a Rosary. God granted us beautiful calm sunshine and clear blue sky. Lots of people were out, so we quickly made up our previous week’s shortfall stemming from inclement weather. Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 30-35 Rosaries and its pamphlet, a Divine Mercy prayer card, and 1-2 St Michael prayer cards.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Jesus Christ is truly the King of Peace, and Our Blessed Mother prays that we come to Him. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“They are happy, whose strength is in you, in whose hearts are the roads to Zion” (Ps 84:6).
Answering His Call - 2024-11-17
November 24, 2024
Wind and rain bless the Lord! (cf. Dan 3:67). And so thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A man on a bicycle, on his way to work, stopped to say he had picked up a Rosary from us ten years ago and that he frequently rode past us with a wave. He said he has had the Rosary hanging from the rearview mirror in his car all this time, but now he wanted a Rosary to carry with him. When encouraged to draw nearer to Christ in prayer, he just smiled and rode on. Pray that his faith in Christ find its way into all aspects of his life.
A young Catholic couple from a nearby town stopped to chat, and to select a couple of chain Rosaries. They wished the evangelist many blessings and their joyful smiles warmed him up. Pray that their joyful faith bears much fruit for Christ’s Kingdom.
A grinning man in shorts and zipped open sweatshirt, despite the bitingly cold wind, tried to offer cash for a Rosary. When the money was declined, he put a Rosary around his neck and gave the evangelist a boozy hug before wandering away. Pray that he will seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
With rain and a cold, gusty wind, foot traffic was light. Most of the Rosaries went to people who grabbed the Rosary from the evangelist’s hand as they rushed past. Yet, our intrepid evangelist still set 6-7 people up with a Rosary.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
People still need Our Savior. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
"Go with the strength you have“ (Judg 6:14).
P.S. Our team should be back up to full strength today, God willing!
Anticipation - 2024-11-10
November 17, 2024
Holiday decorations are already going up, but we emphasize Him Who is the reason for the Season.
As we were setting up a young-adult, non-Catholic couple rushed to the table after the female half of the pair gave an enthusiastic “yes!” to our offer of a free Rosary. Thinking she was simply getting a cross necklace, the young lady was surprised and intrigued by the depth and intent of the Rosary prayer. She seemed especially excited about finding out about the Rosary since they had just come from attending church. The young man stood back, but at the women’s encouragement he finally picked out a Rosary. Thank God for her joyous faith and may it draw others to follow Christ with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.
A perhaps 30-year-old woman stopped to ask for Rosaries for each of her two children. She also asked for prayers for her mother, “Teresa”, who is on hospice with heart failure. We prayed with her on the spot, and then encouraged her to choose a Rosary for herself, too. We also gave her a Divine Mercy prayer card and encouraged her to pray it out loud in her mother’s presence. Lord, if it be Thy will, please restore Teresa to health and to her family.
A photographer stopped for a Rosary before heading in to set up for the big athletic match happening in the arena later that afternoon. He was Catholic and already familiar with the devotion. Lord, keep him faithful and help him grow ever closer to You!
A teenager on a skateboard screeched to a stop in front of the table, saying he had picked up a Rosary in the past and kept it hung up at home. But he now thought he needed one to carry with him. We agreed that carrying one was a good idea, but our visitor seemed to understand the Rosary only as a symbol of some kind of protection. We explained the prayer and how it helps people get to know Jesus Christ, and emphasized the importance of being in prayer. Just then, a friend of his who was on foot arrived at the table and asked about the Rosaries. So, the evangelists began again to talk about prayer. The boy on the skateboard seemed in a hurry to go and responded to the evangelists with curt okays, sures, and yeps, as he picked out his Rosary. But then he suddenly reached for a Good News/kerygma pamphlet and said, “I’ll take one of these.” He sped away on his skateboard stuffing pamphlets and Rosary in his pocket, while his friend thanked us before following him. Pray that these young men, and teens everywhere, can slow down long enough to hear God’s call to follow Him.
A man looking to get into the sports area declined our offer with a familiar trope used by fallen away Catholics: “I’m a recovering altar boy and a recovering Catholic school kid.” An evangelist responded, “God loves you and will take you back.” Pray for him and all fallen-away Catholics that they may recover from self-love and seek their one true Love in His Church.
A woman picked out a Rosary because the one she had at home was “old and delicate”, passed down from a grandmother, and that she needed “a praying Rosary”. After that, another Catholic woman stopped to tell us that she had a Rosary at home that was blessed by the Pope. We also gave her another one to keep with her and use for prayer.
A family group with 4-5 adults and two preschool-aged children stopped. Only the children accepted a Rosary. Lord, grant the family unity and a living relationship with You! And, as they hurried by, at least six other people chose one of the Rosaries we were holding in our hand. Lord, help them stop and connect with You, the only One Who can save them!
The business park had erected a privacy fence around a gigantic decorated spruce tree in the center of the Grove. They are probably planning to set up the free skating rink again before Thanksgiving weekend. Unfortunately, the construction fence makes the business park look closed, so foot traffic was lighter than expected. On the other hand, a greater proportion of people said yes, so we gave away 25-30 Rosaries and its pamphlet, a copy of the kerygma pamphlet, and 1 Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Jesus, and what He has done for us, is worth getting excited about. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Not Just Ordinary - 2024-11-03
November 10, 2024
The Rosary brings us closer to Jesus Christ, Who changes everything! So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A dad and pre-teen girl were heading into the sports arena. They said they’d be right back and asked us to keep an eye on their bicycles, which they were leaning against the wall of the arena. E. Chuck pointed to the bike rack behind us, which they gladly put to use. When they came back, they each chose a Rosary and we encouraged them to pray it as a family.
A group of 4-5 young adults stopped early in the session, a couple of them wearing cross necklaces. Although they were not Catholic, they were very interested in the Rosary and open about expressing their love for Christ. They wished us blessings and thanked us for bringing Christ to the public square. Praise God for faithful young people; may their zeal for God never dim.
Two pre-teen boys came to select a Rosary apiece, attracted by the word “free”. They chose one and then stood politely silent as we explained the devotion. They never volunteered any information about themselves and quickly took their leave. May God bless them and draw them to salvation!
A Catholic family passed by, the father calling out, “You’re preaching to the choir. We’re Catholic!” We asked them to pray for us.
Only a girl and the mom out of a family group of 5 or 6 chose a Rosary. May God bless them and keep them faithful.
A down-and-out looking woman, who was carrying a sleeping bag and backpack, stopped at the table. But she ended up not wanting anything we had displayed. May God bless her and grant her safe shelter.
An older couple smilingly declined our offer of a Rosary, telling us that they identify with Jesus’ ancestral religion.
I put an especially sparkly silver-beaded chain Rosary on the table. Usually, a Rosary like that would be snatched up by the very next passerby. But long minutes went by with no one stopping at the table. Then a young-adult woman came by, who immediately chose it and listened to a brief explanation of the devotion. May God bless her through that Rosary and draw her all the way to Catholic Sainthood!
A 30-something couple stopped. They asked us, “What church are you affiliated with?” When we said, “Catholic!”, they immediately said, “No, thank you” and took their leave. Lord, please restore unity to Christendom!
A woman in a motorized wheelchair, her hair in intricate braids, told us she got a Rosary from us just a little while ago. She also assured us that she had been praying with it. May God bless her, heal her, and grant that the fruits of the Mysteries flower in her life!
A man who is a regular, friendly passerby (although neither evangelist could remember if he’d ever accepted a Rosary from us) waved and smilingly asked, “How are things in the Catholic neighborhood?” Seeing our confusion, he edged closer and told us that whenever he walked through the business park and saw us, he said to himself, “Looks like I have to walk through the Catholic neighborhood again.” Laughing at his joke, we assured him things were going great in the Catholic neighborhood. Pray that he comes to learn that his sense of separation and otherness can be healed by a relationship with Christ.
A young man coming out of the hockey arena broke off from his family group to pick out a Rosary, although he was not familiar with the devotion. He told us the denomination he grew up in, which made him, as he said, “just a normal Christian.” (This is a great reminder, brothers and sisters, that we as Catholics are meant and expected to be extraordinary followers of Christ!) So we showed him the anything-but-normal rewards of praying the Rosary. May he persevere in his eagerness for Christ!
Praise God Who gave us a peaceful outing last week! (And thank you again for your invaluable prayers!) Even the usually angry people bit their tongues and just shook their heads when offered a Rosary. And we gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
An active relationship with Jesus Christ raises our lives above the level of ordinary. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“They are happy, whose strength is in you, in whose hearts are the roads to Zion” (Ps 84:6).
Questions, Real or No - 2024-10-27
November 3, 2024
Our table is an informal Catholic information booth. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Early in the session, a man named “Paul”, wearing a shirt with JESUS emblazoned across the front, came to the table. He said he was “an evangelist and had a question about the Rosary”. He quickly became confrontational, accusing Catholics of idolatry, talking over our answers or ignoring our replies when we actually finished a sentence. He was there, he said, “to give us a righteous rebuke” and continued to warn us of our idolatry. A girl on a bike came to the table for a Rosary and Paul shouted at her, “Don’t take one of those, they are evil!” The evangelists tried to reassure the little girl, but she was so taken aback by his anger that she said in exasperation, “I just wanted to ask a question” and rode away. E. Lucy encouraged e. Chuck to take Paul a few steps away from the table, so they moved farther away and remained in conversation for the rest of the hour. The distance gave e. Lucy a chance to ask the Holy Spirit to calm Paul’s heart and open his ears. Then other visitors immediately arrived, and she remained at the table giving away Rosaries. Meanwhile, God graciously answered her prayer and Paul soon became less agitated and began listening more than talking. (And, by the way, the girl on the bike came back and got her Rosary. God is so good!) Though his objections ranged and rambled, Paul came to admit that he agreed with a lot of what the Catholic Church said, that he enjoyed Trent Horn videos, that he had Catholic friends he had discussions with all the time, and that he had even wondered about joining one of the ancient non-Catholic national churches. However, he laughed off the idea of the True Presence. E. Chuck walked this “Bible alone” believer through the verses that demand this belief. When Paul resisted, the evangelist pointed out that Jesus received the same resistance in John 6 but we want to be like the 12 apostles and NOT walk away. We parted with smiles, handshakes, and blessings. Pray for Paul, that these small seeds of truth will take deep root in his soul and he will seek the fullness of the Faith in the Catholic Church.
While e. Chuck was arguing with Paul, another man came to the table and said he had a question. Our visitor is in OCIA, but they hadn’t yet taught them about the Rosary and he was curious. So, e. Lucy quickly described the devotion. She then recommended he look for Bishop Robert Barron’s videos that explain each of the Mysteries. Our visitor was happy to do so since he’d already discovered Bishop Barron and found him helpful. May God bless this man on his journey into the Catholic Church, and may Our Blessed Mother obtain many blessing for him as he spends time praying the Rosary!
Soon after that, a boy of about ten came alone to the table. E. Lucy explained the Rosary to him and he chose one for himself. Somewhat later, the girl who had been scared away earlier returned, followed by this same boy. When the girl was asked if she were Christian, she replied, “My father is.” So, the evangelist gave her a copy of the Good News/kerygma pamphlet, as well as explained the Rosary as a way to get to know Jesus. She happily accepted the pamphlet and chose a Rosary. May God lead both children to Himself and salvation!
Late in the session, a homeless-looking man asked for a Rosary. He was not Christian. He told of how he’d left a symbol, that looked sort of like the capital letter M, by a church when they were dedicating a statue of St Teresa of Calcutta. He said the priest, who was leading the dedication ceremony, sprinkled holy water on the symbol that our visitor had placed there and then splashed holy water on our visitor. His expression said that he thought he had been insulted. So, e. Lucy explained that, on special occasions, priests sprinkle the people with holy water. It’s a blessing, and when we feel the drops we make the Sign of the Cross. That seemed to calm that memory for him. He chose a Rosary, and asked for copies of the two holy cards we had on the table. He still kept talking about his “M” symbol, even showing that it made a W when turned upside down. However, e. Lucy thought of the symbol on the back of the Miraculous Medal, and she gave him one. (Although the medal was on a cord, he notably didn’t place it around his neck.) May God heal our visitor from his contact with alien spiritualities, and lead him home to His Savior Jesus Christ.
“Jennifer”, a homeless-looking woman, came to get a Rosary. She had gotten one from us before, she said. It had been on very one-year anniversary of her mother’s passing. She got teary-eyed as she said what a blessing that had been, and thanked us again for being there. She also accepted a copy of each of our prayer cards. May God bless, console, and heal Jennifer!
Altogether, the team gave away maybe 15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 1-2 Divine Mercy prayer cards, 1-2 Our Lady Untier of Knots prayer cards, 1 Good News/kerygma pamphlet, and 1 Miraculous Medal with its explanation card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
The Holy Spirit is still at work, and so are we. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for the apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“They are happy, whose strength is in You, in whose hearts are the roads to Zion” (Ps 84:6).
God Uses the Rosary - 2024-10-20
October 27, 2024
The Rosaries encourage Catholic and non-Catholic alike. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A man, a practicing Catholic who travels as an air traffic controller, stopped to chat. One of the pleasures of his job, he said, was getting to attend Mass in different cities across the country. He was asked about how it was to share the Gospel in public because he is considering starting a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in his town when he retires in a couple of years. We thank God for his active witness to his Catholic Faith and pray he is able to start an SPSE ministry in the future.
A previous visitor, who grew up in another part of the country, stopped. He’s Catholic and just wanted to encourage us. May God bless him and hear his intentions.
A malinois dog was dragging a woman along the sidewalk. The man came closer to the table when we asked what breed the dog was. But neither human being showed any interest in the Rosary. They passed again on their way back, and e. Chuck asked the dog’s name, which neither of us remembers. May God bless the people, though, and draw them both to Him and salvation!
A 30-something couple, “Taylor” (she) and “Matt” (he), stopped. They are non-Catholic Christians, I think, and gladly accepted the Rosary after we explained the Christ-centeredness of the devotion.
Some teens stopped for a Rosary. One of them admitted she wasn’t Christian any more, so we gave her a copy of the kerygma, as well as encouraging her to try the Rosary devotion to get to know how important Jesus is. May God ignite her Faith in Him!
A family of four stopped and each chose a Rosary. May God keep them faithful.
A woman broke away from her friend and came to the table, exclaiming how beautiful the Rosaries are. (May God bless our Rosary makers!) A Catholic, she had just been saying to her friend that she needed a Rosary (because she had recently had to get a new car after an accident??). And God answered her “by presenting a whole table full of them to choose from”! Reluctant at first, the friend also finally picked out a Rosary. Thank you Jesus for letting us be part of her God-moment!
Two women stopped who thought they knew about the Rosary, but were surprised to learn that it was a prayer (I think the one woman said her grandmother used to make them?). They seemed very enthusiastic to hear about the how and why of the Rosary prayer. The woman with a black eye asked for a second Rosary for her boyfriend, since she thought he needed to pray more, too. They then asked about the Divine Mercy cards and the Mary, Untier of Knots cards, which they both took. Pray they entrust their lives to Christ Who died for them.
A homeless woman wanted a Rosary and listened attentively to e. Lucy shared with her the profit and promises of the prayer. The woman stowed the Rosary and pamphlet in her gear and was about to go when the “Problem of Evil and Suffering” pamphlet caught her eye and she asked for a copy. E. Lucy told her about it as our visitor stood scanning through the leaflet. Pray that she perseveres in faith through her dire circumstances.
A tall guy on a bike stopped to talk, I think he had picked up a Rosary some other time but for the life of me I can’t remember what he stopped to say. But God knows, and may He bless the man!
Altogether, we gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, one kerygma pamphlet, 1 Our Lady untier of Knots prayer card, 1 Divine Mercy prayer card, and 1 “Problem of Suffering and Evil” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom coms of today’s effort.
I never cease to be amazed at how the Rosary attracts people. May it bring them all to Him Who is at the center of the devotion! And thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
The Lord's Work - 2024-10-13
October 20, 2024
A short report this week, sorry. But we went out as usual, and we thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
The 30-something man, who sits with his laptop and generates business ideas for his mom to promote, had set up at a picnic table just across from us. Unusually, he was using a music player with its volume set so loud that people even on our side of the business park had to shout to be heard by people close to them.
A high school tournament was just finishing up in the sports arena. Lots of people were waiting out front for their student to appear. Few of the waiting family members showed interest in the Rosary, but a young man from the out-of-town winning team came to receive one. Later, he returned with 3 or 4 of his other teammates. May the Lord use the Rosary they received to draw them to Him and salvation!
Several unaccompanied children approached, at different times during the session. We asked each one to get their parent's permission to have a Rosary before choosing one. None of them returned. The last one claimed he belonged to the pre-Christian people from which Jesus received his human nature. May God save all of these children and their families!
At sometime during the session, e. Chuck handed someone a Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
An agonizing agnostic came and argued with e. Chuck for quite a while. He was wearing a mask and kept asking us to keep our distance since he “had a lung disease”. May God bless him, heal him, reveal His loving presence to him, and grant him saving Faith! Coincidentally, just as that conversation ended, so did the loud music.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, 1-2 Our Lady Untier of Knots prayer cards, 1-2 Divine Mercy prayer cards, and a kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Our work for the Lord continues. Although many still seem uninterested in building a right relationship with their Creator and Redeemer, some people approach for more information. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
"Go with the strength you have“ (Judg 6:14).
Jesus Christ, Victor - 2024-10-06
October 13, 2024
Our youth are under spiritual attack. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A teenage couple stopped when the boy wanted a free Rosary. He let us know that he already had a couple of Rosaries that he “uses as decorations at home.” He was impatient with the explanation of the devotion and left while e. Lucy was still speaking, but not before she noticed the symbol of an alien spirituality displayed on his necklace. The girl never said anything. Lord, have mercy and save them!
A family of six stopped for Rosaries. They belong to a parish in a nearby town. One evangelist mentioned the relic that had been displayed at their parish a few days earlier. They hadn’t heard about it in time, but their reaction reassured the evangelist that they were indeed Catholic. We encouraged them to pray the Rosary together as a family. May God bless and protect the family, and keep them faithful.
Three teens came to the table to choose a Rosary apiece. The first one to arrive had heard of Jesus because his family belonged to a pseudo-Christian religion. We encouraged him to take his questions reverently into the Rosary prayers and get to know Who Jesus really is. Two older teens then approached and also chose Rosaries. A bit later, the parents gathered all three boys for a family picture, and e. Chuck volunteered to take it for them. They accepted his offer and then left amicably. Lord, draw them to You and the True Faith!
Two teenage girls dropped back from their group to get Rosaries. They weren’t familiar with it, knowing only that it was used by Catholics. When asked if they were Christian, they hemmed and hawed before finally admitting that they were not. They politely listened to our explanation of the prayer and how it helps us get to know the God who became man to save us. Each also good-naturedly accepted a “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlet. Lord, may their minds and hearts be open to Your saving call.
A boy in his mid-teens came to the table for a Rosary, followed by his mom. (The mom declined to receive a Rosary.) The boy was wearing a St. Michael medal around his neck, but seemed embarrassed when e. Lucy mentioned it. After they left, the evangelist remembered the St. Michael relic cards we had, and sent e. Chuck to take one to him. But the two were moving too quickly and were already out of range. However, about 20 minutes later, the young man came back with two more teens who wanted Rosaries. We gave him the St. Michael card then. Lord, bless and protect these young people!
An older teen and his parents came to the table. He, too, was wearing a St. Michael medal. It turns out that he was beginning college and his folks were here for Parents Weekend. E. Lucy extolled the Newman Center next to his campus and encouraged the boy to get connected with it. As an afterthought, she mentioned that the center often offers students free food. At that, the young man perked up. Lord, bring him to You and to the heavenly food that endures to eternal life!
A woman, in her late teens or early 20s, came to the table not knowing anything about the Rosary. She was sure that she was not Christian, although she said, “I do know Jesus.” She then quickly added that she had been raised in a certain pseudo-Christian religion. So, we showed her how the prayer could help her gain a true picture of Jesus. Pray that she can see past the negative view of “church” from her childhood and find her home in the Body of Christ.
Part of a family group came to the table, the children eager for beads. The grandmother said she knew about the Rosary, because she “used to be Catholic but now belongs to a religion that believes all faiths are equally true.” She laughed it off when we suggested she return to the Sacraments in the Catholic Church, and took her leave. Pray for her, and for all fallen-away Catholics, that they may hear the call to come home.
Two men came to the table dressed in denim that was heavily decorated with spikes and a variety of patches. The man with the long hair selected a Rosary and listened to a brief explanation of the devotion. The other man declined to receive a Rosary and wouldn’t engage in conversation. Pray that they turn their lives over to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Altogether, we gave away 20-25 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it, 2 “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlets, 2 St Michael prayer cards, 1 Our Lady Untier of Knots prayer card, and 1 Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
The spiritual battle for souls continues, but our trust is in the Lord Jesus Christ. And thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. You’re invited to join us for a NOVENA+ONE for peaceful US elections, for God’s will to prevail, and for peace within our community, our state, our nation, and the Church. It will be NINE days of petition, followed immediately by ONE day of thanksgiving. This Novena+One will begin on Saturday, 10/19//2024, the Memorial of the North American Martyrs, and will run through Monday, 10/28/2024, the Feast of Ss Simon and Jude. We will begin at the Hour of Mercy (local time okay), and pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet followed by 20 Decades of the Rosary. Please use the Boise Team's Contact Form to let me know if you can take part in this effort, since it builds faith when we know that someone else is “agreeing with us in prayer.”
Our God Reigns - 2024-09-29
October 6, 2024
Unusually, we had three angry visitors in this one session. (Our usual experience is about one per year.)
A 50ish man on a bike stopped to say he did not want a Rosary, but wanted to say something. He then began to rant. His reaction to e. Chuck’s comments and questions was simply to get louder and angrier. Other people throughout the business park, even from nearly a block away, were beginning to glance over and look uncomfortable. It soon became apparent that our visitor hated his father, both for his being Christian and for holding political views that our visitor despised. When the evangelist said how sorry he was that the man had such a broken relationship with his father, he just became louder and more bellicose. A passing homeless man with a long white beard, evidently encouraged by the man’s yelling, shouted that religion is the source of all the evil in the world. Buoyed by the sympathetic voice, the man on the bike began bellowing at the top of his lungs, throwing out wild accusations and adding his political views. A passing man then yelled at the man on the bike, but again it only increased his anger. The evangelist told the passerby it was okay and to move on. Then two men, in their late 20s or early 30s, came to the table to take their turn at trying to end the confrontation. The evangelist told the man on the bike to leave, and stepped around the table to stand between him and the younger men. One of the younger men also told him to leave, but he bellowed, “I’ll do what I want!” But he did ride away. The young men commented on the situation, but the man on the bike overheard and circled back, yelling at us. He stopped at the table and, in an odd gesture, threw a “$100 bill” on the table and left. (What looked like money was actually a political message.) The two younger men were very concerned and even tried to give us a donation, which we declined. One man declined the offer of a Rosary and e. Chuck encouraged him to pray for the man on the bike. E. Lucy talked to the other man, who had been raised Catholic and gladly accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet. We thank God for the concern and support from those who witnessed the encounter. We also ask you to please pray for the man on the bike who is so filled with hate that he can’t believe a loving God exists. May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding find its way into this man’s heart.
Another man on a bike rolled up to e. Chuck, took his sunglasses off, and with quiet intensity told of a friend who had been abused by a priest and who later died by his own hand. When the evangelist expressed his sympathy and outrage at such evil, but the man didn’t want to hear it. Evidently believing that that Catholic Church promotes this evil, he proceeded to express his complete contempt for the Catholic Church and his determination to keep anything, even a Rosary, that is associated with the Catholic Church away from his family. He rode away before the evangelist could respond. Pray for healing for this man and for all who have suffered abuse in the Church, that the hard work of reform within the Catholic Church continues and that justice prevails.
A woman stopped to thank us for being there. Her mother (grandmother?) had been a Rosary maker, making 1000s of Rosaries for the missions. May she rest in peace!
Somewhat later, we again saw the two younger men from the first angry encounter. They waved as they passed by. Immediately on their heels was another man angry “with all religion”. He had a much quieter, yet apparently still unproductive conversation, with e. Chuck, and then left amiably enough.
Two men, from a part of the country where Catholics are few in number and are discriminated against, stopped for a Rosary. They were in town for a conference. Non-Catholic Christians, they listened to our brief explanation of the Rosary devotion, then each chose one for himself.
A tall man eating chocolate ice cream paused to ask how beads could help him get closer to Christ. He listened as we explained the prayer. Then he asked us where the Rosary was in the Bible. We tried to help him see that a specific prayer doesn’t have to be in the Bible for it to be good and true, and that the Bible does not make such a claim, either. At this point, he changed the subject yet again and wondered how any one religion, in a world full of religions, could claim to be true. Although he would pause to let us answer his objections, he didn’t respond to our answers and simply changed the subject again after each “question”. When he finished his ice cream, he said it was nice talking to us and moved on. Please pray that he comes to see that there is an objective truth to be found, that His name is Jesus Christ, and that only He is our Savior, whom we desperately need.
A boy in his upper teens or early 20s stopped for a Rosary. He had heard the first angry man’s shouting earlier and let us know he’d been very concerned. I got the impression that he ordinarily wouldn’t have stopped at the table. He accepted a Rosary and the encouragement to use it to get to know Jesus Christ and His great love.
On this Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, and a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God brings good out of even the greatest evil, and we thank and praise Him. We thank you, too, for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Rosaries and Blessings - 2024-09-22
September 29, 2024
The Rosary helps us be grateful for God’s astonishing blessings. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
“Matthew” and “Abby”, a young-adult couple who are long-distance dating (1000+ miles!), paused to say they had attended a non-Catholic Christian church that morning. They declined to take a Rosary and moved on. A few minutes later, though, they came back and asked what we meant when we said that praying the Rosary can help us grow closer to Christ. We talked about the prayer in more detail, its promises and challenges, which they seemed open to. Although Matthew took a Rosary pamphlet, they still didn’t choose a Rosary. E. Chuck acknowledged that the Rosary can seem foreign and daunting to a non-Catholic, and that he could say this because he had converted to Catholicism from a non-Catholic Christian denomination just seven years before. This piqued their curiosity, so e. Chuck shared his story of searching for true teaching. They were good listeners. Matthew did ask about Sola Scriptura and we tried to help them understand what Catholics mean by “Sacred Tradition” and “The Deposit of Faith”. We gave them “Why Be Catholic” and “Common Objections” pamphlets. Then Matthew said that, after he dropped Abby off at the airport, he was going to a Bible study where they are studying the “Westminster catechism”. So, we gave him a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church as well. Please pray for Matthew and Abby, that their hearts and minds be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit and that they may, with Our Lady, say “May it be done to me according to Your Word”. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for Matthew and Abby.
A mom and pre-teen boy stopped when they heard that the Rosaries are free. The mom explained that she knew what the Rosary was because her grandmother prayed it. E. Lucy explained the devotion to them and helped them choose a Rosary apiece. The mom wanted the Rosary pamphlet in Spanish; she wanted her son to have it in English. May God bless them and draw them fully into the Faith.
A group of 4 girls in their early teens stopped to get a Rosary. Two of them were not Christian. So, e. Lucy gave them Good News/kerygma pamphlets and explained how the Rosary could help them get to know Jesus. She explained the devotion and how they could find peace and protection if they used it reverently, even if all they had right now were questions. E. Chuck talked with the other two. Each of the four girls chose a Rosary for herself.
Another, larger group of teenage girls told us no thank you as they passed by. But somewhat later, they returned because they decided they wanted a Rosary, after all. May God bless them, protect them, and draw them into His Heart.
A family, with a 3-year-old boy and a school-aged girl, stopped to get Rosaries. His mom urged the boy to show us that he knows how to pray. He dutifully crossed himself (pretty much) and said, “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.” He then pointed to the tall buildings surrounding us, wondering if they were open and telling us that he had “ridden on a elly-gator”. His folks said he was now obsessed with elevators. May God bless this family and all Catholic families that they may be united in love and faith.
A woman stopped for a Rosary, saying she remembered it from her childhood. But when she got a look at the Rosary booklet, that shows the Mysteries, a look of discomfort crossed her face. She had already accepted the pamphlet, but changed her mind and didn’t take a Rosary as well. May God bless and heal her.
A man and woman were passing by. For probably the third time that hour, we offered them a Rosary. Once we realized they’d already said no thank you, we apologized. “Oh, it’s alright,” said the woman. “We know you give us a blessing every time we pass.” It’s true that we ask God to bless everyone who responds to us, but we weren’t sure that people heard it.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 1-2 Our Lady Untier of Knots and Divine Mercy prayer cards, 1 Catechism, 2-3 Good News/kerygma pamphlets, as well as a copy each of the “Common Objections” and “Why Be Catholic” pamphlets.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God’s amazing love is still drawing us to Himself. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“They are happy, whose strength is in you, in whose hearts are the roads to Zion” (Ps 84:6).
Hope despite Confusion - 2024-09-15
September 22, 2024
God still appeals to people, despite the confusion promoted by our society. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Yet another rainbow-themed day of events was coming to an end about the same time that we set up. A man in a recumbent bicycle stopped to chat. A non-Catholic Christian, he was glad to see the Cross on the Rosaries. He worried that we would receive a lot of hate from event participants (we didn’t, praise God!), and lamented about the current confusion among young people. I encouraged him to pray. Lord, have mercy! May we understand the wisdom in the laws You established, and grant us the willingness to obey them.
“Christopher”, a young adult man on a bicycle, stopped for a Rosary. He had been baptized Catholic, but hadn’t been raised in the Faith and had been away a long time. He really wanted to imitate the virtues of Christ, especially forgiveness. He said he was feeling drawn to return to church. After choosing a Rosary, he mentioned that he had a connection with one particular parish because he received services from their food bank, but took a map of all area parishes with Mass and Reconciliation times listed. Lord, bless Christopher in his desire to imitate You and lead him to You in the Catholic Church.
An elderly man on a bicycle also stopped. He asked me to support a certain candidate for US President who promotes abortion. I said I couldn’t in good conscience support that candidate. I admitted that I had reservations about the other major candidate, too, but that abortion and euthanasia unjustly end those very lives that need other human rights. Lord, help us understand!
A group of eight clean cut, non-Catholic Christian young adults stopped. Once I explained the Rosary devotion and how it helps people grow closer to Christ, they each chose one. Then one of the girls wanted to “share a Bible verse” with me. I thanked her for sharing Jeremiah 29:11, and they, in turn, congratulated me on “memorizing the whole Bible”. (Not hardly!) Lord, please keep them true to You, protect them, and use the Mysteries of the Rosaries to draw them into an ever holier relationship with You!
A young-adult man wearing rainbow colors was walking by on the far side of walkway with head low, as if feeling down. I offered him a free Rosary. To my surprise, he lifted his head, smiled, and came right over to the table. He wasn’t Christian, so I gave him a copy of the Good News/kerygma pamphlet and encouraged him to use the Rosary reverently to get to know Who Jesus is. He thanked me. Lord, lead him to You and salvation!
Two perhaps-homeless men stopped so one could ask me a question. Speaking in accented English, he pointed to the center of the business park and asked if there was a fountain there. The evangelist explained that yes, there was, but it operated only from Memorial Day (late May) until Labor Day, which was a couple of weeks ago. The man seemed quite relieved to have his memory of the fountain validated. Lord, You love these two men so much! Please bless and heal them.
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, 2-3 Good News/kerygma pamphlets, and 1 map of area parishes, with Mass and Reconciliation times listed.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church. Please pray that our every word and gesture be in accordance with God’s will and that much fruit for His Kingdom come of today’s effort.
Many people today are confused about even basic truths, so it is heart-warming to see so many respond positively to sight of the Cross on the Rosaries, and recognize a tug within their heart to give God another chance. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and bless you and all those you love!
“They are happy, whose strength is in you, in whose hearts are the roads to Zion” (Ps 84:6).
Building Connections - 2024-09-08
September 15, 2024
Rosaries attract Catholics as well as those who hunger for Faith. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
The main convention center was holding a conference on clean water. Among the many attendees, several people were wearing forest service uniforms. One of them stopped for a Rosary. She readily named her parish in the state from which she had traveled. Another participant also stopped, who said they hadn’t seen Catholics on the street like this in their home state.
Two young-adult men from a local parish stopped at our table. They didn’t need Rosaries, but we talked a bit about their pastor and his gift for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. One of them had just become the godfather of a little boy. May he remain a faithful prayer warrior for his godson!
A Catholic family stopped. The father already faithfully prays the Rosary, but his wife and 2-3 children each selected one. I encouraged them to pray it together as a family.
A heavyset, shirtless, tattooed man came for a Rosary. The woman with him sat at a picnic table. The man explained that they didn’t remember where they parked their car. May the Lord grant that not only did they find their car without trouble, but also grant that He lead them through the Rosary to their Savior Jesus Christ.
A woman from the conference was using her laptop on a nearby picnic table. She took a minute away from it to come get a Rosary for her brother. They had recently lost their mom, and the Rosary reminded the woman of their mother’s devotion. Both children have remained faithfully Catholic. God be praised!
A woman on a bicycle stopped. She had just bought a house plant, which was perched in the bicycle’s front basket. She was a non-believer, but knew someone who was Catholic. I explained the devotion and how it helps you find out who Jesus Christ is. May the Lord draw her onto the path of salvation.
The weather was hot, nearing triple digits again, and the fountain had been shut off for the season. Foot traffic was fairly light. Yet, I was able to give away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as 4-5 Divine Mercy prayer cards, a St Michael prayer card, and 1-2 prayer cards featuring Our Lady Untier of Knots.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
The Rosary silently speaks volumes about Faith in Jesus Christ, and we enjoy seeing the attraction it holds for all sorts of people. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Happy are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways roads to Zion” (Ps 84:6).
Hope and Peace - 2024-09-01
September 8, 2024
When most people stay home, we’re still there to offer hope through Jesus Christ. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Yet another gathering of the pseudo-Biblical religion was being held in the sports arena. This time it focused on Spanish-language members. (The previous 2 meetings had been for English speakers). The group was manning three pamphlet racks within the business park, but we still set up our table in our usual spot. Please continue to pray for members of these misled groups, that the Lord calls them out of their made-up religion and into the true Faith.
Foot traffic was quite light, probably because air quality was especially poor due to wildfire smoke from several states. During a long pause between groups of passersby, e. Chuck talked with a man sitting at a nearby picnic table. He was working, he said. His job was to generate ideas for small businesses, so his mom could write up and sell business plans for them. I don’t believe he accepted a Rosary. May the Lord open his heart to perceive what’s truly important.
A Catholic woman from out of state stopped for a Rosary for her son (grandson?). She was happy to report that a relic of St Jude had recently toured her home state. We talked about how much her state needed his intercession, the “patron saint of impossible causes”. We mentioned that we had some holy cards of St Michael that had been touched to a reliquary with a stone from the cave in which the archangel has appeared several times in the last thousand years or so. She was thrilled to receive one of the prayer cards.
“Uwe” stopped to visit briefly, but only about the weather. May the Lord continue to draw him closer to Himself.
A father with two young sons declined our offer, but one of his boys kept looking over his shoulder at the Rosaries. So, the father brought his sons to the table. As the boys looked over the Rosaries, the father said he knew “you were supposed to count the beads” because his grandmother had been Catholic. The evangelist explained the true meaning and purpose of the prayer, but the father interrupted to say he had gone to a non-Catholic church when he was a kid and knew all about Jesus. Only the youngest son chose a Rosary. The father then tried to get the boy to give the prayer pamphlet back, assuming it was a “tract”. But we assured him it was “only” about the prayer. Reluctantly, the father let him keep it. Please pray the father will hear the call of his conscience and will lead his boys to Christ.
Another family visiting from out of state came to the table. The father is Catholic and his wife is a non-Catholic Christian. They said they were not in conflict over their religious differences. E. Lucy talked with the wife, while e. Chuck visited with the dad, who chose a Rosary and talked about his vibrant home parish and where he worked. Pray for continued peace in their marriage and for true unity between them in the Catholic Church.
Twice, we pulled out a Good News/kerygma pamphlet. One time, the visitor declined; the second time, e. Chuck handed one to someone e. Lucy was talking to. I’m afraid that’s all we remember of these encounters.
Although foot traffic remained light, we gave away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as a St. Michael prayer card and a Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God has continued to grant us to ability to maintain a peaceful presence, even when surrounded by competing claims. Thanks be to God! And thank you, too, for your invaluable prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Today is the Day - 2024-08-25
September 1, 2024
“Now is a very acceptable time” to turn to God and salvation (cf. 2 Cor 6:2). So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A comic convention was going on in the convention center. The group had signs set up where we usually put our table, so I chose a spot on the other side of the fountain. I had barely parked the wagon carrying our table and supplies when a family in full costume came over. Fellow Catholics, they recognized e. Lucy from Mass at her parish. They identified their characters from an early, family-friendly video game. They took only one Rosary and its pamphlet for the little girl. May God bless the family!
Two priests stopped. For an uncomfortable moment, the evangelist wondered if they were in costume to mock the Catholic Church. With relief, she recognized Fr. Tim from the nearby parish. He introduced Fr. James, his guest from out of town. They thanked us for being out there, acknowledged how much good it does, and gave the evangelist a blessing. May God bless them and keep them Faithful!
Two other men stopped, the 40-something one encouraging the younger man to get a Rosary. The first man named the parish where he’d attended Mass earlier that day. The evangelist quickly described the devotion for the other man, and encouraged him to use the prayer to grow closer to Christ. The first man then wanted to show the evangelist something he carries in his wallet. It was the funeral card for his mother, “Dolores”. On the back was his mother’s name; on the front was a lovely picture of Our Blessed Mother in a garden . Our visitor said it was a Polish image. May God grant eternal rest to Dolores, and may He grant faithfulness and salvation to her son.
A group of three young-adult men stopped when one of them wanted a Rosary. “Dave”, evidently not a Catholic, told the evangelist that he’d received a Rosary in high school from a Catholic friend, and that he’d kept it with him for several years. Now he wanted to have one again. E. Lucy quickly explained the devotion and encouraged him to use his new Rosary for prayer. His two companions then each chose one as well. Their names were “Bonham” (pronounced “BAH num”) and, perhaps, “Ben”. May God use the Rosary to draw them into full communion with Jesus Christ.
Two pre-teen boys came to the table, wanting a “free Rosary”. “Are you parents here?” asked the evangelist. They pointed to nearby restaurant seating. “If they say it’s okay, you can have one.” The boys ran toward the group they had pointing to, returning a few minutes later to choose a Rosary apiece. A few minutes after that, the oldest boy came back, this time carrying another boy almost as big as he was, who also received a Rosary. May God grant many blessings to that family!
A group of 3 teens stopped at the word, “free”. They weren’t Christian, so the evangelist encouraged them to use the Rosary to get to know who Jesus is. She let them know that people who use the Rosary reverently, even if all they had were questions, often find peace and protection.
“Isaiah”, carrying a camera with a large lens, told the evangelist that he is making a video about downtown Boise. He asked permission to film the evangelist in action, which she granted. May God grant good fruit for His Kingdom from the cameraman’s efforts.
A man, in a group of 4 down-and-out-looking adults, asked the evangelist to bless the Rosary he had just chosen from the table. She replied that she was not authorized to bless them, but let him know that they were already blessed. (It was not “a Catholic question” this time.)
A 40ish woman came to the table in response to our offer of a free Rosary. She gravitated toward the green chain Rosary that matched her dress. When asked if she were familiar with the devotion, she admitted that she had been raised Catholic, but implied that she’d been away for a long time. “Have you thought about returning?” asked the evangelist. “Yes, I have. But I don’t know where the churches are here,” said the woman. I handed her a map. “Maybe today is the day you get reconnected. There are several Masses tonight.” The woman accepted the map with a smile and took her leave. Lord, open her heart and draw her back to You!
A woman in her early 30s stopped for a Rosary. She, too, was thinking about returning to the Faith. She hesitated when offered the map of area parishes, then decided that her mom would like to have it. Lord, I surrender her (and her mom) into Your gentle and saving hands!
A stocky, familiar-looking man, late in the session, made a snarky anti-religion comment. “What gives me hope?” he asked, indicating our table sign, “Taxing churches.” “That makes no sense,” the evangelist replied. Lord, grant the man a complete change of heart and lead him to salvation in Your Church!
A 30-something couple stopped at the table. He was Catholic; she was Christian and not anti-Catholic. He chose a Rosary while I explained the devotion to the woman, who also chose a Rosary. When asked if she were planning to become Catholic, she explained how she was comfortable attending both churches with her husband. I offered her a Catechism, showing her the index where she could look up what the Catholic Church actually teaches on any given topic. I also explained how reading it straight through would help her catch the “Catholic worldview”, which is both different and beautiful. Lord, guide them to journey together to You and unity in their marriage.
To some non-Catholic Christian teens, the evangelist showed how the Rosary helps people “deepen their walk with Christ.”
“Blake” stopped to say hi. He chose another Rosary, and asked after e. Chuck, who was away again on family activities. I assured Blake that e. Chuck should be back next week (today).
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 2-3 Good News/kerygma pamphlets, 2-3 maps, a Divine Mercy prayer card, and a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Sometimes God uses human encouragement to draw others to Him. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Pray for Amalia - 2024-08-18
August 25, 2024
“What give you Hope?” our table sign asks. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Another gathering of the pseudo-Biblical religionists were gathering in the athletic center. Fewer people seemed to be involved than in the multi-state meeting a couple of weeks ago. Also, many members of this group were not as formally dressed as the bigger group had been. Two pamphlet racks had been set up on the north and west sides of the arena’s entrance. “Our spot” was still available.
A large family group passed by, made up of at least 12 people. They were all dressed nicely, but wore somber expressions, some perhaps even showing a touch of hostility at the sight of the Rosaries. Unsurprisingly, no one accepted our offer. But one man leaned over the table and urgently pleaded, “Pray for Amalia!” At least two of the men near him confirmed his request with an immediate “Yes!” Lord, have mercy on “Amalia”! You know her need. And please grant salvation to her and to her entire family!
A mom came to the table while her preteen son played in the fountain, getting himself completely soaked. The mother wanted her son to pick a Rosary. They were Catholic, and she happily stated that her son would start Catholic school the very next day. Asked which school he would attend, she named one the evangelist wasn’t familiar with. She then explained that it was in a neighboring state and that they lived in a small town, whose church has an ambiguous status with this Diocese. The boy reluctantly left the fountain to choose a Rosary. We encouraged the two of them to pray it every day.
Three children in their early teens, 2 girls and a boy, stopped when one of them understood that the Rosaries were free. They were not Christian, but e. Lucy encouraged them to get to know Jesus Christ by reading and thinking about the Mysteries as they prayed the Rosary. May the Lord draw them all to Himself!
“Marty” stopped to say hi and ask after e. Chuck, who was away due to family obligations.
After several groups had all pointedly told me no thank you, the woman half of a couple angled her path toward the table. “Yes, I would like a Rosary”, she said. She was not familiar with the devotion, but listened with interest to the brief description. She then chose a Rosary, although the man did not. May the Lord bless that woman for her kindness and lead her and her loved ones to salvation!
A teenage boy stopped when he heard the keyword, “free”. Before the evangelist had finished explaining the devotion, another teen came and stood beside the first. He, too, was unfamiliar with the Rosary, so the evangelist quickly repeated the description. They each then chose a nice chain Rosary, and received the booklet with the prayers.
Some preschool-aged children were going by and wanted Rosaries. “You have to ask your parents first,” the evangelist insisted. The parents were more than a minute behind them, and some of the youngsters didn’t have the patience to wait. But finally a dad came to the table, saying it was okay. His daughter then eagerly claimed the bright purple one she’d tried to take before he arrived. The dad listened to the explanation of the Rosary and the exhortation to pray it with his family. I don’t remember if he took one, too. But, may God bless and protect all of them!
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet. We may also have given away a Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Sometimes recognized as people of Faith, our presence can kindle hope in passersby. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
A Safe Place - 2024-08-04
August 18, 2024
God is trustworthy. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A woman brought us a cell phone that she had seen “fall out of a girl’s pocket as she rode through the fountain”. The woman and her party “couldn’t wait around any longer”, so she asked us to hang onto the phone in case the girl came back. After half an hour, still no one had come for the phone. So, one of the evangelists asked St. Anthony to put in a word for the girl. Just a few moments after that, a young-adult woman with a worried look on her face moved her scooter slowly toward us up the south spoke of the business park. When we made eye contact, she came closer to the table and asked if anyone “had happened to turn in a cell phone”. We held it up, and her face lit up. “It was my life!” she said. She immediately used it to send or post a message. When her attention returned, e. Lucy offered her a free Rosary and she accepted. Asked if she were familiar with the devotion, she replied, “Yes, I used to be Catholic.” Please pray that the young woman now finds her lost Faith! (And thank you again, St. Anthony, for your intercession for her!)
Only after the phone had found its rightful owner did two pairs of police officers on bicycles pass us. The first group was unfamiliar to us and “was going the wrong way” (moving south to north through the square). The familiar group passed by somewhat later. All four officers greeted us with friendly smiles.
After one person came to the table for a Rosary, a large family followed, in groups of three or four. They each ended up with a Rosary, several of them wanting the prayer pamphlet in Spanish. We encouraged them to pray it together daily.
While e. Lucy was helping the final few members of the family choose their Rosary, a heavily tattooed man on a scooter responded to our offer of a Rosary. He chatted with e. Chuck while waiting for the family to move on. He had been raised Catholic, but had led a criminal life and had only recently gotten out of prison. Now ready to turn his life around, he said that God was “back in his life” and he was “receiving blessings again”. The evangelist tried to gently help him recognize that God had always been with him and “blessings” were not the only sign of God. We gave him a map of area parishes, and recommended he talk to a priest and get back to the Sacraments as soon as possible. But he said he had “some guys” he was talking to. Pray for his conversion, perseverance, and obedience of faith.
Another man declined a Rosary but said he had questions. At that, his wife walked away and sat down at a nearby picnic table. “Mitch” had been raised by parents who “believed in God but never attended church”. Mitch’s questions and remarks often conflicted with each other, and he changed the subject whenever the evangelist tried to help him see a way out of each predicament. His father had experienced a near-death experience, which had led to profound changes in his father. But that still did not move Mitch to “accept the reality of the supernatural”, although he could not express why he still rejected it. His wife must have signaled her impatience, because he suddenly ended the conversation and moved to leave, So, we gave him the “Existence of God”, “Who Am I?”, and “Do I Need A Savior?” pamphlets, and let him know we were there every week. Pray for Mitch, that his heart is softened, his mind opened, and he can hear the call of his Lord and Savior.
“Zeke”, a 20-something man on a bicycle, stopped to choose a Rosary. He had been raised Catholic, but it sounded like no one in the family was active anymore. He then shared that his brother had died recently, and he wanted to put the Rosary on his brother’s grave. We encouraged him, instead, to pray the Rosary for his brother and gave him a Divine Mercy card as another prayer for his brother. Pray that his brother’s passing will open his eyes to his own need to actively devote his life to our only path to a happy eternity, Jesus Christ.
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet (3-4 of them in Spanish), a copy of the “Existence of God”, “Who Am I?”, and “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlets, and a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
We try to communicate God’s infinite goodness and love. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
God of Peace - 2024-08-04
August 11, 2024
God granted us peace. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A multi-state gathering of a pseudo-Christian sect was meeting in the sports arena. E. Lucy talked with one of the women standing by a pamphlet rack, passed on our way across the business park. She told us what group was here and explained that the men we had thought of as security guards were simply ushers. The group had another pamphlet rack set up directly across the walkway from “our spot”, but thankfully left our spot available.
“Gloria and Wayne”, from e. Chuck’s parish, stopped by. They brought Rosaries and Miraculous Medals for us. Gloria had purchased and packaged the Rosaries, while Wayne had made cord necklaces for the medals. They chatted for awhile about their travel to a certain pilgrimage site. May God bless all our benefactors!
A group of three young-adult women stopped for Rosaries. One of them asked if they were blessed. She acknowledged that they were Catholic and belonged to e. Lucy’s childhood parish. May God bless them and keep them faithful!
A couple stopped when the woman wanted a free Rosary. She was not Christian. E. Lucy explained the Rosary devotion as a good way to get to know Jesus, and handed her a copy of the Good News/kerygma pamphlet. They each chose a Rosary.
A large family stopped for a Rosary apiece. One of them wanted the Rosary pamphlet in Spanish. One of the children came running back to ask for another Rosary for his aunt, who would be fine with the English pamphlet. May God bless the family!
A young-adult man on an electric scooter sped past. He ignored our offer without looking at us, as do many. But, out of the corner of our eye, we saw him glide around the whole business park square to circle back to us. He didn’t stop this time either, but slowed down to say, “Didn’t mean to ignore you. Just wanted to say ‘no thank you and God bless.’” May God bless him for the gift of his politeness.
“Marty” paused to chat about various things and, when we brought the conversation around to God being good, he readily agreed. He added that he thought he had a good relationship with God, saying half jokingly, “I attend the church-of-Marty.” When we responded that maybe he should look around for something more, he shrugged the suggestion off with another joke and moved on. Please continue to pray for Marty.
“Richard” identifies as belonging to the pseudo-Christian sect meeting in the sports arena. About 5 minutes before closing, he came out of the arena carrying 2 bottles of ice water to offer to us. He acknowledged that we were “people of Faith” and he wanted to be charitable. He’d recently moved here from a coastal city that is hostile to any show of religion, as were several other cities in which he’d lived. He is grateful that people in Boise are so polite, even when they follow a different philosophy. He again lamented that people were so openly hostile to religion where he came from, and he thanked us for sharing our faith in public. Pray that the hearts of many will be softened and accept the God of truth and salvation, and that Richard and his church will accept the Cross and their Lord crucified upon it for their salvation (cf. Mt 10:42).
The weather continued hot. But several times during the session, a strong breeze blew through the fountain and past us, moderating the temperatures nicely. Quite a few people were out and about. Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
“Seek the welfare of the city to which I have exiled you … for upon its welfare your own depends” (Jer 29:7). So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God bless and protect you (and your city) and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
A Tender Shoot - 2024-07-28
August 4, 2024
We trust that God uses this apostolate to draw men to Himself. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A tall, Catholic father and his grade-school-aged son came to the table as we were setting up. The father told us that his other son and this boy had picked up Rosaries from us some time ago. Since then, the boys “have demanded” to pray it every day. The father was very proud of his son and thankful to us for being in the public square. The boy was, naturally, embarrassed by our praise. But, upon prompting from the evangelist, he accepted another Rosary and pamphlet “to give to a friend”. Come, Holy Spirit, strengthen all Catholic families and keep them united in faith.
A man and woman walked by. In response to our offer of a free Rosary, the woman yelled, “No, I don’t want my children molested.” Neither do we. And that’s why, of all children’s activities in our community, Catholic activities are by far the safest for children.
The “blanket man” went by several times, never making eye contact. May the Lord have mercy on him and save him!
The homeless man with bushy blond hair and beard paused to greet us. He looked admiringly at the Rosaries again, but still didn’t take one.
A boy in his early teens stopped. When asked if he were familiar with the Rosary, he replied, “Yes, but it’s too complicated to explain right now.” Lord, send Your grace to draw this young man to Your side.
Several teens came to the table for a free Rosary. At least one young woman admitted that she wasn’t Christian. One evangelist then described how much God loves us, and the other encouraged her to spend time with the Rosary Mysteries to get to know the God Who wants to save them. Besides Rosaries and its pamphlet, the group also accepted a Good News/kerygma pamphlet. They were polite, but in a hurry to leave. Pray that the seeds of the Kingdom of God will grow in their hearts.
A couple of different times, someone with a dog stopped. Both times, the dog tried climb up e. Chuck. The owners were friendly and grateful to receive a Rosary.
E. Chuck thought he saw a repeat visitor, from perhaps several years ago, go by. We had temporarily dubbed him “microwave man” because that’s where he kept the Rosary he received from us. May God bless him!
“Jesús”, from e. Todd’s men’s group at a nearby parish, stopped to say hi. The young woman with him this time, who didn’t speak English, chose a Rosary and wanted the pamphlet in English.
A Spanish-speaking family stopped, and several members chose a Rosary. One of them received the pamphlet in Spanish.
A couple stopped to select Rosaries. The man told e. Chuck that he belongs to a pseudo-Christian religion because, when he was young and in the military, he often got in trouble and felt lost, and that missionaries from that religion really helped him. He implied that he thinks that, because the church building on the military base was used by all religions, that all religions are the same. We pleaded with him to pray the Rosary and get to know the true Jesus Christ. May he clearly hear the call of his Lord and Savior.
The man who works at the neighboring hotel, and wears his headset when he steps out on break, “Bob?”, just wanted another Rosary pamphlet for someone. The woman (coworker?) walking nearby didn’t say anything.
God granted us relatively cooler weather last week, so lots of people were outside. (Thank you, God!) The two evangelists gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet, a Divine Mercy prayer card, and a Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
Whether we see the spiritual progress or not, our trust in the Lord continues. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Watch God Move - 2024-07-21
July 28, 2024
God draws people to Himself. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A petite, 20-something woman with curly, light-brown locks stopped to visit a bit. She had just spent an extended time in a traditionally Catholic country. She had done some sketching there, she said, indicating her satchel. E Lucy asked if she could see her artwork. Our visitor showed a small (but actual-sized) drawing of a monkey head carved high up on a cathedral wall. Since monkeys were unknown in that country at the time of the cathedral’s construction, its image confirmed the historical (and to that point disputed) presence of workmen of another nationality (who were familiar with the animal). She also showed her sketch of her favorite 19th-century painting, which captures the horror of a father finding his sole heir murdered. In another country, our visitor had also seen pieces of an historic wall that had divided it. She said her parents were getting up in years and had money, so they traveled a lot. May God grant the girl a sense of His hand in history and His purpose in her life.
A family with 2 children (perhaps 8 and 10 years old) stopped when the children wanted a Rosary. The dad accompanied the two children to the table, but didn’t choose a Rosary himself. The children were not familiar with the Rosary but, when asked, said they were Christian. So, e. Lucy gave a quick description of the devotion and how to use it to grow closer to Christ. As they left, the evangelist overheard the dad perhaps explaining Christianity to his children. May God bless them and bring the whole family to the fullness of Truth.
The “blanket man” passed by a couple of times, but didn’t acknowledge our offer of a Rosary.
A homeless-looking man wearing a heavy jacket stopped briefly. He didn’t take a Rosary, but pointed out the Crucifix on one that matched his childhood one. May God bless, heal him, and draw him back to the Sacraments!
An older couple passed by, the woman pointing upward and shouting that she “prayed to Jesus, not Mary”. The evangelist replied that we do, too, and Mary is our prayer partner. May God break through the conditioning of lies that keep people away from the Church the He founded.
“Blake” stopped by again. He said he had lost his Rosary, and so chose another one. He also grabbed a copy of the “new” pamphlet we had out, “The Divinity of Christ”. He also took another copy of each prayer card. May God bless his studies and bring him all the way to Catholic Sainthood!
“Uwe” stopped by early. He spoke of his time with a world health organization in Switzerland, and of a Nobel Prize winning economist who pioneered micro-loans for women in poor countries. With each loan came an economic advisor, and much progress out of poverty happened for the communities. Uwe also talked about the importance of educating girls, since girls in turn teach their whole families, who all benefit. Whereas, educated boys tend to focus only on bettering themselves. He said, though, that the concept of educating especially girls has not overcome cultural bias in poor countries. His personal philosophy, though, is that human beings are parasites and will destroy the planet. May God open his heart to the Catholic worldview that God created human beings as good, loves us, and wants us saved.
As I was putting everything away, a man came to the table for a Rosary. He glanced at the few we still had out, but requested a chain one. May God bless him and draw him deeper to His Sacred Heart through the Rosary devotion. May God bless all of our Rosary makers!
The weather was extraordinarily hot out last week, so foot traffic was very light. Still, we gave away maybe 5-10 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, a “Divinity of Christ” pamphlet, 3 Divine Mercy prayer cards, and an Our Lady Un-tier of Knots prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God still uses the Rosary to draw people’s attention to His love for them. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Crowd Control - 2024-07-14
July 22, 2024
A heat advisory remained in effect, but the temperature wasn’t as hot as predicted. The sun “happened to be” obscured by a haze. And this relatively pleasant weather, in turn, brought a lot of people outside and past our table. Thank you, God!
As we were setting up, a young-adult woman asked, “Are those Rosaries?” She and the young-adult man with her approached. We assured her they were Rosaries, and free for the taking. Her familiarity with the Rosary was through her mother, who was “very Christian and prayed all the time.” The young woman, however, was not Christian. When asked why, she smiled and shrugged, and said, “It’s just not my thing.” As they were leaving with their Rosaries, e. Chuck exclaimed, “God came to earth to save our [hides]. Surely, that’s worth believing in!” But they just laughed and went on their way. Pray they come to understand that their need for Christ is truly desperate, and that it is faith in Christ that shows us who we are and not the other way around.
The two local police officers rode by again, early in the session. One of them was a few moments ahead of the other, who paused within the fountain. May God bless them, keep them safe, and help them serve the community.
Several large family groups went by. Some of them stopped, so 3 or 4 of the members could select a Rosary.
A local university was holding its orientation week starting the next day, and so we saw several dual-generation groups go by. One pair stopped so the mom could get a Rosary. The daughter didn’t choose one, and seemed uninterested in talk of the active Newman Center on that campus. [Too late did I remember the Green Scapular we had with us.] May the Lord hear that mother’s prayers and draw her daughter back to Faith and safety!
A young adult man of a non-Christian tradition, and whom e. Chuck recognized, stopped. It seems that our visitor hadn’t had time to choose a Rosary before, but had promised to come back. He honored his word and chose a Rosary this time, also accepting the pamphlet on how to pray it. May Our Lord make Himself known to our visitor!
A group of 4 teens stopped, none of whom were Christian. E. Chuck briefly explained the kerygma, and e. Lucy helped them choose a Rosary apiece. But the encounter felt very rushed, and we didn’t get a Good News pamphlet into their hands.
Half a dozen men sat at a picnic table nearby, surrounded by luggage. After seeing us offer Rosaries for some time, one of them gestured that he wanted one. None of them spoke English. Once we remembered the word for “free” in their language, they all came to the table. in our stash, e. Lucy found the Rosary pamphlets in that language. [Later, another man came for a Rosary and also requested the pamphlet in same language.] Some of the men had been given flowers with notes in English on them, so we tried to help translate. The notes roughly said, “God loves you and forgives your sins”. Pray for their safe travels and perseverance in faith. Via con Dios!
Two teenage girls smiled when they saw us and came unbidden to the table. They both wore brightly colored hair, heavy makeup, and sported lots of piercings, They said they were already familiar with the Rosary and listened somewhat impatiently to our exhortation to use it to grow closer to Jesus Christ. They went by again later, and waved to us in a friendly fashion.
Another two teenage girls with outlandish makeup, and one skateboard between them, came to the table. They were not talkative, but listened to us politely. Pray for them and for all young people who seek to express themselves, and who are trying to find meaning and identity in the material and temporary world. May their eyes be opened to the glories of God.
Altogether, we gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
God is trustworthy, and wants us all to be saved. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
God Wins! - 2024-07-07
July 14, 2024
The Victor is Christ! So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
As we were setting up the table, a tall man with a slight southern accent approached us. He said, “You probably don’t remember me, but I’ve picked up a couple of Rosaries from you over the years and have them hanging in my house.” He went on to tell us he was raised [as a non-Catholic Christian] but his younger sister had converted to Catholicism. When she recently visited him, she was excited to see the Rosaries on his wall. We asked him if he was praying the Rosary, but he became sheepish. To impress his little sister, he said, he let her think he was praying the Rosary, but in fact he never had. Pray that the influence of his sister will lead him into a deeper union with Christ through the Rosary.
Also early in the session, we watched two city policemen as one rode his bicycle through the fountain in the middle of the business park. Then they came past us, and e. Chuck lamented about their having to wear such dark-colored uniforms. They agreed and wished us well. May God bless and protect them.
“Logan” the non-Catholic Christian street evangelist, came by twice. His approach had changed since last time. Instead of handing out a church business card, he was giving out tracts containing 1-line clean jokes. The kerygma was buried near the end of the tract, as a fine-print “editorial”. Logan then suddenly excused himself to leave and take care of his blood sugar. He came back somewhat later, still looking somewhat pale. While he was visiting us, a disheveled looking man was going back and forth past us on the far side of the walkway, being careful not to make eye contact. I think it was the same man I’ve seen in the area several times over the last few years. Today, his movements seemed quite disorganized. He made his way to the fountain and splashed water on himself. Then he lay down under a tree and may have fallen asleep for a few minutes. Logan said he wasn’t going to approach him, since he’s seen men in similar shape suddenly turn violent, but that he would ask his church to pray for him. Meanwhile, I’m concerned about Logan, especially since his story and his approach seem so markedly different from just two weeks ago. Lord, please have mercy on both of these men. Lead them both to You. And, if it be Thy will, please heal them; save them.
A family of five went by, the parents shaking their head “no, thank you” to our offer of a free Rosary. Then, the two girls (perhaps 5 and 8 years old) came running back to the table. “Only if it’s okay with your folks,” we said. The mom nodded and headed to our table, too. The girls each chose a Rosary and accepted the pamphlet on how to pray it.
We saw “Marty” briefly, who said he was doing well. Then “Blake” went by. You may remember him as “Stephen’s coworker”, who works as a waiter and had described himself as an inactive Catholic. This time, he held up his black Rosary, to show us he still had it. Then he came to the table to tell us he was beginning to go to Mass again. [Thank you, God!!!] He picked up a “Divine Mercy” and a “Mary, Untier of Knots” prayer card before heading off to work. Praise God for small steps toward a big faith. Keep praying for Blake, may his love for Christ continue to grow.
An elderly woman stopped for a Rosary, once she understood that they were free. She chose one. Then she chose another. “I need seven of these,” she said. “For what?” we asked. Well, she is going to a convention and needed to bring presents for seven other people. E Chuck explained that we were giving them away so people could use them for prayer, and encouraged her to learn to pray the one she had already chosen. She graciously returned the second one she had picked up.
“The merchant” waved as he went by, but didn’t come to the table.
A man stopped who didn’t know anything about the Rosary, but shrugged off the explanation because, though he was raised in a non-Catholic Christian tradition, he was “now more spiritual than religious”. Yet, he still selected a Rosary. We replied that the most spiritual thing we can do is to respond to Christ’s love by loving Him back with everything we’ve got, and that Christ gave us many practical ways of loving Him, which include the Rosary, the Church, etc. His response was noncommittal as he moved on. Pray he will stop holding God at arm’s length with a vague spirituality and will fully embrace the God who fully embraced him on the Cross.
A mom with two children was ready to pass the table by, but the children wanted Rosaries. The mother let them pick one out, but declined one herself. She claimed to know what the Rosary was. but listened as we described the prayer to the kids. Then, she did choose one. Pray that this family will be strengthened in faith by praying the Rosary together.
A father let his son choose a Rosary and said he knew what it was because his mother was Catholic. He did not elaborate on what he believed. He was interested in the mechanics of and reasons for praying the Rosary and asked clarifying questions about the prayer. He picked out a Rosary that matched the one his son had chosen. We suggested they learn to pray it together. May memories of the Faith of his mother lead this man and his son to a deeper faith in Jesus and devotion to His mother.
A young-adult couple stopped. They knew nothing about Rosary, but the man was wearing a cross necklace. They were open to learning about the devotion. May God help them grow ever closer to Him!
Two Catholic young adult men in tropical shirts stopped to thank us for being there. After they had chosen Rosaries and received the Rosary pamphlet with its artwork depicting the Mysteries, one of them asked if we had ever seen the originals. He then said he had just returned from traveling, and had seen the original Last Supper painting, which was large and impressive.
A girl zoomed past us on an electric scooter, followed by her father. The dad stopped at our table and called the girl to come back and get a Rosary, which she did.
Although the temperature poised to climb back into triple digits, it remained pleasant where we set up, due to a constant breeze that flowed past the fountain. Foot traffic remained light, but we still gave away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as 1-2 Divine Mercy prayer cards and an Our Lady, Untier of Knots prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit comes of today’s effort.
Victories may seem quiet, but Heaven rejoices! Ss, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Desire for Prayer - 2024-06-30
July 7, 2024
People need God. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A repeat visitor, the homeless veteran who uses a walker, was distressed. He came right to the table and picked out a Rosary. Then he told us that he’d unexpectedly lost his father the week before, on Father’s Day. He hadn’t been able to be there with him, and his father didn’t want any kind of memorial service. E. Lucy encouraged him to cling closely to Christ, Who can bring meaning out of suffering. Our visitor is grieving heavily; please pray for him.
“The merchant” came by, and complained to e. Chuck that e. Lucy wouldn’t give him a Rosary the previous week. E. Chuck was unmoved.
“Frank”, a man passed us by on his bicycle, then turned back to pick out a Rosary. For some time, he stayed to talk with e. Chuck about his life. Frank is “an ex-Catholic” who had much financial success, but then “partied too much” and his marriage fell apart, although his children are all “successful.” He is homeless, still drinks and has cancer, but is convinced that “staying optimistic and getting back to work” will fix everything. He is sure the world needs God to avoid doom; but he thinks he just “has to stay happy in the moment” to get by. He wondered who created God. The evangelist mostly listened, but tried to point to the primacy of God in our lives and our desperate need to humble ourselves before Christ, Who saved us. Pray that Frank relies on himself less and less, and lets God’s will become the foundation of his life.
“Bob” works at the hotel that anchors “our business park”, and was taking a walk on his break. He and his wife pray the Rosary daily. His wife gets up early to watch a televised Mass every day. When asked if he wanted a Rosary for someone else, he did take one. Bob had recently lost his 55-year-old sister-in-law. (His brother is in a memory-care facility.) Before she passed, Bob was grateful that he could call her three times a week and pray the Divine Mercy chaplet with her. He thanked us for being out there. He came immediately back right after leaving to ask if the Rosaries are blessed. May God bless Bob and his wife and keep them faithful.
A tall homeless man rejected our offer of a Rosary with, “No way. I’m done with all that mess.” As he was preparing to walk away, though, he paused to ask if we had heard about the hit-and-run accident that happened nearby the night before. He described the events in detail, then asked us, “since that’s what you do”, to pray for the victim, who survived but was badly hurt, and for the perpetrator, who was found a short time later. So let’s pray for them and for this man, too, who rejects the things of God and yet wants His help. May he see that his own need for God is just as urgent as it is for the person who got run over.
A 20-something couple was passing us by, when the man decided to come to the table. His pregnant wife moved farther away before stopping to wait for him. He said he had grown up Catholic but was no longer active. We gave him a “Come Home” pamphlet. Then he shared that his wife belongs to a pseudo-Christian religion, and that it had caused a great deal of strife in her family when she married him, an outsider. He was very concerned how she would respond to his picking up a Rosary, and kept glancing at her as he talked to us. Pray for their marriage, that it may weather this storm, and pray for him that the Holy Spirit will fill him with the grace so he has the strength and courage to renew his faith in Christ.
An athletic older woman passing by paused briefly to thank us for being there. She’s Catholic and prays the Rosary regularly. She took a few steps away and then came back to happily declare that only the Rosary got her through her previous marathon. Praise God for his generous mercy!
An “ex-Catholic” has stopped several times over the years to tell us “the Catholic Church is all wrong.” This time, he was riding a bicycle beside a young woman, and stopped in front of the table. Our previous encounter had been cordial, so e. Chuck teased him, wondering aloud if he was here to argue again. Our visitor laughed. The evangelist then asked the young woman if she wanted a Rosary. She did, and went to get one from e. Lucy. E. Chuck said he hoped the man wouldn’t discourage the woman from praying the Rosary, and he said that he would not. But then the man asked her what she planned to do with it as she got back on her bicycle. She grinned and shrugged. Pray that the man’s heart is softened, and that the young woman will have the courage to persevere in prayer in the face of opposition.
A young man wanted a Rosary but was not sure what it was for. And when asked if he was a Christian, he hemmed and hawed, and then said, “I like Jesus.” The evangelist told him that Jesus is God Incarnate, Who died for him, and calls us to do more than simply “like” Him. We encouraged our visitor to get to know Jesus fully by praying the Rosary for a week. As the man was choosing a Rosary, a group of teenagers stopped and he stayed to listen as the evangelists shared the Good News with them before he moved on. We let our first visitor know that we are there every week if he had any questions. Pray that the seed of Faith takes root in his heart, and he comes to love and adore Jesus.
Three teenage boys on scooters came to the table unbidden and asked how much the beads were. When we said they were free, they moved right in to pick one each. Amid the chaotic flurry of each choosing his Rosary, the evangelists shared the Good News, displaying the Mysteries of the Rosary depicted in the Rosary pamphlet. They were thankful, and said “God bless you” before zooming away. Pray that their faith will grow and mature and draw them ever closer to their Savior.
We were blessed with mild weather last week, the temperature barely warm enough for the children playing in the fountain. We gave away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, and a “Come Home” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God brings greater good out of any suffering He allows. Sometimes, that good is our awareness of our need for Him. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
The Rosary, Uniquely Catholic - 2024-06-23
June 30, 2024
Even nonbelievers recognize the Rosary as Catholic. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Early in the session, a woman stopped to accept a Rosary “because her 8-year-old grandson was interested in becoming Catholic”. May God bless the boy with Faith and lead his whole family to salvation!
A family stopped so the child (3 or 4 years old) could choose a Rosary “for his grandmother”. May the grandmother’s prayers for the salvation of her family be heard and answered!
Someone else wanted a Rosary “for a friend who is Catholic”. May his act of charity awaken his own faith!
One person didn’t want a Rosary, but asked for an Our Lady Untier of Knots prayer card.
A pair of bicyclists (in their late teens or early 20s) stopped for a Rosary apiece. One of the boys told us that they had “found one of [our] Rosaries by the river” and had taken it home, but would like to have one to keep with him. We marveled at how they knew the Rosary was from our apostolate. May Our Lord enkindle in them a true devotion to Mary, and may she lead them both to Jesus and the salvation that is from Him alone.
One woman, here from a conservative state, was heading to work and wanted a Rosary.
A shirtless man, with tattoos from head to waist, rode by on his bike. Then he swung back around and came to the table. His religious ideas were unclear, but he wanted a Rosary so he “could give it to someone who needed hope and encouragement”. Pray that he and the people he speaks with put their faith, hope, and love in Jesus Christ, Our Risen Savior.
A Catholic woman from out of state, who was killing time before her job as a flight attendant, stopped for a Rosary. Pray that, as she travels, she is intentional about spending time with God in prayer and worship.
A gender-confused 20-something man stopped to pick out a Rosary. He didn’t say much but did nod his head that he was familiar with the Rosary. Pray that he will listen to the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ, ignore the lies of the fallen world, and find healing and peace.
The weather was especially hot last week, although God sent a light breeze through the corridor where we set up. Foot traffic was especially light, especially after solar noon, but we were able to give away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as an Our Lady Untier of Knots prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
The Rosary is as powerful as ever. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
A Catholic Herb? - 2024-06-16
June 23, 2024
Surprising questions awaited us during our busy Father’s Day session. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Two couples descended on the table, just as I was beginning to set up. When they found out we were giving away Rosary, they asked the almost exclusively Catholic question: “Are these blessed?” When they found out they were, three of the four chose two Rosaries apiece (although I’d asked them to limit themselves to only one). But they each had someone in mind who “needed one of these”. True. May they and their fellow family members who receive a Rosary, grow in faith all the way to Catholic Sainthood!
A family with 4 children (perhaps 4-10 years old) went by, the father signaling “no” to our offer of a free Rosary. But a few moments later, he came back, accompanied by one his older daughters. He is a non-Catholic Christian, but remembered the Rosary from his youth. I gave him a quick refresher on the Christ-centered prayer experience. The girl was looking longingly at the pretty colored Rosaries, but I told her she could have one “only if it’s okay with your dad”. He nodded, so she chose one. I encouraged him to take one, too, which he did. As they were leaving, the other preteen daughter came up to get one. Not too much later, the other children had come and chosen one as well. Meanwhile, the father talked about the importance of Christ and forgiveness. I agreed, noting how astonishing it is that God forgives men when He didn’t even forgive the angels. Our visitor agreed. May God bless the family with unity in Christ.
Another family with 4 children had stopped earlier when the mom wanted a Rosary. They were Catholic and the parents were familiar with the devotion. After the mom and children had each had a chance to receive a Rosary, I made sure the dad knew he was welcome to have one, too. The only “neutral colored” one left on the table was the large chain Rosary with hematite stones. I assured he that he could have that one, that it would be perfect for a prayer warrior, which all dads need to be. He gladly accepted. Now, the second oldest daughter had been the only family member to decline a Rosary. So, I offered the dad a Green Scapular to give to her, which he gladly accepted. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for that girl (and for all of us) now and at the hour of our death. Amen!
“Stephen” put in an appearance as I was helping some children choose Rosaries, quietly making his typical “imaginary friend” remark. I only had time to give him a welcoming “hi” and grin, which he returned, and he was gone. May God continue to draw Stephen to Himself!
“I have no use for rosemary!” said a woman who had paused just past our table, then turned and came back. “Rosemary? The herb?” our evangelist asked, puzzled. “You’re giving away herbs?” asked the lady. “No, we’re giving away Rosaries.” “Well, I don’t worship Rosaries,” said the lady. “Neither do we! We worship God alone.” “Oh, well, I guess that’s okay.” Then the evangelist quickly described the Rosary as a tool that helps us time our meditations on the life of Christ. She showed our visitor the Rosary pamphlet and where to find each of the 20 stories in the Bible. Still not interested in receiving an actual Rosary, our visitor did accept the pamphlet to study later. May God open her heart and calm her fears.
A man, wearing a baseball cap with a military branch logo, came directly to the table before I could offer him a Rosary. “Logan” does his own non-Catholic Christian street ministry. He offered me a card, complete with QR code for his church. (For some reason, I felt compelled not to touch it.) Then he asked if I needed prayer. I asked him to pray about something that’s challenged me for more than thirty years. His prayer was a generic, “Lord, you know what her issue is. I don’t need to know. Your will be done.” In turn, I asked God to bless Logan and grant him what he needs.
A woman, part of a small group, stopped for a Rosary. Her mom had died just last week, and the Rosary reminded her of her. “She’s praying for you,” I ventured. The woman nodded, accepted the pamphlet with the Rosary prayers, and thanked me. May God draw her back to His Church!
As I was making my way back to the car after the session, a passing couple demanded to know where I was going. “Home?” I replied. It turns out that they are non-Catholic Christians trying to follow the Holy Spirit’s inspiration. Seeing the wagon carrying our Christian signs, they had thought I was going to set up at some trade how, and were wondering where it was. I explained our apostolate in the business park every Sunday, and offered them a Rosary. They didn’t want one, but I explained the devotion to the woman and how it helps people grow closer to Christ. She did take the pamphlet. We encouraged each other, for the continued safety of the city, to remain faithful to Christ.
Many families were out and honoring their father. Altogether, I gave away a near-record 30-35 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as a Divine Mercy prayer card, and a Green Scapular.
Please pray for us again today. Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
God’s love stretches to each unique human being. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Religion: Hardwired Human Need - 2024-06-09
June 16, 2024
Religion, the right worship of God, is a need that Our Creator placed within us. Providentially, God also taught us how He wants to be worshiped. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
All three convention centers in “our business park” were being used for an international gathering of the wives’ association of an organization to which Catholics are forbidden to belong (because of their incorrect teachings about God). Most of the many, many women were dressed very nicely in long dresses with jewelry. Unfortunately, of the small handful who stopped to receive a Rosary, at least two professed to be Catholic. Still, I set them up with a Rosary and encouraged them to pray it daily.
One non-Catholic Christian woman told me she is an organist for her liturgical church on the opposite side of the country. She declined taking a Rosary, but told the story of how she got her daughter and friend into the church building, asking them to “test the volume of the pipe organ”. May God restore the younger women’s faith.
Another woman decided to stop for a Rosary. At first, she seemed as if she would give me a friendly no. But then she recalled that, when she was young, a Catholic friend had given her a Rosary. But something had happened, and she didn’t have it anymore. I offered her a replacement. She decided that, since she had suddenly remembered the lost Rosary after all these years, she would accept one of ours. Then she told me that her daughter had recently died from an overdose of a pain management drug, and that she planned to set up the Rosary by her daughter’s picture. May her daughter’s soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Two women in their late teens or early 20s stopped when one of them wanted a Rosary. She said she was very familiar with the devotion, but her friend was not. The friend also was not Christian. So, e. Lucy explained the Rosary meditations as a way to get to know Who Jesus is. She also gave the woman a copy of our Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
A man declined a Rosary, declaring he served other gods, naming a northern-European origin of his religion. He tried to convince me that Christmas was taken from their mid-winter holiday, but wasn’t willing to hear our answer to that old lie. May the one true God draw him to Himself and heal him!
“The merchant” strode quickly up, pushing his walker ahead of himself. He offered me a banana, which I declined. He asked for a Rosary, which I declined to give him. Since he at least pretends to not understand English, I don’t feel confident that he understands that blessed Rosaries are neither to be sold nor traded. Lord, have mercy!
After record-breaking heat during the two preceding days, God moderated the weather for our session. A cloud cover protected us from the baking sun, while a pleasant breeze played around the edges. Since this made the weather relatively pleasant, there were lots of people out and about. (Thank you, God!) Altogether, I gave away 15-20 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it, 2 Good News/kerygma pamphlets, and 2 Our Lady Untier of Knots prayer cards.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Sin renders us spiritually “wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked” (cf. Rev 3:17) and confusion about whom and how to worship follows. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Jesus Calls - 2024-06-02
June 9, 2024
God wants all human beings to be saved, and the Rosary appeals to them. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A 20-something couple stopped when the man wanted a Rosary. It reminded him of his youth, he said. When e. Chuck asked what parish he attended, he admitted that he wasn’t connected to any local church. We offered him a map of area parishes and encouraged him to get reconnected with the Sacraments. They each also selected a Rosary.
Another young woman stopped at the table, who said she was very familiar with the Rosary because she was Catholic. When asked what parish she attended, she admitted it had been a long time since she had been to Mass. So, we gave her a map of area churches and encouraged her to not miss out on the Sacraments anymore. Pray for her, and for all inactive Catholics, that their faith may move from a mere idea or memory to a devoted, thriving relationship with their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
A father with two young sons, all on bicycles, stopped because one of the boys was interested in a free Rosary. The father did not seem open to the idea of his kids getting Rosaries, so we told the boys they couldn’t have one unless their father said it was okay. Then a discussion started between father and son about what their mother would say. Finally, the father said they could have one but they had to show their mother when they got home. Pray that this family’s faith is enriched by the curiosity of these young boys.
“The traveler” stopped, but mostly talked about alligators and his wish to be back in a state where they are native.
“Stephen” was in a really upbeat mood. He excitedly told e. Chuck about the new job that he would be starting tomorrow. This is his last Sunday that he needs to work, he said. so we wouldn’t see him anymore. Please continue to pray for him and for all atheists.
A conference with an unfamiliar acronym was going on in the east convention center. Most of the participants studiously ignored us when we asked about it. Finally, a 20-something couple paused long enough so the woman could explain that it was a conference on traffic control systems. Not a single participant accepted a Rosary, though.
A couple in their late 30s stopped, although the man voiced the fact that he was afraid of what we might say to him. We offered him his choice of Rosary and encouraged him to use it to grow closer to Jesus Christ.
A man approaching behind us on a bicycle looked like he would accept a Rosary. When he came closer, though, his eyes dropped to the Crucifix on the Rosary being offered by the evangelist. The man suddenly changed his mind and left without one. May God heal whatever is keeping him from Christ.
A young woman came to the table to select a Rosary. After we explained the prayer, she said she belonged to a major non-Christian religion, and that they had a “Rosary”, too, meaning they used prayer beads. We let her know that if she prayed the Christian Rosary, it would be a great opportunity for her to get to know who Jesus is. Please pray that she will hear God speaking to her through the life of Christ.
Two teenage girls stopped, although only one was interested in a Rosary. The interested one knew nothing about the devotion. She also wasn’t sure if she were Christian, though she attended church with her parents sometimes. We encouraged her, by praying the Rosary, to meet the God who became human, died for her but didn’t stay dead, so she could have eternal life in heaven. She responded with a polite thank you. Her friend listened in, but still did not want a Rosary. Please pray that the teen’s relationship with her Savior will become more real to her.
Two men and a little girl passed us by, but then the little girl came running back. She was the daughter of one of the men’s girlfriend. As we talked, it came out that the girl’s mother was Catholic. Pray that the faith of children everywhere will mature and persevere in love of the Triune God.
A family declined our offer, but then the mother came back to select a Rosary. With a heavy accent, she told us that she belonged to a nationalist non-Catholic Christian church. They didn’t have a community locally, so she attended services from another nationality. It sounded, though, like she wasn’t regular in her church attendance. She then told us her co-religionists didn’t pray the Rosary, but just wore it wrapped around their wrist. We encouraged her to spend time in praying the Mysteries. Pray that all our separated brethren in Christ may embrace the unity symbolized by this simple string of beads.
Altogether, we gave away 10-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, and at least 2 maps to area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
May God bless our Rosary makers! The more traditional a Rosary looks, the more it seems to appeal to those who “used to be Catholic”. May God grant their return to the full Sacramental life of His Church before it’s too late! And thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. May God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Peace, Not Taken for Granted - 2024-05-28
June 2, 2024
Trinity Sunday was on the US holiday Memorial Day this year. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
As we were waiting for “our wagon o’ stuff” to arrive, one of us espied a priest from the nearby cathedral walking through the square, Rosary in hand. He was moving too quickly to catch up to, but we REALLY appreciated his prayers!
We had a repeat visit from ”Brian”, the photographer who once lost a large Crucifix in a river in the wilderness. He had been setting it up for a shot but, when he turned around, it was nowhere to be found. E. Lucy speculated that perhaps his Guardian Angel had given it to someone who needed a miracle at that moment. Brian told us that he gives Rosaries away almost as soon as he gets them. He thinks of them, though, only as “a cross” and refused our offer of the pamphlet that teaches how to use it as prayer.
A family of four, including two teens, told us they all had “plenty of Rosaries at home” and were praying it regularly. The mom, though, chose one to give to a friend. One of the teens asked for an “Our Lady Untier of Knots” prayer card. When she mentioned that she collects holy cards, we set her up with about 5 more: Jesus Knocking, St Michael, St Monica, St Francis, and a Madonna and Child. We also asked the family to remember us in prayer.
“Stephen” stopped briefly to exchange pleasantries (only!) with e. Chuck. His coworker, “Blake”, slowed down to say hi on his way past. We thank God for the hope of progress. Please continue to keep both of these men in your prayers.
A man stopped in response to our offer of a free Rosary. He wasn’t familiar with it. Nor was he Christian. E. Chuck gave him a quick summary of the kerygma, encouraged him to spend time with the Rosary to get to know Jesus Christ, and gave him a copy of our Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Two boys under 10 years old were playing in the fountain, supervised by their parents. One of the boys came alone to the table for a Rosary. He didn’t know anything about the devotion and didn’t know if he were Christian. As we were explaining the Rosary to him, his dad came over. The boy immediately asked if they were Christian. “Yes!” the father replied. We explained the Rosary to him, too, but he didn’t take one. The first boy then brought his brother over to choose one. Then he stayed to help us lay some more out on the table, commenting on “how sad it was that Jesus had to die”. He started collecting one of each prayer card and pamphlet we had on the table, until his dad reminded him that they were on bicycle and couldn’t be carrying much. The boy immediately ran over and put his treasures in his bicycle pouch. May God bless his whole family!
It was a sunny but almost too cool Memorial Day. Lots of people were out, and most were in a good mood. Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 20-25 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it, 6-8 prayer cards, and one Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
God continues to bless us with peace. Thank you, God! And thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Beloved Souls - 2024-05-19
May 26, 2024
Jesus Christ is the bedrock of our hope. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A university, whose main campus is in another part of the state, was holding graduation ceremonies here for local programs. A mobile gift shop set up near our typical location, so we moved to the other side of the fountain.
“Stephen” went by, near our usual spot, and waved heartily to us from across the square. His coworker, in his usual haste between jobs, came by later, pausing long enough to tell us that his name is “Blake”. May God bless both men with Faith!
Two married couples, walking together, stopped as they passed our table. One of the men was a long-time Knight of Columbus at a local parish. He had arranged for the Knights there to purchase 100 Rosaries to have on hand for funeral vigils. The other man told e. Chuck that he had resisted joining the Knights of Columbus for many years. Then he finally became a Knight which, to his surprise, helped him mature in his faith in unexpected ways. Meanwhile, his wife went over to talk with e. Lucy. The woman wanted a Rosary for her 86-year-old mother. She also told the story of how, when she and her husband were in Rome, they’d ended up getting invited into the Vatican by a bishop who acted as if he recognized them. The bishop then blessed the Rosary they purchased there. Thank God for the witness of faithful Catholics.
Another couple stopped, twice. The 60-something man said he knew about the Rosary because he had been raised Catholic. But, he had quit the Church as a teenager because he thought it overemphasized the dangers of sin. He now acknowledges the dangers are real, but still feels justified in leaving. E. Chuck encouraged him to return to the Church, the fullness of the Faith, and to the Eucharist. But the man interrupted with, “I mean no disrespect, but...” This became the pattern of the conversation, the man picking Bible verses that supposedly contradict the Catholic Church, and then interrupting the evangelist’s reply with a new objection. Finally, on the question of the sacrament of Confession, the evangelist insisted he consider Jesus’s words in John 20:22-23, when Christ gave the power to forgive sins into the hands of the Apostles. The man shrugged it off, and said, “I guess I’ll have to ask God about that when I get to heaven.”
The second time they stopped, the man asked what we need to do to be saved. He then refused to believe there is actual Biblical instruction from the mouth of Jesus Himself. The evangelist summarized the teachings, namely, that one must believe, be baptized, and receive the Eucharist in order to have eternal life. The couple then left for the graduation hall, where their son was getting a law degree. Please pray for this man, and for all fallen-away Catholics, that their eyes and ears be opened to the Truth before it’s too late.
A non-Catholic Christian woman stopped, also on her way to the graduation ceremony. She was glad to see fellow Christians out in public. At first, she wasn’t interested in the Rosary. So, e. Lucy explained the devotion, and how the Rosary itself is a tool to help you time your meditations on the life of Christ. She ended up taking one.
Two homeless women stopped. One woman said she had hung her Rosary in a certain place in her apartment, and bad stuff then stopped happening. The evangelist tried to clarify that it was God Who is protecting her, which she acknowledged, though perhaps in only a semantic way. Still, the evangelist thought it important to help the woman not see the Rosary as mere superstition, that is, as a way to manipulate God. Also, if God honors the mere presence of a Rosary by providing protection, how much more would the woman be blessed if she actually prayed with it? Please pray for both of these women?
“The traveler” (Douglas?) stopped to chat with e. Chuck a bit.
“The merchant” stopped and offered e. Chuck a banana.
A 20-something thin man, with a high-pitched voice, paused to say he was going to call his grandmother to see what color Rosary she wanted, and that he would be right back. He returned a few minutes later, saying that his grandmother “hadn’t picked up”. He told us that he’d been Catholic when very young, until his immediate family had joined a pseudo-Christian cult. But now he was ready “to return to [his] roots again”. After he chose a Rosary for his grandmother, we also set him up with a Rosary of his own and encouraged him to pray it with his grandmother. May God draw him all the home to the Catholic Faith.
“Pam”, a friend from e. Chuck’s former church (before he became Catholic), stopped to chat. After catching up for a while and she was preparing to move on, e. Chuck offered her a Rosary. She declined, saying, “I prefer to speak directly to God, I don’t need all those saints or Mary getting in the way.” To this, the evangelist replied, “Really? I love it when friends pray for me.” All you Saints of heaven, pray for us!
Three teenagers on skateboards came to the table. One boy asked e. Chuck what the difference was “between Christians and Catholics”. The evangelist let him know they were the same thing and outlined briefly the Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ Jesus that is the cornerstone of our belief. Our visitor then asked if members of a certain pseudo-Christian sect were Christian. The evangelist said he didn’t know the states of individual souls, but that the organization itself did not teach Christianity. This seemed to satisfy the young man’s curiosity, and he and his friends went on their way (after each choosing a Rosary). Pray for young people that they may diligently seek out the truth.
Please also pray for “Adam”, a 20-something man who had been an addict for 12 years but is now three years sober. He had recently become a Christian, and his aunt gives him a ride to church every week. Pray for his growing faith, for an increase in strength, and for perseverance in his battle against addiction.
Altogether, we gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as 2 “Our Lady Undoer of Knots” prayer cards, 2 Divine Mercy prayer cards, and 2 St Michael relic cards.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
We stand as witness that Truth Himself will be the victor. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Defended in Battle - 2024-05-12
May 19, 2024
Why the sudden desire for St Michael the Archangel prayer cards? We don’t know, but thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Two or three people asked after the other evangelists who usually join us. Each visitor then nodded sagely when reminded that it was the US holiday “Mother's Day”, and the men each had family at home.
Two people looked at our bookmarks, but then asked for a “St. Michael the Archangel” prayer card, which we happened to have in our satchel but don’t usually set out on the table. The evangelist explained to a fellow Catholic that the card had been touched to a stone from the cave in which St Michael had appeared (four times, between AD 492-AD 1656). Our visitor expressed surprise that there had been an apparition of the Archangel. The last appearance was in conjunction with the end of a major outbreak of the plague.
A man parked his bicycle right beside our wagon, and went around to the front of the table to choose a Rosary. He talked about two different parishes, but the evangelist wasn't sure if he attended either regularly. She asked if he was going to take part in the national Eucharistic Procession activities, many of which would be held at one of the parishes he mentioned. He wasn't sure.
A Boise Police officer rode by, greeting me. For some reason, he always makes me think of my Guardian Angel.
A fallen-away Catholic man and his wife stopped. He vaguely remembered the Rosary from his childhood. E. Lucy quickly explained the devotion again, emphasizing how the meditations on Jesus' life help you grow closer to Him. Our visitor then chose a Rosary and accepted the pamphlet on how to pray it.
At least one family of at least 5 people stopped so each one could choose a Rosary.
A man, passing behind us on his bicycle, looked like he was going to say no thank you. But then he spotted the lone, blue, chain Rosary on the table. He stopped and asked for it, also accepting a copy of the Rosary pamphlet.
A couple of women sat at a nearby picnic table for awhile, overhearing us offer free Rosaries to passersby. But they left without coming to the table. Somewhat later, though, two of them were walking by again. One of the women happily chose a Rosary.
Stephen's coworker stopped. He picked up a “Good News”/kerygma pamphlet, and took a prayer card. E. Lucy also offered him a St. Michael prayer card, which he accepted.
I saw neither Uwe nor Stephen this time, but Marty stopped by as I was putting things away. He helped fold the table down as we exchanged pleasantries.
Lots of people were out on this suddenly warm spring day. Some children were even playing in the fountain. Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 3-5 St Michael relic cards, 2-3 Divine Mercy prayer cards, 2-3 Our Lady Undoer of Knots prayer cards, and 1 Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
How much was God doing “behind the scenes” to keep things peaceful? (cf. Psalm 9:4) We weren’t told, but are very grateful to Him. We’re grateful, too, for your prayers and other support for this apostolate! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
"Go with the strength you have“ (Judg 6:14).
P.S. A prayer from Fr. Tom:
Watch the Holy Spirit on the move! It's the TABLE OF TRUTH creating the heavenly Kingdom on earth!
May the Holy Spirit enkindle the fire of faith in Boise and lead souls back to Him! May He anoint THE TABLE OF TRUTH as His chosen instrument! May the Mother of God lay her mantle over all, that we may be her "YES"!
God's Will - 2024-05-05
May 12, 2024
An especially wide range of visitors encountered us. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort. Three evangelists were available.
Just as we were setting up, “the merchant” came by, jostling his walker ahead of him, but not leaning on it. (It would seem that the walker is used merely to carry stuff.) He offered us a candy bar and something else, which we declined, exchanging pleasantries.
A nicely dressed older couple looked like they were going to just walk on by,. But then the woman surprised us by coming to select a Rosary. She had been raised Catholic, and missed the devotion, she said. May the Lord draw her all the way back into full communion in His Church.
A homeless-looking man declined a Rosary, but proceeded to share his philosophy, which doubts any hope of knowing truth. When e. Chuck pointed to the unique and singular nature of Christianity, he waved it off as being merely our “perspective” and claimed that other religions claimed to be just as true. The evangelist tried to point out that all religions can’t be true. But our visitor interrupted, again asserting that that was merely our perspective. He then walked away without letting us engage him further. Pray for this man, and for all trapped in the self-contradictory and dead end idea that truth cannot be found, that the one true Lord, God, free them from this deceptive philosophy and draw them to Himself, Who alone can save them.
Just as the die-hard agnostic was walking away, “Stephen the atheist” paused at the table. He shook e. Chuck’s hand, patted him on the back, and said, “Aren’t you too old for imaginary friends?” The evangelist replied, as Stephen went on his way, “Aren’t you too young not to have any?” For the most part, our exchanges with Stephen last only a few seconds. But we are thankful they have changed from hostile insults into the trading of good-natured barbs. Pray that Stephen will take the time to stop for a deeper discussion.
A heavily bearded, homeless man paused at our offer of a free Rosary. He looked over the Rosaries on the table with a confused look on his face. He picked one up. Then he put it back down, and wandered off without taking one. Lord, have mercy on all those suffering with mental illness!
A 20-something man stopped for a Rosary. One of the evangelists commented on his black gauge earrings, which were more than an inch in diameter. He talked about starting the process “way back in high school”. He showed no interest in the Rosaries or Christianity. He passed by again later in the session and waved to us.
A group of three men gladly proclaimed they were already Catholic and had Rosaries of their own. They thanked us for being there. May God bless all of our prayer warriors!
A man stopped for a Rosary. He said, “Hey! You’re here every year when I pass through.” We set him up with a(nother) Rosary. He’s an inactive Catholic, so we also encouraged him to get reconnected with the Sacraments.
A 20-something couple zoomed by on scooters, but looped back to us. The woman accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet. The man, who was wearing a cap sporting the logo of a major team, declined. May St. James intercede to lead him to Christ!
A 60ish woman told us she “had a Rosary as a kid”. She chose one from the table and accepted a copy of the pamphlet on how to pray it.
A good natured, bearded man in his 30s, accompanied by wife and three very young children, asked e. Chuck for “a quick lesson” on praying the Rosary. Our visitor told us he “listens a lot” to Catholic radio and really likes “Dr. Ray”. He chose a Rosary and accepted a copy of its pamphlet.
An older couple, and the three teens accompanying them, each gladly accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet.
A 30ish man, fashionably sporting tattoos, dark glasses, and large orange earring loops, showed interest in the Rosaries. After receiving a brief explanation, he accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet.
A group of people were quickly walking past the table, when one man in his 30s declined our offer by saying, “I’m [a member of the ancient religion to which Jesus belonged]”. The man then quickly moved out of earshot before we could engage him in conversation.
The weather remained cold and damp (although the fountain in the center of the business park had been turned back on). Foot traffic was fairly light and hurried, but the three evangelists were still able to give away about 20 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
We don’t know what to expect, but God does. And He wants each of the people saved. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate! In return, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
A Prayer from Fr. Tom:
COME HOLY SPIRIT, let your fire fall on BOISE! Let the TABLE OF TRUTH open their hearts and instill YOUR PRESENCE with YOUR HOLY ANOINTING!
Come Lord Jesus through the walls of their hearts as YOU did for the Apostles and say, “PEACE BE WITH YOU”!
Breathe on them the Holy Spirit! YOUR KINGDOM COME! Your will be done ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN through us!
Why Pray? - 2024-04-28
May 5, 2024
Jesus is “the one thing necessary” (cf. Luke 10:42). So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A repeat visitor from another country, who long since lost his faith, stopped and engaged e. Chuck in an extended chat about trivialities.
A group of young-adult women stopped. They wanted a pretty Rosary, but were not Christian and listened only somewhat politely as the evangelist tried to introduce Our Lord and encourage them to pray. One of the women accepted a Good News/kerygma pamphlet. May the Lord use the beauty of their new Rosary to draw them to Him and salvation.
Two grade-school-aged girls wanted a Rosary, and their mom (perhaps reluctantly) gave them permission to have one. We explained the devotion and the importance of learning Who Jesus is. The mom accepted a copy of the Rosary pamphlet.
A group of five polite and friendly high school students from out of state stopped when one of the girls wanted a Rosary. It turns out that they’re part of a track team, in town for a tournament the previous day. They were eager to tell us what event they specialized in and how they did at the track meet. Christians, they were unfamiliar with the Rosary and listened politely as we walked them through the hows and whys of the powerful prayer. Their reactions ranged from guarded thanks to a silly wondering if the beads matched their outfit. Pray that they persevere in faith and focus on the race that leads to everlasting life.
The man we think of as “the merchant” was back. (This is because he claims free Rosaries and then trades them for food and drink. This bothers us because the Rosaries are blessed and cannot be sold/exchanged for anything of value without incurring sin.) This time, he offered us a big bottle of iced tea and community magazines (usually found for free at stores), all of which we politely declined. We also refrained from offering him a Rosary. May God grant him an appreciation of the value of prayer in itself, not as a commodity.
Another group of teenagers stopped for a Rosary. E. Lucy talked with the girls of the group about the Rosary and encouraged them to learn to pray it to get to know Jesus.
Some teenage boys carrying skateboards came to the table, e. Chuck spoke to the one who was wearing his sweatshirt hood low over his face. At first, his responses to the evangelist seemed to be in jest and mocking. Then he said, “I was baptized Catholic, but have never gone to church. But I keep thinking maybe I should.” The evangelist said he should listen to his conscience, that God was calling him. As his friends were drawing away from the table, we gave him a “Come Home” pamphlet. Pray that this young man responds to the loving voice of God whispering in his ear.
At one point, e. Lucy’s back was causing so much pain that she took a moment to walk to a picnic table 30-50 ft away to sit down. She said a quick prayer, “Lord, would you be willing to give me a break from this pain? It’s distracting me from paying attention to the people.” Instantly, she felt a little click in her back and the pain went away! She was back at her station in less than two minutes. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
A non-Catholic Christian couple were suspicious about the Rosary at first. But once they understood how Christ-centered the devotion is, they relaxed enough to take one apiece.
A man wearing a t-shirt naming another conservative state skirted our table, and passed by on the far side of the walkway. E. Lucy called, ‘I like your shirt!” He glanced down at his shirt, smiled at us, and continued his way. (We conservatives need to stick together.)
“Uwe” greeted us as he passed by. “Marty” came to visit as we were packing up, but was a bit too impaired to say much. We saw no sign of “Steven”. Lord, bring all of these souls to you!
We saw lots of foot traffic, perhaps aided by the pleasant, sunny weather that God granted us. Most people seemed to be in a good mood. Altogether, we gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 1-2 Good News/kerygma pamphlets, a “Come Home” pamphlet, and a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
In a world that teaches self-sufficiency, we stand for dependence on God. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. A prayer for us from Fr. Tom:
NOT ONE SOUL BE LOST! We pray that the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and St Joseph, gather the family of souls in Boise and bring them to the TABLE OF TRUTH, that families may be restored, their souls, their wills and their innocence, to be whom Father created them to be. May the TABLE OF TRUTH SET CAPTIVES FREE!
A World of Hurt - 2024-04-21
April 28, 2024
Suffering affects us all. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
“Marty” put in an appearance, and “Uwe” walked quickly past twice. “Stephen” said something I didn’t hear, though his tone seemed to have returned to snarky. Somewhat later in the session, his coworker hurried by, greeting us cheerfully. Please keep all the “regulars” in your prayers: Stephen, his Catholic co-worker, Marty, Uwe, and the homeless man with a walker, that they may hear Christ knocking and open the door.
A Catholic couple from the other side of the country were passing through on their way to visit a daughter. They felt encouraged by seeing us out there.
A dad brought his preschool daughter over for a free Rosary. I’m not sure whether they were even Christian. E. Lucy tried to explain the devotion to the girl, but suddenly realized she was talking way over the child’s head. E. Chuck talked with the dad.
A group of three homeless people stopped. One of the men was Catholic and said he already had a Rosary. The woman chose one, but didn’t seem to understand the explanation. She also exuded that pickled smell of stale alcohol. She soon wandered off, and e. Lucy tried to encourage the man to teach her the Rosary. He replied, “You saw how she is. She can’t learn anything.” E. Chuck talked with the other man. As they left, one evangelist remarked to the other, “There go three souls in a great deal of pain!” Lord, have mercy.
A man stopped. He had “grown up Catholic” but had, like all his siblings, “went off and found Christ in other places”. He picked out a Rosary to wear. but declined its pamphlet saying, “Look what I’ve got on. Who am I kidding?” and went on his way. What he “had on” were a couple of bags slung over his shoulder, so we guessed that he was living on the street. Pray for him and all who have strayed, are lost. and are tempted to give up, that they will find hope in the voice of the Good Shepherd.
A woman said she had her deceased mother’s Rosary, but that it was too delicate to pray with. So, she picked out a sturdy string Rosary and accepted its pamphlet with a, “Yes, I’m going to need that.” May her fond memories of her natural mother lead her to a closer relationship with Our Savior through our Spiritual Mother that He gave us.
Our last visitor was a tall, heavyset homeless man. His non-stop conversation seemed coherent at first, but it soon became apparent that he was simply stringing random thoughts together. He talked about such things as “the Hebrew New Testament”, and quickly moved from topic to topic. One thing that did make sense was when he said he “imbibed quite a bit”. Besides a Rosary, he asked for a Divine Mercy prayer card and a copy of our “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlet (because it was printed on orange paper). Then he opened the pamphlet to a random page and started reading words that weren’t there. Please pray that he, and all who suffer from mental illness, may find peace and healing in the Lord.
We accidentally brought only half the usual number of Rosary pamphlets with us. “Coincidentally”, we also had only half the usual number of visitors. God is good!
Although the weather was dry and sunny, there was not a skateboard in sight and foot traffic was unusually light. Still, we were able to give away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlet, and a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes from today’s efforts.
Christ redeemed our fallen world, and the end will be worth the wait. Meanwhile, may we do God’s will and offer hope, courage, and kindness to our brothers and sisters in pain. And, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. May God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Two Steps Forward - 2024-04-17
April 21, 2024
Some weeks feel like “two steps forward.” So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A couple stopped for Rosaries. They didn’t know anything about them, but were Christian. We explained the how and why of the prayer, expecting them to hurry on their way like most people do. But they stayed, and he said he wasn’t clear on how the beads worked. So, we went more into more depth, talking about how the beads and the Hail Marys keep us focused, how the Mysteries draw us closer to Christ, and how the spiritual fruit of each Mystery can help us make Christ part of our lives. Still, they lingered. So, we assured them that we were there every week and they could come back with follow-up questions about the prayer. We re-emphasized our need to be drawn ever more deeply into the life of Christ. The man then asked if he could have a Good News/kerygma pamphlet, which we gave him before they went on their way. Please pray that the faith of these quiet people is strengthened, and that they are ever more converted into ones who truly love Our Lord and Savior.
The exchange with “Stephen” was purely cordial this week, as he sped past on his skateboard. We simply said, to each other, “Good to see you!” Later on, the young Catholic man, whom Stephen had greeted with a hug last week, came by in his restaurant work clothes and paused to say hi. He was on his short break between double shifts, and reminded us that he already had a Rosary. He mentioned that Stephen and he had talked about us, but he did not elaborate as he was in a hurry to get to his other job. Please, please continue praying for Stephen, and include this friend that his faith, even if nominal, will be yet another seed in Stephen’s life that will lead him to conversion.
“Marty” came by. He looked over the things we had on our table and asked about the rocks that were on top of our pamphlet stacks. He seemed almost disappointed to learn that they were merely paperweights.
“Uwe” came by twice, at the beginning and at the end of the session. Again, though, he talked only about the weather, which was sunny but breezy. E. Chuck asked him why he was hanging onto his hat. He replied, that it was so he wouldn’t lose his last marble. But, Uwe added, if he did lose it, he would then “turn around and walk backwards”. May God help him turn and grow closer to Him!
A group of seven teenagers on skateboards came to the table, wanting something free. The one girl in the group listened somewhat politely while e. Lucy explained the Rosary devotion and encouraged her to pray it. Meanwhile, e. Chuck talked with “Marcus” and the boys. Marcus knew nothing about the Rosary, was “sort of Christian”, and didn’t go to church. Some of the other boys nodded, saying they should have gone to church, but didn’t. E. Chuck said the Church was like friends and not an organization. We don’t tell someone, “You’re my friend but I’m never going to spend time with you.” Marcus replied, “That was a good point.” But their nervous laughter said they were ready to move on. Pray for Marcus and all young people, that they may become true friends of Christ.
A couple, “Kristi and Chris”, declined our offer of a Rosary as they passed the table, but then she changed her mind and came back. She was familiar with the Rosary because her mother had been Catholic, but had changed to a pseudo-Christian religion when Kristi was still young. So, the girl had grown up knowing only that other belief system. She implied, though, that religion was now merely something in her past. Chris stood at the table as we explained what the Rosary was all about, but he did not join in the conversation. E. Chuck mentioned that he’d been Catholic for only seven years, and they wanted to know why. So, the evangelist talked about his loss of trust in Protestantism, and that the only reliable source of authority he could find was in the Catholic Church. It made sense that we should seek a church that offers us the truth of Christ, rather than the truth according to some particular human founder. We offered to get Kristi connected to a Catholic parish, but she was from out of town. She was here only to visit Chris this time, but was thinking of moving here. Pray that Kristi’s curiosity will prepare the soil of her soul so the seed of Truth may bear fruit in her life.
“Al” stopped to show e. Chuck a poster he’d found of a musician who had been popular in the previous century.
A group of young-adult non-Catholic Christians stopped. They were happy that we were encouraging everyone to pray. “The world really needs it right now,” they said. Amen!
Another group of teenage skateboarders stopped. This group was definitely “alpha gen”, the under-14s who’ve grown up on social media. They didn’t take us seriously, but exchanged inside jokes, popularized on a particular platform, ridiculing another state and extolling a fast-food mascot. Lord, help them connect with people and develop empathy for others.
A woman declined our offer but changed her mind and came back. She had memories of making Rosaries with her grandmother when she was a child. At the time, she hated “doing this chore”, but now it is one of her fondest memories of her grandma. We assured her it would make her grandmother even happier, if she would spend some time in prayer with the Rosary she had just chosen. Let’s join our prayers with the Saints in heaven that this woman will convert and return to the Faith modeled by her grandmother.
Altogether, we gave away 25-30 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God lets us see encouraging signs that He’s at work in the people we encounter. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Evil is Not Good - 2024-04-07
April 14, 2024
Jesus Christ remains true and clear. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization team.
“Catherine” and “Tom”, refugees from a more populous state that has become unsafe for people with traditional values, stopped for a visit. Both are staunchly Catholic and both have studied apologetics a great deal. We invited them both to join us. He might.
“Are you from the Legion of Mary?” a young-adult man stopped to ask. We explained that we were a St Paul Street Evangelization team. Based on his question, it was easy to guess the man was Catholic. However, he had quit attending Mass. So, e. Lucy gave him a list of area parishes with Mass times, encouraging him to reconnect with the Church. As she was doing this, “Stephen” strolled by. Stephen came to the table and nudged the man talking to e. Lucy. The two men looked at each other, laughed, and hugged. Then, still grinning, Stephen leaned in to e. Chuck and said something about “imaginary friends”. The evangelist took the opportunity to ask him why he trusts someone of evil intent like satan. Stephen replied, “it’s your god who is untrustworthy”. But the evangelist persisted in pointing out that satan just wants to use him, whereas God wants what’s best for him. Stephen laughed this off, patted e. Chuck on the shoulder, and said, “You know what I think of God”. He went on his way, showing the back of his sweatshirt with its anti-God message. The man Stephen had greeted was just leaving the table, so e. Chuck stopped him to ask where he knew Stephen from. He shrugged sheepishly, and said they hung out at the same bar. Then he asked how we knew Stephen, and we told him. Then e. Chuck asked which bar Stephen hung out in, thinking maybe it’s our turn to surprise Stephen. Please pray that our Catholic visitor returns to a relationship with Christ through His Mystical Body, the Catholic Church. Please also continue to pray for Stephen, that he meet the trustworthy Person who willingly died to save him.
A girl in her early teens passed by within a large multi-family group. She dropped back out of the pack and turned out to be the only one who came for a Rosary. On the way back, though, 4 or 5 other people from the group each chose a Rosary and accepted the pamphlet on how to pray it. Just as we were leaving, the first girl came back once again, wanting to trade her Rosary for a shorter one. May God bless the young evangelist!
A man passing quickly by on a bicycle shouted, “Ephesians 2:8-9! For it is by faith you have been saved.” He became less intelligible as he rode across the business park, but turned his head to shout, “Not by works!” Pray that this protesting non-Catholic will stop to talk next time, so we can share that we Catholics, too, rely on God’s Grace for salvation. And that we also keep reading to the next verse, verse 10, which says, “For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them.”
A tall, thin man responded to our offer of a Rosary with an enthusiastic “[expletive] yes!” He is Catholic, though not active. E. Lucy tried to give him a guide to area parishes and encourage him to get reconnected, but he declined and moved on. E. Chuck was about to remark that he had never heard that particular response before, when a man on a bicycle also replied “[expletive] yeah!” to the offer of a Rosary. This man was neither Catholic nor Christian, so we shared the Good News with him and pointed him toward the Mysteries of the Rosary as a wonderful way to get to know the God who died to save him. When you pray your Rosary, please think of these men, especially when you say, “Save us from the fires of hell and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Your mercy.”
During this Divine Mercy Sunday session, several more inactive Catholics saw the Rosaries and wanted one. E. Lucy gave another map to at least one of them, encouraging them all to get reconnected.
Altogether, we gave away 25-30 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as 2-3 maps to area parishes, with Mass and Reconciliation times listed.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Even when people confuse evil for good, God still wants to save them. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Infinitely Greater - 2024-03-31
April 7, 2024
The fact of the Resurrection is still astonishing. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
In “our business park”, two large group meetings were being held. Behind us, was an anti-Catholic “apostolic Christian” group, composed mostly of people from a culture that traditionally had been Catholic. In front of us, were the non-Christian sect members who use the sports arena several times a year. Of all the people attending one or the other of these venues, only one woman stopped for a Rosary for her grade-school aged son. May God protect her from peer pressure!
Of one family coming from the “Christian” venue, the mom and children looked interested in receiving a Rosary, but the dad said no. They recognized his authority, and walked on. May God lead him and his whole family back into the truth and the Catholic Church!
“Marty” stopped to say “Happy Easter”. We didn’t have much of a conversation.
There was no “Stephen” sighting this week.
Lots of people wished us “Happy Easter”. Sometimes, we found the source of the greeting surprising. May God heal our culture!
Two heavily tattooed teenage girls stopped for a Rosary, somewhat irreverently. E. Lucy encouraged them to use the devotion to get to know Jesus Christ. She also quickly explained how, if one goes through the meditations respectfully, even if all they had were questions, one often finds peace and protection. That second “p word” hit home, as it often does with those who experiment with alien spiritualities. May God bless them, free them, and lead them to/back to Himself!
A pair of homeless-looking men stopped when one of them wanted a Rosary. The other man had gotten one from us sometime in the past. The new visitor was happy to receive one.
Okay. So, there are two different people I describe as “a toothless homeless woman with crippled hands”. The one who stopped today is “Heidi” (the other was “Annabelle”). (Perhaps that would already have been obvious to anyone who isn’t face-blind. <sheepish grin>) May God bless both women, heal them, and restore them to society!
A family group of about six people passed by. One of the men called out, “He is risen!” We replied, “He is risen indeed” and “Alleluia”. How wonderful that even separated Christian brothers acknowledge each other on this, the greatest of feast days!
God granted us sunshine for the Easter Sunday session, although there was also a bit of a cold breeze. Not too many people were out, other than attendees of the two anti-Catholic gatherings. Still, the two evangelists gave away about 20 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts!
Our culture may depict Easter as being about candy and egg-laying rodents, but we serve as a reminder that infinitely greater matters are at stake. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Non-Stop Reactions - 2024-03-24
March 31, 2024
We encounter a gamut of reactions to our public display of Faith. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A man walked by, saying, “No, thanks. I’m [an adherent to an early heresy].” God, help him!
A couple in their late 30s stopped because she wanted a Rosary. She’s Catholic. When we asked the man if he’d like a Rosary, he said with a note of finality that he wasn’t Catholic. “Oh, that can change!” quipped the evangelist with a smile. He laughed and took a Rosary and its pamphlet. May Our Lady draw him home to her Son’s Church!
An unkempt-looking man carrying an open bottle was wandering around the business park, calling out to people. But his words were so indistinct that many couldn’t understand him. And he responded to that with anger. May God bless and heal the man!
A woman from the parish of one of the evangelists stopped to complain about recent changes. The evangelist finally remembered to gently point out things to be grateful for. May God grant hope and peace, even in the midst of change.
One man dropped back from his group to choose a brightly colored Rosary. He said he belonged to “St Joseph Parish” in a state far from here. But he was gone before the evangelist could offer him directions to a local parish for Mass that evening. May God confirm him in Faith and lead him all the way to Catholic Sainthood!
A man with two large dogs wanted a Rosary but knew nothing about it, admitting that he was not Christian. He listened politely, but without reaction, as e. Chuck shared the Good News with him and showed him how he could meet Christ in the Rosary. He went on his way with a joke about how his dogs needed a Rosary. This was not an isolated incident in the session. We had several people who, when asked if they were Christian, hemmed and hawed before finally admitting that they were not, and who then heard our profession of faith with confused or amused or impatient silence. Please pray that their desire for a Rosary, despite their seeming indifference to God otherwise displayed in their life, is the tiny seed that will grow into the tree of Faith leading them to salvation in Christ.
An older, nicely dressed woman stopped, accompanied by a teen. She wanted a Rosary, since she hadn’t brought one with her and was missing it. She encouraged the boy to choose a Rosary. We encouraged them to pray it together.
A young-adult couple almost passed us by, but the woman suddenly changed her mind and came to the table. The man stayed back. When asked if she was Christian, she seemed to feel torn about what to say. Finally, she said she wasn’t but she was “trying to figure it out”, to which the man chuckled. Her reaction to our sharing of the Gospel seemed to be embarrassment and of feeling unsure. Her only response was a quiet word of thanks. Please pray for her and for all seekers that they may hear Christ knocking at the door of their heart and let Him in.
In hindsight, we think a better response when someone says they’re “trying to figure it out” might have been to ASK what is holding them back.
Some college-aged men stopped for Rosaries. Most of them seemed to be Catholic and eager to select a Rosary. The young-adult man that e. Chuck spoke with said he had gotten out of the habit of praying the Rosary, and that his family didn’t attend Mass anymore, instead preferring to watch it on TV. E. Chuck emphasized that this wasn’t the same thing as attending Mass, and that they were missing out on receiving Christ in the Eucharist. But our visitor just shrugged and said they liked watching it on TV from home. Please pray for all Catholics who have cut themselves off from the Bread of Life, may they hear the Holy Spirit’s call to repentance.
Our offer of a Rosary was rejected in a variety of ways, from a cheerful “no, thank you” to a growling “never!”, from professions of faith in secular causes to claims of being a follower of [the enemy of any possibility of their good]. To the latter category belongs “Stephen”, who is back on his skateboard and lobbing toward us his drive-by crudity and snark. Please pray for everyone trapped in falsehood and courting everlasting disaster, that their eyes may be opened to the glory of our incarnate God.
A young couple picked out a pair of Rosaries and said they knew a little about them and were Christian. So, e. Chuck extolled the benefits of praying the Mysteries. The evangelist also pointed out that it was important to learn to love Jesus with the same love His mother has for her Child, and that the Rosary helps us see Christ through our loving mother’s eyes. When asked where they went to church, they said they were members of an ancient sect of Christians not in full union with Rome. The couple told the evangelist that there is a small community of them who worship together locally. Please pray for all our separated brethren, that Christianity may be united in spirit, truth, and obedience.
There was a music festival going on near the downtown core, as well as a flower and garden show/sale being held in the convention center beside us. Plus, the weather was mostly sunny. Put all of those factors together, and it’s not surprising that we saw nearly non-stop foot traffic. However, only a few people paused for more than a second or ten. Still, we were able to give away 40, 50, or more Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God knows the human heart (cf. Jer 17:9-10), and seems to bless our efforts to bring people to Him. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Reason to Hope - 2024-03-17
March 24, 2024
Things don’t remain bleak for long, it seems. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A clean-cut man in his 30s or early 40s stopped to thank us for being there. “Eric” is from a neighboring state. Although Catholicism is the second most-followed religion there, Eric said that Catholics feel persecuted. He is sending his four children to Catholic school to protect them from these outside religious influences. However, he asked for prayers for his third child, an 11-year-old daughter named “Simone”. She is a challenging child and pushing back against any kind of faith. We set him up with a Green Scapular, and encouraged him to pray its prayer with faith for his daughter [“Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death”]. He also shared with us a response he once heard from a priest when asked, “What is the difference between Catholicism and [the dominant religion in his hometown]?” The priest replied, “One of us is right and the other is not.” We promised to pray for his daughter. Please join us in praying for salvation for Simone and for all Catholic children who are doubters.
“Christopher”, a pre-teen boy, came for a Rosary, waiting off to one side until some other people who were choosing a Rosary had left. When the evangelist offered him a Rosary “if it’s okay with your folks”, he hurried to the table and picked up a Rosary. Asked if he were familiar with the devotion, he made a slow and reverent Sign of the Cross. When asked what school he attended, he named a nearby Catholic school. He then proceeded to stand there and silently work through the opening prayers of the Rosary. Once he finished them, e. Lucy asked if he planned to become a priest. “I hope so,” he solemnly replied. E. Chuck then gave him a copy of the prayer card for Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, for those times he had problems in his life. He didn’t know that prayer yet, and gratefully received it. As he left to return to his family at the nearby restaurant, one evangelist got a rash of the God-bumps and wondered aloud if we had just been visited by a future Saint. Thank you, Lord, for all the faithful Catholic children out there. Please keep them faithful, O God, and may their example inspire the doubters.
Two teenage boys on skateboards, decidedly local, interrupted our offer of a free Rosary with a snarky, “I don’t speak English” in a badly accented foreign language. Barely in time, the evangelist remembered how to say “God bless you” in the same language. He called it to their retreating forms, but to no visible effect. Pray for all the mistakenly self-assured out there who are trying to keep religion at arms length, that they may be surprised by the love God has for them.
“Stephen” (FKA Justin) rolled by on his skateboard. This was the first time we have seen him since his long conversation with us a month ago. He said, “No time to stop and talk but I (still don’t like God)” Please continue to pray for Stephen’s conversion.
A family stopped so a couple of the children could get a Rosary. Then the boy, maybe 7 or 8 years old, came back and asked for another Rosary for his father. We let him have one. Then he came back again and asked for another one for his sister. “Is she here?” we asked. “Yes,” he said, pointing to his family group at the other end of the business park. “Then have her come over and pick one out,” we suggested. He left and never came back. 🙁
A visitor stopped to chat awhile, telling us how crowded it had been in the square the night before. Perhaps that’s why we didn’t have many takers for our selection of green Rosaries.
A homeless man on a bike named “Al” stopped for a Rosary. He had grown up Catholic, but now held many of his own theories about faith and church. The evangelist corrected his historical errors, which he accepted without argument, but it did not change his belief that the Bible is incomplete. As the evangelist presented our need for an authority outside of ourselves to guide us, and that we find this through the Church rooted in Christ its Head, he interrupted to talk about various Eastern philosophies. He had to leave but asked if we would be back next week and we assured him we would be there. Pray that Al will put his whole trust in our crucified and risen Lord.
The angry, heavyset, young adult man went by again. Again, at our offer of a free Rosary, he responded through gritted teeth, not quite as politely as last time. “I find it hard to be civil to you,” he said. May God grant him salvation and self-control, a Gift of the Holy Spirit.
A woman stopped to thank us for being out there. She had talked to e. Lucy years ago about joining our team, but things in life didn’t let her do so. Still, she was very happy that we were still coming to the street week after week, year after year. May God bless her for her encouragement!
A young-adult couple were riding their bikes to the river to go fishing, but stopped to pick out a Rosary apiece. The man, sporting a long black beard, was Christian but said he had little familiarity with the Rosary. So, the evangelist presented the how’s and why’s of the prayer and encouraged them to pray it together when they got to the river. Pray that they are united in Christ.
Another young-adult couple (we think she was pregnant) stopped for a Rosary. She said, “Oh yes, I’m very familiar with the Rosary.” (But evidently the man wasn’t, because e. Lucy told him about Jesus.) Pray that she can guide him to put his trust in Christ our Lord.
A gymnastics meet was finishing up and, this time, at least a half dozen of the families stopped for a Rosary.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 1 Green Scapular, and 1 Our Lady Undoer of Knots prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Thanks to God’s answer to your prayers, we remain encouraged. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Oh, I've heard of SPSE! - 2024-03-10
March 17, 2024
Jesus Christ makes Himself present. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
The sports arena entrance was geared up for a big basketball tournament. Security was present and checking everyone who entered. But they let us be. In fact, two men with official-looking nametags walked past our table, but studiously pretended not to see us. May God bless them and whoever told them to allow us to stay.
Most of those heading into the sports arena were not interested in a Rosary. However, a couple of groups of very tall, young-adult men passed by, wearing sweatshirts featuring a team mascot. One of the men peeled away from his group to get a Rosary, and another man followed. The first didn't take a pamphlet because he was “already very familiar" with the devotion. In fact, he asked for directions to the nearest Catholic church, and gratefully accepted a map with Mass times and contact information. May God bless him and keep him faithful!
“Marty”, the slow-moving, economically challenged man, stopped by to say hi.
"Annabelle", a (the?) toothless homeless woman, wearing a backpack with a purple-and-white children's type of design, stopped for another Rosary. She can't seem to hang onto them, she said. She belongs to a non-Catholic Christian megachurch several miles away, but isn't always able to get to services. She told me she is “a prophet” and that God told her “exactly what's going to happen in the world and how”, though she admitted that she “read it in the Bible”. When I mentioned the danger of interpreting Scriptures for oneself, she bristled and quickly changed the subject. Lord, you know how much suffering Annabelle is enduring. Please bless her and lead her ever closer to You.
A group of four young-adult women stopped. One was a non-Catholic Christian. When e. Lucy explained the Rosary devotion, she and two of the other women each chose one for herself. The fourth woman, wearing an eastern-Mediterranean style headscarf, accepted the pamphlet but not a Rosary. May God bless them, and draw them closer to Him and the fullness of Truth.
A middle-aged couple passed by, the woman dropping back to get a Rosary. I had to insist that no, we don't accept donations. But then, she didn't want to take a Rosary. I suggested, though, that she might give it to someone else. At that, she brightened up and eagerly took one, asking if they were blessed. (Yes, and that's why we don't exchange them for anything of value.) She also said she was going to Mass that evening and accepted a copy of the map, with parish addresses and Mass times. She asked what group I was with. When I said, “St Paul Street Evangelization”, she smiled and said, "Oh, I've heard of them!" Then she hurried off to catch up with her husband. May God bless her and all faithful Catholics!
A woman came by, pushing a cart promoting a website. Its name had been hand-printed in large block letters. She stopped but didn't want a Rosary. Instead, she offered me an uncreased, letter-sized piece of paper that was full of single-spaced computer printing. When no word or phrase immediately caught my attention, I asked, “What does it say?”, hoping for a one-phrase summary. But she insisted that I read the whole thing. I demurred, saying she should “save it for someone else”. It must not have been the first time she'd heard that excuse, because she quickly put the paper away and took her leave. Only when she had moved in close to the table did I notice that she was missing the front half of her nose, exposing the air spaces inside. May God heal her and open her heart to His love!
The sky remained gray and heavily overcast, but the weather stayed dry (thank God!). Foot traffic was correspondingly light, but we gave away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as 2 maps to area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Seeing a Rosary in an unexpected place can encourage an out-of-town Catholic to make the effort to look for a nearby Mass. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
"Go with the strength you have“ (Judg 6:14).
Running from God - 2024-03-03
March 10, 2024
God is love, and He wants us to come to Him and be saved (cf. John 5:40). So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
“Uwe” (pronounced, “OO-vay”) stopped to talk as we were setting up the table. As usual, he began with pleasantries about the weather. But then he asked if we ever had people actually stop to take a Rosary? Did we give them only to Catholics? What did we say to them? We told him we gave Rosaries to all kinds of people who want one: Catholics and non-Catholics, Christians and non-Christians, the hostile, and the indifferent. We encourage them to pray. At this, he interjected, “And to be good. That’s the thing, to be good.” We replied that the most important thing is to be in a faithful relationship with Jesus Christ, Who died for us. With a smile he said, “And to be good. We better leave it there while we are still friendly.” And he continued on his walk. Please pray for Uwe, that his heart becomes open to conversion.
A man declined a Rosary, saying he identified with a sinful lifestyle. May God show him that his identity is deeper than what he’s currently doing. Lord, heal him and bring him to salvation!
A Catholic man stopped. It turns out that he attends e. Chuck’s parish.
A man, accompanied by 2 boys (ages maybe 8 and 4 years old) declined a Rosary. The older boy, though, wanted one. “If it’s okay with your dad,” we said. The father gave permission, so we helped both boys choose a Rosary and gave them the pamphlet.
A heavy-set young-adult man was passing by, as far away from us as the walkway allowed. He declined our offer of a Rosary. Then he paused, swallowed hard, arranged his face into a smile, and said, “I respect you and what you are doing, but I do not respect what the Catholic Church is doing. So, no thank you. Have a nice day.” As he walked on, we saw that his backpack sported a gender dysphoria flag, and wondered if his objection was more personal than theological. May God grant him the grace to hear and heed the Holy Spirit’s call to embrace the Savior of the world in faith and trust, and to be healed.
Another man said, as he passed by, that he had plenty of Rosaries. He had a quiet place at home where he spent much time in prayer because he lived with a lot of pain. Please pray for this man’s healing and for all who live with chronic illness.
We saw neither “Stephen” (FKA Justin) or “Marty” this time.
As we had headed downtown to begin the session, it had suddenly started snowing and accumulated about an inch in a very short time. But, the precipitation stopped as we arrived at the business park. By the time our session was over, the sun had been out and the pavement was dry. Foot traffic remained fairly sparse, but the two evangelists still gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom is borne from today’s efforts.
God is willing to forgive those who ask Him, but the difficult thing is to convince them to stop running away from Him. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Hope Does Not Disappoint - 2024-02-25
March 3, 2024
God continues to show His mercy. People continue to receive the Rosary. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A couple stopped as I was struggling to get the table set up. The man offered to help and then happily undid the latches for me as his “good deed of the day”. May God bless him!
We have recently gotten in some “Green Scapulars” to have one hand. Although no visitor has yet to ask for one, we have two “Green Scapular” stories from this session to offer you.
A homeless-looking man, who seemed to be “not from around here”, was shouting angrily as he walked through the business park. The first time he passed by, I was busy explaining the Rosary devotion to a group of other people. He continued to shout at the other end of the square. When he turned around and started heading back my way, I quickly sent up some Green Scapular prayers for peace and for his conversion , (“Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.”) By the time he reached the table, he was calm and quiet. I offered him a Rosary, which he gratefully accepted. I heard no further disturbance from him afterwards. May God continue to bless and heal him.
A young adult man on a skateboard kept zooming back and forth close to our table, showing off his athletic balance skills. He ignored my offer of a Rosary, so I quit offering one after a few times. His expression, though, seemed to grow more and more mocking with each pass. People coming to our table had to be careful to not get run over by him. After what seemed to be 20 minutes of this increasingly disruptive behavior, I finally turned him over to Our Lady with the Green Scapular prayer, asking for peace for us and conversion for him. I didn’t see him again for the rest of the session. Thank you, Blessed Mother!
A couple stopped, perhaps out of pity after observing a large number of groups of people all tell me no thank you to my offer of a free Rosary. “Cory” and “Samaria” were non-Catholic Christians, in town for a marriage seminar that urged them to keep God in the center of their marriage. We talked for a bit about yes, it takes three to make a marriage: the man, the woman, and God. I described the Rosary devotion for them and encouraged them to use the prayer to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. They each accepted one.
A young-adult Catholic man, from out of state, stopped to tell me he’d been assigned the Confirmation name of “Joan”(after St. Joan of Arc). You could tell it bothered him. But he seemed much relieved when the evangelist let him know that there are many priest Saints who have “Mary” as part of their name, e.g., St. Anthony Mary Claret. My visitor was going to be in town for another couple of days, so I gave him a map to area parishes, showing him the thumbnail picture of the nearest parish, which would be having a 5 pm Mass that very evening,
The “slow-moving economically challenged man” stopped again. He told us his name is “Marty”. Offered a Rosary, he demurred by saying that he already had at least 4 of them from us. We encouraged him to learn how to pray it.
A family on bicycles stopped when one of the two grade-school-aged girls wanted a Rosary. E. Lucy helped the two of them choose one apiece. Meanwhile, she explained the devotion to the mom, who also ended up choosing one. The dad, and the toddler in the bicycle trailer, did not take one. May God bless that family, draw them to regular prayer together, and to Faith.
The toothless woman stopped for yet another Rosary. She chose the prettiest chain-style one on the table. May God use its beauty to draw her heart to Him, to healing, and to salvation in Christ.
“Uwe” stopped briefly when the evangelist ran to talk to him. She asked about his current understanding of God. He said, essentially, that God is Mother Nature. He sees God as all-good, omnipresent, and exclusively feminine, and repeated that he worships nature. Questions for next time: how does he reconcile his “nature is always kind” belief during the times when “nature” turns violent? when animals devour one another? May God bless Uwe and draw him to Himself, the one true God.
Altogether, we gave away 20-25 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it, 1 map to area parishes, and 1 Divine Mercy bookmark.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit comes of today’s efforts.
God keeps his promises and provides for us when we trust Him. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
What's Important? - 2024-02-18
February 25, 2024
The Rosary reminds people both that God exists and that prayer is important. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort. Two evangelists were available.
Another gymnastics meet was going on in the sports arena, although this time it didn’t end before our session did. One family stopped for a Rosary and asked for prayer for the little girl who would be competing. We prayed that she would do her best and that God would get the glory!
A family of three stopped so the mom could get a Rosary. When asked if she were familiar with the devotion, she said, “Yes! I’m a Catholic middle-school principal [from out of state].” May God guide her and bless her efforts! She chose a Rosary for herself, and also accepted a copy of our “Rosary promises” bookmark to share with her staff.
The economically challenged older man, who usually waves at us as he slowly makes his way past, actually came close to the table this time to visit with both of us. He commented that we were “always smiling, every week”. He also almost chose a Rosary this time, but backed away at the last minute. So close! May God continue to draw him to Himself.
No sign of “Stephen” (FKA “Justin”) again this week. Please continue to pray for him that he accepts the salvation Christ offers him. He can’t hide from God.
“Uwe” [former “angry atheist” now turned “deist”] paused to comment on the weather, as usual, though we hadn’t seen him for a couple of months. May God continue to draw him closer to Himself.
A man named “Spencer”, who sometimes attends a nationalized non-Catholic Christian church and who picked up a Rosary from us some weeks ago, passed by with a woman on his arm. He smiled and reminded us that he already had a Rosary. As they came back by later, we asked the woman if she wanted a Rosary, too. She said she didn’t because she was a Christian. We replied that the Rosary was all about Christ, but they walked on without stopping. Pray for open ears and hearts for all who have mistaken ideas about the Catholic Church.
One of the evangelists had the impression that most of those who did stop for a Rosary this time said they were already Catholic. Lord, grant them perseverance in the Faith!
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, plus a Rosary Promises bookmark
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God blesses everyone who accepts a Rosary and the exhortation to pray it. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Evidence of Things Unseen - 2024-02-11
February 18, 2024
People find the Rosary attractive, even when they have strayed far from God. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
No “Stephen” encounter this time, but long-time visitor “Walt” walked a block out of his way to visit us. Walt, formerly homeless but now in city housing, talked mostly about his cat. He seems nearly blind now for, when his cat stepped on a button that locked his stove, he had to call a neighbor to unlock it. Walt is also battling cancer, and has a court trial at the end of this month, for all of which he asked our prayers. We offered him a Rosary, but he still is not interested as he has his “own ways to talk to God.” Pray for Walt’s physical and spiritual health and for all those who still live on the street.
A heavily tattooed and bearded man in his 30s, accompanied by a woman, stopped their bicycles when he wanted a Rosary. She stood at a distance, but he told us they “need a financial miracle” and “she’s not too happy” getting around by bicycle. He chose a Rosary and accepted its pamphlet on how to pray it. Lord, grant them salvation!
Two young adult women came for a Rosary and accepted its pamphlet. When asked if they were familiar with the devotion, one of them responded, “No, I’m from San Diego”.
A woman, 25-ish and accompanied by a very young daughter, told us that yes, she was familiar with the Rosary “but not in same way you Catholics are”. They each took a Rosary and its pamphlet. Lord, draw them close to You and the True Church that You founded!
A girl in her late teens, sporting braces and a big smile, said yes, she’s familiar with the Rosary. She chose a Rosary and took a copy of its pamphlet.
Two women in their 20s stopped. One wore a small gold cross on a necklace. She pointed to the other woman and said, “She’s not Christian”. They chose a Rosary apiece and, as e. James gave the nonbeliever the Rosary pamphlet, he smiled and said, “not yet.” They both laughed and the Christian girl responded “yeah, right” in hopeful agreement.
A man and woman in their late 20s chose a Rosary apiece. The man said he was not familiar with the Rosary but he “likes pretty things”. May God, the source of all Beauty, draw him to Himself.
A young-adult Catholic couple, wearing formal attire, told us they were “on a date after Mass”. The man accepted a Rosary with a smile and said he prays the Rosary every day.
A family with 2 girls (perhaps 5- and 7-years old) stopped so the children could each get a Rosary. The girls picked bright multicolored Rosaries and their father thanked us profusely as he accepted the Rosary pamphlets.
A young-adult man came to the table saying, as he selected a Rosary, that he was telling all his friends about us. He is Catholic but he had not been to Mass in some time “due to busyness”. The evangelist let him know that Ash Wednesday was coming, and that Lent was an ideal time to restart his faith life. Though he agreed, he became evasive and said goodbye. Please pray that all inactive Catholics hear the call back to the Sacraments.
Altogether, we gave away 10-12 Rosaries and its pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Lord, draw them all to You! And thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
"Justin" is really Stephen - 2024-02-04
February 11, 2024
Building trust can take time. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
We had nicknamed the man who heckles us every week “Justin”. This time he finally stopped long enough for us to ask his name. It is “Stephen”. He walked right up to the table and asked if we had an answer for why God allows children to die of cancer and priests to molest children. E. Chuck warned that to wish for such a meddling God is dangerous because if God got rid of everything wrong with the world none of us would be left to enjoy it. The evangelist also told him that free will is a greater gift than mere safety. He disagreed, saying it would be better to be like robots that God controls, because then “life would be easy.” E. James added that to compare what we know and want God to be is like comparing ants to humans: we can’t know anywhere near what God knows, or it’s like a child blaming parents for the bad things that happen. The evangelist also extolled the goodness of the Catholic Church, and how its 2,000-year history of Saints inspires us, while acknowledging the need to be on guard against evildoers in the church and everywhere in society. He spoke about Christ coming to heal sinners, not the righteous. Stephen was unmoved. His view is that if God exists and lets bad things happen then God is bad. Though impassioned, this was a longer and more respectful exchange of viewpoints than usual. It even ended with handshakes and exchange of names. From a closer look at his tattoos, clothing, and past statements, it looks like Stephen is involved in dangerous and forbidden spiritual practices. Please keep praying for Stephen, that his heart be softened and healed, and that he yoke himself to Christ’s easy yoke and light burden.
We had several Catholics stop for Rosaries, from singles to families, from those fresh from Mass to those who talked of their faith in the past tense, from the old to a couple of Catholic high school students. Pray for their perseverance in the faith.
A man on a bike stopped to say he had married into a Catholic family, but his wife left the Church soon after they married. Her family blamed him for that, but he said he had nothing to do with it. It sounded like she has gone to some non-Catholic Christian churches that he doesn’t like. It was not clear where things stand now. Please pray for all those who have fallen away from Catholicism.
Two young-adult women and a 17-year-old boy stopped at the table. The teen listened to our Rosary info. One of the women said her “mom prayed the Rosary”. Each of the three took a Rosary and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
The familiar military veteran was greeted warmly by e. James from across the breezeway. The man seemed to grimace and his limp was more pronounced. Pray the Divine Physician grants him merciful relief, body and soul.
A 50ish bearded man on a bicycle chatted with the evangelists from across the breezeway. He had married into a Catholic family. He had been wrongly blamed for a family member converting leaving the Church for a non-Catholic denomination, but said he retained cordial relations with his wife’s family. He was looking forward to upcoming trip to a largely Catholic country.
A frequent passerby, the toothless woman with the worn face, exchanged friendly greetings and smiles with the evangelists. She still had her Rosary from us, and noted that she had been raised Jewish. E. James said, “Great! Jesus was Jewish.” She smiled and nodded. There was a little more friendly chat, and then she was on her way.
Foot traffic was lighter than usual, but it sounds like the evangelists gave away at least 10 Rosaries and its pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God hears our prayers! So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Good Parenting - 2024-01-28
February 4, 2024
It seems that more parents are wanting their children to have Christian Faith. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
“Justin” neither removed his headphones nor offered a remark as he passed us, only flashing us the peace sign when we greeted him. He seemed to pointedly turn so we could read his block-lettered anti-God slogan on the back of his sweatshirt. Little does he know that so many faithful Catholics are praying for his conversion. Jesus, we trust in You.
A man with a foreign accent came to the table, pointed to a Rosary and asked, “How much?” When we said, “Free!”, he shook his head and walked away. Much later, a different man declined our offer, saying, “I was taught not to accept things that are free.” May these men come to value the great price paid for their salvation by Jesus Christ, the salvation that is freely offered to them through the obedience of faith.
A 30-something father with 2 grade-school-aged sons were on a “guys outing” when they saw us and came for a Rosary. The man wore a jersey supporting the local Catholic high school, and told us that he is actively trying to raise his children in the Faith. After they each chose a Rosary, the older boy came back and asked for another one for his 4-year-old sister who wasn’t with them. By the time he’d finished making that choice, the rest of the family had returned to the table because they remembered they needed one for their mom, too. We encouraged them to pray it together as a family. Lord, grant that whole family the grace to remain Faithful through life.
A bearded man in his late 30s and his wife passed by. He responded to our offer of a Rosary with, “No thank you. We prefer to pray directly to the Father through Jesus and don’t need anything else.” May all of us who know our great need for the intercession of friends and Church, priests and Saints, our Mother and her Son, pray that Christendom be humbly united in faith, hope, and love.
Two men approached the table, one leading the other. The man in a bright yellow work jacket, and who lagged reluctantly behind, said he didn’t know anything about the Rosary. He grew silent as e. Chuck told him about the prayer. When his eager friend stepped aside, he acted like he was going to move on without choosing a Rosary. Then he stopped to look them over. Despite our encouragement, he silently waffled before joining his friend without taking a Rosary. Please pray that God’s will is done in his life.
The military veteran from last week visited with us again. He accepted a Rosary and the pamphlet on how to pray it. May God grant him salvation and healing.
A couple in their early 20s stepped to the table in response to our offer of a free Rosary. The woman immediately chose one and put it over her head. The man deliberated awhile before choosing one. The woman remarked that that Rosary was “calling to him”. May they learn to pray it and meet the One Who is indeed calling them.
One person dismissed the multicolored “Mother Teresa” Rosaries as “too prideful” and selected a black one instead.
A group of young people in their late teens, three guys and a gal, approached. One of the young men joked to his friend about being “a heathen and don’t let it burn you”. Two members of the group accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet. May they receive abundant graces through the Rosary.
A man in his late 20s, accompanied by his son, stopped so the boy could get a Rosary and the pamphlet on how to pray it. The father had gotten one from us for himself last week. May the Lord unite this family in Faith.
A 20-ish girl said she had “heard of the Rosary”. After receiving a brief explanation of the devotion, she chose one and accepted its pamphlet. May she receive many blessings when she tries to pray the Rosary.
A young lad with freckles, about 10 years old, eagerly came to the table to get a Rosary. He also accepted its pamphlet before hurrying to catch up with his dad, who had preceded him into the sports arena. May God reward his courage.
It had been raining as we arrived, but it stopped and the sun came. So did some foot traffic, although it remained light. Still, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
Praying the Rosary can bring many blessings to a family. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Catholic, the Blessed Difference - 2024-01-21
January 28, 2024
More people are recognizing that Catholics are Christian. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A children’s gymnastic tournament was beginning, just as we set up, and ended before we did. However, of the 200 or so family members and competitors who passed our table, only one dad and son stopped for a Rosary. Could it perhaps be that glamour truly does blind the spirit?
A woman in her late 20s passed us by, declining our offer of a free Rosary in her search for the parking garage. But then she returned to the table to choose a Rosary, acknowledging that “we Christians are on the same team” in a lot of ways. She attends a trendy new non-Catholic Christian church and considered talk of denominational differences “a distraction from Christ”. Besides the Rosary, she also accepted the pamphlet on how to pray it, and a copy of the Catholic version of the kerygma/Good News. Pray that she perseveres in her devotion to Jesus Christ and that she meets her spiritual mother in the Rosary.
“Louis”, a thin man in his 30s and wearing yellow-tinted glasses, stopped to tell us he couldn’t wait for the Second Coming. He identifies as a non-Catholic liturgical Christian, but also attends Catholic Mass at an area parish. He told us that he has done so ever since he heard a documentary on the Catholic Church when he lived in a neighboring state. When asked if he were Catholic, he replied, “That stuff isn’t important. Only Jesus is important.” He worried about his sinfulness, but was deaf to the evangelist’s words about the benefits of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. But he accepted a Rosary, its pamphlet, and the encouragement to use the meditations to grow closer to Jesus. Then, when he heard that the evangelists and other Catholics [including you, gentle reader] would be praying for him, he asked that we pray he finds a resolution to his financial problems, too. Please lift up Louis in prayer.
We noted that both Louis and the woman who came back to the table both discounted “denominational differences” as unimportant. However, nothing can help a Christian more than the actual graces received in the Sacraments that Jesus Himself instituted.
Two groups of non-Christians stopped to receive a Rosary from e. James. To the second group, he gave a copy of the “Good News/kerygma” pamphlet.
“Justin” tossed out his quip about our “imaginary friends”, to which we replied, “Invisible does not mean imaginary.” So, he shot back, “You’re part of a cult”, and went on his way. May the Holy Spirit find a way to cultivate the hard-packed soil of his heart, so he can see the invisible, living God who made him.
Four teenagers, 3 girls and a guy, approached. One of the girls replied, “I want one”, to our offer of a free Rosary. She and one other girl took a Rosary and its pamphlet.
A young adult couple, all smiles, accepted a Rosary apiece, its pamphlet, and the encouragement to pray it.
A woman in her mid-30s smiled as she declined our offer, telling e. James, “That’s ok. I have my mood ring”. (The evangelist recalled St. Peter’s admonition to use “gentleness and reverence” [cf. 1 Peter 3:16] and so held back from asking her to check the ring and see if she was in the mood for a Rosary. May God draw her away from pseudo-spirituality and to Himself and life.
A homeless military veteran in his 50s, wearing a leg brace and pushing a laden cartful of belonging, said, “And, yes, I believe in Jesus”. He passed by without stopping for a Rosary.
Two boys in their late teens said they were “not Christian but believe in God”. E. James briefly encouraged them to use the Rosary to get to know Jesus, telling them it was “the Gospel on a string”. He also offered them the Rosary pamphlet and a copy of the “Good News/kerygma” pamphlet. They smiled and one of them responded that he “likes reading about it”.
A man, “Aaron”, accompanied by his wife and child, acknowledged our Christianity and our shared love of Christ. They each happily accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet.
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as several copies of the “Good News”/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Yes, being Catholic is a spiritual advantage. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
God is Trustworthy - 2024-01-14
January 21, 2024
God is real, and He takes care of us! So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
The temperature last week was just below freezing (instead of clear down in the low single digits as predicted). Although an unusual amount of snow had fallen that morning, foot traffic was okay during our session, aided perhaps by the remodeling show going on in the convention center.
A vendor came out of the conference center, where a remodeling show was being held. (He might have been part of a group that had refused Rosaries from us a short time earlier.) The man said he didn’t want a Rosary, but he “had a question” (usually code for “I have an objection to Catholicism”). He asked, “Why do Catholics say you need a priest?” “You don’t,” e. Lucy began her answer, provocatively. Then she quoted Jesus’ command to “be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt 5:48). But, we can’t do that without a whole lot of grace. Jesus instituted the Sacraments as means for us to receive that grace, and He appointed men to stand in His place to administer them to us. There was short discussion of “faith vs works” until e. Lucy pointed out that “making an act of faith is itself a ‘work’”. The man didn’t have any other questions, and politely withdrew. May God bless him for his polite manner and draw him home to the Church that He founded.
“Justin” went by, earlier than usual and in an irritable mood again this week. When e. Chuck greeted him warmly, he snarled , “It’s too cold for your [unpleasantness] today”. E. Chuck replied, “But, you’re the one giving us [unpleasantness].” He didn’t respond further. Lord, we again ask You to heal “Justin” and grant him the grace to quit trampling Your “pearl of great price” underfoot.
A 20-something male runner/jogger, wearing a stars-and-stripes mask, paused barely long enough to grab a Rosary from e. James’ hand.
A middle-aged woman from a nearby city told us that she had several Rosaries already.
A young adult man, wearing a parking attendant uniform, thoughtfully accepted a Rosary and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
A 20-something couple willingly accepted a Rosary apiece and its pamphlet.
Another man in his 20s, wearing a green ball cap and shorts, said he was “not familiar with the Rosary” when he stopped. After listening to a brief explanation of the devotion, he accepted Rosary and pamphlet.
A couple in their early 30s said, “Sure, we’d like one”, when offered a free Rosary. They each chose a Rosary and accepted the pamphlet.
A woman in her late 40s, and wearing a heavy brown coat, hobbled past with her foot in a heavy brace. She told us that she “knew how to pray it” as she accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet. She then asked for a Divine Mercy prayer card as well.
A cigarette-smoking man in his late 40s was a vender at the trade show. He took a Rosary and its pamphlet.
Another vendor from the event, named “Spencer”, stepped outside for a break and came to the table for a Rosary. He attends a fairly ancient, non-Catholic, nationalist, liturgical church and says they don’t have Rosaries available there. He mentioned his eastern European ancestry, and said he “liked that Catholics partied” (that is, weren’t forbidden to drink alcohol). Then he mused that if his and the Catholic churches were reunited it would be wonderful, and the world would have to “watch out.” We agreed that Christian unity is our desire, too. Please pray for Christian unity!
A thin, dark haired woman, in her 50s, happily accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet. A visitor to the area, she mentioned that her parish was “St. Rose” (of Lima?).
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Our non-threatening presence encourages people to approach us with questions. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. A couple of additional prayer requests.
The three of us met afterwards to discuss a visiting priest’s suggestion that we set up a booth at a farmer’s market. We looked up the two locally available venues and saw that our “product” fits neither. Besides, we don’t have the numbers of evangelists needed to cover 4-6 hour sessions. Please join us in prayer for discernment.
Please also join us in praying that the missionary priests of our diocese (about 1/3 of all of our priests), aren’t deported when they try to renew their work visas.
Keeping Us Busy - 2024-01-07
January 14, 2024
We stand for Truth and encourage people to pray. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Three men approached the table intent on challenging the Catholic Church. While the older man engaged e. Lucy and e. James in argument (see below), the other two stood off to the side offering their tracts to people while e. Chuck offered the same passersby a Rosary. Finally, e. Chuck introduced himself to the two men and asked what they were up to. Only one spoke to the evangelist, his name is “Nick” and he’s the pastor of a start-up church planted by a big, out-of-state megachurch. His church had come downtown to carry signs and hand out tracts (two of which the evangelist later found under the windshield wipers of his truck). It was a polite, sensible discussion and though Nick was surprised that the Catholic Church actually put its faith in Jesus Christ, he also seemed skeptical of what the evangelist told him. His wife, children, and some other members of his church arrived to say they were cold and ready to leave. So, the discussion ended. Pray for pastor Nick, that his professed devotion to truth will lead him to find it and accept it.
“Richard”, from the same non-Catholic Christian church, engaged e. Lucy in very one-sided rant, starting with the role of “tradition” in faith, then quickly accusing us of “speaking with the dead”, and continuing in a non-stop “doctrinal dance”, switching from objection to objection without waiting to hear our answers. “Richard”, it turns out, had turned his back on the Catholic faith he’d been baptized in. His mentor had been a piest, steeping him in suspicion about the Novus Ordo Mass. After his mentor’s death, Richard received a sudden freedom from alcohol addiction during a non-Catholic Christian service. Judging that Christ makes Himself present only within that denomination, he turned his back on Catholicism and began looking for supposed flaws in Catholic teaching in order to justify his leaving the Sacraments. Of course, he considers himself his own authority on what is true, and trusts completely in his own interpretations of Scripture (despite the fact that his misinterpretation of Psalm 31:14 had justified his slide into addiction in the first place). He did accept a copy of our “Praying to the Saints” pamphlet, with the encouragement to sit down and pray over every passage of Scripture listed in it. He said he would. He ended by trying to find a passage in our copy of the Bible to “prove there is no Sacramental priesthood”, but couldn’t spot it. E. Lucy invited him to return next Sunday. Lord, open “Richard’s” mind to actually understand Catholic teaching and bring him back to the Church that You founded.
A 20-something man named “Joshua” pointed out that his name is from the Hebrew version of Jesus’ name, and indicated that, because of that name link, he is obsessed with Jesus. He showed us a series of pictures of Jesus he had collected on his phone, many of which were meant to be humorous (such as: “weightlifter Jesus”). So, the evangelist recommended he pray the Rosary and meet the real Jesus, the God Who became man to save us. As the evangelist talked to him, Josh studied the pictures of Jesus in the pamphlet and on the Rosary’s Crucifix, still seemingly obsessed with images of Jesus. Pray that Josh meets Jesus the Savior in faith and truth.
The woman of a couple, in their 20s or early 30s, paused to show e. Chuck her homemade prayer beads. There was a Crucifix on it, but otherwise it seemed to be just a random number of beads on a string. (This may be the same couple that we sometimes see selling strings of beads near us in the business park.) The boyfriend had crosses dangling from pierced ears. The evangelist gave the woman a copy of the Rosary pamphlet, showing her how the prayer puts its focus on Christ and would help her prayer life. Pray this couple’s faith remains grounded in Christ.
Three high school girls, led by one with a wide smile, came to the table wanting Rosaries. The leader asked e. Chuck for prayers for protection for her and her friends and, as we began to pray, she crossed herself and admitted she was Catholic. After the prayer, she encouraged her friends to pick out Rosaries. All of them accepted the pamphlet as well, and listened to e. Lucy’s explanation of the prayer. Please pray for this young evangelist and her friends, that the family of God will continue to grow.
Just as we finished praying with the girls in the above story, “Justin” passed by with a scowl on his face and a snarky comment about “imaginary friends”. Please continue to pray for this man, may he hear Christ knocking at the door to his heart.
Two teen Christian fellows accepted Rosaries and pamphlets. One teen said he was attending Bible class at a non-Catholic Christian church in a neighboring city. E. James pointed out the Scriptural references to each Mystery in the Rosary pamphlet.
Another Christian couple in their early 20s didn’t know about Rosary, but listened to e. Lucy’s brief explanation of the devotion. They then each accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet.
A man in his 30s, carrying hockey gear and wearing dark glasses, took a Rosary and its pamphlet. He told us that he wanted to grow closer to his wife in Christian faith. May God grant them that growth.
A big-boned man in his 20s, wearing a tan “Santa Cruz” sweatshirt, said he learned how to pray the Rosary in high school. He took a Rosary from the table and accepted the pamphlet on how to pray it.
A foreign woman, wearing a black coat and headscarf, made the Sign of the Cross as she approached table, letting us know she is Catholic. She gratefully accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet.
A tall, thin runner paused just long enough to grab a Rosary, saying he’d pray on the run. When we remarked that we were glad to have a jogger stop by, he gruffly replied, “I’m not a jogger; I’m a runner!” May God grant him the grace to forgive our mistake.
Altogether, we gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a “Praying to the Saints” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
The Lord kept us busy with visitors, hot and cold toward the Faith. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Time to Choose Christ - 2023-12-31
January 7, 2024
As the calendar turns to a new year, we continue to encourage people to connect with Jesus Christ. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Today, we had short visits from two earlier team members. E. (now-Deacon) Bill and his wife stopped to offer encouragement. Later, e. Todd stopped by, pulling out his heavy-duty silver-beaded Rosary. We introduced him to e. James. They talked for a few minutes about the men’s groups at their respective parishes, in which they are each active.
A group of adult women and one little girl (perhaps 8-10 years old) stopped so the child could get a Rosary. The adults seemed to be in a hurry so, when the child said she wasn’t Christian, e. Lucy showed her the stories in the Rosary pamphlet and encouraged her to use them as a way to get to know Jesus.
A man paused to ask how many beads were in a Rosary. When the evangelist named a number, he immediately lost interest. So, we suspect he was looking for a non-Christian set of meditation beads.
A woman, walking amid several groups of people, veered toward our table she heard our offer of a free Rosary. She had been away from the church for years. But her husband of 44 years had passed away last Fall, and she was struggling to adapt. She felt it was time to get reconnect with the Catholic Church. E. Lucy set her up with a map to area parishes, so she could return to the Sacraments and the Catholic community.
A homeless-looking couple on bicycles stopped for a Rosary. The man said they could use “all the help [they] could get”. We encouraged them to pray the Rosary together.
A Catholic extended family stopped so the youngest (a 6- or 7-year-old girl) could get a Rosary. The mom commented to the girl that the brightly colored Rosaries with different colors for each decade were “Mother Teresa” Rosaries (with each decade representing a different continent). It was heart-warming to hear such a devoutly Catholic comment. We encouraged them to pray it as a family.
A young couple with a foreign accent each chose a Rosary, perhaps out of cultural interest. They asked us, “How do you call it?” and then repeated “Rosary” after hearing its name.
An older man wearing sunglasses waved off our offer of a free Rosary by saying he had a couple Rosaries of his own at home, in his nightstand and elsewhere. We encouraged him to pray it.
A man wearing western attire and the woman with him said they were “Christian” and humbly accepted Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to use it for prayer.
A Catholic mom, accompanied by a young adult daughter, stopped to tell us that they were on their way to a resort city north of here. But she wanted to show us her “miracle Rosary”. It had been burgundy, but on the same day that her prayer for healing was answered, it turned white (with only a tiny spot of burgundy left to show what color it used to be). She interpreted the color change as symbolizing spiritual cleansing. It’s always encouraging to meet a fellow Rosary enthusiast.
A couple from an historically Catholic culture accepted Rosaries and pamphlets.
A dark-haired young-adult man on a mountain bike stopped to get a Rosary, its pamphlet, and prayer cards.
A woman refused to accept a Rosary, but allowed her 2 daughters to each pick out a pink Rosary and take the pamphlet on how to pray it.
A mom with 2 teen daughters told us that “of course” she’s familiar with the Rosary. She then selected 2 Rosaries and took pamphlets for them.
Two tall young-adult men stopped. One was wearing a military field jacket and a cowboy hat with military patches. They gladly accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet.
Two dark-haired teens said they “were familiar with the Rosary”, and took a Rosary apiece and its pamphlet.
A 30-something Catholic couple stopped so their daughter, wearing a “cat ears” headband, could get a Rosary. We encouraged them to pray it together as a family.
Most, but not all, people seemed happy to return our “Happy New Year” greeting. A few even preceded us with the comment. Altogether, we gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet, a Madonna-and-child prayer card, and a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
As “the holidays” wrap up, we continue to present the Rosary as a way to grow closer to Jesus Christ, for Whom all time exists. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Job Security - 2023-12-24
December 31, 2023
The need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church continues. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A father and two children went by, the children looking longingly at the Rosaries. But the father said no, and we affirmed his authority. Lord, plant Your seed of Faith in those children and bring them to You!
A middle-aged woman from a large city on the other side of the continent, came with money in hand. But we told her that we don’t accept donations. She accepted a Rosary anyway, and spoke glowingly of the goodness of her recently deceased, 90-year-old husband, a former seminarian. We worried about her flashing a large bundle of cash. May God have kept her safe and blessed her for her generous intent.
A group of Catholics passed us. At first, they declined our offer of a Rosary, but then one accepted. He told us he prayed the Liturgy of the Hours daily. May God bless him and keep him faithful. The younger woman with him, though looking at us in a friendly manner, didn’t choose a Rosary.
A family with two children stopped so they could pick a Rosary. They came back some minutes later because the children wanted different colors than they had originally chosen. We let them choose another, sanitizing their original choices and putting them back out on the table.
Nobody mentioned the Pope’s latest pastoral decision.
Occasional visitor “Michele”, with stroller and dog, stopped to chat a bit. She still had the Rosary she had gotten from us earlier, but asked prayers for her friend “Michelle” who lives in the same building and is ill with covid.
The homeless woman with the crippled hands said she didn’t need a Rosary today.
A Catholic woman, who moved here from the east coast and now belongs to a local parish, came up and gave a friendly shout, “Yeah, Catholic Church!”
A thin, young adult woman with a small daughter, accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet. She told us she “had Catholics in the family.”
A woman dressed in a festive red outfit, and her daughter, each took a Rosary and its pamphlet.
When e. Lucy showed a 20-something woman the Rosary pamphlet that explains the devotion, our visitor agreed that pictures help her in spiritual contemplation.
An older couple with a young girl (their granddaughter?) accepted Rosaries.
A man, accompanied by his wife and young son, accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet. He said he just wanted to give his son “religious options”, presumably letting his boy make up his own mind. Blessed Mother, please lead that child and his family to Your Son, the only true God.
The weather was heavily overcast, but temperatures were relatively warm. We were spared any breeze until “closing time”. Foot traffic was light, but fairly steady. Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Our work continues. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
God's Call Goes Out - 2023-12-17
December 24, 2023
God calls all to Himself. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A grinning man, on a black, fat-tired, electric bike, zoomed to the table to select a Rosary. He didn’t say anything at first, but kept smiling as the evangelist explained the Rosary prayer. The man finally explained that he was a member of a non-Christian world religion, but that he loved Jesus and his holy book told him that he should love Jesus more than his own parents. So, the evangelist encouraged him to love Jesus by actually praying the Rosary. Still smiling, the man rode away. Please pray that his love will turn to faith and trust in Christ.
A man clad in the colors of a national sports team accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet.
A familiar, slow-moving, older man stopped. He smiled and said, “Life is all about doing what you can.” E. Chuck gently responded, “It’s all about Jesus.” The man replied, “Sometimes,” and moved on. Lord, grant him healing and salvation!
“Justin” walked by at his usual time, dropping a sarcastic statement as he moved on. It is clear that he just wants to be provocative and insulting. Maybe he is hoping we become enraged, insulted, shocked, or discouraged. Pray that the evangelists don’t give in to such temptations, since that would only cement the separation he sees between us. Our hope is that he becomes a man of faith, hope, and charity. Please pray that his heart is softened so he can make that journey to unity with God and His Church.
”Paul”, wearing a festive red bow tie, stopped and introduced himself as belonging to the Knights of Columbus at e. James’ parish. He accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet as he awaited his family’s arrival for an outing at the business park’s free ice-skating rink.
A 20-something couple said they were Catholic and took Rosaries and pamphlets. She tried unsuccessfully to put it over her head. May God grant that she reads the Rosary pamphlet, embraces the devotion, and grows in holiness.
Three middle-aged ladies responded, “We have Rosaries!”, as they passed by.
A woman accompanying her family proudly waved her wood, large-beaded Rosary in friendly solidarity with our efforts
A teenage couple with dyed hair and many piercings stopped to select a Rosary. Only the boy spoke. He said he didn’t know anything about the Rosary and was no longer Christian, though not anti-Christian. When asked why he was no longer Christian, he talked vaguely about past family/church issues from his “youth.” The evangelist begged them not to let some past hurt or misunderstanding keep them from the most important thing in anyone’s life: a relationship with God. He encouraged them to pray the Rosary and ask Jesus all the hard questions on their minds. They listened patiently and thanked us before moving on. Pray that their hearts are open to meeting their Lord and Savior in prayer.
Despite the chill resulting from the temperature inversion, there were a fair number of folks out and about. So, we gave away from 15 to 20 Rosaries. We even gave out 5 or 6 chain Rosaries. There seemed to be a greater percentage of Catholics out this time.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
No living human being is too far away for God’s grace, and we keep going out to seek them. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“No sacrifice is more acceptable to God than zeal for souls.” –Pope Gregory the Great
God Draws People to Himself - 2023-12-10
December 17, 2023
God loves people! So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
The free skate rink was open, but we set up in our usual spot.
A large, half-lit Menorah had been set up on the side of the skating rink nearest us. Several people posed for pictures in front of it. Not surprisingly, perhaps, none of them accepted a Rosary.
“Barry” was a vendor at the conference next door and stopped to pick up a couple of Rosaries for his daughters. (He had a Rosary of his own that was blessed by the Pope.) He knew what the Rosary was because he had attended a Catholic school when he was a kid, but had spent many years away from any kind of church. His wife had also been raised Catholic, but had quit over feminist issues. They now attend a lookalike non-Catholic Christian church in their home state. He likes it because it is large, successful, and his girls also like it. When e. Chuck began to bring up the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, Barry interrupted by partially quoting the Nicene Creed about apostolic succession and the holy catholic church. It was apparent, though, that he believed those things applied to all churches. Please pray for Barry, his wife, and fallen-away Catholics everywhere.
A man on a bicycle wanted a Rosary. He said he had been baptized Catholic but “hadn’t been Catholic” for a long time. We assured him that as a baptized Catholic he was still a Catholic, and encouraged him to get to know Jesus again by praying the Rosary. We gave him a “Come Home” pamphlet. Then he told us he had recently become homeless but he was working to get his life back together. Pray that he works as hard to repair his spiritual life as his economic life.
A large extended family, with 6-8 children under the age of 10, walked by and declined our offer. But the last couple of kids in the line ran to the table and selected a Rosary before running to catch up with the rest of the family. Soon, the other children came running back to get a “necklace” but gave us blank looks when we talked about the prayer. Before the last group had finished choosing, the first 2 groups came back and returned the Rosary pamphlet (plus a Rosary or two), saying, evidently at the prompting of their father, that they “didn’t want to waste them.” We watched one of the boys looking quizzically at the figure of Christ on the Cross. Pray that those blessed Rosaries may be the seed of the Good News planted in their hearts.
We had the three other big families swarm in and select Rosaries but don’t remember getting any story out of them in all the hubbub.
“Justin” walked by at his usual time and made a couple of his standard snide remarks before putting his headphones back over his ears and heading on his way. One thing he doesn’t seem to discern is the distinction between imaginary and invisible. Please continue to keep praying for him.
While “Justin’ was bantering with e. Chuck, a teenage girl came for a Rosary, although she didn’t seem either familiar with it or with Christianity. E. Lucy showed her the Mysteries as a way to get to know Jesus and told her a story of the power of the Rosary prayer. A few minutes later, 2 or 3 other teenage girls came for a Rosary apiece.
A perhaps gender-confused teen stopped for a Rosary, listened politely to the explanation of the devotion, and thanked us warmly. Later, two teenage girls holding hands came to the table and chose a Rosary apiece, but we don’t remember them actually saying anything. Lord, You are the Truth. Please speak to their hearts and let them know You knew what You were doing when You made them. Grant them trust in You!
A woman with a well-covered baby in a stroller stopped for a Rosary. She’s Catholic from a country well south of here, and had been to Mass that very afternoon.
A Catholic man from the cathedral parish, who has stopped before, paused to again encourage us. May God bless him!
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away easily 30 Rosaries and its pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Please ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
People were in a festive mood, and more of them than usual were open to receiving a Rosary. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. A few more stories from our previous session, on 2023-12-03:
There were 49er football fans aplenty today, proudly wearing team logos. Our Boise “Team SPSE” proudly (but gently 😌) competed for their attention.
A thin man looked over the Rosaries and took one “for his son”.
E. Chuck engaged a familiar heckler, (wearing a “Crawford” sports shirt) who exhorted us to explain, “Why does God allow child-hood cancer?” It was a somewhat more encouraging encounter compared to his usual flyby shout of criticism.
A young teen boy and 2 girls said they were Christian and accepted Rosaries and pamphlets.
An orange-coated, older, toothless woman with a weathered face and wistful expression quietly accepted a Rosary and pamphlet.
When the mother accompanied by 6 active youths approached the table, e. James spoke with an older girl who said her grandparents were Catholic. The evangelist acknowledged the wonderful formative influence of the “Faith of Our Fathers”. He went through the Rosary pamphlet with her, highlighting the links to Christ and the Gospel. She seemed receptive. May God draw her and her family all the way into His Church!
Seasoned Hope - 2023-12-03
December 10, 2023
We had some good surprises this time. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Although it was pouring rain as we each headed downtown, the rain stopped and stayed stopped during our session. Therefore, some people were out where they could encounter us.
A woman stopped for a Rosary. I don’t think she was Catholic, but she was familiar with an area parish because of a program she had attended there. E. Lucy gave her a map of local parishes with Mass and Reconciliation times listed and encouraged her to get connected.
A family group stopped, consisting of a mom and 5 teens. They each accepted a Rosary while e. Lucy gave a brief description of the devotion. Then e. James helped them to see the Rosary as “the Gospel on a string”. We encouraged them to pray it, even if all they had were questions.
E. James gave another Rosary to the homeless woman with crippled hands.
“Justin” came walking toward the table from the opposite direction he usually travels. So, e. Chuck commented on his lack of a skateboard. He responded by gesturing toward the rain. He passed the table, then stopped, turned, and asked, “What about childhood cancer?” E. Chuck approached him because he was having trouble hearing the question and, once he understood, responded that things like that were tragic. “Justin” retorted that it was and yet our God does nothing about it. The evangelist tried to talk about the nature of our fallen world, but “Justin” interrupted to say that God doesn’t care about children’s lives. The evangelist replied that death is not the end of our lives. “Justin” laughed and said, “You’re fooling yourself”, and continued walking.
Amazed that “Justin” had finally paused and engaged in conversation with us, the evangelists received yet another surprise when he walked by again at his usual time. This time, he asked e. Chuck why he was Catholic when all priests are [a danger to children]. The evangelist walked with him and denied his gross exaggeration, explaining the Church’s reforms. But “Justin” laughed and repeated, “You’re fooling yourself.” E. Chuck persisted in defending the majority of good priests, but also noted that he thought that any priest caught should be arrested and jailed. “Justin” continued to laugh this off, then, whether in sarcasm or sincerely we don’t know, he said, “I appreciate you” before continuing on his way to work. Praise God for a slightly more open dialogue, and please continue to pray for “Justin” that his heart be softened and his eyes opened to the reality and goodness of God.
The outdoor skating rink was closed, due to inclement weather. However, the rain stopped just as we arrived and didn’t start up again until we were all packed up. Therefore, we were able to set up in our usual spot. Foot traffic was light, but we did receive some interest.
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as a copy of the map to area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
We try to be a trustworthy reminder of God’s love for us, and to provide a safe place for questions. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
God Evidence - 2023-11-26
December 3, 2023
God answers prayer, and sometimes we notice. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Not only was that annual decorated tree exhibition going on in the main convention center, but the new city-sponsored “ice” skating rink had opened in the middle of the business park. We were asked to move out of the center circle. So, we set up on the busy north corridor. By the end of our session, two buskers had also set up shop, 1 on either side.
Thirty-somethings “Nolan” and “Dakota” wondered what we were doing, and Dakota asked if e. Chuck would pray for them. After the prayer, the evangelist noticed their smirky smiles, so he asked what was up. It turns out that Nolan had gone from being a highly active, well read Christian to being a non-believer, and that Dakota, a Christian, was hoping to make his friend uncomfortable. Despite the prank, they stayed to talk and argue, and even expressed interest in returning to continue the conversation. Despite his tenacious, pride-filled conviction that there is no God, Nolan very much wants God to be real and is dedicated to seeking the truth. May The Way, The Truth and The Life help him to realize his desire. Please pray that Nolan and Dakota return to speak with the evangelists again. Please also pray that God continues to draw Nolan back to Faith.
If you are a long-time follower of this apostolate, you may recall “Martin”, from about a decade ago. At that time, he asked prayer to be freed from “demon rum”, and e. Lucy and a non-Catholic Christian visitor prayed for him. This week, immediately after the following encounter (too late!), e. Lucy thought she recognized Martin in the man with long black hair who stopped for a Rosary. He asked e. Lucy if she were Christian. Yes! He asked what church she attended, then grimaced when she named her Catholic parish. Then he kept repeating that he identified as a member of a particular, often anti-Catholic, denomination of non-Catholic Christians. E. Lucy affirmed that this is a good time for Christians to be standing shoulder to shoulder, in perhaps an unconscious echo of that previous encounter. Our visitor shook hands with both us as he took his leave. Please pray that he remains free of addiction and grows in his love for Jesus Christ.
Two girls in their early teens stopped. They weren’t Christian, so e. Lucy encouraged them to take their questions respectfully into their meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary.
Three employees from the juice bar directly across from where we set up came to us separately for a Rosary. The first declared his non-belief in God but was glad we were out there encouraging others to faith. May God grant him a return to the one true Faith, and may He bless the others!
The man with the changeable accent (encountered a few weeks ago), and whom e. Lucy pegged as “the merchant” from a few years back, came and wanted another Rosary, pointing to the fanciest one on the table. She said no. We cannot be a party to the selling of blessed items. May God heal him and grant him the courage to be truthful.
There were lots of people passing by, but very few conversations. People seemed to be in a hurry, either to get to the activities in the center of the business park or to get back home. Still, the two evangelists gave away at least 20 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask that God send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Jesus came to save us, and that’s still His desire. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Some Will, Some Won't - 2023-11-19
November 26, 2023
Praying the Rosary is a way to grow closer to Jesus Christ, the King of Creation. Some accept. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A family of four stopped, the mother interested in receiving a Rosary. After they heard an explanation of the devotion, all four of them chose a Rosary and accepted the booklet. When we encouraged the parents to pray it daily as a family, the father said they’d try it that very afternoon! May God reward them and encourage them.
A down-and-out couple accepted a Rosary apiece. They huddled in the corner of the exhibition building to get a break from the cold wind. Later in the session, the woman came back and requested another copy of the Rosary pamphlet because hers had blown away. May God bless them, comfort them, and heal them of all that separates them from society.
A pair of teenage girls came eagerly over for a free Rosary. They were only vaguely familiar with Christianity, so e. Lucy encouraged them to use the Mysteries to explore Jesus’ life and to reverently take their questions to the prayer. May God grant them Faith!
A man who had been raised Catholic wanted a Rosary, but wasn’t happy with the colorful ones we had out on the table. E. Lucy then remembered our remaining bag of 10 black Rosaries. He happily chose one of those. And so did 7 other people during the session.
A tall man on an electric scooter sped past. He startled at our offer, but continued on his way. Moments later, though, he circled back to select a Rosary and listened as we shared with him the how’s and why’s of the prayer. He then smiled and said it would soon be hanging from the mirror in his car. E. Lucy suggested he take it down and pray with it, too. Pray that he remain steadfast in faith and that he hears Our Lady calling him to a deeper relationship with her Son through the Rosary.
To our offer of a Rosary, a homeless-looking man with bushy blond hair stopped to say, slurring his words somewhat, “We’ve talked before; you know what I think.” Not remembering the earlier conversation, e. Chuck approached the man. Our visitor talked about his belief that all religions are right and how he wants to get along with everybody, but that he did hate one person: himself. Our visitor seemed inclined to talk non-stop but, edging away, e. Chuck did manage to offer to pray that he could come to love the child of God that He had created him to be. Please keep the man in your prayers as well.
“John” (the retired parking lot service tech) arrived with his dog to talk about his progress with his electric car invention. He did say he was not looking forward to Thanksgiving on the other side of the state with family who, he thought, complained too much. Pray for safe travels for everyone for this holiday season and for peace in family gatherings.
Here is a conversation with a man who passed without stopping:
“Would you like a free Rosary?”
“No thank you.”
“May God bless you.”
“Thank you. I’m an atheist but still, thank you.”
May the Holy Spirit use his quiet, polite demeanor as a road into his heart that he may come to know the living God Who made him.
Although the pouring rain had stopped hours earlier, there was still a cold, steady breeze. Most of the square was also still blocked off for construction. Therefore, the number of people making their way through the business park was limited. God also mercifully moderated the strength of the breeze until closing time (when it picked up again). None of the Rosaries blew off the table, although we did chase a pamphlet and plastic bag or two. God is good!
Altogether we gave away 15 or so Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God’s work in “His Vineyard” still goes on. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Dueling Definitions - 2023-11-12
November 19, 2023
Sometimes we get serious questions. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
“Jay” and two other young adult men (“JJ” and “Veda”) stopped, curious about the Rosary. Jay started to grill e. Lucy about Mary, referring to her as a “dead human”, asking if we consider her “a mediator”, and asking, “where does it say in the Bible…” He landed on “praying to Saints” and showed the evangelist a definition on his phone, which said that “to pray” meant “to address a request to a deity”. He couldn’t understand that there was an older definition that meant simply “to ask”, and that that is the sense of “to pray” that Catholics use when we talk to the Saints. The conversation went round and round in that same circle until e. Chuck stepped in and finally broke the deadlock by clarifying that, if we were to use Jay’s definition, then no, we do not “pray to Saints” since we worship only God. While e. Lucy had been trying the answer Jay’s objection, e. Chuck had been talking with “Veda”, who was from a troubled country on another continent. Veda is a Christian, but mostly reads from the Old Testament and likes to read devotional books, two of which he talked about with e. Chuck. He wished that Christians were more united. He and the third boy were antsy to get going, but their friend “Jay” was still talking with e. Lucy and so e. Chuck joined that conversation. Among other things, Jay wanted to know was what the difference was between Catholic Christians and “regular” Christians like him. E. Chuck said it was all about authority. For Jay it was “Bible alone”, for Catholics it was Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Apostolic succession. Jay also wanted the evangelists to share times that prayers to Mary had been answered for us, and he shared his own experiences. He talked about coming to see us again next week. They accepted the how to pray the Rosary pamphlets but did not take a Rosary. Pray that their faith is rooted in Christ and that they can see that His Church is His continued presence in the world.
“Deborah” and “Peter” from e. Lucy’s parish came and took pictures in preparation for promoting our apostolate in the parish bulletin. May God bless them!
- James talked with a homeless woman, who has gotten a Rosary from us before. Building relationships is very important component of evangelization.
A man and woman from the middle of the state were there because a grandson (or nephew?) was competing in the high school hockey tournament going on in the sports arena. They had approached the table saying they “needed a prayer”. After they received a description of the Rosary devotion, and had each chosen a Rosary in their student’s school colors, it became clear that the prayer they wanted was for the success of their boy’s sports team in the playoffs. May God open their eyes to perceive the bigger needs around them.
A nicely dressed, elderly woman with a cane, who was from out of town, approached the table with a smile saying that she belonged to a non-Catholic Christian denomination, which has groups that are very vocally anti-Catholic. We assured her of the Rosary’s focus on Christ and showed her how to pray it. A jolly person, she said she was dedicated to prayer and appreciated what we were doing in the public square. May her faith be a strong influence on her family.
A teenage couple, dressed in a way meant to confuse their sex, came to the table to select Rosaries. (E. Lucy talked with them and briefly shared the Gospel message.) Pray that they turn their backs on the world’s lies and seek out Him Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
A man, who has stopped a few times before to argue that Catholicism is all wrong and who tends to frustrate the evangelists with his tendency to neither listen nor respond to our arguments, was passing by. So, e. Chuck engaged him in a conversation about his family, co-workers, and travels, seeking common ground in a love for Mariachi music. Pray that his heart will be softened toward the Catholic Church.
“Justin” showed up again, rolling by on his skateboard as we were talking to the three young men in the story above. As usual, he made a snarky comment about us “talking about your imaginary friends” before speeding away to display the anti-God saying on the back of his t-shirt. E. Chuck hollered that it was good to see him again but he gave no reply. The evangelist then explained to the puzzled young men about “Justin’s” drive-by atheism. Please keep praying that his eyes are opened to the reality of the living God.
A pink-and-black clad teenage “couple” accepted Rosaries and pamphlets on how to pray it.
“Jason”, a Catholic new to Boise from a state south of here, happily accepted a map to area churches from e. Lucy.
An older, smiling woman, carrying a backpack and vest, stopped to chat. E. James recognized her from a few weeks ago when she had accepted Rosary from him. Recognizing that evangelization is about building trusting relationships, he was able to offer her an enjoyable short friendly exchange.
Two teenage boys with baseball caps approached. One said, “My mom is a Christian”, but he was not familiar with the Rosary.
A non-Catholic Christian, woman was wearing a sweater with the logo of the airline for which her son is a pilot. She told the evangelists that she is visiting from another state. She was very friendly to us and offered her ecumenical support for our “being out here, doing this”. She also accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet.
A bearded man, with smudged face and backpack, walked quickly by. But then he hesitated momentarily to grab a Rosary and its pamphlet May God also call him to use the Rosary prayers to grow closer to Him.
A 20-something, bearded, toothless man, and his pal who was wearing round rose-colored glasses, were genuinely curious about the Rosary. E. James described the devotion’s relation to the Gospel and a bit about its history. The bearded fellow asked, “So, it’s a physical way to enhance your prayer?” The evangelist agreed, calling the Rosary a “Gospel-on-a-string” and showing them the Rosary pamphlet’s Gospel excerpts. They each accepted a Rosary and a copy of the pamphlet.
Altogether, the three evangelists gave away 10-15 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Sometimes, finding common ground is a challenge. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
God Responds - 2023-11-05
November 12, 2023
God again let us know that He sees. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
In the area where we set up, the music system was blaring so loudly that people passing by couldn’t understand what we were saying. We caught on to that fact when a woman, declining our offer as she passed by, paused to read our sign. Then, she called to us, “Oh, are you offering Rosaries?” When we said yes, she immediately came back to the table and claimed one for herself. After that, we thought to pray, “Jesus, would You please take care of that (the noise)?” Instantly, the song ended and, when the music resumed, it was at a much lower volume! Thank you, God! Yes, He knows what we need before we ask, but sometimes it takes awhile for us to think of asking. *sheepish grin*
A man and woman stopped, sort of familiar with the Rosary, but not really. Were they Christian? Not really. So, since they seemed anxious to be moving along, e. Lucy briefly promoted the Rosary as a way to think about scenes from the life of Jesus and find out what people have found important about Him. She also recounted that many people, if they did that reverently, even if all they had were questions, found an unexplained sense of peace and protection. They each chose a Rosary before continuing on their way.
Several families with children passed by, the children looking longingly at the colorful Rosaries. However, their parents said no, and we respected their parental authority.
Another father, with two girls both under the age of 10, passed by. The girls were drawn to the Rosaries, but we said they could have them only if their dad said it was okay. This dad did give his permission. So, we set the two girls up with a Rosary apiece and its pamphlet. The father, although familiar with the devotion from his childhood, declined receiving one.
Unusually for her, e. Lucy gave two Rosaries away as snatch-and-grabs; that is, people took a Rosary from her hand without pausing for any interaction with us.
A man leaving the hockey arena declined a Rosary by saying that it was “the work of [the enemy of mankind].” The evangelist replied that it was “all about Jesus.” The man shook his head and kept going. Pray that his heart is softened and his eyes opened to the ways Our Mother Mary can touch our lives and draw us to her Son.
“John”, the retired parking lot attendant, came to visit with e. Chuck. May God grant John safety as he works on his electrical inventions. And please pray for John’s wife, “Linda”, whose gallbladder was removed earlier that week.
Although it’s November, God granted us sunny 60+ degrees (F). So, people were in pleasant spirits. Most of the business park is still fenced off for construction, but we gave away 15 or so Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God continues to bless our efforts. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Unexpected Blessings - 2023-10-29
November 5, 2023
God knows what we need! So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
E. Lucy saw a man approaching. About the same time that she offered a Rosary, she noticed the Roman collar he was wearing. She asked if he was a priest. Yes, a Catholic priest, he said. Then, having been fooled before, she asked his parish, relaxing when he readily named the nearest one. Just then, e. James arrived. So we asked “Fr. Tim” for his blessing. He extended his arms and prayed over us, asking the Holy Spirit’s empowerment and protection. In the middle of his prayer, a man went by and used a loud profanity to voice his contempt for the sacred moment. Lord, save that man! And please bless Fr. Tim and keep him faithful.
“Tom” was walking two beautifully groomed standard poodles and a small dog, all off leash. E. Lucy complimented the dogs’ grooming and the man approached our table. She offered him a Rosary and he opened up. He had been raised in a pseudo-Christian sect, but had left a couple of years ago because he got tired of their cult-like control and burdensome tithing requirements. But he now feels the need to reconnect with a church, he said. However, he finds himself easily triggered. He had begun attending a non-Catholic Christian church but, after only a few weeks, was approached and told he needed to start tithing. He didn’t go back. He was intrigued by the Rosary and open to learning about the Catholic Church, expressing a genuine interest in the Mass. We set him up with a map to area parishes and helped him identify his parish. He also accepted a Rosary, a “Why Be Catholic?” pamphlet, and we referred him to Catholic media sources. May God lead him all the way home!
“Jacoby”, a young adult woman, stopped to tell us she has recently become Catholic, and chose a Rosary. E. James then suggested she take a Divine Mercy prayer card, the short prayer that uses the same beads. She enthusiastically accepted, telling us she would send a picture of it to her friend, on the other side of the country, who had led her into the Catholic Church. Lord, grant her an ever-growing awareness of the treasure trove of graces she’s stepped into!
A large Catholic family from e. Chuck’s parish stopped. After they learned the Rosaries were free, two of the children and the mother accepted one. We encouraged them to pray it together as a family. They joyfully shook hands with us before leaving.
Two women in costume stopped to receive a Rosary apiece. They were dressed as a cowgirl and a mermaid, but e. Lucy was greatly edified to see how modest their clothing was. A woman who was standing nearby, waiting to meet someone, also gladly commented on the dignity that lent to their womanhood.
A group of adults stopped early in the session and accepted a Rosary apiece. They were Christian, but were unfamiliar with the Rosary. E. Lucy explained how meditating on the scenes from the life of Christ helps one grow closer to Him, and how He often responds to those who use the Rosary reverently by blessing them with protection and peace.
A middle-aged couple, pulling a brightly costumed child in a wagon, paused at our offer of a free Rosary. They hesitantly approached, and listened to e. Lucy’s explanation of the devotion. They cordially accepted Rosaries and pamphlets.
A young man, from a group of similar-aged youth, had “no time to talk” but grabbed a Rosary and its pamphlet in passing. Blessed Mother, lead him to pray it and get to know your Son!
A middle-aged guy gruffly refused receiving a Rosary, declaring his belief that there is no God to believe in.
On his second pass, an antagonistic man asked, “Are these [Rosaries] for prayer?” E. James responded, “Yes.” The man immediately challenged, “What about, ‘You shall have no other gods before me?’” The evangelist replied, “We believe that Jesus is God, and that the Rosary is all about His life, death and resurrection.“ Our visitor quickly turned and exited. May the Holy Spirit prompt him to investigate further.
A young adult couple, carrying a handwritten “Conspiracies? Ask me” sign, stopped as we were packing up to leave. He talked disapprovingly about world politics, a secret ruling group, and various socioeconomic concerns. He did mention the Bible and God as truth, and so e. James responded that Christ, the Incarnate Word, is our guiding light amid the formidable troubles of this world. The evangelist then suggested we focus on what we as individuals can do. The couple stayed respectful, but didn’t seem to take in his comments. They declined our Rosary offer.
An outdoor ice skating rink is being constructed in the middle of “our” business park, so the entire center area is fenced off. The weather had also suddenly turned cold overnight, so foot traffic was light. However, we were still able to give away the same number of Rosaries during the session that we typically do. God is good!
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as 2 Divine Mercy prayer cards, 2 maps to area parishes, 1 “Come Home” pamphlet, and 1 “Why Be Catholic?” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God continues to bless our efforts. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Jesus, Our Reason - 2023-10-22
October 29, 2023
Nothing is more important than Jesus Christ and His offer of salvation. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
“Owen” grew up in an indifferent, non-Catholic, nominally Christian family that never prayed or went to church. And so, at a young age, he decided he did not have really any faith. Although he is not an anti-God, angry atheist, he doesn’t believe in any particular religion or god. Yet, he wanted a Rosary, thanks be to God! E. Chuck laid out the Gospel message, hoping to break through his indifference. Owen then asked if nuns were really married to Christ, so e. Lucy explained the spiritual union with Christ we should all seek. Then he wanted to know if salvation could be lost, and we assured him it could be because we remain free. E. James then talked to him about Pascal’s wager (with which he was familiar), and encouraged him to dig into the lives of the Saints, where he could find examples of what the life of a true believer should look like. He also offered to go to Mass with him. We gave him several pamphlets: Good News, Who Am I?, Do I Need a Savior?, Why Be Catholic? and Existence of God and said he should come back to talk to us again. (Owen remained polite through it all. But to our invitation to return this week, after he’d had a chance to look at the pamphlets, he said, “not likely,” as he hurriedly walked away.) Pray, though, that Owen will continue to respond to the urgings of the Holy Spirit and seek a life-changing friendship with God through Christ Jesus.
One member of a passing trio, a tall man in an odd costume with furry legwarmers, angrily said, “If you offer that to me one more time I’m going to [be ill].” As outlandish as the costume was, and we pray it was only a costume, the evangelists could not remember making the offer to him before. Be that as it may, after they had passed, one of the trio, a woman dressed normally, came running back to the table wanting a Rosary. She chose one, and accepted a brief explanation of the devotion and the encouragement to try it. Pray for strength for all those who need to defy peers in order to seek the Lord.
A group of four teenage boys came to the table after one of them decided he wanted a Rosary. They were not Christian, so e. Lucy encouraged them to get to know Jesus, and e. Chuck gave them a brief overview of the Christian message. Three of them each chose a white Rosary, and the other teen changed his mind and didn’t take one.
A dad stopped when his pre-teen daughter wanted a Rosary. He approvingly allowed her to take one and encouraged her to ask e. Lucy about it. When the evangelist asked if she were Christian, the girl turned to her dad for the answer. He told her that we were talking about God. So, the evangelists told her what God has done for us and how the Rosary is a great way to get to know Him, so that we can live with Him forever.
“Matt”, a repeat Catholic visitor from a nearby parish, stopped to say hi and to introduce his life-long friend, “James”, who was in town to visit. They have been friends since grade school, 14 years ago. May God bless them and keep them faithful in their Catholic Faith!
About a dozen people in costumes went by during the session. Possibly the most creative were the man and woman dressed as thunder(she) and lightning(he).
A man came to select a Rosary. He spoke with what seemed to be a Middle-Eastern accent, and babbled the names of many so-called gods. He said he was a fan of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom he called “Miriam”, but was smilingly resistant to discussion of Jesus Christ as Lord. E. Lucy wasn’t convinced of his veracity/sincerity/trustworthiness, but let him select a Rosary. He said he was appreciative of our evangelization efforts.
Several folks passing by pleasantly responded that they “already had a Rosary”.
Three young adult men, carrying restaurant leftover cartons, passed us by then returned to the table to select a Rosary. They were unfamiliar with the Rosary and were pretty sure they weren’t Christian so e. Chuck told them the Good News, challenging them to respond to Christ’s amazing sacrifice so they could experience the life-changing relationship with God. They listened politely and offered us their leftovers before moving on. Pray that their cool, indifferent hearts will begin to burn with love for their risen Lord.
Altogether, the three evangelists gave away 25-30 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as copies of our “Good News/kerygma” pamphlet, and pamphlets on “Come Home”, “Existence of God”, “Why Be Catholic?”, “Who Am I?”, and “Do I Need a Savior?”
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Our goal is, as in St. Patrick’s prayer, “Jesus Christ in the eye of everyone who sees us.” So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Jesus is Real - 2023-10-15
October 22, 2023
The reality of Jesus cannot be ignored. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A man, wearing a blanket over women’s clothing, stopped for a Rosary. He seemed slightly inebriated. He struggled to work a Rosary over his dreadlocks in order to wear it around his neck. After he managed it, he offered the evangelist his vapor device. When she declined, he pulled the Rosary back off. She assured him that the Rosaries were free, if he wanted one. So, he picked it back up and pulled it over his hair and past his ears again. Then he picked up the Cross, that was now lying on his chest, and examined it. He then abruptly pulled it back off again and said no thank you, leaving the Rosary and pamphlet on the table. May Our Lord have mercy on this deeply wounded soul and heal him.
“Steven”, a Cowboy-hat wearing Christian-Bible enthusiast, passed the table on his way into the sports arena. But then he came back and engaged e. Chuck and e. James in conversation. He started by saying he appreciated what we were doing. He was not associated with any denomination, but loved Jesus. He went on to share his conversion story, stories of his friends and family, his love of sports, etc. But when he gave us his theories about Jesus being married and having children, the evangelists had to interrupt to correct this error, as well as point out that this is precisely why we need a Church: to care for the deposit of faith and to correct errors. Steven, evidently having also been erroneously taught that the Bible is the sole authority, then claimed that the Bible had been altered to hide his notions. Then, seeing we were going to dispute the point, he reiterated that he appreciated what we were doing and turned to go on into the arena. Pray that his heart is softened, and he perceives his need for a Church to guide his faith.
Two women stopped, who were in town for the relationship course being held in the convention center. Coming from a part of the country where Catholics are numerous, they didn't seem surprised to see our Catholic presence in public. They came right up, and one of them asked if the evangelist was familiar with the Seven Sorrows devotion, something our visitor had just learned about a few days earlier at her home parish. Yes, and the evangelist demonstrated how she counts the prayers (7 groups of 7) using a standard Rosary. That was too complicated for our visitor, but they each accepted a Rosary and were glad we were there.
A group of boys in their early- to mid-teens stopped when one of them wanted a Rosary. He claimed to have “no religion”, so e. Chuck started recounting the basic story of salvation history. But our visitor was actually familiar with it enough to finish the evangelist’s sentences as he proclaimed Jesus’ Death and Resurrection and His great love for us. It seemed, though, to still be just an idea to the youth rather than reality. We encouraged him to use the Rosary to get to know Who Jesus is. The other boys declined Rosaries until just before they walked away, when one more asked for one. Pray that their eyes are opened to their desperate need for the living God, Who is their Savior.
A man declined our offer of a Rosary by saying he had gone to Catholic high school. If he has left the Faith, Lord, have mercy and draw him back!
A boy wanted a Rosary, but we said he could have one only if his dad said it was okay. The dad said no, so we affirmed his parental authority.
Another group of children went by. Their dad said yes, so they each chose a Rosary for themselves, received a brief introduction to it, and were encouraged to use the Rosary pamphlet to learn how to pray it.
A Catholic family, visiting from a town to the west of us, stopped by for a Rosary. Then they offered the evangelists each an enthusiastic handshake and wished our efforts well.
Two interested teenaged guys took a Rosary apiece and its pamphlet. Then one of them almost put his Rosary back on the table, saying he had “not been confirmed yet”. E. James assured him he could pray it even before that momentous occasion.
A man, with quadruple limb amputation and seated on rolling skateboard-like conveyance, stopped with a smile and thanks for the Rosary and pamphlet. We were humbled by his positive attitude and courageous adaptability. Lord, have mercy on him.
Our new evangelist, e. James, encouraged a young man who approached with his girlfriend, to wear their newly received Rosaries on their belt and pray it while walking.
Three grade-school-aged girls with their mother had been sitting outside the hockey arena and approached the table on their way in. Their mother said it was okay, so the girls came to the table to select Rosaries. Later, they brought a friend from inside the arena and, later still, they came with more girls and a father. The father declined a Rosary but was not anti-Catholic about it. He agreed that our country and the world needs more prayer. Pray that families of faith are united in prayer.
An adult couple stopped. They were non-Catholic Christians who knew nothing about the Rosary. The woman with whom e. Chuck chatted seemed open to the prayer. (The man seemed to be, too. But, e. Lucy, who talked with him, doesn’t now recall the conversation.) Pray that they put Christ first in their lives.
Altogether, the three evangelists gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet,
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
The reality of Jesus Christ breaks through and speaks to people wherever they are, emotionally or philosophically. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
"Go with the strength you have“ (Judg 6:14).
Good Catholics - 2023-10-08
October 15, 2023
People seemed to understand that Catholics are on the side of Good. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A man stopped and asked for a pamphlet to tell him about the Catholic Church. He had to wait a moment or two while e. Lucy unearthed a copy of our “Why Be Catholic?” pamphlet, since it’s rare we receive such a request. He also accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet. May God grant that his interest in the Church grows until it brings him into full communion with her.
“Ian” and “Kim”, a non-Catholic liturgical Christian couple, stopped for a Rosary. She “used to be Catholic”. E. Lucy described the devotion, told her about a minister of her currently claimed denomination who prays it, and encouraged them to pray it together. Lord, draw her back home to You!
A mom stopped, wanting a Rosary for her son, “Leo”, 13 years old, who had just “lost a friend”, also 13. She hoped the prayer would bring her son comfort. Please pray for both Leo and his deceased friend. They could both be in peril.
Another mom stopped, asking if I could hear the orchestra over the business park’s sound system. Her high school daughter’s chamber music ensemble was performing a “flash mob” classical concert across the business park from our table. They finished before we did.
A group of 5 young adults stopped. They were fashion models, they said, coming to Boise from various places. One girl was local, one of the young men was from across the country, another was from across the ocean (though he had no accent since, he said, his mother was from here). They each took a Rosary, while e. Lucy encouraged them to use it reverently to get to know Jesus Christ.
A homeless-looking man claimed a Rosary and, later, so did a homeless-looking woman. May God bless them, heal them, and restore them to society.
A mother and adult son stopped to encourage our apostolate. They were Catholic and belonged to a nearby parish. They asked prayers for peace, especially in the Middle East. Lord, have mercy!
A couple from “across the pond” stopped. We experienced a bit of a language barrier, though our countries are both English-speaking. He finally understood, though, that the Rosaries are free. He and the woman then each chose one, and accepted its pamphlet and the encouragement to pray it daily.
A man claimed the blue and black Rosary, saying he was “Judas”. E. Lucy said “There’s still hope.” Please pray for him?
Although he didn’t make an appearance during our session, e. Lucy spotted “Justin” on foot about 1/2 mile from downtown as she drove home. He gazed at her, but she froze up again. Lord, we continue to implore you to save him!
Lots of people were out in the sunny, warm weather of last week. We gave away a good 20-25 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as one copy of our “Why Be Catholic?” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
People seemed to perceive the Catholic Church in a more positive light last week. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Perennial Hope - 2023-10-01
October 8, 2023
Jesus Christ remains unchanged. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A non-Catholic Christian man, who had just picked up a food order, was passing by as we set up. Offered a free Rosary, he paused to loudly proclaim that he “loved Jesus.” “So do we!” we said. Then e. Chuck added, “God is good!” At that, the man burst into song as continued on his way, singing “God is so good!” in his beautifully rich baritone voice, the words reverberating between buildings. Thank God for the man’s faith, and pray that we all boldly proclaim God’s goodness to the world.
An educators gathering was going on in the convention center. Although about 95% of attendees declined our offer of a Rosary, some did accept and a few others gladly proclaimed their Catholicity. May God bless them and grant them the courage to know and teach only truth!
E. James talked with a boy in his early teens, who ended up accepting a Rosary. A little later, the boy came back and asked for another one for his mom. We encouraged them to pray it together.
A different teenage boy came to the table, accompanied by yet another. Yes, he would like a Rosary, he said. As we set him up with one, e. Lucy asked if he were Christian. “No, Jewish”, he replied. So, e. Lucy encouraged him to use the Mysteries of the Rosaries to get to know who Jesus is. His companion declined receiving a Rosary. May God grant our visitor a fascination with Jesus and come to realize that He is his long-awaited Messiah!
In response to our offer of a free Rosary, two economically and/or housing-challenged men stopped at the table. They said they were familiar with the devotion. After choosing one apiece, the one who smelled strongly of hard liquor declined receiving the pamphlet on how to pray it. May God free them from harmful habits, heal them, and grant them salvation!
No sign of “Justin” this week. But, perhaps there was too much standing water for his skateboard wheels. Lord, we continue to implore you for his conversion, healing, and salvation.
A tall, slim man went by, whom e. Lucy thought she recognized from about a month back, who had sported magenta hair and had been opposed to Christianity. This time, his hair was not visible under his hoodie, perhaps due to the rain. And this time, he just politely said, “no, thank you”. May God bless him and save him.
Another passing man pulled his headphones off his ears and, from a distance, assured us that, although he believed in God, he didn’t think any particular religion more right than any other. It seems his distrust of religions stems from his upbringing in a large non-Christian sect. E. Lucy encouraged him to take a Rosary and pray it to get to know Jesus better. But he declined, wanting to leave on a positive note. Pray that he becomes open to an encounter with the one true God in Jesus Christ.
A previous visitor, the young-adult Catholic man “Jesús”, accompanied this time by a Catholic girlfriend, stopped to quickly say hi. We mention him in reminder to pray for his perseverance in the Faith.
Unusually, we had steady rain throughout the session. Someone said it had been predicted to stop about the time we set up. However, It continued. Thus, foot traffic was light, and the few people who were out were not in the mood to linger and chat with us.
Despite the inclement weather, the three evangelists gave away 10-12 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Jesus still needs to be proclaimed. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
God Will Provide - 2023-09-24
October 1, 2023
God knows what we need, even when we don’t. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A 40-something couple stopped, mentioning what parish they attended. They were from out of state, but said they were happily surprised to see the Catholic Church represented on the street. “Matthew” and “Chelsea” (or, was her name “Jessica”?) promised to pray for us. Lord, please bless them and grant them safe travel.
A non-English speaking couple stopped, the woman using her phone to translate and ask directions to a banking machine. They ended up accepting a Rosary apiece as well.
Our formerly frequent visitor “John-the-retired-parking-lot-attendant” stopped, fairly early in the session, and then stayed. For some reason, the percentage of people accepting Rosaries then suddenly increased multi-fold.
“Justin”, whom we didn’t see the previous week, made an appearance much earlier in the hour. This time, he commented that he’d “outgrown believing in imaginary friends”. Good, so have we. But, of course, he zoomed away without waiting for a response. In answer to our prayers, though, no one else was in earshot who could have been frightened, misled, or scandalized by his taunting attitude. “John” was there, but seemed undisturbed by the remark, and simply used it as a prompt to tell stories about atheists he’d known, and how their lack of faith wasn’t working for them, but they couldn’t see it. Lord, continue to draw “Justin” to Yourself!
A man in his early 20s stopped for a Rosary. When asked if he were familiar with the devotion, he said he had no religion. So, e. Lucy explained how the Rosary was a great way to get to know Jesus Christ and, if used reverently, often brings peace and protection. He thanked her and, as he left, he said, “God bless you.” But, what did he mean by that?
Some teens stopped, curious about the Rosary. They were not Christian, so e. Lucy encouraged them to actually go through the Rosary prayers and meditations as a way to meet Jesus Christ and take their questions to Him. We set them up with Rosaries and pamphlets.
“Uwe” went by, smiling but still limiting his remarks to pleasantries about the weather. Lord, call him closer to You!
A group of 5 teens stopped when 2 of the boys wanted a free Rosary. The other 3 continued walking. The boys listened politely but impatiently to e. Lucy’s hurried explanation of the devotion before they dashed off in search of their companions. May the Lord bless them for their politeness and grant them the grace to pray the Rosary!
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
We were confirmed again in this apostolate when God supplied another friendly face to attract visitors (cf. Phil 4:19). So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Encouraging - 2023-09-17
September 24, 2023
We encourage Catholics and others to pray and grow closer to Jesus Christ. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A Catholic man stopped for a Rosary. He asked if this was a Diocese-sponsored event. “No, we’re a grass-roots lay apostolate”, e. Lucy replied. He almost seemed interested in joining us, but at my mention of our diocesan requirement that he become Safe Environment certified, he lost interest. Happens often. He did accept a copy of our map to area parishes, I think.
A group of three teens stopped. The young woman who talked to e. Lucy was sporting lots of bold black-ink skin art. Still, she seemed genuinely interested in the Rosary as a way to get to know Jesus Christ. Lord, draw her to you and all the way into the light!
A young couple from the other side of the country stopped. He, too, asked if this was a Diocese-sponsored event. When he learned it was a lay apostolate, he volunteered that he belonged to a nationwide Catholic men’s group. He is 19 and has a friend who is a Grand Knight. I told him about our parish’s Grand Knight, who is the youngest one in the world. He started to talk about the insurance they sell, but the evangelist turned to the young woman and made sure she understood the Rosary devotion. She encouraged them to pray it daily.
Another gathering of the pseudo-Christian cult was being held in the sports arena, although not blocking “our spot” this time. E. Lucy asked one of the numerous security/usher men patrolling the outside of the arena if it was the same group that met there two weeks ago. After a moment of hesitation, he said it was. But I think, “not exactly”: the previous gathering was of a multi-state region and included mostly people whose ancestors had been Catholic. Today’s gathering seemed to be the usual local group. The evangelist did set out some “Divinity of Christ” and “The Trinity” pamphlets, in case any of them (or a concerned family member) stopped by. But none did. Lord, lead them to You!
E. Lucy had a pretty painful backache that hit suddenly as she was setting up. But it went away just as suddenly after she remembered to ask Jesus for help. Thank you, Jesus!
Two middle-aged couples stopped. They were all Catholic, I think. The women accepted Rosaries, though the men declined. When e. Lucy commented that men make good prayer warriors, they both straightened up and smiled.
“Steven” came to the table just at closing time. He was wearing a baseball-style cap, proclaiming “Saved”. He is probably close to 65 years old, if we go by his high-school graduation year, but he looks less than 50. He has been Christian for a long time and experiences many dreams that he considers spiritually symbolic. He lives downtown here, perhaps in the same building as “Walt”, and so is probably mentally disabled. I was glad to see him, though, so I wouldn’t be alone if “Justin” put in an appearance. While I was chatting with Steven, another sometime-visitor, the older man who looks very small and frail came all the way over to the table to say hi. I think he was checking to make sure that I was safe. Thank you, God! If “Justin” went by, I neither saw nor heard him. But please continue to pray for his salvation!
Altogether, we gave away a good 10 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as 2 maps to area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Seeing the Rosary, Catholics gain the courage to speak up. Others feel encouraged to deepen their prayer life. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Athwart Confusion - 2023-09-10
September 17, 2023
Opposition to the Church can result from confusion, society’s or a person’s own. We continue to stand as witness to Truth. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
As we were setting up, a mother-daughter-granddaughter trio stopped. The grandmother was raised Catholic but “is now Christian”. She did not choose a Rosary because she had her mother’s and she also associated it with “punishment” (Hail Mary’s given as penance) after confession. While her daughter and granddaughter chose Rosaries, she talked to e. Chuck and did acknowledge the Catholic Church and her own perception of it as a young person is different than it really is. However, she still wanted nothing to do with it. Then she switched to doubting the reality of God because of human suffering and the prevalence of violent sin in the world. Though she refused to trust God on this matter, she accepted the SPSE pamphlet on “The Problem of Evil and Suffering” as well as a copy of our “Come Home” pamphlet for Catholics outside of the Church. Pray that the Holy Spirit turns her from anger at the Church and God and into humble trust in the Author of life.
Another parade that encourages confusion and a sinful lifestyle had just finished up nearby. Up to 100 people in small groups all passed by, pretending they could neither see nor hear us. May God have mercy on their souls and lead them back to Truth!
“Teresa” stopped to ask for prayers. She’s one of those unfortunates who feels victimized by everyone: ex-husband, children, judges, and even her own attorney. She asked for prayer and then insisted on writing down the names of her children, “Donovan” and “Payette”. She accepted a Rosary, a map to area parishes, and a Divine Mercy prayer card. May God heal her and everyone associated with her.
A man went by any number of times, performing tricks on his longboard. He acted as if he didn’t hear our offer of a Rosary, though he readily accepted compliments on his acrobatics.
Several families with three or more children stopped for a Rosary apiece. Some of the parents also accepted one and the exhortation to pray it daily as a family.
“Anthony” is a young adult who has recently returned to active faith and attends a big non-Catholic Christian church. Raised in his pastor-grandfather’s church, he drifted away from faith after his grandfather died. His grandmother is Catholic and never stopped sending him daily devotionals which, even as he drifted, tugged at his heart. Between the influence of this grandmother and his current church, he sees that faith and works are joined and he seemed eager to pray the Rosary. Pray for our brother Anthony’s perseverance and growth in faith in our Savior.
Two women, accompanying two pre-teen children, who had been playing in the fountain, stopped to warn us about a man in a green bicycle helmet who had been photographing the children until the moms made their presence known. They each accepted a Rosary and the exhortation to pray it daily.
Two young men approached e. Chuck aggressively, asking him to repeat his offer of a Rosary. When he did so, they asked if this was “gay pride stuff”. “Not at all”, the evangelist replied, walking them through the prayer, and emphasizing how the mysteries point to Christ’s great love for us and our call to love one another in the same way. They claimed to be “religious” and picked out a Rosary each while e Chuck, sensing they were looking for trouble, kept talking about love of neighbor. Later, they passed again wearing balaclavas to hide their faces. Pray that their hate and anger does not lead them into sin and that they will put their trust in Jesus.
One of our last visitors was a man with very effeminate mannerisms. He, however, showed interest in learning what the Rosary was and how to use it to get to know Jesus Christ. So we set him up with one and encouraged him to begin praying it.
As “Justin” rolled by on his skateboard, he said he missed us the week before and was surprised we didn’t consider God important enough to show up in the rain.(As you may recall, last week we had to set up in a different place because of an event happening in our usual spot.) We told him we had been there and pointed to where we were, but he just waved us off and said “liars”, as he put his headphones back on and zoomed away. Please continue praying for this man that he may be saved.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away at least 20 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, 1-2 maps to area parishes, 3-4 Divine Mercy and Jesus Knocking prayer cards, and a “The Problem of Evil and Suffering” pamphlet, and a “Come Home” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
The Gospel message still challenges people to turn from sin, which can be difficult and painful. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Still Plenty of Visitors - 2023-09-03
September 10, 2023
We set up in a slightly different spot, but had no lack of visitors. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
It was raining slightly when we arrived, and a heavy cloud cover remained throughout the session. However, the rain itself stopped as we began setting up, and the ground soon dried. And so, the pedestrians came out.
A semi-annual regional gathering of a pseudo-Biblical sect was meeting in the sports arena. They had set up pamphlet racks in “our spot”, so we moved up the north spoke of the business park to a sheltered area near the parking garage elevator. One passerby asked if we were part of the sports-arena group. “No!” we let him know. A great number of the attendees seemed to be descendants from a people who had traditionally been Catholic. May God lead them out of error and back to the Church that He founded!
An apparently economically challenged family went by, including several young children. The dad made a rude-sounding remark as they passed, but one young girl, maybe 6 or 8 years old, looked longingly at the Rosaries. A few moments later, she came running back to get one “for a friend”. May God grant healing and salvation to her and her whole family!
At least four groups of Catholics went by, proclaiming they had attended Mass earlier and had lots of Rosaries at home. We asked them to pray it “once for us out here”. Most of them happily agreed. May God keep them all faithful!
A group of three teenage boys stopped for Rosaries. The one e. Lucy spoke with said he was already familiar with the devotion. We encouraged them to actually pray it.
“Thelma” and “Oswald”, a Catholic couple from a far-eastern country seemed startled by e. Lucy’s offer of a Rosary, and asked if we were Catholic. They were much relieved to find out we were, and stayed to chat. They were in town for their daughter’s reception, and had attended Mass the previous night. They were happy, though, to receive a copy of our map to area parishes because they were daily Mass attendees. They told of intense persecution in their home country, where only 2% of the people are Christian (though over half of those are Catholic). Still, at little more than 1% of the population, Catholics are rare. Though Thelma and Oswald feel safe in their hometown, they said the persecution of Christians and churches in the more rural provinces is “very bad”, and they asked for our prayers. Please pray for Christians in all countries where our brothers and sisters in Christ are persecuted, often with deadly violence.
Some non-Catholic Christians stopped. We explained the Rosary devotion as a good way to grow closer to Jesus Christ, using the beads to time their meditations on scenes from His life. They each chose one.
A non-Catholic Christian young adult stopped. He was sporting a silver cross over his black t-shirt. He declined receiving a Rosary, but thanked us for being there.
“Michele”, the lady who usually is pushing a dog in a stroller, and a friend stopped to chat. She has picked up Rosaries on several occasions to give to friends. The friend with her said she had been given a purple one. They then talked about the friends to whom she had passed Rosaries, especially one in ill health. They wondered, out loud, what else they could give her to encourage her, mentioning as an aside that they had given her a bracelet of “healing crystals”. Pray that they stick with reliance on the one true God. Lord, have mercy on Michele and her friends.
No sign of “Justin”. However, we were also not set up in our usual spot, which is located along his typical trajectory.
Altogether, on this Labor Day weekend, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries, and 2 maps to area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
We have permission to set up when we don’t interfere with groups who have rented the business park circle, so, we graciously relinquished “our spot” for the session. God, though, still sent plenty of people past our new location, including many attendees of the non-Christian sect. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Jesus—Yesterday, Today, and Forever - 2023-08-27
September 3, 2023
The very idea of Jesus Christ prompts wildly different reactions. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
“Uwe” went by (whom we’ve referred to over the years as “the angry atheist”, then “the amiable agnostic”, and most recently, as “the dabbling deist”). Seemingly now having stalled in his journey of faith, this time he again only talked about the weather. He had thought we were closing up extra early, but actually we had just arrived and were beginning to set up. Lord, we continue to beg You for Uwe’s full conversion and salvation.
A man stopped who was looking for a business convention. He was Catholic and accepted a map to local parishes, so he could attend an evening Mass that day.
A teen dropped back from his group to get a free Rosary. He identified as a member of a pseudo-Christian religion, but seemed irreverent in general. Blessed M6ther, please call him to pray that Rosary he received and discover your Son.
A man stopped to talk with e. Chuck. He, too, had been raised in the pseudo-Christian religion by his mother, although his father’s side of the family was Catholic. He had since turned away from his mother’s faith. Lord, may he turn toward You!
A young-adult man stopped who was unsure if he was still a Christian, since he was too busy to go to church or even to think about God. Yet, he didn’t consider himself an unbeliever. The more he thought it through, as he talked, the more he acknowledged his need to be more intentional about where the truth lay. E. Chuck agreed that it was the most important thing in life, and presented the Rosary as a means to explore who God is, and how He did not just speak words of love, but showed us His love in action, and that our only appropriate response also goes beyond mere words to life-changing actions on our part. He nodded his assent, seemed thoughtful, and promised to “look into it” as he left. Open his mind and heart, Lord, that the Holy Spirit may work conviction and faith in his soul.
The boy, from a strolling teenage couple, wanted a free Rosary but gave little heed to our explanations and seemed mostly intent in showing off for his girlfriend. Protect him, Lord, from his careless blasphemy.
A man walking a dog came to the table saying, apologetically, that he was not a Christian, but that his friend was Catholic and he wanted to give her a Rosary as a gift. As e. Chuck handed him the Rosary pamphlet, he encouraged the man to ask his friend to show him what the Rosary was all about. May the Holy Spirit fill his friend with the words and actions to help lead him to Christ.
A father let his young daughters choose a Rosary apiece. The family were all talking to each other so much so that the evangelist couldn’t get a word in. But when the eldest daughter, who lingered at the table as everyone else left, asked her father if she could get two so she could give one to her grandma. The father replied, “No, that one is just for you.” May this father guide his girls in faith and prayer.
A young man slowed at the offer of a free Rosary and, looking them over, decided to decline and move on. But he suddenly came back to say that he was getting baptized that very afternoon. E. Chuck congratulated him on soon becoming a member of God’s family and having his sins washed away, while silently praying that the baptism is done in the name of our Triune God. The evangelist then showed him how the Rosary was grounded in the Bible and could be a great support and strengthener of a newfound faith. However, though he took the pamphlet, he declined a Rosary. Pray for his perseverance in faith.
Right on schedule, “Justin” came riding up on his skateboard, saying, “You have inspired me. Look at my new tattoo,” and pointed to his forearm as he passed, showing e. Chuck an anti-God symbol on his skin. As he sped away, grinning, he looked over his shoulder and asked, “Do you like it?” to which E. Chuck shook his head and said no. Please continue to pray for this man, that he be released from slavery to the devil, and that his heart be turned from stone to flesh.
Altogether, we probably gave away only about 10 Rosaries, as well as a map to area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Our presence continues to proclaim the unchanging reality of Jesus Christ (cf. Heb 13:8) to people whose reactions range from hot, cold, to indifferent. So thank you again so much for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Still within Christ's reach - 2023-08-20
August 27, 2023
A wide variety of attitudes were encountered last session. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
When I arrived, a group of 3-5 smokers, all dressed in black, were standing almost in “our spot”. I started to set up anyway, and most of them wandered off. A man approached from another direction, saying he “had a question”. But then he ranted that the presence of evil disproves God’s goodness. Before the evangelist could open her mouth in reply, he was out of earshot. At that, the remaining two from the smoking crowd, a man and woman, stepped forward. They thanked me for being there and affirmed that, although the passerby had said he “had a question”, all he really had was a close-minded opinion. It turns out the two were Christian skin artists (tattoos), rare in their profession. (A "skin art" show was being held in the sports arena.) The hints of the couple's artwork, peeking out from their modest clothing, were indeed of a more uplifting style than what seems currently popular. The evangelist encouraged them by telling a story of how, in a different art field, the Christian witness—though at the time met with stony silence—actually produced positive changes in her fellow artists’ works. May God bless the Christian couple and keep them faithful!
Successive groups of young adults, all dressed in black, made a huge dent in our small hoard of black Rosaries, just as we were setting up. I don’t remember any specific conversation.
A bit later the man with the opinion passed by again. E. Lucy offered him a copy of our “The Problem of Suffering and Evil” pamphlet. He haughtily replied that he would read it only if the evangelist read his manifesto promoting death for the most vulnerable (my words, not his). She declined, but couldn’t help but wonder how the man could hold this latter attitude in harmony with his earlier-expressed “evil is bad” belief. May God reach him and draw him to Himself, the source of true Good.
A group of five or six girls, maybe 6-8 years old, passed by. They were followed by two younger girls, accompanied by a dad. One of them wanted a Rosary and the father said they could choose one. He, though, seemed content with his own “former Catholic” status. Soon afterward, the other girls all made their way back for a Rosary apiece. May God bless them and lead their families back to Him!
A group of three teens, dressed in black with thick makeup, stopped for Rosaries. The evangelist encouraged them to use the Mysteries to get to know Jesus Christ and experience the peace that only He can bring. They stopped again another couple of times with questions about the devotion. Although they seemed a bit flippant, perhaps it was merely a defense mechanism to deal with their peer group. When the evangelist asked straight out if they were mocking her, they denied it. May they actually be drawn deep into the Heart of Jesus and salvation, even if persecuted by their peers!
A group of three middle-aged adults stopped when one wanted a Rosary. They explained that they were Catholic, and had just come from Mass at the parish where the evangelist had grown up. They felt encouraged to see the Catholic Faith attested to in public.
A tall man with effeminate gait, dressed in black, and sporting bright fuchsia hair, stopped when e. Lucy offered him a Rosary. He fiddled with his phone for a moment and then held it up to play something. Thank God, though, the business park’s sound system was extra loud that day, so all she could hear was tinny static, that is, just enough to know he was playing something. Then he said something in an angry tone and flounced off. Again, I thank God for sparing us the details of his anger. Sometime later, he passed by again and the evangelist called, “May God bless you!”. After a moment’s pause, he again responded with apparent anger, but again couldn’t be heard over the sound system. He passed by yet a third time, after I had packed up and was on my way out. This time, there was no exchange. May God reach his heart, heal him, and bring him to salvation!
A man stopped, initially wanting a Rosary. When offered the pamphlet, he declined. Then he admitted that his brother is a recently retired Catholic priest of this diocese. E. Lucy recognized the name as someone who had attended the same Newman Center as the evangelist. We then talked about the growing fascination of young people with Catholicism. May God grant them a vibrant, lasting Faith!
Very few of the people heading into the “skin art” show were interested in receiving a Rosary.
No sign of “Justin” this session.
Foot traffic was often fairly light, perhaps because of the gloomy weather overhead and the flash flood warning in effect. Still, the evangelist gave away a good 20 Rosaries and its pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God can reach them, hot or cold (cf. Rev 3:15-16). So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
The Rosary, Still Powerful - 2023-08-13
August 20, 2023
The Rosary still powerfully leads people to love Jesus. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate.
As we were setting up and not yet paying attention to people passing by, a man stopped to say he had picked up a Rosary from us last week (nope, I didn’t recognize him <g>). He thanked us for being out there and giving away more Rosaries, and wished blessings on the apostolate. Pray for all those who receive a Rosary from SPSE teams across the nation that their lives will grow closer to Christ.
”Zach” (or was it “Shawn”?) and his father “Scott” (from a state in the deep South) stopped, glad to see us out there. Zach is heading to seminary in a state east of here. He’s one of eight classmen from Idaho, I think he said. Once he’s ordained, he’s hoping to become a chaplain in the military. May God grant perseverance for seminarians and plenty of vocations to the priesthood across our country and around the world.
A man and woman stopped, perhaps son and mother. They were Christian but unfamiliar with the Rosary. We explained how the devotion helps you grow closer to Jesus Christ and they each chose one. They said their names, something like “Andre” and “Andrea”.
A 20-something woman in pink stopped for a Rosary. She struck us as almost homeless. She wasn’t very articulate, but listened as we explained the Rosary and its prayers. She asked how much they cost. “Free!” we happily told her. So she chose one, and spent the rest of the hour at a nearby picnic table.
A young adult man with a skateboard also sat at a picnic table across from us, no doubt hearing us offer Rosaries over and over. Finally, he made the decision to come to the table. But, just at that moment, a flurry of passersby appeared, including three college football players on electric scooters. One of the scooters braked hard in order to miss our incipient visitor. The man directly behind him made an amazing maneuver and actually avoided hitting him. Noting his athletic reflexes, e. Chuck asked him what position he played on the football team. “Tight end,” he replied. Three out of the four athletes accepted Rosaries. Meanwhile, the original young adult had hung back until the students moved away from the table. Then he came forward and requested a color. He struggled to get the Rosary over his head (but managed to) while politely listening as e. Chuck talked about the Rosary prayer. Though of few words, our visitor insisted on shaking our hands to thank us. Pray for all these young people as they seek a connection with Our Lord and Savior.
Then there were the two teenage skateboarders who had been arguing earlier around the fountain. They did not seem terribly serious about the Rosary or faith, but e. Lucy persisted in encouraging them to use it reverently to ask God questions. Even as they skated away, the evangelist continued to exhort them to faith. Please pray they perceive the reality of God and the importance of turning to Him.
A family, consisting of father and 3 children (perhaps 10-13 years old), stopped when the children wanted a Rosary. It was okay with their dad, so we set them up with Rosary and the pamphlet on how to pray it. The father declined. Lord, may the children come to You!
“Justin”, this time, unsmilingly yet in a conversational tone, offered what may have sounded like an offer to “help” us, but was really a statement of just how little he valued the Rosaries. E. Chuck replied, “No man, we want you to repent.” As usual, he sped away without another word. Please continue to pray for “Justin”, that his angry/violent actions will de-escalate and that the Holy Spirit will find a way into his heart.
An toothless, homeless-looking man stopped to chat about speed limits(?). After a lengthy, almost nonsensical conversation with e. Chuck, our visitor gladly accepted a Rosary. May God bless, heal, and guide him.
A Catholic couple in town for a conference asked where they could attend Mass for the Feast of the Assumption on the following Tuesday. We gave them a map to area parishes that included contact information. Pray for all traveling Catholics that they find a Mass to take part in.
A young man broke from a group to choose a Rosary. As he was looking them over, a woman stopped who turned out to be his mother (it seems she had fallen behind the young folks). Though he did not seem to know what he believed, she said, as much to him as to us, that he had been baptized Catholic. Pray for this family, and for all baptized Catholics outside the Church, that they realize faith and salvation are ongoing needs.
I seem to remember a guy skidding to a stop on his bike to choose a Rosary. Christian, he was very positive about the possibilities of the Rosary.
Altogether, we gave away 15 or so Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a map to area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
We still encounter people who don’t know of the Rosary and how God blesses those who use it to grow closer to Him. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
God, Save Us! - 2023-08-06
August 13, 2023
God doesn’t want sinners to die, but to turn from evil and be saved (cf. Ezek 33:11). So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
”Justin” demonstrated another new behavior. This time, he zoomed by wordlessly but put his hand out for a Rosary, which e. Chuck handed him. Without slowing down, he then went straight to the nearest garbage can and forcefully threw it away. E. Chuck was just tall enough to retrieve it, and so we sanitized it and put it back into service. Lord, please hear our prayers for “Justin” and grant him healing, lasting conversion, and de-escalation of his rage. “Men’s anger will serve to praise you” (cf. Psalm 76:10-11).
A family stopped for Rosaries. The oldest, a grandparent, seemed less familiar with English, so we offered the Rosary pamphlet in Spanish, which was gratefully accepted.
A broad-shouldered businessman cheerfully proclaimed that he had “lots of Rosaries” at home. May God bless him, hear his prayers, and keep him faithful!
A man in a light-gray suit went by, showing us the large black-beaded Rosary he was wearing around his neck. We found that surprising, since we had each mentally pegged him as a non-Catholic Christian minister. If so, may God bring him all the way home to the Catholic Church. If he’s already Catholic, may God keep him faithful! If he was mocking us, may God save him!
A family from a nearby state stopped and visited with e. Chuck. They ended up each choosing a Rosary.
A woman, “Danielle”, stopped and introduced herself as the marketing director for a non-Catholic Christian organization that travels the world gathering stories from Christians about why they love Jesus. She said she was familiar with the Rosary, but had to hurry off because she was already late for a meeting.
A man with his arm in a sling stopped for a Rosary. He said he’d hurt his elbow in a motorized scooter accident, but has since considered it blessing (and a warning) because, while he was laid up, two other people got killed in similar accidents. May God heal him and grant him wisdom.
Two 20-something women stopped for a Rosary. One said that she’d gotten one from us years ago. We encouraged them to pray it, but something seemed off in their manner. Lord, You can reach them; please save them!
Altogether, the evangelists (Chuck and Lucy, with a cameo appearance by James) gave away 25-30 Rosaries and its pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Our mere presence encourages believers, and challenges others. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Catholics and Not-Yet's - 2023-07-30
August 5, 2023
We encourage everyone to grow closer to Jesus Christ, Catholic or not-yet. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A homeless man, wearing a bright-red faith-based Jesus shirt, stopped for another Rosary, saying he gives them all away. This time, though, he spied his favorite color and said he wouldn’t be giving this one away. He had been raised Catholic, but seemed very content with his current non-Catholic Christian church. He’d heard “for the first time today” that Jesus is the mediator between man and God the Father. May God open his heart and draw him back home to the Catholic Church.
A Catholic couple stopped for Rosaries, providing us a moment of relief from a long string of “no thank you” passersby. We set them up and encouraged them to pray it daily. [For some reason, e. Lucy got a rash of “God bumps” from this encounter.] May God bless them and keep them faithful!
Several non-Catholic Christians stopped. One such set was a father-son pair. The boy, perhaps 6years old, chose a Rosary. They were non-Catholic Christians, so e. Lucy gave a brief explanation of the Rosary and how it helps people grow closer to Jesus Christ. Then the father chose a Rosary for himself as well.
E. Chuck saw “Justin” zooming toward us from a distance. He cheerfully greeted him and offered him a Rosary. Again, “Justin” seemed taken aback for a moment by our welcoming attitude before he remembered to make his anti-Catholic insinuation. And again, praise God!, no one else was near enough to hear him. Please keep those prayers going up for his salvation!
“Michele” stopped for a moment, complaining about the extra 5 people who had moved into her apartment. May God grant her peace and the strength of spirit to say no, when necessary.
A young adult man and his mother dropped back from a group of passersby because the mom wanted a Rosary. Picking up that perhaps English was the older woman’s second language, we offered her a copy of the Rosary pamphlet in Spanish. She was very grateful. May her whole family actively partake in the full sacramental life!
An older couple stopped to chat for a moment while they waited for the grandkids to finish playing in the fountain. The man told us of the long drive that awaited them that evening as the couple returns to their home state. Neither wanted a Rosary, but they were glad to see Christianity on the streets. May God grant them safe travel and many blessings!
A man on break from work came to look at the Rosaries and ask about them. Chrisitan, he listened politely as e. Lucy talked about the prayer. Then, without asking questions, he took the Rosary pamphlet but declined the Rosary saying, as he walked away, that he didn’t need it as he had no trouble praying. Pray that his eyes are opened to all the help the Lord wants to give him.
As we were talking to other people, a man who was working in an adjacent building came unasked to the table, wanting a Rosary. He was in a hurry but seemed very familiar with the prayer. Pray that his faith is a witness to Christ at both work and home.
A family hesitated, unsure what we were offering. But when they figured out what it was, they brought their grandmother to the table. They did not know enough English to have much of a conversation but it was evident they were Catholic and much appreciated the Rosary. (I think they asked for a Divine Mercy prayer card, too.) Pray also for those families who do not have such kind support and encouragement for each other in faith.
A Catholic couple each chose a Rosary, kissing it in reverence and love. The man asked for a Divine Mercy card and kissed it before pocketing it. May we all show our love and devotion to our Lord in such words and deeds.
Another Catholic couple paused as we were putting things away. They let us know they had Rosaries and prayed it regularly. May God bless them!
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 15-20 Rosaries, and 1 or 2 Divine Mercy prayer cards.
Please pray for us again this weekend. Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Many of the people who stopped this time seemed to already be Catholic, but they were encouraged to see their Faith out in public. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Welcome e. James! - 2023-07-23
July 30, 2023
Although foot traffic was lighter than typical, we happily welcomed first-time evangelist “e. James” to stand with us. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A man, whom we have nicknamed “Tony”, has stopped a few times over the years to tell us how worthless he thinks the Rosary and Catholicism are. He had previously told us that, years ago in his native country, he was lured out of the Catholic Church by an anti-Catholic “Christian” group. He stopped again this session. His tendency is to simply rant and neither listen nor reply to reasoned answers. So, naturally, e. Lucy and e. Chuck let the new evangelist, e. James (welcome!), spend some quality time with him. E. James was persistent, cheerful, and polite in his arguments until the man left. Pray that “Tony’s” heart is softened toward the Church he grew up in.
“Michele”, a previous visitor and housing-challenged woman, came by for the Rosary we promised her for her friend “Amber”. She also took a “Meaning of Suffering” pamphlet, because her friend is a non-Catholic Christian but suffering. Michele also wanted a “blessing rock”, but we didn’t know what she meant. She took a Divine Mercy prayer card instead.
“Douglas”, who has talked to the evangelists a few times over the last six months or so, stopped to talk in a very agitated state. He had moved from the homeless shelter into a rented room, but things turned out very badly. He had been kicked out by his landlady, lost his job, returned to living on the street, and had succumbed back into addiction. Lord, have mercy on Douglas and lead him.
The man we’ve nicknamed “Justin” was back to his usual trick: zooming by on a skateboard and voicing a vicious insinuation against the Catholic Church. Thanks be to God, we were between visitors and so no one else was in earshot. E. James called out after him an invitation to come talk to us about his concern, but he only made a rude hand gesture as he rode away. Please continue praying for his conversion.
A botanist convention was going on. Only two of the many attendees stopped for a Rosary. The last one was a non-Catholic Christian college teacher, who seemed to listen interestedly to our explanation of the Rosary. After she had chosen one, she asked how to get into the parking garage to retrieve her car.
One man said no to our offer of a Rosary by declaring it would burn his chest. “No, God loves you!” was e. Lucy’s inane reply.
A woman responded with a rude hand gesture when offered a Rosary.
A park employee talked with e. Chuck while e. Lucy was busy with someone else. Again, we were given permission to set up in “our spot” on Sundays. Thank you, God!
A fellow Catholic man stopped to thank us for being out there. He was carrying two Rosaries with him “as always”. He was also listening to “The Catechism in a Year” as he walked, had just attended Mass, and promised to pray for our evangelization efforts. E. Lucy picked up on the fact that he was an airline pilot. He told us that he was in town on a forced 23-hour layover/rest before returning to the other side of the continent. May God grant safety in all his travels, and may this man and all faithful Christians be Christ’s salt and light in the world.
Altogether, the three evangelists gave away 10-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, a Divine Mercy prayer card, and a copy of the “Make Sense out of Suffering” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to prepare people’s hearts to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts!
We continue our efforts to reach visitors, new and old, and encourage them to grow close to Our Lord Jesus Christ. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Loved by God - 2023-07-16
July 23, 2023
Some of the young, the wealthy, and the homeless ventured outdoors last week. So thankyou again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A weather advisory (excessive heat) kept most people indoors. Also, people were not as cheerful as typical, except perhaps for those who had just soaked themselves in the walk-through fountain.
A “Justin” update (and thank you again for your prayers). Actually, no sign of either “Justin” or the man who tried to carry on Justin’s unholy outbursts last time. However, an unusually large number of well-dressed people (10-15 of them) pretended to neither see nor hear us as they walked past. Yet, even a pretended response is still a response, right? Could they be connected to “Justin”? Did God somehow discourage “Justin” and his cronies from disrupting and disturbing our visitors? Change is motion, and may that motion be towards Our Savior Jesus Christ!
A mother with four children (perhaps 12 years old, down to 4) stopped when they found out the Rosaries were free. They were not Christian, said the mom. So, as well as encouraging her to use the Mysteries to get to know Jesus, we also gave her a copy of the one-page kerygma. They each chose a Rosary.
A passing family declined a Rosary but later, as they passed going the other way, they let the children select a Rosary. The parents were nice but noncommittal and did not choose Rosaries for themselves. May the beads of the Rosaries be like seeds of God’s love that unexpectedly sprout to become Faith in the hearts of this family.
A homeless man on a bicycle steered toward us to say he had lost his Rosary. We offered him another and, though reluctant to take a Rosary pamphlet, he ended up accepting one of those, too. Another homeless man, carrying some bags, wanted a Rosary because he liked to give them to people he thought needed them.
A third homeless-looking man stopped for a Rosary. He was thin, deeply tanned, and using a wheelchair. He named his “favorite Catholic” and asked if we knew who he was. When we said no, he abruptly left, without taking a Rosary. (As he went, e. Lucy felt like we had just “dodged a bullet”.) E. Chuck then looked up the name our visitor had mentioned and found it was a late writer who had been critical of the Catholic Church.
[Speaking of bullets, there was more fear again this week on the part of one of the evangelists. When a lone police officer rode by on a bicycle, she felt unexpectedly reassured.]
A couple of girls in their early teens were playing in the fountain and then came over for a Rosary, saying their mother had said it was okay. One girl said she was attending church. A few minutes later, one of them brought two more teens for Rosaries. A few minutes after that, they brought a mother with a toddler, who each also accepted a Rosary. May God bless that young evangelist! And may her family be united in devotion to Christ.
Another homeless-looking man stopped. He was somewhat heavyset, with shoulder-length thinning hair. He had stopped once before, a couple of months back. As he came up, he announced that God had told him to come get a Rosary. E. Lucy tried to encourage him to use the Rosary to grow closer to Jesus Christ, but he would have none of it. God speaks to him directly, he said, and gives him messages. He mentioned several of these, but they were all self-affirming modern platitudes. E. Lucy carefully didn’t agree with him and wished him well. At that, he left. May God heal all homeless people, those with mental problems, addictions and tragic circumstances, that they may each accept the tender mercies of God.
An economically challenged couple declined our offer of a Rosary on their way to the fountain. Later, though, the now dripping-wet pair stopped when the woman noticed a chain Rosary on the table. She claimed what she called “a metal one”, and listened to our brief exhortation to pray it daily. The man then stepped forward and also claimed a Rosary. She said it was then 106° F (41° C) outside.
God had mercy on us and gave us a steady breeze throughout the session. Altogether, we gave away 15 or so Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God still calls all hearts to Himself. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Remaining Approachable - 2023-07-09
July 16, 2023
More visitors than typical approached us without our having to ask. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
As we were setting up, a man named “Mike” came to the table, unbidden. He wanted to talk about the Bible and Christ and the truths revealed in them. However, he was trying to look at it all from, as he said, “a secular viewpoint”, and so thought that Jesus was “just a man” with ideas that were honorable and could help us make good choices in life. The religion part he had a hard time “wrapping his mind around.” Keying off his various comments, e. Chuck said that Christ’s words, actions and sacrifice were meaningless if he was “just a man” and not God. He also pointed out that sacrifice was not “giving up stuff you don’t need”, but “giving up self for the sake of others”, and that religion was not just ideas but a relationship with God akin to marriage. We encouraged Mike to start his Rosary prayers by asking God to show him what a relationship with Him looks like. Pray that Mike meets his Lord and Savior.
A trade show for gamers was going on in the convention center. Many tattooed people, dressed in black, attended. Some of them stopped at our table. One woman, so dressed, stopped for a Rosary, claiming she “knew all about it.” The thin man with her, though, hung back until specifically invited to choose one for himself. Then he gladly stepped forward. He asked where the Catholic churches are in the area. E. Lucy went to get them each a map, but found we had brought only one with us. The woman, therefore, snapped a picture of it with her phone and gave the paper copy to the man. They both went away happy. Lord, bring them home to Your Church!
A group of 3-4 women stopped when one wanted a Rosary. As she made her selection, e. Lucy invited the woman next to her to choose whichever Rosary she liked. She politely declined because, she said, she was Jewish. “So is Jesus!” exclaimed the evangelist. “I know”, said the woman. But still she declined receiving anything from us.
A 30-something, professional-looking couple stopped when the man wanted a Rosary. As e. Lucy explained the devotion, though, he grew more and more uneasy. Finally, he returned the pamphlets (Good News, Do I Need a Savior?, How to Pray the Rosary) and said he would come back by after they’d had lunch. We didn’t see them again before we closed for the day.
No sign this week of the “Justin” who has so often heckled us. However, another man (e. Chuck was sure it was a different man) rode by and quietly hailed the enemy of his soul. Lord, please save “Justin” and all those whom he influences.
A 20-something woman came to the table, pushing a bicycle. She used to belong to a liturgical non-Catholic Christian church, she said. But she and her whole family had walked away when they rejected her sister, who had grown unsure about whether God had made her female. E. Chuck gently proclaimed that our identity, first and foremost, is that we are a child of God, that all other identities are temporary, and that only our relationship with God is eternal. We encouraged her to reconnect with the God Who died for her so that she might have eternal life, and to make that her priority, seeking Him in the mysteries of the Rosary. Pray that her eyes are opened to what is truly important in life, and that He frees all those caught in webs of deception.
A group of 20-something men stopped to get a Rosary apiece. One of them, a Christian named “Justin”, told e. Chuck about growing up with a mentally challenged, single-parent mom. He had deeply longed to meet his father, if even for 5 minutes. Such was his constant prayer as a child. Then, one day he attended a church and was delighted to find out that God is his true Father. He has clung to that truth ever since. He asked us what the Rosary was all about, and listened as we explained the how’s and why’s of the prayer. He asked follow-up questions but seemed skeptical, and when asked why, he shrugged it off. Give thanks for this Justin’s faith and pray he hears Christ say, “Behold, your mother.”
A man in his early 30s stopped for a Rosary. Shirtless, he sported a black cross hanging about his neck. He told us he wished he’d met us a day earlier because he had just bought his necklace. We explained that the Rosary is not a necklace, but a powerful means of prayer. After selecting his Rosary, he also asked for a Divine Mercy prayer card. Pray that his faith deepens and grows.
A man who smelled strongly of stale alcohol came up and gave a handful of money our then visitor, who had just finished choosing a Rosary for himself. Our visitor then gave that Rosary to the recently arrived man, who proceeded to switch his Rosary choice at least twice more before deciding on the original Rosary offered by his friend. Eventually, both men went away armed with Rosary and pamphlet, and the encouragement to pray it every day.
A mom accompanied by eight children, ranging in age from about 4 to teens, had been sitting at a nearby picnic table as we gave away Rosaries. Finally, she went by, saying that we could probably guess by the size of their family that they were Catholic. They already each had a Rosary, she said, but she thanked us for being there. Then one of the youngest saw the brightly colored Rosaries and wanted one. The mom relented and the children ended up choosing two new Rosaries to share among themselves. We encouraged them to continue their habit of praying the Rosary together every day. Lord, protect them and help them grow in Faith!
An older couple went by, the woman leading a very old, very tiny dog. E. Chuck recognized them from some time ago when the woman had angrily shouted her hatred of religion at us with her husband pulling her away, embarrassed. Today, she didn’t say anything mean. Lord, draw her into Your healing presence!
Former evangelist e. Nick stopped to visit for a few minutes, introducing his 13-month-old daughter. Nick and his wife were running a booth at the trade show. At the same time, though, person after person approached the table uninvited, and we got busy setting them up with Rosaries, and so didn’t actually get to visit with e. Nick. May God continue to bless and protect his family!
Two men stopped when one of them wanted a Rosary. He had grown up Catholic, he said. (Now though, he seemed to have a lifestyle issue keeping him from full Communion within the Church. But the Rosary still draws people, doesn’t it?) After he had chosen a Rosary and was leaving, he called that he was going to take it to his church to get a blessing. “It’s already blessed,” e. Lucy called back. He was very happy to hear that and hugged the Rosary. E. Lucy mused that the man had retained the very “Catholic” impulse to get important religious items blessed before using them. Lord, bring him home and heal him!
A Catholic woman selected a Rosary and told us her brother had gotten one from us some time ago. Pray for all Catholics that their prayer life grows deep and wide.
The two evangelists gave away 20 or so Rosaries (including all of our remaining green and tan ones and at least 12 black ones) and its pamphlet, as well as a Divine Mercy prayer card, and a map to area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
By the grace of God, we try to maintain a friendly peaceable presence. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Work in Progress - 2023-07-02
July 9, 2023
Plenty of work remains in the Lord’s vineyard. So thankyou again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A previous visitor from a couple of weeks ago, “Tom”, stopped to chat. You may remember that he recently returned to Boise after his wife passed on, and that he attends a nearby parish. Mostly, he talked about concerts and different women he’s met at them. Evidently, he has moved on from his bus-driver girlfriend. Lord, in his loneliness, draw him closer to You!
An intact family with 4 children were strolling by, and seemed confused at first by our offer of a free Rosary. Once they realized that we really were just giving away the Rosaries, their caution evaporated, the father gave an enthusiastic “Yes!”, and they all came to the table. Young and old, they each chose a Rosary, helping each other pick out a color, and grinning as they showed each other their choices. We encouraged them to pray it together. Please pray for all Catholic families, that their Faith unites them and becomes their identity.
A man with a slight accent stopped for a Rosary. He told e. Lucy that his surname means “Messiah” in his native language, and confirmed that he had come from generations of good Catholic Christians. Lord, keep his family and him faithful to You for all generations to come!
I vaguely remember some teens who stopped. At least one was a non-believer. We used the Rosary as a way for them to get to know Who Jesus really is, encouraging them to reverently take their questions into the meditations.
“Michele” stopped, wanting Rosaries for herself and a friend. We said we could let her have only one. Our impression was that Michele was on the verge of homelessness. She was alone, though, and homeless women usually travel in small groups. Also, she had a small dog in the baby carriage she was pushing, and I don’t think the women’s shelter allows pets. But we didn’t ask. Since she said she already received a Rosary from us, she chose one for her friend “Michelle (with 2 Ls)”. Then, she wanted one for her newest friend, “Amber”. We said she could stop again next week and get another one. Meanwhile, she said she would use the one Rosary and teach her friends how to pray it. Lord, please heal, bless, and protect Michele, Michelle, and Amber!
A man passing by in a small group called out, in response to our offer of a Rosary, “No, thanks, I’m going to hell anyway.” E. Lucy called back, “But it doesn’t have to be that way!” Lord, grant the man hope of repentance and salvation!
After playing in the fountain, a father (“Tony”) and his two young children came to the table, all dripping wet. He did not know anything about the Rosary, although he was Christian. He was intrigued by the challenging, meditative nature of the Mysteries. They were on vacation from a neighboring state, he said, because he was contemplating a move to Idaho. He wanted to raise his children in a place that supports family values more than where they currently live. They each accepted a Rosary and the encouragement to pray it together. Lord, please guide the father into wise decisions as he provides for and protects his children.
Our last visitor was a 20-something woman who said she was agnostic. Rather than being a “seeker”, though, she seemed content to know nothing about religion and admitted she wasn’t putting any time into thinking about God. E. Chuck introduced her to Jesus Christ, as the One God Who cares, and encouraged her to get to know Him through the Mysteries of the Rosary. He also encouraged her to consider how all those stories came down to us through reliable witnesses who gave their lives in telling the world about Christ. She accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet, as well as e. Chuck’s “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlet. She said that she had always been curious about the Rosary and thanked us for being there. Mother Mary, please show her the Blessed Fruit of thy womb!
As we were finishing the conversation above, “Justin” rode by. This time, he slowed down and moved in close before making his evil insinuation against the Church, but said it more or less sotto voce this time. Our visitor, above, just rolled her eyes. Thank you, Mother Mary, for protecting her. Lord, please change his heart!
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
A great need still exists to introduce Jesus to people, and to encourage them to grow close to Him. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Mixed Bag of Visitors - 2023-06-25
July 2, 2023
God sent many people to us again this session. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A cartoon convention was going on in the hotel connected to “our” business park. So, many young passersby were dressed in identical, brightly colored costumes, many seemed to represent swashbuckling heroes and heroines, equipped with sword or axe.
One group of the convention goers stopped when one of the young women showed interest. Not Christian, she listened politely to the invitation to get to know Jesus through the meditations of the Rosary. E. Chuck handed her a “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlet to go with the Rosary she selected. Her companions also chose a Rosary apiece.
Another group of identically clad young people stopped. One of them was Catholic, and they all chose Rosaries for themselves as well.
A man who lives at a homeless shelter stopped. ‘Roberto”, who prefers being called “Berto”, tried and rejected at least 4 Rosaries before he found one to his liking. He identified as simultaneously being a member of 3 different world religions, which teach incompatible understandings about God and salvation. E. Chuck got him to acknowledge that only Christ was pre-announced and was therefore the fulfillment of God’s plan for salvation. But Berto still insisted that his additions to the Gospel were correct. Pray that Christ, God Incarnate, becomes central to Berto’s otherwise confused faith.
A newly minted Catholic, “Jesús”, stopped by after Mass and was wondering if we had any other prayers he could pray, since he felt in a rut. We gave him a Divine Mercy card, a pamphlet of common Catholic prayers, and encouraged him to try praying the Scriptures in Lectio Divina style. Jesús told e. Chuck that he had once spent an hour and a half arguing with the hate-filled apocalyptic cult that sometimes stations itself a few blocks away, He was pleased that one of his arguments against their philosophy actually seemed to hit home with one of them. He also is a member of e. Todd’s men’s group, and talked with e. Lucy about joining us. Pray that Jesús can clearly hear God’s voice in his life.
“Justin” zoomed by more than once this week, each time shouting false insinuations about the Catholic Church. Both times, we were talking with other people. The first time, another passerby sniggered at the inuendo. The second time, four young women in costume were at the table selecting Rosaries. One girl was visibly disturbed by what he shouted, though she seemed to calm down upon seeing e. Chuck’s dismissive reaction. The other three, though, acted amused by the unwelcome outburst. “Justin” is continuing to align himself as an enemy of God and his Church; let us obey our Savior and pray for his salvation, and for the protection of our other visitors.
A husband and wife came to the table, the man saying he wanted a Rosary for his Catholic mother. He said he was “no longer Catholic” and attended a non-Catholic Christian church. He was full of Catholic jokes. E. Chuck shared how he had made the opposite journey, attracted to the Church’s authority, its rootedness in the New Testament, and the reality of the Eucharist, which is missing elsewhere. We challenged our visitor to pray the Rosary himself before giving it to his mother, if for no other reason than that it would please his mother. His wife, too, selected a Rosary for herself. We gave him a “Come Home” pamphlet. Pray for his conversion.
A young man broke away from a large group to talk to us. He is in town for a few weeks on a job. A non-Catholic Chrisitan unfamiliar with the Rosary, he seemed attracted to the challenge of it and its deep meditation on Christ. He also appreciated e. Chuck’s analogy that, like a workout in a gym, it could help him build spiritual muscles. Pray that his love for Christ grows ever deeper and wider.
“Logan” came up just as we were packing everything away. He wanted a Rosary, and asked what we were doing and what made Catholic worship different. He had never heard the word “Eucharist”, and asked us to sit down with him to explain while he rested from his long walk. So, after we finished putting everything away, we went and joined him for a few minutes at one of the picnic tables. He belonged to a non-Catholic Christian megachurch that taught against Catholicism, but said he was willing to learn when the Catholic Church herself taught and why. However, he didn’t really seem interested in talking about Catholicism. He told us of an earlier encounter he had in the park, and seemed poised to slide into a political rant. E. Lucy offered him a card for the local Catholic radio station and he snapped a picture of it, while e. Chuck recommended he tune in to a particular program he might find interesting. In turn, he gave us a card for an anti-Catholic internet personality. Pray that Logan’s heart stays focused on Christ and His work in the world.
Altogether, we gave away 25-ish Rosaries and its pamphlet, 2 Divine Mercy prayer cards, 1 map to area parishes, 1 “Come Home” pamphlet, and 1 “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Whether they come across as positive, negative, or indifferent, we try to welcome everyone and encourage them to grow closer to Jesus Christ through the Rosary. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those about whom you care!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Souls for Jesus! - 2023-06-18
June 25, 2023
God has blessed our team. And so I thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Early in the session, a teen dropped back from his parents to stop at our table. He thanked us for being there, but then warned ominously that we should expect trouble since public expression of religion is under attack, especially right now. E. Lucy set him up with a Rosary, asked his prayers, and tried not to worry whether he were speaking prophetically.
Not long after, a uniformed employee of the business park approached. His name tag read, “Alexander”. He asked if we had permission to be there. “Why, yes!”, e. Lucy replied, remembering our last encounter with park authority, albeit more than a year ago. She went on to explain that we’d been there every week for more than 10 years, and that we didn’t accept donations. Alexander seemed quite surprised at our claim to have permission, and said he had to call his supervisor. E. Lucy continued to offer Rosaries, wondering if time in “our spot” was nearing an end. Foot traffic was so heavy, though, and so many people wanted a Rosary, that e. Lucy found it a challenge to squeeze in even a short prayer or two about our status. She saw Alexander at a distance a few minutes later, holding up his phone. “They wanted a picture of you,” he called. A “Memorare” and one each of the Divine Mercy prayers were offered up, and a few more Rosaries given away. Then Alexander returned. “Well?” e. Lucy asked. “It’s okay, you can stay.” “Oh, thank God!” But then Alexander walked around to the front of the table, and humbly added, “May I have a Rosary, too?” Of course! May God bless Alexander for his obedience to those in authority over him, and may God continue to bless the business park and guide its decision makers!
A recent Catholic high school graduate stopped for a Rosary. E. Lucy encouraged her to pray it once for us.
A toothless older woman, perhaps homeless, stopped for a free Rosary. She felt very rejected and thrown away by society. E. Lucy let her know she understood and assured her that she wasn’t alone. The woman seemed a bit more encouraged when she left. God, heal her and let her know You have people who do care, even for the poor.
Though about 90% of people still said no thank you, lots of families did stop for Rosaries. E. Lucy encouraged them to pray it together, since it is such a powerful prayer for peace and protection. She wished a “Happy Father’s Day” to men with families . Most seemed pleased.
A non-Catholic Christian family stopped, a dad and two children. E. Lucy explained how using the Rosary to meditate on Jesus’ life can help you deepen your relationship with Him. Every member of the family chose one.
Several people, from different groups, called out that they “love Jesus!” Amen!, the evangelist called back. Maybe they’re just glad to see Christianity in public.
A Catholic woman asked why we don’t accept donations. E. Lucy gave her three reasons. First, so we don’t need a permit. Also, should someone accept a Rosary but then give us money, he may think he has purchased the Rosary. This would be very bad for two reasons: 1) he would lose the blessing attached to the Rosary, and 2) we would be guilty of the sacrilegious sin of simony, selling blessed items. So, we don’t accept donations during our time on the street.
A woman and her husband stopped. They were from a city west of here, where perhaps it’s not okay to be public about being Christian. They were not Catholic, but the wife followed Catholic doings in the news, especially this week. She teared up when given a Rosary. and said she would pray for us.
While e. Lucy was talking with her, ”Justin” (my nickname for the man who repeatedly hailed the enemy of his soul and made himself unpleasant week after week) went by. He again called out a false accusation about the Catholic Church, rushing past without slowing down. Though his language was still somewhat moderated, his tone was not. And the lady with whom e. Lucy was speaking seemed frightened at the intrusive outburst. Please keep praying? God can reach them, hot or cold.
God granted us a pleasant afternoon of sunshine, which was a welcome break from weeks of thunderstorms. Foot traffic was heavy. The evangelist gave away at least 30 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 2 Divine Mercy prayer cards, and a Jesus Knocking prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God confirmed us in “our spot” again. And, knowing that God wants the sinner to turn from evil and live (cf. Ezek 33:11), we continue our efforts. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Have no anxiety at all” (Phil 4:6a).
Rejoice With Me! - 2023-06-11
June 18, 2023
“We have seen incredible things today” (Luke 5:26)! So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Early in the session, a few groups of tall, good-looking men and women walked by. None of them accepted a Rosary, but the evangelist couldn’t help but notice that they all walked like fashion models.
A man from the nearby parish stopped, showing his bulletin from Mass. “Tom” is 78, and recently moved back to Boise after being away for 17 years. He said the cost of living is lower here and crime is less. When here before, he had been very active in the Knights of Columbus, and his wife had helped serve meals. But she passed away just over two years ago, following an incapacitating illness. (May she rest in peace!) Tom said he didn’t need a Rosary because someone at the parish makes them and had just given him a very nice chain one, which he planned to give to his bus-driver friend. E. Lucy offered him a copy of the Rosary pamphlet to give to her, too, and he accepted. May God grant him salvation!
A girls’ hockey tryout was just finishing up in the sports arena. One mother stopped to chat as she waited for her daughter to join her. She was not interested in either Rosary or getting to know Jesus Christ. May God draw them to Himself, regardless.
Two young men, perhaps still in their teens, asked where they could find a free meal. Unfortunately, the evangelist didn’t know the current meal schedule. She asked another man, later on, but he was embarrassed to not know, either.
A group of three or four teenage girls stopped for a Rosary. One accepted a copy of the Good News/kerygma pamphlet and they all listened to the evangelist encourage them to get to know Jesus Christ. But they seemed to be merely polite, but not really interested. May God touch their hearts anyway!
Some other teens stopped for Rosaries, some of whom were Catholic.
A man, probably in his 20s, was dressed in pink, fluffy, bunny-like women’s clothes. Surprisingly, he accepted a Rosary, though he declined the pamphlet on how to pray it. May God grant him healing and peace!
At one point, the evangelist turned around to see a group of 8-10 large men, walking shoulder-to-shoulder, and stretching almost all the way across the walkway. Dressed similarly in grey suits, the evangelist wondered if they might be part of a professional football team. They were already nearly upon her when she noticed them and she gave a startled gasp, which drew a smile from some of the men. She quickly scanned the line, picked out the leader (3rd in from her right) and offered a free Rosary, holding up a couple of the blessed items for them to see. Surprisingly, the man looked suddenly sheepish, declined the offer, and broke off from the group along with 2-3 of the men beside him (his lieutenants?). She turned and continued to offer Rosaries down the line. All of them declined the offer but, again, each displayed a similar sheepish expression as they broke into smaller groups and moved away. The evangelist got distracted at that point and didn’t see where they went. Lord, if they were men, please grant them true repentance from all wrongdoing.
A man called out, after declining a Rosary, that he “was going to hell anyway.” E. Lucy called after him, “but it doesn’t have to be that way!” Lord, have mercy on that man and grant him hope, the grace of repentance, and salvation!
During breaks between passersby, the evangelist became fascinated by what the sky was doing. Thunderclouds were moving in from the east, but some also from the north, a few from the south, and one from the west. (Unusual weather pattern for the area.) However, over the business park, the weather remained sunny and calm. Thank you, God!
The session was nearly over and we hadn’t seen the man who repeatedly (and almost weekly) saluted his enemy or used increasingly foul language to speak against God. But then e. Lucy saw him. This time, she recognized him before she offered a Rosary and instead greeted him with a hearty “Hi!” That literally stopped the man in his tracks a moment. Then he looked around, saw our sign with “Catholic Truth” at the top, accused the Catholic Church of promoting sinful behavior, and strode away. Notably, though, there was no foul language. In fact, he worded the accusation so delicately that if any children had been present, they wouldn’t have understood. Also, notably, the evangelist was not tongued-tied for once, and called in reply, “No, she has always forbidden that kind of behavior.” I think we just witnessed the Holy Spirit blowing a huge chink in the man’s armor and beginning a profound healing within him. God loves him so much and wants him saved! (Until we find out his name, I’m dubbing him “Justin”.) May God keep “Justin” off-balance enough to let him respond to God's grace to bring him all the way home to Catholic Sainthood!
On this Corpus Christi Sunday, we gave away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, a Divine Mercy prayer card, and a Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and He truly wants all to be saved. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Staying the Course - 2023-06-04
June 11, 2023
Always a few say yes. So, thankyou again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort. Two evangelists were available.
One woman went by, saying no thank you to our offer of a free Rosary (and perhaps asserting that she had “plenty of Rosaries”). About 30 feet further on, though, she turned around and came back, accepting a Rosary and its pamphlet and the encouragement to pray it daily.
Several Catholics went by, proclaiming the large number of Rosaries they had at home. We asked them to pray it once for us.
“Uwe” went by, but only talking about the weather. E. Chuck teased him into accepting a Rosary from us next week, to which he laughingly agreed. But e. Chuck isn’t going to be here for the next two weeks.
Some teenagers came to the table, although only two chose Rosaries. The one e. Chuck spoke with knew nothing about the Rosary and identified as belonging to a pseudo-Christian religion. So, the evangelist proclaimed the Good News of the one true God becoming man to die for us and rise again, and how He can be seen in the prayers of the Rosary. Our visitor smiled at all this and politely thanked us for the Rosary before moving on with the others. Pray that they reach out for the mercy and grace offered them by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
A homeless man with an unsteady walk paused to say he had just gotten out of the hospital because he had fallen down. Fortunately, he hadn’t broken anything. The Rosary he chose wouldn’t fit over his head so he gave it back and declined choosing another, saying he needed to find someplace to sit down. Pray for the physical and spiritual well being of homeless people everywhere.
A woman came directly to the table without being asked. She said she picked up a Rosary from us on a regular basis because she liked to give them to her family members. Pray for her efforts to evangelize her family with the prayer of our Mother.
On this Trinity Sunday, we saw lots of foot traffic but seemingly little interest. Still, the two evangelists gave away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Even when it feels like “nobody is interested”, we still have a few encounters and so we remain encouraged. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Job Security - 2023-05-28
June 4, 2023
There’s still plenty of work in God’s vineyard to be done, so thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A multi-generational family of about 10 stopped when one of the women wanted a Rosary. They were Catholic (and nominally Catholic and the unsure). Half of the family was visiting from out of state. The young man e. chuck spoke with was an inactive Catholic and kept saying he meant to pray the Rosary but didn’t, and “now I have no excuse” as he chose a second Rosary for his girlfriend. E. Chuck tried to help him see past the idea that prayer is a chore that he has to get through, and to recognize it as time spent with a best friend. After everyone in the group had selected a Rosary for him- or herself, a teenage girl asked about the pamphlets we had on the table. E. Lucy explained how to use the Good News/kerygma pamphlet to introduce Jesus to someone and give them the basic Christian message. One of the teen boys came up at that point and also took a copy of the kerygma pamphlet. Then he asked about our “Come Home” pamphlet. E. Lucy explained that it was designed to reach Catholics who had fallen away from the Sacraments. He thought of someone in his circle of acquaintances who could use it, and so asked for one. Then he asked about our “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlet. E. Lucy explained that it started further back than the Good News one, in that it tried to get people to just touch on their need for God. He took one of those, too. Two or three people in the group also took Divine Mercy prayer cards. Pray for unity of faith in all Catholic families.
Repeat visitor “Douglas” stopped to say hi on his way to a job interview. He had started reading the Catechism we gave him last week. E. Lucy encouraged him to keep reading it straight through from the beginning in order to “catch” the Catholic worldview. He seemed encouraged.
A toothless woman, who had received a Rosary from us in the past, brought a little girl to the table so she could get one.
The father of a large-ish non-Catholic Christian family saw the Rosaries and told us they loved Jesus. We were glad to hear that and quickly explained that the Rosary was a series of meditations to encourage people to grow closer to Him. It seemed to calm his suspicion of Catholics down a little, and they promised to pray for us.
Some teenagers came over for a free Rosary. They claimed to be Christian, so we explained the devotion and encouraged them to use it to grow closer to Christ. Later, they came back, bringing a few other teens with them, who also wanted a Rosary. May God bless our natural evangelists!
The man who has so often hailed his enemy as he walked by, this time called out an especially foul and false characterization of God. God, please forgive him and grant him the grace of full conversion!
A couple walking two dogs wanted Rosaries but were unfamiliar with them, and the man said he wasn’t sure where he stood on Christianity. So we started with the Rosary, showing them how the Mysteries could help them get to know who Christ is better, and emphasized the Gospel message of God coming to our rescue in the person of Jesus to suffer, die, and rise in order to offer us salvation from sin and death. They were quiet and guarded as we spoke, but accepted a Good News pamphlet along with their Rosaries. Pray that they hear the call of the Holy Spirit.
Three teenagers stopped. One girl did not choose a Rosary and remained silent while the other girl said she was “sort of a Christian” but wasn’t going to church. E. Chuck encouraged her to not “wait until someday” to take her faith seriously, because Christ was calling her now. He also mentioned that many Saints had devoted themselves in heroic ways even in their teens. St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for them.
The father of a passing family group declined a Rosary and stopped to say he had grown up Catholic “but then discovered the Bible.” He went on to say he had heard St. John Paul the Great at a youth thing (World Youth Day, Denver, 1993) and “it didn’t do anything for me” so began looking elsewhere. E. Chuck said he had made the opposite journey but the man just repeated his comment about discovering the Bible and moved on. St. John Paul the Great, pray for him.
Two teenage boys on skateboards came to the table, they didn’t know anything about the Rosary and were not too sure if they were Chrisitan, so we shared the Good News of Christ with them and encouraged them to read through the Mysteries of the Rosary to get to know Jesus. E. Chuck also gave them a “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlet. Pray that they respond to God’s call.
Altogether, we gave away 25-30 Rosaries and its pamphlet, and several each of our “Come Home”, Good News/kerygma, and “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlets, as well as some Divine Mercy prayer cards.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
On this Pentecost Sunday, the Holy Spirit invited lots of people to visit with us. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
God's Many Miracles - 2023-05-21
May 28, 2023
God continues to give new evidence of His existence and His love. So thankyou again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Two teenage girls approached the table, one said she had picked up a Rosary a few weeks ago. When asked if she had tried the prayer, she gave a sarcastic “of course.” So we showed them their need for Christ, encouraging them to seek Him and showed them how prayer could help. The other girl then chose a Rosary and they went on their way. Pray their eyes and hearts are opened to their need for Our Savior.
When offered a Rosary, a passing man pulled part of his shirt aside to show a tattoo and yelled, “I’m [one who pursues power through occult means]!” Before the evangelist could respond, two other men came to the table, both Catholic, who wanted a Rosary. As e. Chuck was talking to the two Catholics, the first man came striding up to the table, shouting, “I’ll take one for someone else.” When the evangelist tried to offer a pamphlet and explain the prayer, he used foul language to declare that he did not pray to Jesus. The evangelist and the two Catholic men all asked at the same time, “Then what are you going to do with a Rosary?” With anger burning in his voice and eyes, he snarled, “It’s for a friend who does believe in all this,” and he stormed away. Pray that his friend will be a witness for this man of the love of Christ.
Two women stopped. One, seeing the Crucifixes on the Rosaries, shook her head and asked if we had any “that weren’t for sinners”. The evangelist began to explain that we are all sinners in need of a Savior and about what Christ did for us by dying on the Cross, but she interrupted with some odd ideas about God. As she spoke, her friend silently chose a Rosary and took the pamphlet before edging away. The evangelist tried to bring the conversation back to our common need for God’s help, but the first woman waved it all off and joined her friend without taking a Rosary. Pray that her mind becomes open to the truth about God and about herself.
“Douglas”, the formerly homeless man who had spoken with us a few months ago, stopped again, looking healthy and well dressed. He could not praise God enough for his continuing recovery. Though still renting a room at the Rescue Mission, he was working full time and trying to help other homeless men who struggle with alcohol abuse. He was still trying to find a church community and had questions about the Catholic Church. E. Chuck answered them by sharing his own journey of conversion to Catholicism. Douglas said he was heading to the park to read his Bible, so the evangelist gave him a copy of the Catechism and some pamphlets, as well as offering to take him to Mass when he was ready. Pray for strength and perseverance for Douglas as he seeks God’s family.
As we were taking down the table, a father and son (10 to 12 years old) stopped, wondering what we were doing. So e. Chuck explained our desire to help people fall in love with God through prayer and devotion. The boy, much excited, wanted to tell what happened to them. On a road trip, they were low on gas but a long way from the next gas station. Afraid they would not make it, the whole family prayed for help and the gas gauge went from empty to a quarter full before their very eyes. The father then shared that his own life, now ten years sober, was a gift from God and we all praised God for his many blessings. They chose a Rosary to share as a family. Thank God for the simple trust of this family and for His many miracles. May our own eyes be open to the hand of God at work in our world.
There was another hockey game and therefore lots of foot traffic. Although e. Lucy had to leave after only a short time due to the suddenly hot weather, we gave away, at the very least, 25 Rosaries (based on the number of remaining pamphlets). E. Chuck also gave out a Divine Mercy prayer card, a “Praying to Saints” pamphlet, a “Why be Catholic?” pamphlet, and a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God is as alive today as He was on the Day of Resurrection, and He graciously answers prayers. We love hearing and sharing those stories. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Visitors Old and New - 2023-05-14
May 21, 2023
Building relationships is an important component of evangelization, as is introducing Jesus Christ, and encouraging people to get to know Him. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
“Walt”, a formerly homeless man and frequent visitor, made a special trip over the extra block just to visit us. We hadn’t seen him for a year-and-a-half. Right before Thanksgiving, 2021, he finally got off the streets and into government-subsidized housing. He looked great. He’d gained enough weight to look healthy and was no longer bent over, giving him an extra 8 inches of height. He asked for prayers for “Estella”, his estranged daughter, and for “Kenny”, who is nearly 30 but suddenly no longer sure of his gender.
“John”, the retired parking lot attendant, came by on a bicycle, bringing his dog. Give God thanks for John’s improved back health. Please also continue to pray for his wife, “Linda”, that she recovers from her shoulder-replacement surgery and is granted the willingness and ability to follow her doctor’s advice.
The man from the deep South stopped by again. He spoke admiringly of his relatives who remained devoutly Catholic despite overt discrimination in that part of the country.
“Uwe” passed by twice, again only mentioning the weather. Please continue to ask God to grant him the gift of Faith.
The man who hails the enemy of his soul again blurted out his mistaken loyalty when we offered him a Rosary. Please continue to pray that his eyes are opened to the Truth and that he changes his ways long before it’s too late.
Two different same-sex couples passed by, of opposite gender. We offered them each a Rosary, pretending we didn’t notice them holding hands. None of them accepted.
A woman angrily responded to our offer of a free Rosary by saying she identified as someone who has no need for God or religion. May she, too, find healing and Truth.
An athletic game had been relocated to Boise after its previous venue’s city suffered a lockdown of all public events. The game here was expected to start about an hour after we finished. Crowds were beginning to gather.
A young couple waiting for the game came to the table, he said he was a Christian and thinking he should get active in his faith again. Although he was not raised Catholic, he said his grandmother is a “super Catholic”. The woman said her parents had never taught her anything about God. Neither knew anything about the Rosary but were curious. So we explained the Christ-centeredness of the prayer and how the Mysteries show us who God is and how much he loves us. The man started asking about where he could go to a Catholic church, so we gave them a map to area parishes. We also encouraged them to pray the Rosary together. Pray they allow the Holy Spirit to take root in their lives.
A man kindly declined a Rosary, indicating that he was not Catholic. Still, he shook e. Chuck’s hand and thanked the team for “being out here and doing this.” Pray for an increase in evangelization in Boise, in Idaho, in America, and in the world.
A young Frenchman with very little English, who is traveling in America for a few months, wanted a Rosary. Though he knew the prayer in French, he took the pamphlet in hopes it would help his English. He seemed to be trying to ask why we were giving away Rosaries but it was hard to tell whether he understood the answer. Finally, he took out his phone so it would translate what he had been trying to say: “The greatest adventure is found in Jesus Christ.” On that we could agree! Later, he stopped at the table again because he wanted a Divine Mercy card. He was also curious about our “Come Home” pamphlet. When he saw the list of area parishes on the back, he took one. Pray for his safe travels and for his deepening relationship with God.
Lots of people were out on this Mother’s Day. The evangelists gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a map to area parishes, a Divine Mercy prayer card, and a “Come Home” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Although we may see no immediate fruit, our efforts continue. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
FAIL - 2023-05-07
May 14, 2023
Our session didn’t happen last week but, through the mercy of God, today is a new day. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Last week, I (Lucy) was in charge of our wagonful of Rosaries, signs, and other supplies. However, when I was about a block away from “our spot”, I confess I threw in the towel and cancelled the session. I refrain from offering excuses, and simply beg forgiveness of Our Lord and of you.
And today we’re ready to go out there again, thanks be to God! So, please pray for us.
Please ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
This apostolate has continued for more than 10 years, suffering only the odd, short interruption. This continued effort happens only through the mercy of God. So thank you again for your prayers and other support. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Double-Dog Dare
May 7, 2023
A dare can lead to prayer. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A nicely dressed Catholic couple, “Paul” and “Nicole”(?), from a state way south of us stopped to offer encouragement. They (and others) wondered why the fountain in the business park wasn’t going yet, since it was 90° F out (compared to 60° F only the previous week). They don’t seem to understand that there’s still a good chance of a hard freeze between now and Memorial Day.
A group of teenage girls stopped, not familiar with the Rosary but wanting one (probably because they were free). They were not Christian, so e. Lucy used the Rosary pamphlet to show the life of Jesus and encourage them to get to know Him by spending a few minutes a day thinking about one of the 4 groups of stories.
“James” (perhaps soon to be “e. James”) brought his mother, “Eleanor”, by so they could see our setup. He had previously invited e. Lucy to give a presentation at the apologetics class he facilitated at e. Lucy’s parish.
“Jason” (“Jesse”?) stopped to banter with e. Chuck. He told us he was just back from spending part of the winter in a warmer state on the other side of the country. He described being in a large Catholic church there for a family event. He wasn’t clear, though, about whether it was a wedding , a baptism, or Easter. (Of course, if it occurred during the Easter Vigil, it could have included all three.) Added to his confused description of the event was his declared need to “get into RCIA” so he “could participate in Mass”. It was difficult to keep him on a single subject in conversation, but he was not going to take a Rosary because he wasn’t yet Catholic. We convinced him that the prayer was not limited to practicing Catholics. So, he finally, reluctantly, chose a Rosary. Sensing that his interest in the Church was superficial, e. Chuck pushed him to commit to actually praying the Rosary. He half agreed to read the pamphlet and we said that it was not the same thing, and that he needed to pray it. Then e. Chuck went so far as to “double-dog dare” him to open himself to Christ in prayer. Pray that Jason can get past his own theories of life and faith, and be transformed by a deep relationship with his Savior.
A Catholic family with 3 young children under the age of 6 stopped. They weren’t yet in the habit of praying the Rosary as a family, so e. Lucy set them each up with one and encouraged them to pray it daily.
Another group of teens, boys this time, stopped. E. Chuck shared the Gospel with them.
A group of 4 college-aged men stopped. They each chose a Rosary, including the last black ones we’d brought. A few minutes later, two of the men returned to ask for different colors. E. Lucy sanitized the black Rosaries and put them back out, where, within moments, they were chosen by other passersby. A big thank you to Rosary makers who give us black Rosaries (which are difficult to make because the hole in the bead is so hard to see).
A grinning man took the Rosary from e. Chuck’s hand and said it was good to see us back in the business park now that the weather is nice. We told him we had been there every Sunday all winter. The man chuckled and replied, “Oh yeah, I guess I’m the one who hasn’t been walking to work in bad weather.” May his good cheer be a result of his growing relationship with you, Lord.
When offered a Rosary, a teenage boy declined, saying he belonged to a non-Christian religion. But his friend, who wore a cross on his necklace, came to the table. However, after hearing about the prayer, he also declined saying he had no pockets to carry it in and, besides, he already had a cross. Pray, Mary, that he can see that your Motherhood will only lead him closer to Jesus.
Four teenage girls, wanting free necklaces, listened politely as we explained and extolled the Rosary. All seemed to be Christian, but they were not very talkative. May the sight of the Crucifix remind them of Your great love for them and draw them deeper in love with You, Lord.
Teenage boys (3 or 4) came to the table, one of whom was not a Christian. E. Chuck set him up with our one-page copy of the kerygma while e. Lucy introduced them to the Rosary as a way to get to know Jesus Christ.
A Catholic family of four (the children were both under 2 years old) seemed undecided about stopping. Finally, the father came to the table. As they discussed what color to choose, we encouraged them to pray as a family.
“John” (the retired parking lot maintenance man) stopped to chat. Please pray for his wife, “Linda”, who recently had surgery to install an artificial shoulder.
Foot traffic was light for 3/4 of the session, perhaps because of the suddenly-summer temperature. Still, we gave away at least 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a couple copies of the Good News/kerygma pamphlet and our pamphlet on Confession.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Prayer is the best way to get to know Jesus Christ. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
God is Trustworthy - 2023-04-23
April 30, 2023
God knows our needs and what will draw us to Him. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort. Last week, one evangelist was available.
It was raining steadily when I arrived to set up. But the rain slacked off by 10 ‘til, and had pretty much stopped by “opening time”. Foot traffic immediately increased, though still somewhat lighter than usual. Toward the end of the session, the sun even started to peek out of the heavy cloud cover. God is good! And He knows what will draw people outside where they can encounter us!
A father and son, in his pre- or early teens, stopped so the boy could get a Rosary. The man began to nod vigorously at every mention of Jesus Christ during e. Lucy’s brief description of the Rosary devotion. When she asked, the dad admitted they were non-Catholic Christians. Please pray the son catches his father’s enthusiasm for Christ?
A “former Catholic” woman, now identifying as belonging to a generic non-Catholic Christian denomination, stopped for a Rosary. Her husband took one, too. The woman had questions about St Joseph: “Why wasn’t he at the Cross?” E. Lucy let her know the consensus among Biblical scholars that St Joseph had died before Jesus began his public ministry. The evangelist also explained that Scriptural evidence confirms that Jesus was an only child, and reinforces the Catholic dogma that Mary remained a virgin before, during, and after Jesus’ birth. When the evangelist went on, though, to remind the woman of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and invite her back to the Catholic Church, the woman seemed to remain unmoved. St Joseph, please pray for her return to the True Church, founded by your Son!
A group of four teenage boys stopped at the word “free”. They each took a Rosary, but then looked a little sheepish when e. Lucy encouraged them to actually pray it and grow closer to Jesus Christ. Lord, bring them to You!
Two business park employees spent a fair bit of time collapsing the large umbrellas over the picnic tables. When they finished, they headed past our table. One of them stopped. He listened attentively and seemed interested in the Rosary devotion. His fellow employee, though, was impatient and they hurried off. Blessed Mother, bring that man to your Son!
Our last visitor, a red-headed man of very unkempt appearance, kept repeating two phrases, which seemed to mean, 1) “I suffer from dissociative identities,” and 2) “I believe I am the deity”. May God deliver and heal him!
Despite the relatively unpleasant weather and resultant light foot traffic, the evangelist gave away 10-12 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to prepare people’s hearts so they recognize their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
Week after week, God shows us that He is worthy of our trust … and our worship! So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Lord, have Mercy! - 2023-04-16
April 23, 2023
On this Divine Mercy Sunday, we encountered a variety of needs. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Our first visitor, as we were just setting up, said he was Catholic and had just come from Mass (though without naming the parish). He asked for a wooden Rosary, of which we just happened to have one. He then asked for a scapular, which we also gave him. Please pray for him? Something seemed “off” in his manner.
The pseudo-Christian sect was holding another assembly in the sports arena. This is the first time we’ve seen them in several years. And, this time, they had four pairs of security guards patrolling outside the entrance, up from a single pair last time. None of sect members (readily identifiable by their formal “Sunday best” apparel on a Sunday afternoon) stopped to talk with us.
“Douglas”, a visitor from a few weeks back, was looking for a quiet place to call his father this week. After hearing the Gospel one-on-one in another state, he had now achieved six months of sobriety and was looking for e. Chuck, with whom he had visited at length before. He has been trying to find a church community in the area. However, in the denomination here that was associated with the one in the other state, he felt “looked down on” as soon as he admitted to being newly sober and renting a cheap room at another denomination’s mission facility for the homeless. E. Lucy explained that the Catholic Church was truly universal, and gave him a copy of our map to area parishes. She also waxed enthusiastic about the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, as well as about the error-free teaching of the Magisterium. She invited Douglas to the 3 pm Divine Mercy service at the nearby cathedral, but didn’t recognize him if he actually came. Please pray for Douglas?
A family, parents and 3 small children under the age of 6, stopped because the children wanted Rosaries. They weren’t Christian, so e. Lucy gave the 2 older children the Rosary pamphlet with pictures for each Mystery, and gave the mom a copy of the one-page kerygma, “in case the children have questions.”
A toothless, homeless woman stopped for a Rosary. She accepted a copy of the Rosary pamphlet, too, though her hands didn’t seem to work well, either. Please pray for her?
A man came to the table. He announced he was Christian, but was skeptical about the Catholic Church and uncomfortable with the Rosaries. So, e. Lucy explained how the devotion lets up do “a deep dive” into scenes from the life and Christ, and how the beads help you time it, so you spend about 5 minutes on each story. He decided he wanted to get one for his daughter, and they would learn to pray it together. He chose a purple one with pink Our Father beads, saying that purple and pink are his daughter’s favorite colors, and that she “included them in her prayers every night”. Please pray for them?
The teenage girls with masks, now pulled down under their chins, passed by again this week and said hi.
I have a vague recollection of another family all choosing Rosaries and e. Lucy encouraging the parents to have them pray it together “for peace and protection”.
Two parents with an older toddler stopped for a Rosary for the girl. Then each parent chose one for themselves. as well, after e. Lucy had extolled the benefits of the prayer.
Altogether, the team gave away 10-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 1 brown scapular (with white cord), a Jesus Knocking prayer card, and a Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Please ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Father, for the sake of His sorrowful Passion, please have mercy on us and on the whole world! And, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
"Go with the strength you have“ (Judg 6:14).
Easter is Real - 2023-04-09
April 16, 2023
On Easter Sunday, many people were open to learning about the Rosary. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
One man called out, “He is risen!” We responded, “He is risen indeed!”
“Cameron” stopped and accepted a Rosary. As he left, e. Lucy suddenly recognized him from about a decade earlier at the college Newman Center. When he came back past the table, she called his name and he came over. We oriented on what year it was that we had met and wished each other Happy Easter. Please pray for Cameron, since it seemed that he is not doing well.
As e. Lucy was changing our table sign from “Why Did Jesus Die for Me?” to “What Gives You Hope?”, a man had come up and was waiting for her to notice him. He was a non-Catholic Christian and, though he had Catholic relatives, had grown up in a part of the country where there was a great amount of peer pressure to avoid the Catholic Church. E. Lucy explained the Rosary devotion to him and how it helps people grow closer to Jesus Christ. He chose one for himself, and took the pamphlet on how to pray it, as well.
A somewhat unkempt man stopped at e. Lucy’s offer of a free Rosary. Although he had been raised Catholic, he now attended a non-Catholic Christian megachurch that has lively music. But the Rosary still calls. He not only accepted a Rosary, but asked for a copy of both pamphlets and both prayer cards on the table. May Our Blessed Mother draw him back to the fullness of the Faith and the True Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist!
A family of four stopped because the mother wanted a Rosary. Noting that she spoke with an accent, e. Lucy asked if she’d like the prayers in Spanish. “No, I’m French,” she replied. She and both children selected Rosaries for themselves.
A Catholic man stopped to offer encouragement. Asked if he prayed the Rosary every day, he responded that he was up to once a week. Citing the fact that the Rosary is a powerful spiritual weapon, even against secular evils, the evangelist encouraged him to up his game and be a much-needed “prayer warrior”.
The evangelist set up a couple of families with a copy of the Rosary prayers in Spanish.
Two teenage girls stopped. As they approached the table, the evangelist heard one telling her friend that she’d gotten a Rosary from us before. They then each chose one and listened politely as e. Lucy explained the devotion and encouraged them to use the Rosaries for prayer.
Almost everyone happily replied, “Happy Easter”, to the evangelist. Two notable exceptions were two with headphones, who tried to give the impression they could neither see nor hear us. But even that is a reaction to the Gospel. Lord, please have mercy and save them all!
“Uwe” stopped for a moment at e. Lucy’s request. Asked how his exploration of the nature of God is progressing, he replied that “all religions were good” and “all teach us to be good.” Notably, he also admitted that nobody could do it perfectly. He nodded in agreement with the “field hospital for sinners” analogy. This is continued progress! Lord, please bring Uwe all the way home to You.
Two teen girls were wearing masks. Asked about them, they declared they were just insecure about their looks. But they pulled them down to their chins to talk with the evangelist, whose face actually is disfigured. They each took a Rosary, and perhaps encouragement. May God bring them to Him!
The man who has loudly greeted his enemy passed by early in the session. After calling out that the concept of God is a deception, he moved away at full speed. I’m not sure he’s the same provocative man as last week. Either way, may God save them (both)!
A young, nervous man (late teens or early 20s) offered me a tract from a non-Catholic Christian sect, branches of which are known to be virulently anti-Catholic. The evangelist politely declined, then kicked herself later for not trying to engage him in conversation. Lord, please draw him to the fullness of Christianity in Your Catholic Church despite my shortcomings.
The evangelist gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet, one each of the “Come Home” and “Good News”/kerygma pamphlets, 1 Jesus Knocking prayer card, and 1 Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Although some may have imagined egg-laying rabbits, many Christians seemed to relish the opportunity to exchange Easter greetings. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
"Go with the strength you have“ (Judg 6:14).
Teens Out in Force - 2023-04-02
April 9, 2023
Spring has finally begun to appear, and the teenagers are venturing outside, where our presence reminds them of their Savior. So thank you again for your prayers for this apostolate.
A large multi-family group, accompanying 8-10 children, passed by. The first groups all shook their heads no at our offer of a Rosary. Lagging behind a few paces was another woman. She accepted our offer and came to the table. Soon a mom and 2 girls (maybe 4 and 7 years old) from the previous group came back to join her. The mom pointed to e. Chuck’s newest sign, which asked, “Why did Jesus die for us?” She said to the girls, “We know the answer to that, don’t we?” The girls said yes. We explained the Rosary devotion to these non-Catholic Christians, and both children and moms each chose a Rosary. Then they asked for one more, for a boy in the group. Later, they all came back, the boy looking over the other Rosaries we had available, as if to see if there was one he’d like better. But he was content with the one he’d been given. Please pray they grow closer to Jesus Christ every day!
The man sporting an anti-God symbol or saying on his shirt passed by again. Again, we didn’t recognize him until after we’d offered him a Rosary. Again, he called out a salute to the enemy of his very soul. But he never stops. We prayed a Hail Mary out loud together for his salvation. Please pray for him, and for all who have rejected their Creator, that their eyes, ears, and hearts may be opened to the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
A man went by. When offered a Rosary, he said he “didn’t pray to Mary”. Although I’m sure his understanding of “pray to” differs from ours, still it’s his loss. He didn’t pause so we could clarify the issue with him.
It was a day for teenagers, we had several groups of teens stop by, some were Christian, some were indifferent, some were polite, and some were mocking. May the Crucifixes on the Rosaries remind them of the great cost of their salvation and God’s call to them.
Two late-teen girls came to the table, unsure what the Rosary was and, though they knew about Jesus, they admitting they were not Christian. We told them about the loving actions of our Savior God and how they could see snapshots of that love in the Mysteries of the Rosary, and that it was okay to ask God honest questions in prayer. They listened politely and accepted the “Who Am I?” and “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlets as well. Pray that they will come to know their need for Salvation.
A family strolled past and the teenage daughters broke off to select Rosaries. The father joked that “they really needed them” as he and the mom kept walking. The girls were Catholic and all wore various medals. They eagerly selected a Rosary apiece. Pray that this family remains united in faith.
A group of 3 or 4 teenagers stopped at the word “free”. E. Chuck told them how Jesus came to take the bullet for us, since we couldn’t save ourselves, and e. Lucy explained the Rosary and how to use it to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. One boy didn’t say anything, but also didn’t manage to hide a disrespectful attitude. Blessed Mother, please intercede for all those who have been indoctrinated against your Son!
Two young women in their late teens stopped. They were nominally familiar with Christ and, as we explained the devotion, they might have become interested in trying the Rosary meditations. Please pray they do, and that Jesus draws them into His heart.
A man seemed to be hauling all his earthly possessions, piled on and around a bicycle carrier. He stopped and accepted a Rosary from e. Chuck, who thought at first that he was asking him to hold the leash on his hunting dog, perhaps so he could choose a Rosary. Instead, he just took the one e. Chuck was holding.
On this Palm Sunday, we saw nowhere near the amount of foot traffic we had the week before. Still, the two evangelists gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well 1-2 Divine Mercy prayer cards.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Many of our youth are being indoctrinated against Christ, but still they stop for a Rosary. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love! Happy Easter!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
From Contrasting Worlds - 2023-03-26
April 2, 2023
Simultaneous events, from two different worlds, brought many people past our table. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort. Two evangelists were available.
Both a music festival and a flower and garden show were taking place downtown during our last session. So, there was LOTS of foot traffic, praise God!
A surprising number of flower show attendees said they “already had a drawerful of Rosaries at home”. We asked them to pray it once for us. Some music festival attendees were in the brightly colored costumes we’ve come to associate with the (mostly unholy) annual cartoon festival that used to be held here.
One larger woman, dressed somewhat diva-style, hung back as the women in front of her declined our offer of a free Rosary. Yes, she did want one but didn’t know anything about it. E. Lucy described the devotion and how it could help her grow closer to Jesus Christ. Our visitor then chose a bright pink, extra-long Rosary for herself.
A group of young adults stopped when one of the members wanted a Rosary. As e. Chuck talked with him, e. Lucy offered a Rosary to the nearest woman. “I’m Jewish,” she said. “Oh? So is Jesus!” the evangelist replied. “I know,” the woman said, but remained friendly. However, except for the one person talking with e. Chuck, none of the rest took a Rosary.
A thin man with a little boy (4 or 5 years old) stopped so the boy could get a Rosary. “Are they blessed?” the father asked. “Yes, they are, and that’s a Catholic question, isn’t it?” the evangelist replied. The father nodded. We encouraged him to pray the Rosary with his son. The evangelist spotted them again later, as they headed toward the park containing the loudest part of the music festival.
A man and woman stopped, sporting sequins under their eyes. He explained that costumes were encouraged at the music festival. The man wanted a Rosary, but was unfamiliar with it and only knew a little about Christianity “from ’way back in childhood”. Since he was colorblind, e. Lucy helped him pick the Rosary he wanted. He listened graciously to her explanation of the devotion and accepted a copy of the kerygma as well, “to refresh his memory”.
“John”, the retired parking lot attendant, came to talk with e. Chuck. We were too busy with visitors, though, so he left after only a short visit.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away a near-record 35-40 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as at least one copy of the kerygma.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to prepare people’s hearts to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Visitors were from contrasting lifestyles, churched and unchurched, those loyal to the One True God and those still chasing chimeras. But we tried to provide a moment of light for all. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
That Pesky Cross - 2023-03-19
March 26, 2023
Christianity is “Good News”, though no guarantee of comfort in this world. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort. One evangelist was available.
A woman stopped to tell e. Lucy about her “favorite Catholic”, a priest in a major city south of here who started what is now a $multimillion vocational training program for gang members. She didn’t take a Rosary. May the love of Christ, manifest in His faithful witnesses, draw her into full communion in His Catholic Church.
A group of 3 Catholic young-adult women stopped. One, unfortunately, attends a Mass offered illicitly in a rural town. Fortunately, she is also connected with the licit version of the Mass in a nearby city. When e. Lucy mentioned a friend of hers in the choir for the authorized Mass, our visitor not only knew her, but excitedly said that she sings in the same choir. She then volunteered the she and another of the women with her attend Adoration at e. Lucy’s parish. The third woman stood back, said nothing, and didn’t accept a Rosary. Lord, please grant them the willingness and strength to sacrifice their own desires should obedience call them to do so.
A family stopped so the three children and one of the parents could get Rosaries. E. Lucy encouraged them to pray it together as a family.
A mother exited the sports arena, carrying a sleeping toddler lying flat in front of her. (Strong woman!) Followed by a slightly older child, the mother responded to e. Lucy’s offer of a free Rosary, and came to the table. “Yes,” the mother sighed, “I do need to begin teaching her about religion.” E. Lucy extolled the Rosary as a way of learning about Jesus, but the mom’s demeanor decidedly cooled at the mention of the Crucifixion. Yes, true religion is good, but it’s not “all butterflies and balloons”. May God lead her to Himself and grant her the ability to pass the Faith to her children.
A 30-ish couple stopped so the woman could get a Rosary. “I need this,” she said, her mouth suddenly exposing several missing teeth, “because I’m flying out tomorrow.” This is not the first apparently homeless person who has spoken of air travel in the near future. I’m not sure what they actually mean, but imagine that commercial air travel could well be beyond their financial means. Please pray for her safety and salvation?
A man stopped, perhaps out of mere politeness. He had heard of the Rosary because of “a Catholic in his family tree”, but was not religious himself. E. Lucy offered the Rosary as a way to get to know Jesus through meditating on the Mysteries. He took the Rosary booklet and a copy of the kerygma, but declined receiving a Rosary “at this time.” Lord, lead him home to You!
Altogether, the evangelist gave away 10-12 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it, 3 Divine Mercy prayer cards, 1 Jesus Knocking prayer card, and 1 copy of the one-page kerygma.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Our Rosaries each have a Crucifix; some see it and turn away without approaching; others come, but still believe our culture’s lie that all suffering is unnecessary. We hope to speak the truth. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Lost Children's Children - 2023-03-12
March 19, 2023
Jesus still seeks the lost, and their children. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Frequent passerby “Cole” stopped several times, talking about some athletic playoffs featuring his home state far from here. He repeated again this week that someone has offered to take him to church, but that he has again put it off. Please pray that he finds his way home to Jesus Christ and salvation.
A heavy-set young man, in his late teens or early 20s, stopped as his family continued on a few paces. He didn’t know what the Rosary was, was not Christian, and had never really thought about Jesus or even whether there is a God or not. E. Chuck proclaimed the good news about Jesus Christ, our rescuing God, and our vital need to spend time thinking about the most important things in life. Since he seemed eager to move on, we handed him some pamphlets (“Good News”, “Do I Need a Savior?”, “Who Am I?”) to go along with his chosen Rosary and its booklet. Pray he responds to the graces that God is offering him.
While e. Chuck was finishing up with that man, e. Lucy waved a greeting to another man coming out of the sports arena. She offered him a Rosary and he came to the table. He “used to be Christian”, but has only recently begun to think seriously about questions such as the need for a Savior. He also accepted a copy of the kerygma, “Who am I?”, and “Do I Need a Savior?”, as well as a Rosary and its booklet.
The woman “Sarah”, who likes to sit in “our spot” to sell her bracelets, seemed disappointed that we were already there when she arrived. She set up near the north end of the north spoke of the business park.
A man sporting diagrams and an anti-theism slogan on his t-shirt called out, as he passed without slowing down, that God was “a scam”. If it’s the guy I’m thinking of, at least he didn’t salute the enemy of his soul this time. E. Chuck hopes he will actually stop to discuss things one of these times, since God loves him and wants him saved. Please pray for him?
Two well-dressed young women declined our offer but later, as they were returning, they came to the table. One said she was a Christian, and knew that Rosaries were for praying because she had a grandparent who was Catholic. She was interested in the how and why of the Rosary. The other woman said she was raised in a non-religious home, so had no clue about anything to do with God. We shared with them the possibilities and the promises of the Rosary and gave the non-religious woman a “Good News” and “Do I Need a Savior?” pamphlets. Pray the eyes of their hearts are lifted to their Redeemer and Savior.
Four young teens on skateboards, attracted by the word “free”, stopped but didn’t know anything about the Rosary. They were a mix, ranging from those who knew who Jesus is to the not-so-sure. We encouraged them to get to know Jesus better through praying the Rosary. Pray for young people everywhere who are growing up without spiritual direction to guide them into the Way Everlasting.
A large, cheerful family group of non-Catholic Christians seemed very open to the challenges and promises of the Rosary and even asked follow-up questions as we explained the prayer. Pray they stay united in their love for Christ.
A family, consisting of two parents and their two toddlers, stopped in order to coax the children to select a Rosary. The father said he was raised Christian, was not any longer, and didn’t elaborate. The mother was noncommittal, did not select a Rosary herself, but helped her children pick out one apiece. They politely listened as we showed them how to pray with it, and we gave the father a Good News pamphlet. Pray that these parents realize their calling to guide their children into faith.
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, and 2-3 copies each of the kerygma, “Who am I?” and “Do I need a Savior?” pamphlets.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
More and more people were raised without religion, and now pass the deficit down to the next generation. We sometimes feel like a lone flickering candle in the storm. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this much-needed apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Meeting Christ through the Rosary - 2023-02-26
March 12, 2023
The Rosary devotion leads people to Christ. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort. (Check our PS note below for why there was no report for 3/5.)
Damp and cool weather featured pouring rain as we made our way to the business park. But, when our little red wagon arrived at the Grove, the rain slacked almost immediately, and the last 3/4 of the session was dry. Once the rain stopped, the foot traffic picked up noticeably, though still much lighter than normal.
A down-and-out-seeming couple stopped for Rosaries. They were our first “customers”, after an unusually long initial stretch of “no thank you”. The man and woman were both familiar with the Rosary, they said. The man showed us a cross on a string of beads that hung from his backpack. He called that a “rosary”, so e. Chuck explained the actual prayer to him. The man talked to e. Chuck about his non-Catholic Christian church but seemed excited about the gifts of the Rosary prayer. Meanwhile, e. Lucy talked with the woman and soon picked up on the fact that she didn’t actually seem to know the devotion. The evangelist gave her a brief explanation and showed where in the pamphlet the prayers were. We encouraged both of them to pray it together every day. May the Rosary help them persevere in living the joy of salvation.
Two teenage boys came to the table at the word “free”. They had no idea what the Rosary was and were not Christians. We encouraged them to read the short bio of Christ to be discovered in the Mysteries found in the Rosary pamphlet, and to reflect on the God who was willing to die to save them. They were polite and thanked us. E. Lucy gave one of the boys a Good News pamphlet as they were walking away. Pray for these boys and for the world of people who do not know that Jesus is their Savior. May God lead them to Himself and salvation!
A mom with 4 boys, ages about 3-11, stopped on their way out of the sports arena because the 2nd youngest wanted a Rosary. The mom said she already had several and was familiar with the prayer. The three younger boys each chose one for himself. May God grant Faith and Salvation to that whole family!
A man, perhaps in his mid-20s, stopped for a Rosary. He flashed us a grin that we found puzzling, hinted that he had stopped for a Rosary only a few weeks before, but didn’t give us any clues to help us remember him. He chose a bright teal Rosary with pink Our Father beads. Please pray for him? God knows his story.
A woman came to the table and said she had talked to us two weeks before but hadn’t taken a Rosary. She had taken a Rosary pamphlet at that time, and now wanted a Rosary. We apologized for not remembering the encounter while she made her selection, took another pamphlet, and moved on. Pray she continues to be drawn closer to Christ through His, and our, Blessed Mother.
A passing couple declined a Rosary, the woman explaining they were not Catholic, and we responding that it was a Christian prayer. Suddenly she came rushing back to the table, saying she had changed her mind, that her church was “almost Catholic”. Pray that she continues to respond to the urging of the Holy Spirit and finds her way home to the fullness of the Faith in the Catholic Church.
A mother with three small children at first declined our offer. Then she came back and had her children each select a Rosary to show to their grandpa who was, evidently, a devout Catholic. This would, she assured us, make their grandpa very happy. We encouraged her to pray it with her kids but she said that she would let the grandpa do that. Pray that this family, and all families, would grow in Faith.
“John”, the retired parking lot attendant, came striding up just as we were finishing packing everything away. His back didn’t seem to be bothering him and he was happy to report that he was again able to walk for miles every day.
Despite the rather unpleasant weather and sparse foot traffic, the evangelists still gave away 10-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as 1 Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with heats prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
We introduce the Rosary as a tool to help people meditate on the life of Christ and develop a relationship with Him. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. This report is from the session two weeks ago. We weren’t able to set up last week, 3/5. There was an event in the sports arena and the entire business park was reserved. E. Chuck was asked to leave, and e. Lucy was home sick. But a big thank you, especially to Fr. Tom, who sent prayers up for us several days beforehand, almost as if he’d been given a spiritual heads-up that difficulty was on the horizon.
Connections, Old and New - 2023-02-19
February 26, 2023
We wish everyone to recognize and trust Jesus Christ. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A heavyset man in a wheelchair stopped for a Rosary. He couldn't see well enough to tell what colors we had, so e. Lucy helped him make his choice. He got one for each of his two caregivers, but said he already had one of his own hanging on his refrigerator and preferred to use that one. He accepted pamphlets for the caregivers and e. Lucy's encouragement to have them teach him the prayers and then to pray it daily.
One of my daughter’s high school youth ministers (now with gray hair) stopped, glad to see us still out there after so many years. He was accompanied by his wife and 2 children. E. Lucy described how her family's bedtime routine of praying the Rosary together (only 5 decades, about 15 minutes) was one of her favorite childhood memories. The two boys each chose a Rosary and the parents seemed interested in trying to establish the nightly Rosary routine in their home.
An extended family stopped. About six of them, children and adults, chose a Rosary apiece. Several of them preferred the Rosary pamphlet in Spanish, which we were glad to be able to give.
Another gymnastics tournament was being held in the sports arena. A father and one of the child gymnasts stopped for a Rosary. He was proud of his daughter's latest 5-medal winning streak. They explained that this was a higher level of competition than the tournament a few weeks ago.
A man stopped for a Rosary, happy to say that he was Catholic. When asked what parish he attended, he sheepishly admitted that he hadn't connected with a local one yet. (He claimed to be from another country, but had no accent. But maybe he just has a good ear for dialects.) We gave him a copy of our map to area parishes and helped him identify the one closest to his neighborhood.
Another couple stopped, also not connected with a local parish. They also received a copy of the map, as well as a Rosary and the booklet on how to pray it.
“Doug”, a homeless man, walked by the table declining the free Rosary by saying he was “just a Christian”. But then he started back toward us, and e. Chuck went to meet him. Doug apologized and said he wasn't rejecting us as Catholics, he just wanted us to know that he wasn't Catholic. E. Chuck showed him how the Rosary is focused on Christ, that the reality of the Church has been seen throughout history, and that she is made up of the Saints in heaven as well as us now striving to be saints. Doug shared his struggles as well as the prayers that God has answered for him: that he is sober, is in recovery, and has just landed a job. Still hesitant to take a Rosary, he mentioned that he had lost his wallet in which he’d had a little medal with Mary on it. E. Chuck guessed it was a “Miraculous Medal”, so called e. Lucy over to give a brief description of its history. She did so and gave him one of the medals (which he recognized as the same as his lost one) . Doug then asked e. Chuck if he should take a Rosary, and the evangelist said he should since the prayer could draw him closer to Christ. We let him know we were there every week at the same time. Pray for perseverance for Doug and for his continued trust in Jesus.
To avoid diesel fumes from the boom-lift hanging banners at the sports arena, we set up across the circle near its north entrance. There is no shelter there, but God granted us pleasant weather during the session!
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away another 25-30 Rosaries, 2 maps, and 1 Miraculous Medal.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to prepare people’s hearts so they perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God wants salvation for all human beings (cf. Ezek 33:11) and so do we. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
"Go with the strength you have“ (Judg 6:14).
Curious about the Rosary - 2023-02-12
February 19, 2023
Many feel curiosity when seeing the Rosary, and we introduce it as a means of prayer. So thankyou again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A range-management conference was going on in the convention center next to us, so we saw lots of cowboy hats and work clothes. Many of the folks heading in were friendly toward us, and curious and willing to take a Rosary. A slightly higher percentage than average proclaimed they were Catholic and already had Rosaries. May God bless them and keep them faithful.
A non-Catholic Christian man said no thank you as he passed by, then gave the excuse that he wasn’t Catholic and so didn’t know how to pray the Rosary. E. Lucy called after him that we had a “user’s manual” and he seemed interested. So she ran after him to explain the Christ-centeredness of the devotion. The man said he had been praying for the Catholic Church, since she currently has powerful enemies trying to tear her down from the inside. He ended up not only taking the brochure on how to pray the Rosary, but accepted a Rosary as well. May Our Lord draw him, in addition to defending the Church from the outside, but to also do so from inside.
A woman who resides in a women’s shelter stopped for a lengthy visit. E. Chuck remembered her from another time when she stopped to rest on her way home from the library. This time, she told e. Lucy that a doctor had said that she needed a hip replacement, but that Jesus had restored movement to her legs as well as clearing up a long-standing lung congestion. She gave glory to Him! May God continue to heal her and help her return to productive society.
A group of 3 or 4 older teens stopped. E. Lucy talked with the girl, who said she wasn’t Christian. E. Chuck handed her our one-page copy of the kerygma, while the first evangelist explained the Rosary devotion and how one can find peace if one uses it reverently to ask questions about Who Jesus is and what He wants. They seemed interested.
A family with two young children (perhaps 3 and 6 years old) stopped when the children wanted Rosaries. None of the adults accepted one, but the children were happy.
A woman stopped to get a Rosary for her toddler. Lord, bring both the child and his mother to You!
One teen, out of a group that stopped for Rosaries, commented that he knew what the Rosary was because of a grandparent. He ended up choosing a Rosary for “Nana”, too. May she teach him a true love for this devotion!
A homeless man came to the table with a big smile, but declined receiving a Rosary because he was “too busy to pray”. He believed that he was responsible for fixing the problems of both the United States and Europe. Please pray for this man and for all who suffer from mental disorders.
Altogether, the evangelists gave away easily 30-35 Rosaries and its pamphlet, a Divine Mercy prayer card, and a copy of the kerygma.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Curiosity about the Rosary leads many people to at least ask what it is for. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Trusting Our Lord - 2023-02-05
February 12, 2023
And trusting Our Lady to lead people to her Son, our work continues. So thankyou again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
At the start of the session and before our table was even filled with Rosaries, three older teenage boys came up, though only one actually wanted a Rosary. He was not familiar with the devotion and, when asked if he were Christian, he sheepishly replied, “I’m not really anything.” E. Chuck thanked him for being honest and shared with him the Good News of Christ as illustrated through the Mysteries of the Rosary. He told him that talking with the guy who died for you was a good way to answer questions like: why do I exist? He nodded and said that was a really important question. So, the evangelist handed him the “Who Am I?” pamphlet, which he didn’t want, but then accepted when assured that it didn’t mention God. The other two teens declined a Rosary and, as they were leaving, the evangelist told them that, of the three of them, the guy with the Rosary was the brave one. Pray that the seeds of the Good News take root in their hearts.
As e. Chuck was talking to the three teenagers (above), the Holy Spirit must have moved a woman pushing an old man in a wheelchair to stop, edge past the boys to select a Rosary, and move on, all without saying a word. The evangelist noticed just in time to hand her a Rosary pamphlet. May she continue to answer the Holy Spirit’s call.
An older woman (possibly homeless?) responded to our offer in delight saying she had always wanted a Rosary. She “used to be Catholic”, but now attends a “Bible-believing church”. She quoted the common misunderstanding that Catholics are discouraged from studying the Bible. While that may have been true in the early 20th century, since 1950 we’ve been encouraged to read the Bible every day. E. Lucy explained the rationale behind the former rule: to prevent misinterpretation of Scripture. But our visitor went on to say that she herself could authoritatively interpret Scripture, and besides that, she was a prophet and knew all sorts of things. We offered that she should seek to hear God’s voice through the Rosary, too, which she said she would do. She then asked for a Divine Mercy card before she moved on. Surround her with your peace and protection, Lord.
John, the retired parking lot attendant, arrived on his electric scooter because his back is giving him trouble again. Please continue to pray for his wife Linda’s upcoming shoulder surgery, and for John’s healing as well.
If one of the children expressed the desire to have a free Rosary, various family groups stopped in response to our offer. All of the children in each group, and at least one of the adults accepted Rosaries, its pamphlet, and the encouragement to pray it together. May God strengthen families and lead them to Heaven!
A couple stopped. The wife was Catholic, but the husband declared he belonged to a non-Catholic Christian denomination. E. Lucy tried to explain the Christ-centeredness of the Rosary, and how even non-Catholic Christians find that praying it helps them grow closer to Christ. But he didn’t want one, although he did accept the Rosary pamphlet.
Altogether, the evangelists gave away 10-12 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to prepare people’s hearts to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
People need Our Savior as much as ever. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
The Rosary, a Prayer for All People - 2023-01-29
February 5, 2023
People of all religions, or none, are discovering the Rosary! So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
The remodeling show in the west convention center brought people out, despite cold and gray weather.
One of the vendors from the show made a special effort to come talk to us. She had seen several children running around the show with Rosaries, and said she had “always wanted one”. She’d had a spiritual experience that morning. For quite some time, she had been ignoring the desire to get down on her knees and pray. But that morning, in her hotel room, she placed a pillow in front of the window, knelt, and just spent time with God. It was a very moving experience for her, although she lamented not hearing the Lord’s voice. Later that morning, someone else had made a spiritual comment, which she found encouraging. Then, she found us. She asked many clarifying questions on how to pray the Rosary, including how to make the Sign of the Cross. We encouraged her to not only pray the Rosary every day, but also to look up the day’s Gospel reading, and spend time with the Beatitudes, where God speaks directly about how to find His blessings. E. Lucy gave her a pamphlet of common prayers that include the Rosary prayers as well as the Beatitudes. Pray that her ears are as open as her desire to hear the voice of our Lord.
Two teens came to the table, a boy and a girl. E. Chuck talked with the boy, who had a Catholic parent or grandparent. E. Lucy talked with the girl, who said she had no religion. So, e. Lucy recommended she use the Rosary to get to know who Jesus is and how much He loves her. She also encouraged her to take her questions into the meditations. The young woman accepted the pamphlet as well as choosing a Rosary. Lord, may she soon find her way home to You!
While we were talking with them, a man came from the convention center, who wanted “one of everything” we had on the table. (These included our “Who am I?”, “Do I need a Savior?”, the kerygma, a Divine Mercy prayer card, and a Rosary and its pamphlet). As he was leaving, the man seemed surprised by what our signs say, but didn’t stay to discuss them. May God prompt him to actually read the pamphlets and to learn to pray the Rosary.
A mom, accompanying two children (of ages perhaps 8 and 3), stopped at a slight distance from the table, trying to talk her oldest daughter (?) into taking a Rosary. The child seemed reluctant to do so until e. Lucy then suggested she also pick one out for her mom, which she more gladly did. Meanwhile, e. Chuck explained the devotion to the mom and helped the youngest choose his Rosary. We encouraged them to pray it as a family.
A family of four cheerfully declined a Rosary, saying they were not Catholic. So, we let them know that anyone who loves Jesus Christ could pray this prayer because its focus was on Him. The father and children came to the table, while the mother continued to stand off to the side and expressing surprise that the Rosary wasn’t exclusively for Catholics. The father said he frequently pauses in his day to pray the Lord’s Prayer and was intrigued by the Rosary’s call to more meditative prayer. The mother continued to edge closer, and finally gave in and chose a Rosary, too. Lord, surround this family with your peace and protection.
A mom with two little kids at first declined our offer then let her children come to the table for a “necklace.” We explained that it was not jewelry but a powerful prayer that could be done together as a family. They then went into the home improvement show. Fill that family with the grace to stay steadfast in faith, Lord.
Another pair of teenagers stopped, of who knows what gender. One said he didn’t know anything about the Rosary, but believed in Jesus. E. Lucy explained the devotion and how it helps people grow closer in their relationship with Christ. By the time they left, they were smiling and thankful.
A man passed us by, saying he was Catholic, or, “I used to be”. Then later, he stopped on his way back to his car, now with take-out bags in both hands. His wife of 40 years had died some time before ,so he said he prayed and talked to her all the time, but had decided he would take a Rosary (for her sake?). Pray that he will seek comfort for his mourning in the arms of Christ and His Blessed Mother.
“John”, the retired parking lot attendant, made a special trip downtown to visit us. Please pray for his wife, “Linda”, who requires shoulder surgery.
We had been wondering if anyone even noticed our new table sign, which asks, “Why Did God Make Me?” Last week, finally, at least three people commented on it. None of them stopped to hear our answer, including two women who called out that God had made them “only to be of service to Him”. That was ¼ correct, but they missed out on the “to know, to love” … and to “be happy with Him in the next life”. But they didn’t stop.
Altogether, the two evangelists introduced the Rosary to 10-15 people, as well as gave away pamphlets including, “Basic Catholic Prayers”, “Who am I?”, “Do I need a Savior?”, the kerygma, the pamphlet on how to pray the Rosary, as well as a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to prepare people’s hearts to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
The Rosary prayer indeed seems pleasing to God, and all His promises concerning it are true. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and al those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Defending the Rosary - 2023-01-22
January 29, 2023
The Rosary, even when misunderstood or maligned, can spark a conversation about God. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A gymnastics competition was being held in the hockey arena. Many young girls, ages 3-7, accompanied by their families, sported a clanking mass of medals around their necks as they left the building. Only one family came to the table for a Rosary.
A heavy-set woman in a parka stopped for a Rosary. She had been raised Catholic, but resented that her mother expected her and her siblings to pray the Rosary three times a day, on their knees. Rather than join her in judging her mother, we encouraged our visitor to take up the devotion again and give it another try. She chose a Rosary and accepted the pamphlet with the Mysteries. Pray she is granted a true love for this devotion.
A previous visitor stopped to chat. Do you remember the man who hopes to retire to a Catholic country where Our Blessed Mother has appeared? He talked with e. Chuck for a few minutes, mostly about housing prices over there. He asked when we were going to another purported apparition site. E. Lucy thought it was a bit too close to an active war zone right now.
A family stopped for Rosaries. Don’t remember the conversation, but every member chose one.
A man and woman, who were walking hand in hand, declined our offer of a Rosary. As they continued on their way, the man shouted over his shoulder , “We pray to Jesus and don’t need beads.” We are thankful for their faith in Christ Our Savior, and pray that His Spirit will open their hearts and minds to the fullness of Faith found in the Catholic Church, and to the joy of knowing His mother.
A couple of groups of Catholics thanked us for being out there.
A slender man with a lisp stopped for a Rosary. May Our Blessed Lady lead him to her Son and Sainthood!
A well-dressed man stopped for a Rosary. When we asked if he were familiar with it, he said he didn’t speak much English. Asked what his native language was, he said something like Kirundi (Burundi). He had heard of Jesus ,but was not Christian. Besides the Rosary, we gave him its pamphlet, as well as a copy of the Good News/kerygma, suggesting he use an online translator to read it.
A man declared that “praying on beads to dead people” wasn’t Biblical. Though he slowed down to make this statement, he didn’t stop, until e. Chuck wondered aloud if he thought it was okay to ask another person to pray for him. He agreed that it was, but not to ask “dead people”. So, the evangelist pointed out that in the Bible, God said he “was not the God of the dead, but of the living”, while specifically referring to certain “dead people”. Also, “dead people” were there for Christ’s Transfiguration. The evangelist began to mention the “great cloud of witnesses” from Hebrews as an example of more “dead people” in communion with us. But the man interrupted to say he would love to stay and argue, but was late for something and moved on. May our visitor’s love for God’s Word help him see that God’s love and membership in His family do not end at the grave.
The weather was damp, breezy, and around freezing. So, there was almost no foot traffic. Still, the evangelists gave away nearly 10 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 1 Divine Mercy prayer card, and 1 copy of the kerygma.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
If people let us, we try to clear up misunderstandings. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Our Blessed Mother's Vocation - 2023-01-15
January 22, 2023
“To Jesus Through Mary” is a real thing. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A mom brought a small boy to choose a Rosary. He immediately grabbed the one bright green one that we had on the table. I don’t remember whether the mom was Catholic.
Two young-adult women, pushing a small dog in a stroller, hesitated when offered a Rosary, then continued on their way. On their way back, we asked if they wanted one “this time”, but they declined. Pray for them?
A group of four college-aged women stopped, led by an enthusiastic one who wanted a Rosary. The four were soon joined by a fifth woman. A talkative one told e. Chuck that she was a non-Catholic Christian. unfamiliar with the Rosary, but interested in how the prayer could deepen her walk with Christ. The fifth visitor listened in silence but decided not to select a Rosary. Meanwhile, e. Lucy explained the devotion to another of the women, this one also a non-Catholic Christian. By the end of the encounter, three had chosen a Rosary and accepted the booklet on how to pray it. Pray their lives witness to the love of Christ.
A young-adult, but economically challenged, couple stopped. He was Christian. As e. Lucy explained the devotion and the peace that people find when they reverently try to pray it, the man and woman became more animated. They each chose a Rosary, and seemed to look forward to trying the prayer.
A woman came to the table, accompanying two children/grandchildren. “Yes, I’m familiar with the Rosary,” she said, “I’m from [a country that is still predominantly Catholic].” After the two children had chosen a Rosary apiece, we encouraged the woman to get one, too, so they could all pray it together. She thanked us.
Two darkly dressed young women in their late teens responded to the word “free” in our offer of a Rosary. Only one of them engaged in conversation with us, and she said she wasn’t part of any specific religion. She told e. Chuck that she liked to pray to her loved ones who had died and “gone on to the next life”, pointing vaguely to the sky. We said Catholics also speak to and intercede for those who have died, that Heaven was real, and that Christ had come to our rescue and opened the way to Heaven. Both selected Rosaries. Pray they turn to their only hope of reaching Heaven.
A man walking a dog, and who never stopped, angrily declined our offer of a Rosary, saying he had been raised Catholic but was “done with it” because it reminded him of [a violent extremist organization associated with another religion]. His reasons were mischaracterizations of Catholic teaching, so we suggested he take a closer look at the Church. But he continued on his way. Pray his heart is softened and his mind becomes receptive to the Truth.
An elderly, homeless-looking man said he was Catholic and wanted a Rosary. His voice, though, was low and difficult to hear. He seemed to want to emphasize that we needed to obey what Jesus called the greatest commandments: to love God and neighbor. We agreed with that, but he kept on talking and the evangelists were unsure what he was saying. He had moved on by the time we pieced together that he may have been saying that “being good to others was all we needed to do”. Pray that he seeks Christ in the True Presence.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 15-20 Rosaries (pink and purple mostly, with a few dark brown, dark red, and 1 bright green), and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and thOur Blessed Mother'sat much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Our Blessed Mother’s role is to lead people to her Son. We try to help her do that by introducing the Rosary devotion. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. We were so short on Rosaries by the end of our last session, that I almost asked you to obtain some for us. But, surprisingly, I received an unexpected email that very same day, granting me access to a company that sells inexpensive mission Rosaries. I jumped at the opportunity, and thanks to some donations given for Christmas, have already received a box containing of several hundred Rosaries. This very week. God is so good! And trustworthy with our needs.
Seeing the Rosary - 2023-01-08
January 15, 2023
Epiphany! People from all backgrounds see the Rosary as desirable. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort!
“Malcolm”, a tall, dapper, non-Catholic Christian, stopped at our invitation to receive a free Rosary. He seemed genuinely curious about the Rosary, and became intrigued as we explained and extolled the benefits of praying the devotion. He expressed appreciation for our public apostolate. He then asked us to pray for him as he tries to figure out how to be a good father to his son, “Julian”. Pray for them both, and ask St. Joseph to pray for Malcolm and all fathers.
Another very tall man stopped. He was older and on a bicycle. He had been a conscientious objector during a war, when it was not legal to refuse to serve in the military. He was taken to court and, though threatened with prison, got off with a few years of probation. He told us he was raised Catholic and even attended a Catholic university, but had quit the Church at graduation because he was unhappy with the clergy. He tried other places over the years but now rejected all churches as corrupt. E. Chuck shared his own difficult experiences with churches and his eventual conversion to Catholicism, that the Church isn’t simply a human organization, and that staying away from the Eucharist is like starving yourself to death because you’re angry at the cook. He then told us that his sister had left the Church about the same time he had, but had recently gone back, though under the influence of an online priest with controversial views, and so she is considering leaving the Church again. Our visitor selected a Rosary and its pamphlet and even accepted a “Come Home” pamphlet. Pray that his heart is softened, that he seeks the Eternal Food from Heaven, and that both he and his sister find peace within the Church.
Two young adult women stopped while e. Chuck was talking with the tall bicyclist. Only one was Catholic, but each took a Rosary and its booklet.
Another young woman stopped, while her companion continued on. She listened to e. Lucy’s brief explanation of the Rosary and then hurried to rejoin her companion as soon as it was polite to do so. Please pray for her?
Three smiling, clean-cut, college-aged men angled toward us because they wanted to hear our offer more clearly. Then, when we said they looked like “men of prayer”, they came all the way to the table. They said they had been to a non-Catholic Christian service that morning. We praised the beauty of the Rosary prayer and how it can help them grow closer to Christ They then each selected one and took the pamphlet on how to pray it. They also promised to pray for us. Lift their hearts, Blessed Mother, so they love Christ as you do.
A homeless-looking woman paused, knowing nothing about the Rosary and unsure whether she was even Christian. Two other people had seemed to be with her, but had moved on without her when she stopped. She selected a Rosary as we explained the prayer and Christian belief, and how going over the Mysteries emphasizes the Incarnation, Crucifixion, and Resurrection that Jesus did for our salvation. She then asked if she could have a second Rosary for her daughter, who was waiting for her at a truck stop a few miles south of town. We encouraged her to pray the Rosary together with her daughter. May she say YES to the Holy Spirit’s invitation to fall in love with Christ.
Two young-adult men, perhaps on bikes or skateboards, bore a close resemblance one to the other … so, brothers, perhaps? They came to the table, asking, “What’s this all about?” Both are Christian, so we explained the how’s and why’s of the Rosary and they both selected one. Pray that their curiosity remains focused on their Savior.
A passing man paused to say he was once Catholic but now attended a different church. He considered all churches the same, he said, if they focused on Christ. We gently countered that not all churches had the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. To that he replied, as he continued walking away, that his church had had “communion” that day, and that it was just a remembrance that anybody could do. We advised him to read 1st Corinthians as he moved on. Pray, St. Paul, that he hears your admonitions to “discern the body.”
E. Lucy talked to some teens on skateboards while e. Chuck was talking to someone else. (But she doesn’t recall any details of the encounter.)
Four or five members of a Catholic family stopped to receive Rosaries. The mother was grateful to receive a copy of the Rosary pamphlet in Spanish. We encouraged them to pray the Rosary together as a family.
An older man (homeless?) always waves as he passes by. This time, he stopped to thank us for being there every week. May God grant him salvation, safety, and healing.
As the Church celebrated the Epiphany, the two eP.Svangelists gave away about 15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a “Come Home” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Non-Catholics want to try the Rosary, and inactive Catholics still find it attractive. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. We didn't remember this encounter before we originally posted this week's stories, but I'll tell it here. Do you remember, a few weeks back, that a man told us he talked with, shall we say, alien entities who seemed friendly to him and that he never heard Jesus reply (except during his encounter with us that day). E. Chuck recognized him as he went by and asked if he was still talking with the other beings. "No," was his reply. Praise God for His great mercy! Please keep this man in your prayers and ask that he learn to trust Jesus Christ.
Still Seeking the Lost - 2023-01-01
January 8, 2023
The date changed, but our mandate didn’t. So, thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A man staggered by, saying "I can't breathe" and other, less-intelligible words. E. Chuck watched him concernedly as, further down the sidewalk, he bent over as if in pain. The evangelist went to check on him, to make sure he wasn't having a heart attack or other medical emergency. The man said he would be okay, that he'd just forgotten to bring his inhaler with him. May God bless and heal him!
A hockey tournament was happening in the arena. Near the end of our session, several family groups stopped at our table after they exited the building. They were either Catholic, or otherwise familiar with the Rosary. Most chose a Rosary for themselves.
A group of three young adults stopped. The two women were familiar with the Rosary, but the man was not, and was only “sort of familiar” with Who Jesus is. He accepted a Rosary and an explanation of the devotion. When e. Lucy told the three that, if they try to pray it with reverence, many people experience peace and protection, even if all they had were questions. At that, they looked more interested and suggested they might actually try the prayer. May God bless them and draw them to Himself and eternal life!
E. Lucy told another group of college-aged young adults how powerful the Rosary prayer is. A friend of hers had discovered that an illegal drug was being manufactured in a house distressingly near hers. Once she received the Rosary the evangelist sent her, the problem house was suddenly no more and peace was restored in the neighborhood. Blessed be God!
Several of the hockey families let their children come get a Rosary, but didn't take one themselves. Lord, let the little children lead their whole family to (or back to) You!
Three young women eagerly accepted our offer of a Rosary. E. Chuck talked with one who was wearing an odd balaclava with floppy bunny ears. At least one of the women was an active Catholic, in town to visit family. Pray for their perseverance in the Raith.
A family of four active Catholics stopped to select Rosaries for the young children with them. When encouraged to pray together, the father replied that it was already their practice. Pray for the strengthening of all families in prayer and holiness.
We also vaguely remember a man who came to the table without being asked, not sure whether he passed us and came back, or just overheard us offering a Rosary to others. He may have been Catholic, but details of the conversation have evanesced.
The community Christmas tree in the center of the business park still had many (most?) of its gift-request tags remaining. This is the first time we’ve seen this happen. Usually the tags are all claimed by Thanksgiving. Are people feeling impoverished this year? Please pray?
The New Year in Boise started with a cool, but calm and sunny day. Foot traffic was surprisingly light. Still, the two evangelists gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Jesus Christ is real, alive, and worthy of our worship. More and more people don’t seem to know/remember that, and so the work continues. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
"Go with the strength you have“ (Judg 6:14).
Witness, Silent or No - 2022-12-12-18
January 1, 2023
Our presence provides a wordless witness to Jesus Christ and His Church. As evidence, during nearly every session, people hurry past while calling out they’re already Catholic, or non-Catholic Christians, or believers, or were at least raised Christian. This happens even before we say a word.
Early in our last session, several groups of large and muscular college-aged men went by. One group stopped. They were football players, in town for a bowl game. Three out of the four men chose a Rosary. One was a non-Catholic Christian, “in love with the Lord.” He picked out a Rosary for his girlfriend, but listened as we encouraged him to actually seek Christ in the prayer. We wished them well in their game. Pray that their love for the Lord grows to fill their life.
A 30-something couple stopped because the man was curious about the Rosary and “what this is all about.” After explaining the how’s and why’s and the promise of the Rosary, he still declined to take one but he did praise us for being out during the Christmas season. We let him know we were there year round and have been for ten-plus years. We then went back to challenging him to take a Rosary and try the prayer, but he only agreed to take a how-to-pray-the-Rosary pamphlet and promised to pray for us. Pray they hear Christ saying to them, “Behold, your mother” (John 19:27:)
A perhaps-homeless woman, whose backpack sported a large combination lock, stopped for a Rosary and its pamphlet. She also asked for a plastic sandwich bag to put them in so they wouldn’t get dirty before she got a chance to pray it.
The several-time visitor, who is also a world traveler, stopped to chat with e. Chuck a bit.
A Catholic family stopped after the man pulled a large wooden Rosary from his pocket to show us, and saying they had lots of Rosaries at home. Visiting from a town a couple hours north of us, the parents told us they had been non-Catholic Christians until the father looking into the history of Christianity and discovered that it was Catholic. The mother, when her husband shared his discoveries with her, began asking questions herself and also found that all the answers pointed to Catholicism. They entered the Church last Easter. They had attended Mass that morning at the cathedral and had been impressed with the reverence there. Since they already had Rosaries, we encouraged them to pray it together as a family every day. Praise God that their response to Catholicism was “not my will but Yours be done”.
A group of 3 or 4 teenage girls stopped for a “free Rosary”. One of them claimed to be Catholic, and accepted a Rosary and the pamphlet on how to pray it. At least two of the young women declined to receive a Rosary.
The mother in a passing family stopped to ask if we had heard that a school in a nearby city had banned the wearing of Rosaries, because some gang members wore a Rosary as part of their “uniform.” She added that, even though she was no longer a Catholic, it bothered her that the school had banned wearing them. We emphasized that Rosaries are not jewelry and are meant for prayer. And so, if carried in the pocket instead of around the neck, they were just as potent for those who intended to pray with them. We then encouraged her to select a Rosary for herself as a route back to the Church, but she quickly declined and rejoined her family. Pray she stops banning Christ’s Church from her own life.
A tentative young man told us he was raised Catholic but wasn’t now, though he did not elaborate. Yet, he wanted a Rosary. Mother Mary, call him back to the fullness of faith in your Son’s Church.
We received a text from John (the retired parking lot attendant) that he was ill and couldn’t come downtown to visit us, so we ask you all to please keep him in your prayers.
Foot traffic was fairly steady, if light. Still, the two evangelists gave away 12-15 Rosaries.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Sometimes, God just uses our mere presence to remind people of His Lordship. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. In case you noticed the delay in reporting from our last session, please know that last week was one of those rare days when neither evangelist was available: one was taking care of family obligations, the other was ill. We both plan to be there this week. So thank you again for your prayers!
The Cross is Never Easy - 2022-12-11
December 18, 2022
The Cross is not easy, but Jesus loves us that much! So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Two teenage boys paused at the table wondering what we were giving away. The one e. Lucy talked to was not a Chrisitan but we’re pretty sure we gave him a Good News/kerygma pamphlet. The other boy said he was a Christian and listened politely to the meaning and gifts of the Rosary prayer. May they be moved by our Lord’s love for them to draw closer to Him.
A soggy foursome asked us for directions to a place they didn’t know the name of, so we couldn’t help them with that. But we offered them something of greater value, and three of them chose Rosaries. Turns out they are Catholic and seemed familiar with the prayer. May they, and all of us, seek first the Kingdom of God.
Just as e. Lucy decided to put our second-to-last chain Rosary out on the table, a woman came up and, acting slightly embarrassed, asked if she could make a special request. She pulled the Rosary from her purse and told us that the Saints featured on it freaked her out, so much so that she couldn’t pray with it, and so she would like a different one. What she had was a chain Rosary with a centerpiece featuring a photo of the two youngest shepherd children of Fatima. She knew the story, but couldn’t wrap her head around the suffering the children had willingly endured. We offered to let her trade it in for the chain Rosary, which had a standard Marian centerpiece. “I’m okay with Mary,” she happily said. Please pray for our visitor? One can’t outrun suffering. Saints Francisco and Jacinta, pray for us.
A man strode to the table with a grin and replied to “Are you familiar with the Rosary?” with “No, but you’re going to tell me all about it.” Though his manner implied a certain skepticism, he listened to our call to dive deep into the life and love of Christ in prayer. He responded that maybe he would give it a try. Come, Holy Spirit, and turn his “maybe” into “yes”.
A woman, who must have overheard us offering Rosaries, was already on the way to the table when we made the offer to her. She knew nothing about the Rosary, but was curious and, after we explained it to her, she seemed genuinely willing to pray it. May her love of Christ grow as she explores the gifts and mysteries of the Rosary.
The cold, light rain served to dampen spirits and reduce the number of passersby, but the evangelists still gave away 12-15 (double digits, despite the rain!) Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a copy of the kerygma.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
The Cross is as challenging today as it was when Jesus taught that one must “take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Catholic or Not - 2022-12-04
December 11, 2022
Catholic or not, people who accept a Rosary from us have at hand a sure means to grow closer to Jesus Christ. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Last Sunday saw the first snow of the season that stuck. Business park employees, zooming around on mini-snowplows started clearing the plaza. But the diesel fumes took e. Lucy out. She left at halftime.
Right off the bat, even before the Rosaries were fully laid out, three Catholics from different groups stopped to select a Rosary. The last of the three, a man eating a hotdog, and who paused to say he was Catholic and already had a Rosary. He began to walk away, then paused, laughed, and said, “but I don’t know where it is.” He selected a Rosary, and then said what the other two Catholics had said, “I guess I was meant to bump into you today.” May their love of Christ and devotion to his Mother grow during this Advent Season.
A busker, carrying his guitar case and looking for a place to panhandle, stopped at our table when his girlfriend pointed out a Rosary that matched the color of his guitar. He took it, but then worried aloud that he “would burst into flame” if he actually prayed the Rosary. He also said he couldn’t read the pamphlet. E. Lucy encouraged him to listen to it on the internet in order to learn the prayers, and encouraged him to try it. The woman with him told e. Chuck that she was a non-Catholic Christian and very interested in learning how to pray the Rosary, even asking clarifying questions about the prayer. She said she’d help the man learn how to pray with it. May they find peace, protection, and the love of Christ in prayer.
A woman encouraged her elderly mother to take a Rosary. They were Catholic and the daughter said she had a lot of Rosaries already. The mother selected one (but seemed confused or reluctant to). Pray that families are united in faith.
An elderly man stopped to select a Rosary, then stayed to talk. He recommended that we contact family members during the holidays, saying that personal contact is better than presents. He then went on to lament that his son was so busy with his sales job that he rarely bothered to call or even return his calls. He wished his son would put God and family ahead of making money. Pray for this man and his son as well as for all families broken by separation, may they not wait for the other person to make the first move.
A teenager approached us, but declined a Rosary. A non-Catholic Christian, he wanted to tell us he was a “church planter”, hoping to gather people and form new churches. Unfortunately, his target population is the large Basque (and mostly Catholic) community here. We were glad that he spent his free time serving God but let us pray he looks deep enough into Christianity that he discovers the truth in the Catholic Church.
Altogether, we might have given away 10 Rosaries at the most. Foot traffic just got lighter after e. Lucy left, and the snowplow noise never stopped. (No wonder John the Baptist went into the wilderness to preach, it’s quieter there ?)
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
We still encourage everyone to learn to pray the Rosary, diving deep into the Mysteries and learning just how much God loves us. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Jesus, Today and Forever - 2022-11-27
December 4, 2022
Jesus is still the Reason for the season. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
The annual decorated Holiday-Tree event was happening in the convention center, so there was plenty of foot traffic.
On a couple of occasions, a Catholic grandmother, escorting a child or two, came to the table so the children could get a Rosary. We encouraged them to pray it together.
A Catholic deacon and his wife, from a neighboring town, stopped to encourage us. They already were praying the Rosary daily.
A teen girl, part of a large family group, pulled her mouth down in an inverted smile/shared-grief face as she shook her head no thank you. It seemed closer to grief than to disapproval. Whatever turned her heart against the Faith must have been big. Bad, deeply painful. God, help her! Heal her!
Two elderly ladies with cameras stopped, one more interested in the Rosaries than the other. but both friendly. The interested woman said she had her late father’s Rosary. but was afraid to use it because it was so old and fragile. She was not Catholic and seemed to equate her other beads, from a non-Christian religion, to the Rosary. We showed her the how’s and why’s of the Rosary prayer and offered it, partially, as a connection between herself and her long deceased father. We also gave her a “Who Am I?” pamphlet and suggested she contemplate that when tempted to get out her non-Christian beads. The other woman took a “Good News”/kerygma pamphlet. Pray they stop playing with faith and begin to work out their salvation with fear and trembling.
A pre-teen girl came for a free Rosary. Moments later, her younger sister came for one (although e. Lucy at first thought it was the same girl returning. When the first girl returned to stand by her sister while she chose her own Rosary, it was clear they were several years apart in age.)
Though the husband walked past the table to stand in line at the ticket booth, a woman and her small children came to the table seeking a Rosary. She had grown up Catholic, but her family had quit attending Mass when she was twelve. She was never taught how to pray the Rosary. Later, she married a man from another religion, further sidetracking her. But she admitted she had been thinking about the Catholic Church again. Beginning with the Rosary and its deep dive into the life and love of Christ, we reminded her of our desperate need for the Eucharist and other Sacraments of the Church. With a sigh, she said all these things were weighing heavy on her mind, then left to join her husband at the event. We encouraged her to pray the Rosary with her children. Pray she listens to Christ calling her to return to the Church.
Another family, with teenage children, paused at the table on their way to the event. The father hung back but smiled in a friendly way, while the mother said she had been raised Catholic but had long neglected her faith. She, too, had never been taught how to pray the Rosary. We encouraged her to reacquaint herself with Christ through the Rosary and to seek him in the Eucharist. She selected a Rosary that had just been donated. Pray the grim beauty of the Crucifix on her Rosary and the love it represents move her to seek her Savior in His Church.
While e. Chuck was conversing with the previous woman, some Catholics came over to greet us. One woman in the group, “Anna”, donated a Rosary she had made with real stones. E. Lucy lay it on the table, then turned to get Anna’s contact info. E. Chuck said the Rosary didn’t stay on the table even 10 seconds because the woman talking with him immediately claimed it. May Our Blessed Mother use that Rosary to draw the woman and her family into Full Communion with her Son’s Church!
Two teenage boys on skateboards selected Rosaries and even paused to listen to the evangelist’s pleas to seek Christ in the prayer. Later, however, a little girl brought us a Rosary taken by one of the boys but now found on the ground. Pray that the boys do not throw away the love Christ has for them.
“John”, the retired parking lot attendant, showed up toward the end of our session with dog and lawn chair. He sat and swapped stories and shared how he learned to fit in at family functions by offering to serve others. He also told how he ran a halfway house for addicts and served tacos there for Thanksgiving for many years. Remember John and his family in your prayers.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 25 or so Rosaries and its pamphlet, and several “Come Home” and kerygma pamphlets.
Please pray for us today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
We didn’t mention the sour looks we received, but they acknowledge that whether He is loved or hated, Jesus Christ is real and truly Our King. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Important Questions - 2022-11-20
November 27, 2022
We provide a safe place for questions. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort!
A man stopped at the table for a Rosary. He wasn’t Christian, but had been wanting to know about God. E. Chuck gave him a quick overview of salvation history and Who Jesus is. The evangelist then shared with our visitor the uniquely human moral quandary and God’s merciful rush to our salvation in Christ. We then showed him how the Mysteries of the Rosary would give him a brief snapshot of Christ’s life, show him His love for us, and provide a source of peace and protection. He ended up accepting, not only a Rosary and copy of the kerygma, but also a copy of our new “Who am I?” pamphlet. He also received a map to area parishes and the invitation to begin attending services. He thanked us for sharing with him, and even said that maybe there was a reason he ran into us. Yes there is! Pray that he answers the door of his heart where Christ is patiently knocking.
Three teenage girls came to the table, all smiles. The girl e. Chuck spoke with knew nothing about the Rosary and was pretty sure she was not Christian. The evangelist told her about the human dilemma of sin and the saving rescue granted by God in Jesus Christ. He gave her a Good News/kerygma pamphlet and a copy of our new “Who Am I?” pamphlet. Pray that the hearts and minds of all three young women are open to the love God is pouring out for them.
“Tyson”, a genial but dedicated atheist who has talked to the evangelists a few times before, stopped by and asked what we were thinking about. When e. Chuck replied that we were contemplating questions like “who am I?” and “why do I exist?”, he grew animated and stayed to talk for the rest of session. The evangelist tried to help him see the inconsistencies in his arguments and how they actually point to God, but Tyson’s theories are very dear to him and he remained unmoved. With great reluctance, he took a “Who Am I?” pamphlet and we parted amicably. Pray for Tyson’s change of heart.
While e. Chuck was trying to get through to Tyson, e. Lucy offered free Rosaries to a Millennial couple walking by. The woman declined, saying she was Catholic and already had one. But then the man came to the table, saying he wasn’t Catholic but wanted a Rosary. He was Christian. So e. Lucy explained the devotion and how even non-Catholic Christians found that doing a deep dive into the life of Christ helps them grow closer to Him. Our visitor then waxed enthusiastic about the historical truth of the Bible, with which the evangelist heartily agreed. The woman, who grew up in a homeschool environment, then volunteered that she’s been surprised that her coworkers find the very concept of “servant” offensive. (Is this yet another generational barrier to the Christian message?) As they left, the evangelists encouraged them to actually pray the Rosary.
The weather had suddenly turned cold and so foot traffic was light. Still, the two evangelists gave away 15 or so Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as 2 maps to area parishes, 2 copies of the kerygma, and 2-3 copies of our “Who Am I?” pamphlet, that aims to get people thinking about ultimate questions.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Our informal “Catholic information booth” allows people to ask questions they’re not yet ready to carry across the threshold of a parish office. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Building the Body of Christ - 2022-11-13
November 20, 2022
Our presence empowers fellow Catholics to talk about Faith concerns. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A Catholic man, heading south, commented on our faithfully being there every week. On his way back, he again commented on our being there, no matter the weather. Evidently, he walks past us often. (St. John Paul the Great, help the evangelists remember faces!) This time, he stopped to share his story. A devout Catholic who loves Mary, he had been invited on a pilgrimage halfway around the world. The trip had a profound effect on him, drawing him closer to Our Lady. In our discussion of Marian appearances, he expressed concern over the Church's fulfilling of Mary's request at Fatima to consecrate Russia. E. Lucy was able to cite from the Vatican website's voluminous coverage of Fatima that the seer, Sr. Lucia Dos Santos, had been granted word after Pope St. John Paul’s consecration that “Heaven has accepted”, and that therefore the matter is at rest. He was grateful for the news. Since Russia is still troublesome, the evangelist told him she thought it is because she continued to spread her errors during the forty years before the consecration. Errors are insidious and harder to reverse than prevent. Our visitor then told us of his plans, when he retires in a couple of years, to move overseas near a famous Marian site and to undertake some major pilgrimages there. Lord, may your son grow in faithfulness and holiness, and be a credible witness to the power of God for everyone he meets.
From a group of four passing women, one came to the table while the others kept going. Our visitor wanted to get a Rosary for her mother, who was in the hospital and not expected to live. She said her mother was Catholic, but did not say what she herself believed. She was, however, going to visit her in the hospital that day. We convinced her to get a Rosary for herself, too, so she could pray it with her mother. She picked out two Rosaries and, just before she rushed away, e. Lucy gave her a Divine Mercy prayer card and asked her to pray the Chaplet in her mother’s presence. Pray for the peaceful repose of our visitor’s mother and for the comfort of Faith for both women.
A college-aged Catholic woman, accompanied by a friend, stopped for a Rosary. We encouraged her companion to also choose one, and for the women to pray it together.
A group of college-aged teens paused briefly on their way into the convention center. One young woman held back to proudly proclaim her Catholicity and that she was looking forward to getting married in the Church. Was there a young man already in the picture? No. E. Lucy encouraged her to ask for St. Joseph's and St. Anthony's intercession.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as one Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Our Catholic presence gives fellow Catholics the courage to express their Faith in a public setting. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
The Rosary is a Good Thing - 2022-11-06
November 13, 2022
What is more visibly Catholic than the Rosary? Curiosity about it can draw people to Christ. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
“I gave that up a long time ago,” was the reply to the offer of a Rosary by a man passing our table. Suddenly, he turned back to us and launched into a lengthy list of political grievances, to which the evangelist offered, “This is why we should pray for our country.” He rolled his eyes, moaned, and walked away shaking his head. Pray that his heart is softened and he turns to the One Who is truly trustworthy, God.
After declining a Rosary, an older woman from a large family group noticed our sign and said, “Oh, you’re Catholic.” She came back to the table. She was Catholic, did not pray the Rosary, but was thinking she wanted to start doing so. The evangelist showed her the Rosary pamphlet, and how it could help her re-learn the prayer. Teenage members of her family had paused with her and listened in, but shook their heads when encouraged to pick out a Rosary. Pray she perseveres in her intention to devote herself to prayer.
A woman came to the table with her reluctant husband in tow. It was unclear whether she was Catholic or not, but she was definitely Christian and seemed eager to try the prayer. The husband did not choose a Rosary at first, saying, “That’s her thing.” She replied that she mostly prayed for him. The evangelist offered that the Rosary was a good prayer to get introduced to Jesus and through which to ask Him questions. Looking from the evangelist to his wife (surrounded!), the man picked out a Rosary and took the pamphlet. Pray that his reluctance is turned into rejoicing in the salvation of the Lord.
After the couple left, a young man came to the table, unbidden. He was In RCIA at a local parish, and was eager to try praying the Rosary. He listened attentively to instruction on how to pray it. He couldn’t wait to be baptized! Pray his faith continues to bloom in joy and gladness.
Another young man, with a thick accent, stopped without being asked. He admired the array of Rosaries. He exclaimed that he wanted a Rosary wherever he went and said he had them hanging in his car and all over his house. The evangelist recommended he pick one up to actually use for praying, and he thought that was a good idea. He also noted down the time our team is at the Grove so he could bring his sister another day. Pray for his family in the Ukraine.
The fourth in a group of young adults stopped, causing the rest of his group to stop, too, curious about our offer. The young adult knew nothing about the Rosary and was iffy on whether he was Christian. The evangelist showed him the Mysteries and how they were good places to ask God questions, to see just how great God’s love is for us, and how He is calling us to love Him back. The man selected a Rosary, but the others in the group just wanted the Rosary pamphlet to look at. The evangelist and the first young man reasoned they might as well take a Rosary, just in case the pamphlet inspired them to pray. So, they did. Pray they hear the Lord knocking on the door of their hearts and let Him in.
A young couple stopped for a Rosary. She was Catholic, and he was not. At first, he was not going to take a Rosary but she persuaded him. Then the evangelist encouraged them to pray it together at their first opportunity. Pray she has the courage to evangelize her boyfriend.
Two different groups of teenage skaters, all professing to be Christian, eagerly chose Rosaries and even stayed long enough for the evangelist to explain and extoll the prayer. The second group later brought another teen to get a Rosary. Pray these teens hang onto Christ and don’t give in to temptation.
More than one family leaving the arena stopped to let their children pick out a Rosary. Most of them were Catholic. Pray these families are united in prayer.
It was a blustery, cold day at the Grove with minimal foot traffic, that is, until the game ended at the sports arena there. Still, the evangelist gave away 20-25 Rosaries. Oh, and white Rosaries were really popular last week, as were blue.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Although many misconceptions about the Rosary have sprung up over the last several hundred years, when people find out that it leads to closer union with Christ, their hearts open. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Roe v Wade, Godless Parents, etc. - 2022-10-30
November 4, 2022
Despite the secular holiday looming on the morrow, we had a variety of visitors. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A middle-aged woman stopped for a Rosary, saying she knew what it was but wanted to know more. So, e. Lucy explained the worth and promise of the prayer. Not Catholic, our visitor was the first ever to mention the Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade reversal. She assumed we were happy about it? We said we were, but it was only the beginning of what needs to be done. She said she did not like the court’s decision, and wondered if we were in favor of states helping pregnant mothers after they had given birth. We agreed that was important, along with the welfare of the newborn child. She took a Rosary, the pamphlet on how to pray it, and a Divine Mercy prayer card. She seemed to have more to say but went on her way instead. Pray that her heart softens toward the unborn.
A group of 2-3 boys in their mid-teens came over in response to the word “free.” They stayed to listen to a quick explanation of the Rosary, but their attitude was barely polite.
A multi-family group was exiting the hockey arena when they heard us offer a free Rosary. A woman with two young girls in costume broke away from the group and came to the table so the girls could get Rosaries. The mom said they were already familiar with the Rosary, and agreed to pray it together as a family.
A man named “Brian” came to the table with an odd story about a Crucifix that disappeared. He had been raised Catholic, but had quit because he married a non-Catholic. He said he was in town because he was in rehab, but that he didn’t actually need it. He credited his Grandma’s Rosary-praying habit with helping their family but that, when she died, the family “fell apart”. We told him this was his opportunity to take up her prayerful work and we encouraged him to go to Reconciliation and get back to receiving the Lord in the Eucharist. He said that had been on his mind, too, and he selected a Rosary. We gave him a “Come Home” and a “Primer for Confession” pamphlet as well as a map to area parishes. Pray for Brian’s reconversion and recovery from addiction.
Three or four people out of a family came to choose a Rosary apiece. This happened at least another two times.
While e. Chuck was talking with Brian, e. Lucy gave away Rosaries to a group of 3-4 teenage girls. (She also gave a copy of the kerygma to several people during the session who told her they weren’t Christian.)
- Chuck gave a Rosary to a man carrying a baby in the front of his coat, after joking with him about his “costume”.
The parents of three children declined our offer of a free Rosary, but one little boy ran to the table anyway. We told him he could have one only if his parents said it was okay, and we assured the mother that they were free. She then told her son, “These are about God and you don’t know about God because you don’t know yourself yet. When you get old enough to know yourself then you can decide about God.” Lord, have mercy on those parents, and fill those children with the grace to seek You.
A man wearing red, video-game-inspired sunglasses was walking two dogs that were each in costume. The man had picked up a Rosary from us last week, but stopped when we commented his dogs’ costumes. He tilted his head when we asked if he had prayed the Rosary, then said he had read all the material we gave him and it had given him lots to think about. He did not elaborate. Keep turning his thoughts to You, Lord.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 1 map to area parishes, 1-2 Divine Mercy prayer cards, and 2-3 copies of the kerygma.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
It isn’t surprising, is it? God continues to draw people to us, despite the seemingly pervasive attitude that excludes God. So thank you again for your prayers and other support of this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love.
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Jesus Is True - 2022-10-23
October 30, 2022
The Rosary leads to Jesus Christ, and we encourage people to pray it. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A large group of people were passing by. One called out that they were in a hurry and didn’t have time to stop for a Rosary. But one couple peeled out of the group and came over. They chose a Rosary, listened to a brief description of the devotion, then sprinted off to rejoin their companions.
A man was passing by on his bicycle. When he heard the offer of a free Rosary, he braked hard to stop in front of the table. He said he was Catholic and “needed another Rosary”, so he could have one at home and one with him. When asked, he admitted he was not attending Mass, but desired to get back to going. He had been faithful when living at home but, now that he was in a new city, he had gotten out of the habit. E. Lucy used the list of area parishes to identify the one closest to his apartment and gave him the list. We encouraged him not to delay getting back to Reconciliation and the Eucharist, which prompted him to admit he usually felt a lot of relief after receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Lord, you gave him the grace to desire a return to Your Sacraments. May he act on it.
An older teen picked out a Rosary and admitted he didn’t know much about it. He also said he wasn’t really Christian, but had studied the world’s religions. Before he could go on about his universalism, we showed him how to pray the Rosary and how meditating on the Mysteries and asking God any questions they brought up was a great way to focus his spiritual wanderings. We gave him a Good News pamphlet. Pray he has an encounter with the living God!
A teen girl stopped for a Rosary. When offered the pamphlet on how to pray it and grow closer to Jesus Christ, she declined it saying she “practiced [a form of forbidden divination].” We told her the Rosary was not the same, but she walked away saying she knew that. But she said it in a way that told the evangelists that she did not have a clue what the difference was between Christianity and her dangerous practices. Pray for this girl, Mother Mary, that she can meet her true Savior.
Three teenage girls rushed to the table for Rosaries, one saying she was Catholic. The other two girls were quiet through the explanation of how to pray the Rosary, and we encouraged the Catholic girl to pray it with her friends. Pray she has the courage to evangelize her friends.
Several groups of older teens stopped at different times. In a couple of the groups, a teen admitted they weren’t Christian. Each one ended up accepting a copy of the kerygma pamphlet and the encouragement to read it.
One of us has a vague memory of three college age men stopping, one of whom was Catholic.
A dad with two youngsters brought his kids to the table. In reply to our query about whether he knew about the Rosary, he said he had gone to a university founded by Catholic friars. The smaller of the two girls was in an uncooperative mood, so her older sister picked out a Rosary for her. The father did not take one. The little girl perked up once she had the Rosary in hand, and we encouraged the father to teach his children to pray. His reply was noncommittal. Pray that those Rosaries stir the flame of Faith in that family.
Also, a larger family with several children stopped so everyone could get Rosaries, but the parents seemed evasive when urged to pray it together.
It was noticeably colder than last week and windy, but God answered prayer and calmed the wind gusts so our teaser sign, “Do I need a Savior?”, stopped blowing over. He also held off the rain until the last evangelist was in the car and started driving away. Praise God!
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away about 20 Rosaries its pamphlet, as well as 2 copies of the kerygma and a map to area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
We encourage everyone, believer or non-, to pray the Rosary to get to know Jesus Christ. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Evidence - 2022-10-16
October 23, 2022
God, the Unmoved Mover, moves us by attraction. We sometimes see evidence of that. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A woman, in her early 20s at most, stopped to thank us for being there. She still had the Rosary she had gotten from us "years ago". It has brought her a lot of comfort, she said. She even "takes it down sometimes and uses it". May God bless her, protect her, and continue to draw her closer to Himself.
I started adding "God loves you" after "may God bless you" in response to a polite refusal. One man smiled and automatically replied, "love you, too". I may not have articulated the beginning of that sentence well enough <g>
A man and woman stopped at a picnic table behind me, perhaps to rest. The woman declined my initial offer of a free Rosary. A few moments later, though, she got up and came to the table, wanting Rosaries for her two children. I explained that we could give only one per person per week, but she was welcome to come back the following week for the second one. No, she would just take one. She chose the only chain Rosary on the table (we're getting short on them again). Then she asked for a Divine Mercy prayer card, of which I gave her two.
A group of three 20-something men stopped at the table. At first, they seemed to only want "a necklace". But they were Christian and the evangelist explained the devotion and how it helps people grow closer to Christ, Who brings them peace and protection. They grew steadily more interested and, in the end, said they would begin praying it every day. May God bless and encourage them!
A man and woman passed by. He was tall and blond. Shaking his head no as the evangelist opened her mouth to offer a Rosary, he said, "Jesus is Truth!", except that he used the Hebrew pronunciation of Jesus' name. "Amen!" the evangelist replied. May God bless the man and continue to draw him into the fullness of Christianity in the Catholic Church.
A man came to the table carrying a restaurant order. "I said no earlier," he said, "but I do want a Rosary." E. Lucy set him up with one, making sure he understood the basics of the devotion.
Several Catholic groups passed by, happily proclaiming the Rosaries that awaited them at home. One group even said they prayed it every day! The evangelist asked all of these to "pray it for us out here".
A man, accompanying a perhaps 3-year-old child of uncertain gender, stopped so the child could choose a Rosary. The evangelist offered the booklet on how to pray it and asked if the man were familiar with the devotion. He declined the booklet, saying, "No, we've already done Christianity." Lord, have mercy!
You may remember a prayer request some time ago from “Barbara” for her sister, “Laura”, who was very ill. Barbara gave us an update this week: “My sister Laura received wonderful news on Friday. Her oncologist surgeon stated, ‘You can credit your incredible faith, your positive attitude of walking with Jesus in cancer, and your praying friends. As of right now you are a cancer survivor!’” Thank you, Jesus! And thank you for being a prayer warrior for Laura!
Altogether, the evangelist gave away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as two Divine Mercy prayer cards.
Please pray for us again today, Mission Sunday. Please ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God loves us and continually calls us to grow ever closer to him. So thank you again for your prayers for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
"Go with the strength you have“ (Judg 6:14).
Answered Prayers - 2022-10-09
October 16, 2022
God still answers prayers, and we love hearing about it. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A Catholic grandmother stopped, accompanies by two of her grandchildren, who were in their late teens or early 20s. She was already a great believer in the power of praying the Rosary. After the grandchildren had each made their choice of a Rosary, the grandmother volunteered this “Rosary story”: Her father was in the hospital and doing poorly. His blood work was “all over the place.” The doctors weren’t sure what was wrong, but said he should probably have surgery. But the family thought he was too frail to survive an operation. They gathered in his room and prayed the Rosary together. Just as they finished the last prayer, the doctor came in again. He said he “didn’t know what to think. The latest set of bloodwork had just come in, and surgery was no longer indicated. In fact, their father could go home.” Praise be to God!
“John”, adjusting to retirement, brought his wife “Linda” along last week to introduce her “to the Catholics”. She belongs to a non-Catholic Christian denomination known for emotional services. Linda was unmoved, though, when e. Lucy shared the testimony with her about God granting sudden healing to that family’s father. “Oh, that happens all the time”, was her take on it. (Then why, I wonder, did her husband have us pray all those months when their friend Myron was at death’s door?) Please pray for Linda’s and John’s conversion to the fullness of the Faith in the Catholic Church?
Two 20-something women stopped. One admitted she practiced a non-Christian style of spirituality. She had a question, though, about why God answers some prayers and not others, or more specifically, why He helps some people but not others. E. Lucy explained that God always loves us and knows what we need the most, that even suffering and death are not the worst of evils. She offered her a copy of our pamphlet on “Suffering” (as well as a copy of the kerygma). She and her companion also each chose a Rosary for herself. Then they expressed interest in attending a church, just to see what it was about. E. Lucy happily gave them a copy of our map to area parishes. But then they asked how they were to dress. E. Lucy explained that people show up wearing many different styles, a large number of them dressed casually. Could they come dressed like they were then? Yes, e. Lucy said, saying that only swimwear was actually frowned upon. But then she took a second look at their outfits. Both girls were wearing long-sleeved tops and shorts, and their shorts were, well, awfully short. She suggested they wear something slightly longer. They seemed okay with that. Please pray that the Real Presence of Our Lord in Catholic churches draws them all the way into full communion with the Faith.
Some teens, perhaps 13-14 years old, were noisily careening around the cobblestones on their skateboards. After about half an hour of this, one of them headed to our table, the others following. All but one claimed they were Christian. E. Lucy handed the nonbeliever a copy of the kerygma, and also encouraged him to actually pray the Rosary, at the same time thinking about Who Jesus Is and what He has done for him. She described the peace and protection that many experience, even if all they have is questions. They all seemed willing to try it.
A pre-teen girl in a bright purple team uniform rode her bike up to the table and asked about the Rosary. She hesitated about accepting one, because she was afraid her parents wouldn’t approve. They were in a nearby restaurant, she said, and e. Lucy suggested she ask them if it was okay. If so, then she could come back and get one. Soon thereafter, the girl was again seen riding around and around the business park, now noticeably more wildly. She didn’t come back to the table.
A story from last week (and here on our website) was about “James”. He stopped by the table again during this session. He seemed clearheaded, for once, and also seemed to have no difficulty walking. He said he had gone to church that morning, implying but not actually claiming that it was the Catholic Church that he had attended. E. Lucy reminisced about his coming to the table 10 years earlier, when he was a teenager and being forced to panhandle. James remembered us as always being there. He was also very grateful that he wasn’t panhandling any more, and that he had the dignity of a real job. He cut the conversation somewhat short at that point, because his break was almost over and he had to get back to work. Please keep James in your prayers?
Altogether, the evangelist gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as at least 2 copies of the kerygma, a map to area parishes, and a copy of our pamphlet on suffering.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Evidence of God’s love and mercy are all around us, for those with eyes to see. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Reliable Spiritual Shortcut - 2022-10-02
October 9, 2022
Many people seem attracted to the Rosary, perhaps for its connection to Jesus Christ. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A private security guard, working the show in the convention center, came directly to us for a Rosary. Already Catholic, she wanted to pray it during her long hours on watch. After she left, e. Lucy suddenly remembered our 3rd/4th-class relic cards of St. Michael the Archangel, and ran to take her one. The guard had already started praying her first Rosary, but was very happy to receive the prayer card/relic. May God bless and protect her and all those who serve to protect us!
“Kit”, the homeless guitar-carrying spiritual dilettante from last week, stopped to talk, telling us that he is flying to Hawaii that following Tuesday (which seemed incredible, considering his apparent homeless condition). He even tried to give away some of his “medicine” to a passerby right in front of the table, which the man declined. He also told us he was very hard of hearing, and hinted at suicidal ideation. He proceeded to extol cultures and religions that still practice human sacrifice, erroneously claiming the Bible approved of it in Jesus' case. Kit didn't consider that, although Jesus didn't prevent his execution, those who decided on his death and those who participated in it were all guilty, not only of murder, but also of the most heinous of crimes: deicide. And besides, Jesus' death was the once-for-all sacrifice, hence there is no further need of human sacrifice, which the Bible repeatedly teaches is especially abhorrent to God. Pray that Kit’s eyes will be opened to the spiritual dead end he is following.
Frequent passerby “Cole” has been out of jail for a month now, and the medications seem to be wearing off. His ability to speak coherently was noticeably worse. He complained of losing hundreds of dollars out of his pocket a day or so earlier, but was trying to be okay with the loss.
”James”, a sometime visitor ever since we met him as a teenage panhandler 10 years ago, stopped when e. Lucy hailed him. He walked like he was in a lot of pain, or had other neurological disabilities going on. He chose a Rosary, but didn't say much. Please continue to pray for his salvation, safety, and health?
A group of four Catholic men stopped when one of them wanted a Rosary. They were from different cities, but had met here for the college football game earlier in the weekend. The man e. Chuck spoke to was Catholic, but did not own a Rosary, a situation he called “sad”. He added that he thought our being there with a table of Rosaries was “meant to be”! Three of them were choosing a Rosary for themselves when the fourth man pulled out his wallet. E. Lucy let him know that we didn't accept donations. “Then I'll take a Rosary, too”, he said, and put his wallet back away. We encouraged them all to spend time praying it, as well as to get to evening Mass. Pray that they will use these rosaries and stir the flame of faith to burn brighter in their lives.
A group of families with small children passed by, one father giving a solid no to our offer. But a few paces behind them came a mother with a very young toddler. One of the boys who had just passed by with his father went running back to join the mom. When she reached us, she said yes to our offer so that boy could get a Rosary. Before he was finished making his choice, another brother had also run back to get one. Please pray that family becomes united in Faith and prayer?
A couple stopped at the table when the woman wanted a free Rosary. She was a non-Catholic Christian, though, and didn't know anything about the devotion. E. Lucy explained the prayer and how it helps people grow closer to Jesus Christ. Then both she and the man accepted a Rosary apiece and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
Three women declined the offer of a Rosary for themselves, but suggested we ask the very heavyset man who had just entered the business park and was slowly and painfully walking our direction. “He probably wants one,” they said. He declined, however, but one of the evangelists sent up a silent prayer for mercy for him. On his way back, about a half hour later, he declined again, but this time seemed to be walking at normal speed and without pain. Praise God!
At the end of our time, retired John rode up on his grandson's bicycle, getting there in time for a short visit with e. Chuck. John's been vigilant about his health, talked about car problems and politics, and remains wary of organized religion “when it makes exclusive truth claims”. E. Chuck reasoned that it is in the nature of a religion to make truth claims and that, by definition, truth is singular. Then the two (!) employees hired to replace John showed up, and he began talking to them. Keep praying for John!
Altogether, the evangelists gave away 15 or so Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as one St Michael prayer card relic.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and to bring much good fruit for His Kingdom out of today’s efforts.
“To Jesus Through Mary” is the shortcut to Sainthood commended by St. Louis de Montfort, and therefore we encourage everyone to pray the Rosary. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Deliver Us from Evil - 2022-09-25
October 2, 2022
Some souls sense that they’re “lost”, but lack the courage to turn around. We offer hope in Jesus Christ. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A family with two children began passing us by, but then the man broke from the others and came over. He was encouraging the boy with him, about 6-8 years old, to select a Rosary. Though the father told us that he knew what the Rosary was, he seemed surprised as we showed him the how-to-pray-the-Rosary pamphlet. After the boy chose his Rosary, the man was reluctant to take one himself, until we extolled the virtues of praying it together. May that family be united in prayer.
“Dennis” came to ask us a question, making it clear he didn’t want to offend us. (He had picked up a Rosary some weeks ago, and was wearing it around his neck.) He asked, “Who is the god of this world?” We replied that the Triune God, Who created planet earth and the whole universe, was God of all. He disagreed, saying that another entity had told him that he was god on earth. Dennis said he had been in constant conversation with that one, who had also convinced him that, since Jesus didn’t talk openly to him, this other entity must be god. (Early in his encounter with us, Dennis had asked, “Jesus, where are you?” And then, surprised, reported that he’d just heard “a new voice” saying, “I’m right here.” Later, though, he returned to his claim that “Jesus never responds” to him.) Dennis would briefly agree with us that his interlocutor was lying to him and that his soul was in mortal danger, but then he would return to saying the devil was not evil and was his friend. Although he chooses the enemy over God every time, he still thinks he will wind up in Heaven. We tried to clear up his misconceptions and to give him tools to deal with Satan, including recommending that he turn his back on this other entity and refuse to listen to him. But Dennis would switch from interest to indifference within a single breath. He agreed to let us pray for him, and even clutched at the Crucifix on his Rosary as we prayed, but then he interrupted us with more questions and disagreements. At one point, e. Chuck suggested that our booklet on “The Dogma of Hell” might be helpful. When e. Lucy pulled a copy out of our satchel, Dennis’ eyes lit up—so much so that both of the evangelists’ hearts sank. Earlier in the conversation, in response to e. Lucy’s showing him the promise in John 14:21, Dennis had asked, “What are the commandments?” At the end of the long conversation, Dennis he left with a how-to-pray-the-Rosary pamphlet, the booklet on hell, and a copy of our “Confession” pamphlet, which both lists the commandments that Dennis had asked about and offers the hope of a remedy if the Holy Spirit does convict his conscience. Pray that Dennis will stop cooperating with his worst enemy, and that he will value his everlasting soul over momentary bodily health.
Having just struggled to help a man who was giving in to temptation and making deals with the devil, the evangelists were quickly presented with the opportunity to make their own bargain with the father of lies. A homeless man named “Kit”, with long hair and a guitar on his back, heard our offer of a free Rosary. As he approached, he reached into the top of his shirt to clutch the black leather pouch (or “medicine bag”) that was hanging from a cord around his neck. Tucking the pouch back in, he told us he didn’t need a Rosary because he already had something, patting the “medicine bag”. For a while, we debated the merits of belief in the true God versus Kit’s muddled universalism. Then he suddenly decided to take a Rosary “just in case he met someone who needed it.” He carefully rolled the Rosary pamphlet around the black Rosary. Then he leaned forward, holding his “medicine bag” out towards us saying, “I took your religious thing, you should touch mine.” The evangelists declined his offer but Kit, in a wheedling voice, said, “If you don’t touch my religious thing, I’ll give yours back.” He then feigned putting the Rosary back on the table as he waved the “medicine bag” at us and, in a mocking tone, said, “Oh no, I’m putting the Rosary back. You better touch the bag. Come on, you can do it.” We told him he was free to give back the Rosary, but that we would not profane our faith in the one true God. Careful to keep the Rosary wrapped in the pamphlet, he put it in his pocket and returned to his muddled arguments. So, e. Chuck continued wrangling with Kit while e. Lucy turned to give away more Rosaries. Pray for Kit, for his freedom from evil and for his conversion.
Meanwhile, e. Lucy spotted a couple of young teens who had moved up close behind our table, perhaps too close. She offered them a Rosary and one of them accepted. Please pray for their conversion?
As the young people left, a homeless man accepted her offer of a free Rosary. And then another one did, too.
After that, yet another man stopped. (E. Chuck was still talking with Kit.) The latest visitor had a thick black beard and smelled strongly of an illegal substance. He was not Christian, but had paused because he was curious about what exactly the Rosary was. E. Lucy explained the devotion and offered to let him have one. He said he’d “go study up on it and might stop by a different day”. The evangelist said we were there every Sunday afternoon. She’d also offered him a copy of the kerygma, and he had declined that as well.
A passing Catholic man asked, “What do you call a Catholic sitting in the front pew at Mass?” We shrugged, so he gave us the punch line: “Late!” Thank you for the levity, Lord, and please bless the jokester!
About three minutes before closing time, “John”, looking less purple, strolled up, carrying his folding chair and leading his dog on a leash. We got into a discussion on the nature of Heaven. That is, John started telling his understanding from the religion he grew up in, and every other spirituality he had since encountered. E. Chuck tried to respond with the Catholic understanding, using stories from the Bible to illustrate. Then John said, with a wry grin, that now that he was retired he had Sundays free for the first time in 20 years, and no longer had an excuse for not going to church. Also grinning, we told him to get himself into church and invited him to Mass. Keep praying for John!!
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 15 or so Rosaries and its pamphlet, a copy of “Dogma of Hell”, and a “Confession” booklet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
So many souls on the slide to destruction! So much work for God’s Kingdom! So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Still Plenty to Be Reached - 2022-09-18
September 25, 2022
Sorry for the shortness of this report, but I ended up recalling only a few details about last week’s session. But be assured that we’re still out there every week inviting people to grow closer to Jesus Christ through the Rosary. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Several young adults, approaching separately throughout the session, each wanted a Rosary but said they weren't Christian. Besides accepting a Rosary, they each then accepted a copy of the kerygma and the encouragement to read it and to try praying the Rosary, even if all they had were questions. Lord, have mercy and bring them all home to You!
A non-Catholic Christian man stopped, curious about the Rosary. E. Lucy explained the devotion and that even non-Catholics found it “helped their walk with Christ”. He first accepted the how-to pamphlet, and then chose a Rosary for himself. Lord, grant him the grace to trust Your Blessed Mother’s prayers for him!
E. Todd stopped by with his wife. He reported that another member of his men's group might be interested in this apostolate. He showed his hefty silver St. Michael Rosary that had gotten damaged on a foreign trip, but had now been repaired.
“John”, the retired parking lot attendant, showed up on foot and sporting bright purple hair and beard (not allowed when he employed). A passerby complimented him. His coworker, who got a Rosary from us a few weeks ago, hurried by twice, very busy now that John has retired. John had told his wife that he was going to go “visit his Catholic friends". Please continue to pray for John’s conversion.
“Uwe” walked quickly by again, only speaking pleasantries about the weather. Please pray for his continuing growth in Faith and his discovery of Jesus Christ.
Altogether, the lone evangelist gave away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as 3-4 Good News/kerygma pamphlets.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Spiritual progress is sometimes slow to appear, but our efforts continue. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
"Go with the strength you have“ (Judg 6:14).
Christ, and HIm Crucified - 2022-09-11
September 18, 2022
Though people may be steeped in sin, they still notice the message of the Cross. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Our session last week happened to land on the last day of a week-long promotion of a sinful lifestyle. A parade had been held the day before, and events were still happening. Loud music could be heard in the distance, and lots of people were wearing colors to symbolize their support for the problematic way of life. For us, this meant that lots of people passed our table!
A young man with a paper bag declined a Rosary, but wondered if e. Chuck knew of a homeless person to whom he could give his sack of food. The evangelist pointed him to an area that is a frequent hangout, and he went on his way. Then he stopped on his way back to say he had found someone to take the food. He commented that he passed our table frequently and appreciated that we weren’t pushy. His name was “Robby” and he had been baptized Catholic. His parents, however, had then joined a non-trinitarian sect and then, somehow, an anti-Christian religion came into his family picture as well. Naturally, he was now leery of religion, but decided to take a Rosary and its pamphlet and try the prayer again. He wanted a second one for a friend who was also seeking, and e. Chuck said he could have one if he read our “Coming Home” pamphlet and prayed about returning to the Church. He agreed. Pray that Robby sees past the damage his parents’ religious experimentation did and finds his way back to Christ’s Church.
A young couple stopped because they wondered what the Rosaries were for. So, e. Chuck explained the power and grace of the Rosary, and they cheerfully each chose one. May their openness to the Rosary prayer help them fall deeper in love with Christ Jesus.
A trio of teenagers (this little exchange happened more than once!) came to the table but paused when they saw the Crucifixes. Many passing people sported colorful strings of party beads around their neck, and it seemed these kids were looking for more. After they saw the Crosses, they asked what these beads were. When e. Chuck explained the Rosary to them, they said, “Oh, no thanks.” Pray for everyone who rejects the Cross of Christ. Forgive them, Lord, they don’t know what they do.
A man named “Stephen”, who wore a cross around his neck, cheerfully said he loved Jesus but didn’t want a Rosary. He then told his faith story and his sense of being called to drive demons from people. He was heavily influenced by dreams, was basically “spiritual, not religious”, and claimed, “all we needed was the Bible and the Holy Spirit’s guidance”. As the evangelist tried to help him see the Catholic perspective, he interrupted or cracked jokes, and then went on with his ideas. He talked a long time and did not want to hear anything that might contradict him, but then suddenly he stopped and asked what e. Chuck had to share with him. He shared the Rosary, its beauty and power, and showed him how the Rosary prayer takes us past our ego and self-will to put us more deeply into the hands of Christ. He declined the offer and returned to his “we just need the Holy Spirit” theme and left. Pray for Stephen, that his conversion will not stall in a spirituality of his own making.
As a couple walked by, the woman suddenly darted to the table. She seemed nervous and could not hold eye contact for long but wanted to know about the Rosary. After explaining and extolling the prayer, e. Chuck offered a Rosary to the man also, who stood a few steps away, but he did not respond. The woman gave a nervous laugh and said he was not a “Rosary kind of guy.” He did not respond to that comment either. Please pray for her safety and for a softening of his heart. May praying the Rosary bring her the peace and protection she needs.
Three giggling teenage girls rushed to the table, wanting Rosaries. One girl said she was Catholic and wanted to start praying the Rosary regularly. The other two readily accepted the how and why of this prayer. Pray they have the perseverance to let the Rosary change their lives.
“John”, the soon to be retired parking lot maintenance man, sat with e. Chuck for half the session. However, we did not have much time to talk due to the large number of passing crowds. But at the end, as the evangelist was busy putting the Rosaries away, John shouted “want a Rosary?” at two men who were standing staring at the table, unnoticed by the evangelist. They were both Catholic and in need of a Rosary. Pray for these young men, and Catholics everywhere, as they seek a more dynamic faith. And please continue to pray for John.
The lone evangelist gave away perhaps 15-20 Rosaries, and one “Come Home to the Catholic Church” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
People may reject Christ’s call to conversion, but still He calls. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
God's Continuing Love - 2022-09-04
September 11, 2022
Our continuing friendly presence hopefully communicates God’s love for each of us. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
You may remember frequent-passerby “Cole”, the chronically housing-challenged man who walks laps a lot, the number of times each week corresponding to the calendar date? We hadn’t seen him lately. Last week, though, he stopped to chat at least 3 times. He told us, in his usual hearty manner, that he’d just gotten out of jail after 60 days. He said he’d “maintained his innocence” and that the public defender was very good. Surprisingly, though details were mostly missing, his ability to converse coherently was suddenly much better than we’d ever experienced from him. Please continue to pray for Cole? He still didn’t accept a Rosary.
We didn’t see “John”, the soon-to-retire parking-lot attendant. Please send up another prayer for his safety and conversion?
A group of three 30-somethings stopped for a free Rosary. The man e. Lucy talked with was not Christian, but listened politely to an explanation of the devotion and its effects. He also accepted a copy of the Good News/kerygma to study later.
A multi-generational Catholic family group stopped, and about 6 of them chose a Rosary apiece for themselves.
A young adult man stopped. Catholic, but “new in town”, he wasn’t connected with a parish. After setting him up with a map to area parishes, we learned that he goes to the local university. Therefore, we directed him to the active Newman Center there.
A group of at least 3 teens stopped for a free Rosary. Each of them also accepted a copy of the kerygma.
A homeless man stopped and talked with e. Chuck for awhile. Mostly, he was in the mood to talk and not ready to listen.
A teenage girl stopped for a Rosary. She said she was Catholic and familiar with the Rosary. Then tears began to run down her face as she told about having a falling out with her sister, and with her boyfriend, who apparently hadn’t accepted her texted apology for something she had said to him earlier. E. Lucy almost offered to pray with her, but she didn’t seem open to it. Lord, please have mercy on your daughter, heal her heart and teach her how to be a loving presence to those around her.
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as 4-5 copies of the Good News/kerygma pamphlet, and 1 map to area parishes, which lists Mass and Reconciliation times.
Please pray for us again today? One evangelist will be available today and, as rarely happens, we won’t be able to set up next week. Please ask God, though, to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God loves us to an incomprehensible extent, and wants us to love one another. We try to live that out and so communicate God’s love for our visitors. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Spiritually Poor - 2022-08-28
September 4, 2022
More than one kind of poverty exists, but spiritual poverty is the most heartbreaking. So, we offer news of Jesus Christ, the only real solution. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
As we were setting up, a 20-something man on a skateboard and carrying two guitars stopped, without being asked, wanting a Rosary. He was Christian but not Catholic and knew of the Rosary but nothing more. He listened attentively as we explained and extolled the prayer, challenging him to seek a closer relationship with Christ through the Mysteries. May his intention to pray the Rosary become a blessed reality.
A homeless-looking man, carrying a clear bag of bagels, stopped for a Rosary. He believed ... well, it was difficult to understand what he believed. He had been exposed to a lot of religions, and didn’t seem to really believe anything. E. Lucy explained that Jesus Christ is real, is as alive today as He was on the Day of Resurrection, 2000 years ago, and He has promised to reveal Himself to anyone who loves Him enough to obey His commands. E. Lucy gave our visitor a copy of the pocket-sized Gospel According to St Luke, as well as a Rosary and the booklet on how to pray it. She encouraged him to spend time using the Rosary to get to know Jesus Christ and how much He loves him. E. Chuck then had a go at conversation with him, which had devolved seemingly into fruitlessness.
“John”, the soon-to-retire parking-lot attendant, came and chatted with e. Chuck for the last half hour of the session. One of his coworkers came by and ended up choosing a Rosary.
Four boys in their early teens rode past on bicycles, most of them ignoring our offer of a Rosary. The last one then looked at us and yelled, “God’s not real!”, before riding away. Lord, have mercy on the boy, as well as on whoever taught him that lie.
Several Catholics went by, gladly proclaiming they already had a Rosary.
A Catholic man, sporting a large St. Benedict medal, stopped for a Rosary. We asked him to pray it once for us.
“Julia” stopped and greeted e. Lucy, who hadn’t recognized her with long hair. We talked about a priest friend’s struggle with macular degeneration.
A 60-something couple went by. The woman called out that she used to be Catholic, but was glad to be out. E. Chuck called that she would always be welcome back. But she said over her shoulder, “Nope, I’m done with all that.” Lord, have mercy, soften her heart, and open her mind and eyes to see the truth of Your Catholic Church.
A couple set up a very loud sound system, and started to play jazz on saxophone and keyboard. We moved our table partway down the south spoke, to get away from the noise, but it didn’t make much difference. Still, people from across the walkway continued to respond to our offer of a free Rosary, so perhaps Our Lord let our voices be heard despite the loud music.
A homeless man came to the table saying we were just what he needed. Though he didn’t elaborate, he said he was going through some things and needed to spend time in prayer. Please pray for his needs and for all the homeless that they, like the thief on the cross, may reach out to Christ Jesus for their salvation.
A homeless man with a dog stopped to select a rosary and had a question about Jesuits. At first the conversation seemed coherent, but it soon became evident that he was full of odd theories about God and religion that he was ready to repeat without responding to our rational replies. Please pray for peace in his chaotic mind.
A guy on a bicycle circled back to get a Rosary, but we don’t remember anything else particular about the encounter.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a copy of the pocket-sized Gospel According the St. Luke.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
The treasure God made us for, and therefore the only one worth pursuing, is our inheritance with Him in Heaven. But few seem to know that, so thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
”For you say, ’I am rich and affluent and have no need of anything‘, and yet do not realize that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked“ (Rev 3:17).
P.S. Our fellow Boise Catholic street evangelist, Mike Nourse, died last week after a 3-month battle with brain cancer. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the Faithful departed, through Your Mercy, rest in peace!
Hot, Cold, and Indifferent - 2022-08-21
August 28, 2022
Reactions are mixed, but we continue to offer the Rosary as a sure way to grow closer to Christ. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
As we were setting up, a homeless man zoomed past on his bicycle. Then he circled back and gave us one of his two chilled water bottles, receiving our thanks and prayer for God’s blessings. We trust in Christ’s promise to reward anyone who gives “even a cup of cold water” to one of His little ones (cf., Matthew 10:42). May we all seek to be one of Christ’s little ones.
“Aaron”, the man with a Rosary from Rome, stopped. He and e. Chuck talked about something secular.
A young man, dressed all in black, came to the table. He said he would take a Rosary, but just for the sake of the cross on it and “nothing else.” E. Lucy went around the table to stand beside him and described how the Mysteries can draw us closer to Jesus. He seemed to not know what to say, but he accepted the how-to-pray-the-Rosary pamphlet and chose a black Rosary. May he hear Christ’s voice from the Cross saying, “Behold, your mother.”
A woman paused, undecided, when offered a Rosary. She said she “didn’t know what to say.” We suggested she say “yes”, and she took our suggestion! She then came around to the front of the table and chose a Rosary. When e. Lucy explained the devotion, and the peace and protection that people often experience when praying it, our visitor said she would wear the Rosary and read the pamphlet that night. We pray she follows through and is moved by the Mysteries to say YES to Christ.
A large, multi-family group strolled past, declining our offer. Then one man seemed to suddenly realize what we were offering, and came to the table. He said he was familiar with the Rosary and a couple of the boys joined him in choosing one apiece. He said they were going to someone’s baptism. (This is where the story gets confusing because one evangelist missed some of what he said, and the other doesn’t remember.) The man may have been Catholic, but perhaps he wasn’t but another part of his family was, and they were the ones that included those getting baptized. At any rate, may his openness to our Mother and the Church draw him deeper in Faith.
The father of a family of four shook off our offer, but the mother brought her two sons to the table as the father waited nearby. Though the boys were mostly occupied with choosing a Rosary, the mother accepted our explanation of the power of this prayer with a polite smile, and agreed to let the boys have their pamphlets when they got home. May the pictures illustrating Christ’s great love for us draw this family together in love for God.
Two Catholic women stopped. One was from out-of-town, but hadn’t brought her Rosary with her. She felt blessed that we were there so she could get one. We encouraged the two women to pray it together.
John, the parking lot attendant, came and told stories of war survivors and an elderly great-aunt.
A 20-something couple started to decline our offer, but then the man came to the table. He seemed to struggle to choose a Rosary and, after our explanation and exhortation, he took just the pamphlet but not a Rosary. The woman didn’t either. They walked away, but came right back, the woman saying, with a smile, that the man decided to choose one after all. May he continue to use his free will to say yes to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
For perhaps the third week in a row, a man zoomed by on his bicycle, loudly saluting the enemy of his very soul. May he recognize his grave mistake before it’s too late, and may he turn to Our Savior Jesus Christ Who can save him from destruction.
Not too many people were out, possibly because of the continued record-breaking heat wave. Still, the two evangelists gave away about 15 Rosaries and its pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
People respond to us and our at least tacit invitation to choose Jesus Christ. Some are happy to see us; some are curious; most are polite, but a few express hostility. God loves each one and wants them saved. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Why Be Catholic? - 2022-08-14
August 21, 2022
Being Catholic brings many spiritual advantages. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
As we were arriving, “Sarah” set her blanket of bracelets for sale directly across from “our spot”. Most people turned to us instead of toward her. E. Lucy tried to talk with her afterwards, but she was pretty incoherent. May God bless her, save her, and bring her into the Catholic Church.
“Aaron”, a homeless man who has talked to us in the past, came up to us just as we were setting up. He said we were an answer to prayer because he had a question. He wanted to know how to stop sinning and being tempted. He wanted to reform for the sake of a new girlfriend. We assured him that temptations were never going away and that seeking virtue rather than trying to stop sin by sheer force of will was his way forward. E. Chuck recommended the “Litany of Humility” as a daily prayer for him. E. Lucy then brought it up on her phone so we could pray part of it with him. Though Aaron attends a non-Catholic Christian church, we pointed him to the Catholic Church with its many means of grace as the greatest asset to help him. He accepted a “Why Be Catholic” pamphlet. Lord, soften Aaron’s heart that he may seek to please You.
A large, multi-generational family group declined a Rosary, but the eldest man suddenly dropped back and came toward us. He said he’d like to pray for us. He stretched a hand toward each of us and offered a prayer for the growth of the God’s Kingdom and for our protection. E. Lucy said this was the same prayer she prayed just before we set up. He stopped by again on their way back, and let us know from what state he’s visiting. He described to us how he’d taught his children to be respectful to everyone, including the homeless. He also admitted that he’s not a typical resident of his home state. Thank you, Lord, for Your faithful servants!
Two women approached, wearing black lipstick and sporting large upside-down cross earrings. They wanted a Rosary and we encouraged them to pray it. St. Peter, who chose to be crucified upside-down out of humility, please pray for the salvation of these women!
“John”, the parking lot attendant, stopped to have lunch and to chat. One of the things he related was the story of how he was “excommunicated” from the pseudo-Christian sect he had grown up in. He described his “trial”, in which he had freely admitted all his past actions. E. Chuck noted that this sounded like a General Confession and, if had he done that as a Catholic, he would have received absolution rather than condemnation. Though he acknowledged this, it did not seem to resonate with him and he passed on to other stories. Open the eyes of his heart, Lord, that he may see all the graces You offer him in Your Church.
Three members out of a family of five stopped to choose Rosaries. They were already Catholic.
A Catholic couple happily proclaimed their affiliation with the Church and let us know they had “lots of Rosaries” at home. We asked them to pray it for us.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away maybe 15 Rosaries, half of them black. With each Rosary, we also gave away a copy of the pamphlet on how to pray it.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
The Catholic Church is truly a treasure-house of grace. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
A Few Real Concerns - 2022-08-07
August 14, 2022
Amid a typical lack of interest or reverence, we encountered some real questions. So thank you again for you r prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
John, the parking lot attendant, came fairly early and again stayed for most of the session. This time, e. Chuck was able to talk a little about Christianity. John asked about the Church being called “catholic”. E. Lucy explained the “universal” nature of the Church, but he seemed to be probing for the historical origins. [From Catholic Answers: “The earliest document we have in which ‘Catholic’ is used to label the Church is a letter from Ignatius of Antioch, who wrote around AD 107 while being taken to Rome for execution. For all we know, the term was used well before that time—which is to say, in the time of the Apostles.”] As a deist, John did agree that it made more sense to live as if God were a reality, even if one wasn’t absolutely sure He existed, since we are all going to die and face God eventually. Pray that John will say yes to Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that God grant him the gift of Faith.
A somewhat heavy-set and seemingly economically challenged woman walked by. She yelled at us to stop tormenting her. May God grant her peace.
A man walked close to the table. When offered a Rosary, he shuddered and said he didn’t want anything touched by a priest. How did he know the Rosaries had been blessed? May God deliver and save the man!
Three college-aged men walked past the table but, after fifty more paces, turned around and came back. Two of the young men, all smiles, pointed at the third, who sheepishly told us that he didn’t have a Rosary on his rear view mirror and was picking one up for that. Though mostly joking with each other and not very forthcoming, it seemed that two of the men were Catholic although evasive about their current practice. The third said he was not Christian, so we gave him a Good News pamphlet, which he tried to give to the man choosing the Rosary. We encouraged him to not just display the Rosary, but to pray it. May the daily sight of the Crucifix draw him into a deep obedience of Faith.
A mother and two 20-something daughters stopped. They each chose a Rosary. The mom wanted the Rosary booklet in Spanish, which we gladly provided.
Several groups of Catholics went by, each group cheerfully calling out that they already had Rosaries. Some promised to pray it for us.
A young-adult man stopped for a Rosary, saying one of his parents was Catholic and the other a member of a pseudo-Christian religion, and that he was familiar with the Rosary. It sounded like he mostly participated in the other religion, but occasionally went with the Catholic parent to Mass. He seemed to not see much difference between the two religions and tried to pass it all off as merely a funny predicament. E. Chuck tried to explain the seriousness of our relationship with the true Christ and how it could be deepened through praying the Rosary. Mother Mary, pray he choose, not between parents, but the true Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Thinking even for a moment about ultimate things raises important questions. We hope to point toward the Answer, Jesus Christ. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Good That We Are Here - 2022-07-31
August 7, 2022
Though not many people ventured outside, we still reached some. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
“Uwe” walked by, making pleasantries about the weather. God had granted us a slight cloud cover and breeze, so it wasn’t as unbearably hot as had been predicted. Not many people were out, though.
A man stopped and chose a Rosary. He came back a few moments later and asked the history of the Rosary, which e. Lucy briefly told.
A passing family sent their two boys to the table to choose a Rosary. The children chose a Rosary apiece while e. Chuck talked about the prayer with their mother, who did not seem familiar with the prayer but told the evangelist that the boys were in a Catholic school. Just before they left, the father decided to take a Rosary and e. Chuck encouraged him to pray with his boys. He did not reply. Pray for this family, Mother Mary!
“John” and “Allie” stopped, wondering what the Rosary was about. Asked if they were Christian, they enthusiastically responded yes. Turns out that John is the leader of a non-Catholic Christian congregation in a nearby State. His grandmother, though, is a devout Catholic and very active in her parish. John remarked, puzzled, that she had never explained the Rosary to him. He then asked pointed questions from his separated-brethren perspective but remained polite. E. Chuck added that it is good to have prayers that are not all about the one praying, so the focus is more on God. Though John did not take a Rosary, he accepted the how-to-pray-the-Rosary pamphlet as well as a pamphlet explaining the Catholic devotion to Mary. Pray today begins his loving relationship with Our Blessed Mother.
“John” the parking-lot attendant showed up before e. Chuck arrived and stayed for the entire session, telling stories and killing time. E. Chuck was able to tell a story about his own journey in Faith, but please pray that the evangelists find ways to break through John’s chatter.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away, 15 or so Rosaries and/or its pamphlet, as well as one copy of the “What About Mary?” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
“It’s good that we are here” (Matt 17:4; Mark 9:5; Luke 9:33). So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Will I Go to Hell? - 2022-07-24
July 31, 2022
Conversion is possible, but it takes God’s grace. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A homeless woman, who was missing most of her lower teeth and carrying cardboard sign and bedroll, stopped for a Rosary. Then she asked for a large-print Bible. E. Lucy showed her the one she had, which was full-sized and quite heavy. Our visitor hesitated, so then we showed her our two pared-down ones. She chose the Gospel According to St Luke. She also accepted a map to area parishes after hearing that she’d be welcome at any Mass. Pray for peace and protection for her.
Another woman, possibly also homeless and with lots of tattoos and an odd shoulder twitch, came to the table. E. Lucy walked around the table to talk to her but doesn’t remember the encounter.
A Catholic couple, visiting from out of state and already having “plenty of Rosaries”, paused to chat. The woman was a traveling nurse, evidently filling in emergency shifts as needed. E. Lucy, finding they hadn’t been to Mass yet, told them about the next available Mass downtown, but they were heading back to their hometown before then. Pray for their safe travels.
A woman, with a foreign accent and pushing a toddler in a stroller, stopped because she thought we were offering non-Christian mediation beads. E. Lucy explained that the Rosary was a Christian meditation, described it briefly, and gave her the pamphlet to go with the Rosary she had chosen. She may also have accepted a copy of the kerygma. Perhaps, though, our visitor was just being polite.
The father in a family of four responded to our offer by saying his son (maybe 8 years old) would want one. The father and son came to the table as the others walked on. The father said he had grown up “socially Christian” but was “merely spiritual” now, and thought that all religious roads lead to heaven. E. Chuck offered that Christianity is unique, that spirituality and other religions present God as someone/something to pursue while Christianity shows us a loving God who pursues us, lived among us, was killed, and rose again so that we can be saved. Both father and son chose a Rosary apiece, and we encouraged them to pray and meditate on the Mysteries together. Pray that their hazy spirituality becomes a solid Faith in Christ.
A man on a bicycle rode by, declaring he was an atheist, but did not pause to talk further. Pray that the hearts of this man and all unbelievers are softened and their ears opened so they can hear and respond to Our Lord’s knocking.
Three high-school-aged women, who had overheard us offer of free Rosaries to other people, came to us from across the plaza. The enthusiastic “leader” of the trio turned out to be Catholic, so we encouraged her to teach her friends how to pray the Rosary. Pray that these Rosaries open the door for this young Catholic to witness to her friends.
A group of very young teens came to the table to select Rosaries. Mostly, they seemed to be simply looking for a necklace. One snarky young man wanted to know if Jesus could win in a fight with a certain cartoon anti-hero. Still, e. Lucy got a couple of them to accept a copy of the Good News/kerygma pamphlet. One girl then asked, “Will I go to hell because I’m gay?” E. Lucy explained that it wasn’t a sin to experience same-sex attraction, but to act out on it would be sinful. When the rest of the teens left, the girl hung back to ask for more detail. Heartbreakingly, she described activity without any sense of commitment whatsoever. E. Lucy explained that God considers sex sacred, that one of its purposes is to produce more human beings, that same-sex activity was by its nature sterile. The evangelist went on to say that God didn’t forbid such activity in order to hurt her, but because He had a better plan for her and wanted her to be truly happy. Our visitor didn’t seem offended when she took her leave. May God continue to call her out of sin into the path to Eternal Life.
Altogether, the evangelists gave away 10-15 Rosaries and the pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as maybe 3 copies of the kerygma, 1 Gospel According to St Luke, and at least 1 map to area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom will come of today’s efforts.
Truth carries its own authority, and some people can hear it. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
Jesus, Still Relevant and Needed - 2022-07-17
July 24, 2022
Nonbelievers equate the Catholic Church with Christianity, our separated brethren are suspicious, and Catholics feel encouraged. So thankyou again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
After several days in a row of triple-digit weather, a very welcome cloud cover appeared and stayed overhead for most of the session, cooling things down noticeably. The sky cleared again about “closing time.” Because of this Heaven-sent, merciful intervention in the weather, quite a few people were outside and encountered us. Thank you, God!
A tall 40-ish man stopped. He was wearing a khaki collared shirt, carrying a backpack, and gave his name as “Ron”. He was new in town and complained about the incivility of the homeless shelters here. He told us he had been raised in a non-Catholic Christian liturgical denomination and had suffered abuse there. The experience had damaged his faith, he said, but he still tried to read the Bible and pray. I can’t remember if he accepted a Rosary. He said he had been trained as an assassin. Lord, save him!
A family who did not speak English came to the table. E. Chuck tried to converse with the mother, but wasn’t able to communicate well enough to give her directions she desired to shopping places. The father and two pre-teen boys seemed to understand English well enough to converse with e. Lucy, who gave them the Rosary booklet in their own language and encouraged them to pray it together as a family. Pray for safe travels for them.
A heavily tattooed couple stopped. While e. Chuck was explaining the Rosary to the woman, the man asked e. Lucy to give him advice (but not saying about what he wanted advice). Although the man had been introduced to the Rosary devotion as a child, the evangelist explained to him how to form an intention, and then use the Rosary prayers to grow deeper in his understanding of Christ. She let him know that God often answered petitions when couched that way. He thanked her.
A couple passed by, the man snapping pictures of the business complex with his phone. When he finished, he turned toward us, calling out, “We’re non-denominational.” When e. Lucy replied that the Rosary was for all Christians, he stepped a bit closer and starting quoting Bible verses that he thought justified his (false) once-saved-always-saved-and-no-effort-ever-needed philosophy of Christian discipleship. Of course, he didn’t stop to listen to any counter-arguments. Pray that his heart will be open to dialogue when next he passes.
“Sarah” set up shop again a few feet down from us. After placing her lawn chair and display blanket, she passed us on her way to get soaked in the fountain before sitting to await customers. She seemed surprised when e. Lucy hailed her by name, and spoke again of the “parade” she had joined one time around the cathedral, which the evangelist recalled is across the street from her home. She was, though, fairly inarticulate. Lord, lead her home to You!
John, the parking lot attendant, again came early and stayed the whole session, swapping secular stories with e. Chuck. Lord, open his understanding and bring him into the Church that You founded.
Another non-English-speaking family stopped for a Rosary. The woman requested the booklet in her native language. The man preferred the English-language version because, although he already prayed the Rosary regularly, he wanted to learn it in English.
A Catholic family stopped so the boy, who was dripping wet from playing in the fountain, could get a Rosary. The father didn’t seem to be familiar with the Rosary, yet listened as we explained and extolled the prayer. Then he told us that his son attends a local Catholic school and so knows all the prayers. We encouraged the father to pray with his son. Please pray this family is united by the love of the Lord.
Just as the evangelists were preparing to take down the table, a group of teenage boys approached, wanting “necklaces”. One of the group responded to our table sign, which asks, “Does God exist?” He said he thought there was a God. We assured him that was the most important thought of his life. As we tried to explain the true purpose of the Rosary, most of the boys joked or hung back, but a couple of them did hear us out. Each of teens selected a Rosary for himself. Pray, Mother Mary, that they accept the grace to walk in the way everlasting.
Altogether, the evangelists gave away 20-25 Rosaries, black and pink being the most popular colors chosen.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
A wide variety of people respond to us, so thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Called Back to Faith - 2022-07-10
July 17, 2022
People repeatedly show renewed interest in the spiritual life. So thankyou again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Three clean-cut men in their early 20s had come to town from another part of the State. “Chandler”, “Trayson”, and “Dawson” came to the table. Chandler told e. Chuck that he couldn’t really say that he was a Christian although he “leaned that way”. So, e. Chuck showed him how the Mysteries of the Rosary could show him what he’s missing. E. Lucy talked with Dawson, who asked us to pray with them for safe travel for Trayson, who was going to drive their car back to eastern Idaho. When e. Chuck reached a stopping point with Chandler, e. Lucy let him know the prayer request and the evangelists prayed for the young men. From their posture during the prayer, e. Lucy deduced they were raised in the pseudo-Christian sect that has a large presence in their hometown. Only Trayson did not select a Rosary. As they were walking away, e. Chuck remembered he wanted to give Chandler a Good News/kerygma pamphlet and ran it to them. However, it was Trayson who turned to take the pamphlet. May Your love and Your sacrifice on display in the Mysteries of the Rosary draw these young men closer to You, Lord Jesus.
“John”, the parking lot attendant, stopped to chat. After a while, a flustered-looking woman walked near the table, and e. Chuck asked if she needed help. She had forgotten which parking garage she had parked her car in and then, when she had found it again, she couldn’t get her parking ticket to work. We told her it was her lucky day and pointed to John, whose job it is to maintain those machines. So John went off to help her. May we be as persistent in seeking the Lord as she was in seeking her car.
A man stopped to say he didn’t need a Rosary as he had many, including one that he had picked up in Rome. He then stayed to chat about his many travels. At the end his recitation, we encouraged him to pray with that Rosary from Rome. May he see the Rosary as more than a memento.
A Catholic father, mother, and teenage daughter stopped to select a Rosary each. The teenager told e. Chuck that she felt it was time she finally learned to pray the Rosary. So, he first went over the mechanics of the prayer with her using the how-to pamphlet, and then let her know the great spiritual value of the prayer. She said her grandma knew the Rosary by heart. May this family learn to pray together.
A man on a bike, with a Rosary around his neck that we are pretty sure he got from us in the past, stopped to select another Rosary. He smiled a lot, but didn’t have much to say. We gave him a how-to pamphlet and encouraged him to actually pray with the Rosary, to which he nodded, still smiling, and rode away. May he find true joy in the Cross of Christ.
The repeat visitor whom we dubbed “Tony” came and talked with e. Chuck for a short time.
The homeless woman, who professes belonging to a pseudo-Biblical cult, and her very heavy friend stopped to chat about the weather. The friend actually came and chose a Rosary this time!
A man in a mint-green business shirt headed purposely toward our table after the scruffy-looking group in front of him had all said “no, thank you” to receiving a Rosary. E. Lucy allowed him to choose a Rosary, but then was tongue-tied, so e. Chuck explained the devotion to him.
A Catholic family stopped and got Rosaries for the children. We encouraged them to pray it together daily!
A young person in his mid-teens came for a Rosary. He said he was not Christian, but seemed in a hurry to rejoin his family. So, e. Lucy gave him a copy of the kerygma and encouraged him to read it when he got a chance.
A man came by to ask if we had a permit. We explained that we had permission to set up there, since we neither sell anything nor accept donations.
A disheveled-looking group of 3 adults stopped for Rosaries. They went by again later.
Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as at least 2 copies of the Good News/kerygma.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
People who have been raised in a faith, seem to feel the call to take another look at things spiritual, including Christianity, as preserved intact by the Catholic Church. So thankyou again for your prayers and other support for this ministry. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
God's Work Goes On - 2022-07-03
July 11, 2022
Foot traffic was heavier again on this holiday weekend, and we got to interact with people, both hot and cold toward Christianity. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
It was nearly the Fourth of July holiday last week. This time, in the convention center, was a gathering of role-playing gamers. Several convention goers stopped for Rosaries. One group had gone by with “no, thank you” on their lips. Then they tried the wrong door to get into the convention center and turned around, puzzled. E. Lucy directed them around the corner to the correct door. At least three members of the group then stopped to get a Rosary. May God bless them and save them!
A fairly young, red-haired, homeless-looking man stopped for a Rosary. After he chose one, he didn’t leave but kept standing there. E. Lucy asked if he had any questions. He asked, “If you had a daughter that was an angel, and she needed help, what would you do?” E. Lucy said she would pray. She then asked the man if he had a daughter. “Yes.” “Has she ‘passed on’?” she asked, trying for delicacy. “No.” So, e. Lucy then explained how to make an intention for whatever his daughter needed most, and then to pray the Rosary while working hard to concentrate on the Mysteries and trying to understand Jesus better himself. She said many powerful blessings come when you pray that way. He thanked her and seemed willing to try it.
John, the parking lot attendant, told us about going back to college as an adult and enjoying his philosophy class, where his instructor taught him the nonsense that “we could not attain any idea of what reality is because we cannot trust our senses or our reason”. E. Chuck tried to help him see that materialism and relativism not only lead to logical dead ends, but also bar us from being in a true relationship with God. Please pray that the evangelists rely solely on the Holy Spirit as they continue in conversation with John. Please continue to pray for John, who is at least beginning to take another look at the right questions. And, God, please forgive instructors who teach error, and please save them and their students!
A homeless man named “James” stopped for a Rosary. His words didn’t make a lot of sense.
A man stopped, but didn’t know enough English to read the Rosary booklet. We gave him one anyway, for its pictures, and encouraged him to look online for the prayers in his native language. He chose a Rosary and agreed to do so.
A multi-generational Catholic family of 8 or 10 stopped. The father and some of the teens chose Rosaries. We encouraged them to pray together every day as a family. They said they would.
A group of young adults stopped. One admitted to not being Christian. E. Lucy explained the benefits of still praying the Rosary, even if all she had were questions.
Lucy offered a Rosary to a group of 3 or 4 going by. A man called out, “No, thank you. We’re Jewish.” “Oh, so is Jesus!”, e. Lucy replied. “He was a good man”, the man responded. Ah, more than just “a good man”. God, bring them into the Catholic Church so they can become “completed Jews”.
A couple in their mid-20s declined a Rosary as they passed, but then the woman suddenly changed her mind and came back, while the man stayed a short distance away. She wanted to pick one out for someone else (child? relative? friend?). She said she knew who Jesus was and even seemed to believe in Him, but then her smile left her face as she stated, “but I believe what I want to believe.” E. Lucy went over the Rosary devotion with her and assured her that it was okay to pray the Rosary even if all she had were questions. Please pray for her conversion.
Two teens on bicycles passed by, then circled back to select a Rosary. They were not sure if they were Christian or not, so we showed them how the prayers of the Rosary would show them who Jesus Christ is. We also gave them each a Good News/kerygma pamphlet. May they come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
A woman yelled at us that she didn’t “believe in that stuff”, so e. Chuck asked her why and she replied, “’Cuz I’m a pagan.” E. Chuck then asked why she was a pagan, but she only gave us a shocked/annoyed look and kept walking. For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, Lord, have mercy on her and on the whole world.
Three young teenage girls, wearing more makeup than clothes, stopped at the table. Two selected Rosaries but were not Christian. They each accepted a Good News/kerygma pamphlet as well as the evangelist’s words. The third girl declined everything offered to her, saying that she was an atheist with an upside-down cross tattooed on her hip and that she liked to take drugs. She declared all this with a smile. Oh, St. Peter, who was crucified on an upside-down cross, pray that she repents and is saved.
Altogether, we gave away 25-30 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 3-4 copies of the kerygma, and 1 map to area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with their hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God can work with people who are hot or cold. So, thankyou again for your prayers for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
God Gets Through - 2022-06-26
July 10, 2022
Despite a spiritually unwholesome convention going on, God sent people to us. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
The convention that is centered around a style of cartoon art was held again this year, after a (welcome) several-year break. We saw lots of bizarre costumes but fewer Christian-friendly attendees than in previous years. Several passersby even called out a salute to the enemy of their very souls. Lord, have mercy and save them!
A newly Catholic father encouraged his son to get a Rosary. It seemed as if the dad is the only Catholic in the family so far. Lord, help him lead them all home to You in Your Church.
“Sarah”, a homeless-looking woman, stopped for a Rosary in order to “check out the competition.” She had the separated-Christian suspicion of “praying to Mary”. E. Lucy explained the Catholic concepts and she finally took a Rosary. She also took copies of our “What About Mary?” and “Praying to the Saints” pamphlets. E. Chuck noticed that she had “set up shop” just on the other side of the recycle bin from us, although we are not sure what she was hawking. (I had inadvertently prayed for “Sarah” along with my other morning intentions that day. “Wait! I don’t know a Sarah.” Now I do.)
“Ezekiel”, who has stopped a few times over the years, stopped again and asked if the streets were shining. Homeless, and probably not exactly sober, he went on to recount a dream (NDE?) he’d had where he’d “visited heaven” and talked to a woman who was too bright to look at. He’d also noticed the streets being shiny, then was later astonished when he read about it in the Bible, in Revelation’s description of Heaven. He took a Rosary and its pamphlet, as well as a Divine Mercy prayer card. He also noticed that we had a new pamphlet out on Abortion, although he declined receiving one. (BTW, no one mentioned or even alluded to the Supreme Court decision this week. Indifference remains dominant.)
A costumed woman with a startling, fake-blind eye came to the table. She didn’t know anything about the Rosary, but was a Christian and intrigued by the Rosary’s focus on Christ. May her eyes be opened to Your mercy and love, Lord.
More than one group of costumed young people stopped who answered the question, “Are you Christian?” with a thinking-out-loud sliding scale of “I was I think ... sort of ... I’m not really sure” and a confused shrug. All accepted Rosaries and its pamphlet, our Good News/kerygma pamphlet, and our exhortation to pray and read the pamphlets. Pray that their wobbly confusion turns into solid Faith through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
A couple, wearing matching red costumes from an old video game, stopped to tell us they were Catholic and attend a local parish. At first, they were not going to take a Rosary, but then saw their favorite colors and selected one each. Give them the perseverance to remain steadfast in the Faith, Lord Jesus.
A family, not in costume, let their three young children select Rosaries. The parents had just become Catholic at the Easter Vigil and thought it a good idea for the kids to have their own Rosaries. We agreed! Mother Mary, surround these new Catholics with your loving prayer and support.
“John”, the parking lot attendant, spent nearly the whole hour chatting mostly about motorcycles and cars but, prompted by e. Lucy’s telling a story of an encounter she’d had with a menacing non-believer many years ago, started talking about his understanding of some pre-Christian philosophers. His summation was skewed towards supporting his belief that “all religion is the same and leads to heaven” and he still wasn’t open to much correction. Pray for the softening of John’s heart.
Altogether, the evangelists gave away 40-50 Rosaries, 2 Divine Mercy prayer cards, 3-4 copies of the kerygma, and a copy each of the “Praying to the Saints” and “What About Mary?” pamphlets.
Pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Although hundreds of passersby had minds closed toward Christianity, we were still able to set up near-record number of people with the tools for prayer and developing a working relationship with Jesus Christ. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
Father's Day - 2022-06-19
July 10, 2022
“Male and female, He made them.” We offer both the knowledge and opportunity to pray the Rosary, which is a sure means to grow closer to Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
- The evangelist wished a Happy Father’s Day to the many men who were accompanied by families on this US holiday. Most smiled and said thank you, but there were a couple of odd expressions, too. God, strengthen fathers and imbue them with the desire and ability to lead and protect their families.
- Repeat visitor “Jax” came to ask for another Rosary. He said he had recently discovered that he is colorblind and that, although he had gotten several Rosaries from us in the past, he hadn’t known they were pink. This time, he carefully picked out a tan and brown one.
- “Uwe” stopped for a moment, commenting on the sunshine we were (finally) experiencing again. When asked how he was doing, he replied that he was very well but also that he always makes it a point to look on the bright side. Anytime he was tempted to complain, he said, he soon realized that someone was worse off. He acknowledged that many people were suffering, and that it wasn’t always their fault. E. Lucy agreed that bad things can happen seemingly at random, but that God can always bring a greater good out of them. “Sometimes,” Uwe hedged. “He does,” e. Lucy assured him. Uwe didn’t seem to agree, but left it at that and took his leave.
- “Cole” came by, after our not seeing him for months upon months. He was wearing new clothes (and a hat?). He still talks heartily, but never quite makes sense. May God bless and heal him!
- “John” the parking lot attendant tried to stop by several times. Within moments, however, he was always called away to service another parking lot machine. He seemed to be finally getting over his last bout of a bad bug. Thank you for your prayers!
- A woman stopped for a Rosary. She told the evangelist that she has a friend who is a believer, and a Catholic. E. Lucy explained the benefits of trying the Rosary devotion, even if all she had were questions. The woman also accepted a copy of the one-page kerygma and the encouragement to take a moment to read it.
- Two college students stopped by. They were Catholic and already in the habit of praying the Rosary together daily. They wanted Rosaries to give away. E. Lucy let them each have one and demonstrated how she introduces the devotion to people, especially those suspicious of Catholicism.
- A dad and small child, 3-4 years old, stopped so the boy could get a Rosary.
- An older Catholic couple stopped briefly to encourage us. The man pulled a thumb-ring Rosary out of his pocket. During the session, two other men also pulled out Rosaries to show the evangelist. Amazing, the power of Rosary-praying men!
- Yesterday marked the interment of our fellow street evangelist Gary Novotny, who died of the pandemic virus last fall. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through Your Mercy, O Lord, rest in peace. Amen. Please also keep his widow, Mary, in your prayers?
- Altogether, the evangelist gave away about 20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as 1-2 copies of the kerygma.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Fatherhood is regaining some respect in our culture at last, thank God! And thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
The True Treasure - 2022-06-12
July 10, 2022
God loves the poor, and we try to lead them to Him. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
- It rained lightly off and on during our last session, the sky remaining heavily overcast. Still, a few passersby ventured outdoors and encountered us. Most people seemed to be in a good mood.
- As we were setting up, a somewhat heavyset homeless man came over. He commented on every different color of Rosary as we laid them out, waiting to see what all the color choices would be. He did not respond to questions about his faith, nor did he want the offered how-to-pray-the-Rosary pamphlet. His only response to e. Lucy’s explanation of the Rosary and the encouragement to pray it was a smile. There was one Rosary that interested him, but it wouldn’t fit over his head. So, he put it back, declined all the others, and walked away “to find a restroom.” He left behind, next to the wall of the hockey arena, a 4-foot-tall pile on belongings all strapped together and balanced on top of a single skateboard. He hadn’t come back by the time we ended the session. Pray for him, body and soul, please?
- A man from a large city in a neighboring state stopped. Mostly, he lamented that his home town had turned into “a retirement place for 20-year-olds”. Our visitor had been raised in a nationalistic, non-Catholic, liturgical tradition (though he was no longer practicing). He accepted a Rosary and the pamphlet on how to pray it. He was interested in an obscure foreign dance tradition, however, and that seemed to overshadow our call to him to Faith and prayer. May Our Lady and her Rosary woo his heart for Christ Jesus.
- John, the parking lot attendant, came by. Still ill, he told us he was just glad he made it through a day of work. Pray for his healing and conversion.
- The homeless woman who identifies as belonging to a pseudo-Christian cult, and two companions, came by. None took a Rosary. The women who has spoken with us before, was wearing sandals and having fun stamping in puddles.
- The father, from a large family who were strolling by, broke off to accept a Rosary. He said they had “just come from Mass” and were faithful Catholics who prayed together. At least four members of the group chose Rosaries for themselves. We encouraged them to pray it together, which they enthusiastically said they would. Guard them, Lord, and help them persevere in the Faith.
- A few people stopped to cheerfully claim a Rosary, but said nothing else.
- A down-and-out-looking woman, drenched from the rain, stopped for a Rosary, which she said she thought of as “good luck”. She was difficult to hear, but we encouraged her to actually pray the Rosary, using it to grow closer to Christ and to grow in holiness. E. Chuck handed her a Divine Mercy prayer card, which she gladly accepted. We again urged her to pray.
- A woman on a bicycle stopped. She said she was familiar with the Rosary because her friend was Catholic, and had said he would show her how to pray it. Though she was “not religious” she chose a Rosary and accepted both the how-to-pray-it and the Good News/kerygma pamphlets. She looked forward to surprising her friend with her very own Rosary. May their prayers together draw her to our Lord.
- A trio of homeless people stopped, who looked ill-prepared for the wet, cold weather. When they heard we were Catholic, they asked if we had blankets for them. We referred them to the St. Vincent de Paul emergency help line. They each selected a Rosary. Lord, please grant them each provision, protection, and salvation.
- Altogether, the two evangelists gave away about a dozen Rosaries and its pamphlet, a map to area parishes, 1-2 copies of the kerygma, and a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Our resources may be “only” spiritual, but that’s not insignificant. When people come to us looking merely for material benefits, we try to lead them to Him, Who is their real hope and the source of all good gifts. So, thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
All Sorts - 2022-06-05
July 10, 2022
God loves all sorts of people. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
- A man stopped, but only to say that he didn’t want a Rosary because “it had a cross on it”. He didn’t approve of our saying that Jesus died to save us and, moreover, that it involved bloodshed. He also didn’t approve of what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. E. Lucy tried to talk with him about the concept of one person laying down one’s life to save another, but he didn’t get it. He also seemed to be wearing a certain pair of spiritual (lifestyle-related) blinders, and to be carrying a lot of pain, both physical and emotional. Please pray for him?
- A father and his son, about 12 years old, paused at our offer of a free Rosary. The father took the Rosary from e. Chuck’s hand, and told him that he “knew what the Rosary was”, and even accepted a pamphlet on how to pray it, though he edged away as he spoke. The son went to the table to select a color and replied to e. Lucy that he didn’t know anything about the Rosary nor did he think he was a Christian. So e. Lucy gave him a Good News/kerygma pamphlet, pointed out that it was only one page, and encouraged him to read it. Pray that the boy’s father, and all Christian parents, will communicate and live out the Faith for their children.
- Two couples stopped together. One of the couples was Catholic and planning to move to the area. They had attended Mass at the cathedral that morning. E. Lucy gave them a copy of the map to area parishes to help them get oriented. We’re not sure if the other couple was Catholic.
- A Catholic woman stopped by to get a Rosary. She was traveling, she said, and had accidentally left hers at home. We were glad to oblige, not willing to leave anyone unprotected.
- Two women were in town trying to see “what kinds of things happen here”. They were outdoor-sy and had happily discovered the 13-mile belt of connected parks that follow the river. They had also made the trip up the hill to the east of the city, upon which a lighted cross is maintained. We suggested some other sights to see, although they were looking for free venues. They each accepted a Rosary, its booklet, and a brief explanation of the devotion.
- One man, whizzing by on a bicycle, called out that we should be ashamed of ourselves. “Ashamed of the Cross?” e. Lucy wondered aloud, puzzled. E. Chuck suggested that perhaps he was referring to the scandal from 20 years ago. Either way, may God save him!
- John, the parking lot attendant, was back. He was suffering from a virulent “cold” he’d picked up when out of town visiting family. He said the worst of it was the dizziness and disorientation he experiences when he stands up. He’d come down with it two days after getting home. His wife, Linda, came down with it two days after that. Pray for them? Also, as he was visiting with e. Chuck, he again dwelt on stories of the grave dysfunction he experienced from his parents when he was young. Pray for all the broken families in the world.
- A woman in her late teens or early 20s rode by on a bicycle, holding onto a rope or other line. Holding onto the line was a man about the same age on a skateboard. E. Lucy remarked that he might not be husband material because he “doesn’t pull his own weight”. They didn’t stop for a Rosary.
- A man on a bicycle heard our offer and looped back to select a Rosary. He was not familiar with the devotion, and listened intently to our explanation of its use, benefits, and promise. He told us he was staying at a local homeless shelter and was glad he was able to “go to chapel” every day. Pray for his healing and his perseverance in his return to the Lord.
- Altogether, we gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a map of area parishes and a copy of the Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to prepare people’s hearts to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God’s net is open wide, drawing in people of all sorts. We try to nudge them toward Him, His Church, and salvation. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
High Season - 2022-05-29
July 10, 2022
In season or out, God still seeks the lost. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
- Nice weather is always welcome during our session, since otherwise most Boiseans just wait indoors until the sun comes out again, and therefore miss the chance to encounter us. Last week, however, God granted us both damp, misty weather AND lots of foot traffic. God is good!
- A paramedic stopped to chat for a bit. “Jesse” was in town for training at a nearby military base. He showed us graphic pictures of injuries he’d received in a combat zone. Fortunately, his facial injuries didn’t leave disfiguring scars. He told us he had survived “because of the Rosary” he’d had in his pocket, though he’d since lost track of that Rosary. But he also said his “guardian angel was busy that day and could now relax”. Sadly, “Jesse” (legal name, “Jesús”) seems to have lost his Catholic Faith, yet believes “God is pleased” with him and the generic “spirituality” he loosely holds. Before he left, we set him up with a new Rosary and e. Chuck’s “Come Home” pamphlet. E. Lucy encouraged him to pray the Rosary, while e. Chuck pointed him back to the Eucharist. Pray Jesse turns from bland spirituality to the powerful God Who protected him in war and sent His Only Son to save him.
- An evidently poor but intact family of six stopped to choose a Rosary apiece. The children ranged in age from about 3 to 11. The dad helped the youngest boy choose a bright green Rosary. They said they were Catholic but said nothing else.
- A Catholic man stopped for a Rosary, admitting he had never been taught how to pray it. E. Lucy gave him a whirlwind tour of the devotion, gave him the booklet with the prayers and Mysteries and a diagram of what prayer to say where. He said he would try it.
- A woman passed by, declining our offer of a free Rosary. E. Lucy wondered aloud if she was the member of the non-Christian cult from a month or so ago. No, e. Chuck said, that woman had been blonde and much shorter. He looked down the sidewalk, and (coincidentally?) here came the very woman of which we were speaking. We had a brief conversation with her before she hurried off to get warm. She was happy to say she was working four hours a week now. Please keep her in your prayers!
- A woman stopped who lives across the street from a Catholic church. On foot, she said she was on her way back from the library, which was 6-8 blocks away and had closed nearly an hour earlier. She stopped “to rest her back”, she said, standing under the overhead catwalk since the picnic tables were wet. She stood with us for awhile and chatted, until e. Lucy asked if she were Catholic. “No, Christian.” She had a strong prejudice against the Catholic Church because, she claimed, “It makes people feel guilty.” When e. Lucy tried to tell her that the Catholic Church actually offers the remedy for guilt, the woman suddenly declared that she was now rested and ready for the rest of her walk home. She did linger another few minutes and professed her belief that “all religions are good.” However, like John the parking lot attendant, she wasn’t open to hearing anything to challenged the errors in her reasoning.
- Speaking of whom, please send up a prayer or two for John. We haven’t seen him for a couple of weeks. That’s usually meant that he was quite ill. Later this week, though, e. Chuck did receive a text from him to say he’d been out of town. Lord, please have mercy on John and his family.
- A group of about six teens all stopped for a Rosary. They were respectful and grateful.
- A man with a bag of bagels came to the table. He said he was not familiar with the Rosary, but had grown up Catholic. He admitted he was no longer connected to the Church. E. Lucy showed him how to pray the Rosary and extolled the virtues of the prayer, while e. Chuck gave him a “Come Home” pamphlet and encouraged him to get reconnected to the Sacraments. Pray that Our Blessed Mother obtains for him the grace to seek her Son, the True Bread, and to return to the Catholic Church.
- Despite the steady drizzle, enough interested people came by that we gave away 20ish Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a couple of “Come Home” pamphlets.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
It’s been amazing lately, as God opens hearts and brings people to us. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
Renewed Interest in Religion? - 2022-05-22
May 29, 2022
[Renewed Interest in Religion?] Young people seem to be interested in religion again. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
“Uwe” (AKA “the Dabbling Deist”) walked by, noticing the weather was great again on a Sunday afternoon. He repeated his remark from previous weeks, saying that we had something to do with it. E. Lucy actually agreed, but giving the credit to God and saying that He grants us good weather so people are willing to come outside where they can encounter us.
Repeat visitor “Tyson”, an agnostic who has had philosophical/scientific discussions with us in the past, came by again. Mostly, though, he talked about an accident he’d had on his motorized bicycle. The accident really rattled his confidence in riding a bicycle at all. May the fragility and shortness of this life point him to the permanence and strength of God.
A father with four girls, aged 12 and under, stopped so the children could each get a Rosary. He didn’t get one, but was carrying a wrapped package.
A group of three college-aged men (brothers?) stopped: “Jordan”, “Andrew”, and “Matthew”. Jordan admitted to being raised Catholic but now attended a non-Catholic Christian church. They were from a populous State south of here, and visiting because Matthew was transferring to a local university this Fall. Jordan’s mother lives here, and had gotten them all to attend Mass that morning. (May God bless his mom!) The men questioned us about praying to Mary. They had trouble, they said, explaining to others how praying to Mary and the Saints didn’t amount to worshipping them. E. Lucy untangled for them the confusion over the words “praying to”, the reality of the Communion of Saints, as well as and the power of the prayers of a righteous person. She showed Andrew our “Praying to the Saints” pamphlet, which features “enough Scripture references to form a Bible study”, all of which support the Catholic understanding. He asked for a copy. He and Jordan also each chose a Rosary and accepted the pamphlet on how pray it, while Matthew waited at a distance. Pray their enthusiasm leads them into strong and lasting Faith.
A group of four 20-something non-Christians stopped because the man was curious about the Rosary. They told us they were “merely spiritual”. We encouraged them to use the Rosary to meditate on the life of Christ to see how what He did in reality can affect them spiritually. We gave them a Good News/kerygma pamphlet as well, so they could see what Christian spirituality looks like. May their hearts be open to believing in Jesus Christ, our Savior.
A down-and-out-looking couple stopped for a free Rosary. They each chose one, but the woman refused the pamphlet (twice). Please pray for them?
A group of 4 young adults with a rambunctious puppy stopped for a Rosary apiece and an explanation of the devotion. They women led e. Chuck to believe they were Catholic. One of the men that e. Lucy spoke with didn’t treat his Rosary with much respect. Blessed Mother, have mercy and lead them all to your Son and salvation!
A group of teenagers zoomed by on electric scooters. The last teen, a girl, heard our offer of a free Rosary and came back. The others followed and chose Rosaries, too. E. Lucy talked with the young woman. She was not Christian, but open to learning the prayer. She also accepted a copy of the kerygma.
Three (or four) men stopped. They were Catholic and familiar with the Rosary. We set them each up with one and encouraged them to pray it together as a group, e. Lucy explaining that men praying the Rosary constitutes a powerful spiritual weapon. They agreed the world needs some serious prayer right now, and (I think) agreed to try to pray it together.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 25-30 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 2-3 copies of the kerygma, and 1 “Praying to the Saints” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to prepare people’s hearts to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Interest in religion seems to be returning among young people. We try to be a resource for them, so thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
God's Marvelous Ways -2022-05-09
May 15, 2022
[God's Marvelous Ways] Thank you for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort! Not only were we “unmolested” in using “our spot” in the business park last week, but we were the only “buskers” left (the others evidently now crowding the sidewalks a block or two north).Therefore, since competition for attention was removed, we saw significantly more interest. God is good!!!
The father in a family of four declined a Rosary. But his wife and youngest child came to the table, while he and teenage daughter waited some steps away. The mother told us they had “recently moved” to the area, but weren’t connected with a parish. They don’t live in Boise, but e. Lucy was able to recommend the parish in the neighboring town. The mom expressed interest. She “knew the Rosary” and told her daughter she would show her how to pray it. Then she called to the teenager to come pick one. With a nudge from the father, the teen came and chose one. E. Lucy encouraged her to pray it for peace and protection. The mom didn’t take a Rosary because she “already had a nice one”, but she did take a Divine Mercy prayer card. After thanking us, she said, “It warms my heart to see Rosaries again.” Pray for this mother’s courage and perseverance in leading her children in prayer and for religious unity within the family.
A 30-something man stopped because he wanted to get a Rosary for his grandfather. We gave him an extra copy of the Rosary booklet and encouraged him to pray it together with him.
A 20-something man stopped to pick out a Rosary for his father “who prays with a Rosary three times a day”. He was sure it would make his father happy to give him a Rosary, he said. We offered that it would make him even happier if his son prayed the Rosary with him. Our visitor hesitated before answering, then said, “I do what I can” and left it at that. Thank you, Lord, for the example of faithful parents.
Three different men passing by made snarky comments to the effect that they were once Catholic but had long since rid themselves of the Faith. Soften their hearts, Lord, lead them back to the way of everlasting life.
“John”, the parking lot attendant, sat and talked with e. Chuck for some time. He said that his wife, “Linda”, needs prayers as she undergoes tests to see why her hands were so numb. Please keep Linda and John in your prayers. After the session, John accompanied e. Lucy the last few steps to her car. He apologized for getting “hot under the collar” last week as he talked with e. Chuck. E. Lucy, who had been distracted by park security, hadn’t heard the conversation and so hadn’t been offended. But she remembered being told later that John’s main objection to Christianity was the sinfulness of Christians, so she recommended he look into the lives of some Saints, those who heroically lived out the Faith. Oh, he had already done that, he said. His two heroes were St. Augustine of Kent and St. Francis of Assisi. Judging by only those two examples, he had concluded that all Saints were rebels and devised their own way of going to God. E. Lucy countered that they still had received the Faith from others, and he conceded the point (!). St. Francis of Assisi, pray for John. St. Augustine of Kent, pray for John.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away at least 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a Divine Mercy prayer card. Pink Rosaries were especially popular on this “Mother’s Day”.
Please pray for the success of our radio interview tomorrow (details below). And, as always, please pray for the effectiveness of our evangelization session today? Please ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
The Catholic Church is the Church founded by Jesus Christ and contains the sure means to reach eternal happiness. Our presence reminds people of that, and encourages the wayward to turn or return to Jesus Christ. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. Be sure to catch our live interview on Salt & Light Radio tomorrow, Monday 5/16, at 7:45 a.m. MDT. Tune in: 102.3 FM / 1140AM KGEM Boise. Internet: https://saltandlightradio.com [requires app].
Enemies of Christ? - 2022-05-01
May 9, 2022
[Enemies of Christ?] Our being visibly Christian seems to bother some people, but we still invite people to grow closer to Christ through praying the Rosary. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Employees of the business park where we set up approached e. Lucy to ask if she “had a permit”. She noted that this is the same wording the “stocky man with angry eyes” used the previous week when he confronted her. She answered no, but added that we’d been there for 10 years. “We’ve been here for 30,” was the response of the man who later gave his name as “Tyler”. Another security-dressed employee showed up, and Tyler excused himself to consult with someone on the phone. E. Lucy sent up a quick prayer to St. Joseph, whose Feast Day it also happened to be. The two men came back, and e. Lucy awaited their decision, ready to pack up and move elsewhere, if necessary. Tyler told her he’d “made an executive decision” and it was okay if we stayed. He also gave her his name, in case someone else comes and asks, “Who gave you permission to be here?” Thank you, God! Thank you, St Joseph! May God bless Tyler and the business park! (BTW, as we headed to our cars after the session, a woman followed us and then stood listening to us debrief. She held her phone facing us. Please pray that God’s will is done today and, if we have to move to another venue, it’ll be even more productive for His Kingdom. Again, may God bless the business park and all of our benefactors!)
In other news, perhaps related, a Catholic adult education group had for years been meeting monthly at a pizza restaurant that carries our state’s name. Although the group of 50-80 quiet, paying customers had always been welcomed, they were met at the door last Wednesday and told they could “no longer meet there” because they were “a religious group”. Please pray for the conversion of all enemies of Christ!
Meanwhile, back at street evangelization, three women stopped. They all currently stay at the relatively safe downtown women’s shelter. Two asked for prayer and took Rosaries, while the third one wandered away until the first two were ready to go. E. Lucy prayed for “Dylan’s mom”, who is Catholic and attends Mass regularly. After the prayer, the woman showed the evangelist her son’s name tattooed on her arm. He was in jail, she said, and she was trying to get him to start praying. She was going to send him a Rosary and its pamphlet. The woman that e. Chuck prayed with was “Dawn”, who has been sober for a few months, is now back to an active faith, and doesn’t want to slip back into her old life. After the group had reassembled and before they left, the third woman happily volunteered that she was now two weeks sober. May God grant all three salvation, safety, and healing! And may He grant them the grace to continue to cooperate with His grace!
“John”, the parking lot attendant, came and spent quite a bit of time with e. Chuck, repeatedly asserting that all translations of the Bible are unreliable, that all Christian churches are untrustworthy and, for that matter, so are all the world’s religions. He vehemently rejected all arguments countering his beliefs, citing as evidence stories from his highly broken and dysfunctional past experiences. Please continue to pray that John’s heart may be softened and that the seeds of Truth may take root there.
Another passerby, a man, paused briefly and exclaimed, “I hate to be the one to break it to you, but there is no god.” Evidence, happily, proclaims otherwise. May God soften his heart and show him the Truth that not only is there a God, but also that He loves him beyond imagining!
“Kyle” a young man looking for a certain store also chose a Rosary and stayed to listen to the blessings of praying it. He said he “tries” to attend a non-Catholic church but that his parents want him to attend a more liturgical church. We extolled the benefits of the Catholic Mass and the necessary access it gives to the Sacraments. He accepted a map to area parishes. Pray that he will answer Christ’s call to worship him in Spirit and Truth.
The sky was gray and the weather threatened to turn ugly, so there was not very much happy foot traffic. Still, we may have given away 7-10 Rosaries and its pamphlet, and one map of area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior, Jesus Christ, and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
In the End, God wins! So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Toward Truth and Unity - 2022-04-10
May 1, 2022
[] We still encounter people who yearn for Truth and peace. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
It had snowed enough to stick that morning, and was snowing again when e. Lucy arrived. Yet, the moment e. Chuck and our wagonload of stuff reached the square, the snow and wind stopped and the sun came out. (And therefore, so did the people. Thank you, God!) As we left, dark clouds were gathered again at the horizon.
“Ben”, a businessman traveling from out of state, stopped for a Rosary. Turns out he’d gone to e. Chuck’s alma mater, which formed a quick connection between them. Ben is Catholic and had just arrived that morning. He asked about parishes and we were able to steer him toward 2 or 3 that he’d probably feel comfortable in. He accepted a map with their web addresses. He said he would pray for us with his new Rosary, and wished us “good fishing”. Pray for grace, mercy, and peace for Ben.
A tall 30-something man, who gave his name as “Eddie”, jokingly asked us if the instigator of “the Reformation” was our favorite person. E. Chuck replied that he had converted away from followers of that one and into Catholicism just five years ago. Eddie asked why, so e. Chuck briefly related his reasons. This led Eddie to ask questions about praying to Mary and the Saints, about the Pope, the scandals, and about the nature of the Church. An active non-Catholic Christian, Eddie seemed to believe that God was in a period of “silence in the world”. E. Lucy told him about Eucharistic miracles that God has continued to grant throughout each of the twenty centuries of Christianity, but Eddie seemed skeptical. He was not hostile during the discussion, just curious, and said it would probably be good if he took a deeper look into his faith. E. Lucy then handed him a stack of pamphlets covering the topics of our conversation as well as a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. He also selected a Rosary. May the Holy Spirit guide Eddie in a deep and fruitful exploration of his faith and lead him to the Truth.
A culturally defiant-looking woman with very short hair surprised us by accepting our offer of a free Rosary. She accepted the booklet, but said she was already familiar with the Rosary.
A homeless man with an open bottle of hard liquor stopped briefly for a Rosary and its booklet before staggering on. Blessed Mother, obtain for him healing, safety, and salvation!
“John” was too busy to stop, although we saw him zoom by twice on his way to fix yet another parking lot machine.
One of the non-Christian-prayer-bead-making men from last week stopped briefly. E. Chuck encouraged him again to pray the Rosary he’d received at that time.
Two women in their upper teens stopped briefly because they “were heading to a concert”. They each chose a nice Rosary. We saw them again, though, even before our session ended. E. Chuck commented that it must have been a short concert. They said they were just trying to buy tickets, and were now going to get food while they waited for the doors to open. Lord, please inspire them to learn how to pray the Rosaries they received.
Several people, both Catholics and non-Catholic Christians, wished us a happy Palm Sunday.
A young woman, working a food delivery gig, hesitated in her hurry and came to the table. She didn’t know what a Rosary was and, when asked if she were Christian, said at first that she wasn’t sure. Then she admitted that she wasn’t. She said her family had believed in generations past, but belief seemed to have faded away in recent years, and she seemed to find that regrettable. We offered that she could be the one to bring Faith back to her family, and gave her a Good News pamphlet to go along with her Rosary. May she turn to her Lord and Savior in faith and thanksgiving.
Altogether, we gave away 5-10 Rosaries, 1 Catechism, 1 each of the pamphlets “What About Mary?”, “Marian Doctrines”, “Praying to the Saints”, “Common Objections”, and “Petrine Primacy”, 1 map to area parishes, and 1 Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
People still seek the Truth, and we work to lead them toward Him. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love! Happy Easter!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Don’t Grow Weary - 2022-04-24
May 1, 2022
[Don’t Grow Weary] We don’t, by the grace of God, grow weary of encouraging people to use the Rosary to better understand Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
A Catholic family stopped, the husband with a baby in a chest harness and the wife with a small dog in a backpack. The father told us they were Catholic, but “new in town” and not yet connected with a parish. We gave them a map to valley parishes, pointing to the ones with Mass in Spanish. They each accepted a Rosary. Pray they do not delay attending Mass and finding a new church home.
The man, who was selling non-Christian prayer beads and spoke with the evangelists a few weeks ago, stopped with his wife, toddler, and wagonload of goods. They each selected a Rosary and talked a little about bead making before moving on to their spot across the way. Pray that their blended religious beliefs come to find the truth of Jesus Christ.
Their other business partner, Micah (from last week), walked by a bit later, accompanied by another man. When e. Chuck called a greeting, he stopped at a distance, struck a defensive pose, avoided eye contact, and chatted small talk for a moment before walking on. Pray God grants an opportunity for Micah to learn that (as opposed to the “Christianity” pushed by the man who accosted him last week) what the Catholic Church offers is forgiveness of sins and the avenues of grace to become truly holy.
A Catholic couple stopped, the man asking if the Rosaries were blessed.
Two women in their upper teens stopped for a Rosary. Christian, they didn’t really seem interested in the devotion but paused politely while e. Lucy explained. They thanked us and moved on.
Another woman stopped for a Rosary. When asked if she were Christian, she said, “No. Catholic.” “Catholics are Christians,” e. Lucy replied. *sigh*
A 40-ish man, with a stocky build, dropped back to talk to us as several other members of his group walked on. He kept flashing the lower whites of his eyes as he talked. Surprised that someone allows us to set up in public, he also seemed to strongly disapprove of what we represent and yet reluctant to say so. He asked yes/no questions, leaving no opening to elaborate. Soon, he concluded to himself that we were there because of our right to Free Speech and moved on.
A group of about 30 men passed by. Not a single one stopped for a Rosary.
A 30-something woman going by told us, in response to our offer of a free Rosary, that she was “all good”, or was that, “All-Good”? Incredible.
A Catholic family visiting from out of state stopped to choose one Rosary. They were planning to attend a nearby 5 pm Mass. May the faithfulness of this family persevere in the children and succeeding generations.
Two young ladies broke away from a large group of women to select a Rosary each. Both were Christian, but knew nothing about the Rosary, so e. Lucy showed them how it helps us dive deep into the life of Christ, seeking His peace and protection. Pray that they deepen their devotion to Christ in prayer.
Actually, we think there were at least three groups/couples that came to the table with exactly the same story as above. In fact, it seemed like they all came in a row because e. Chuck remembers more than once telling people to listen to e. Lucy explain the devotion.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 25-30 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as 1 map of area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
The Rosary puts people in contact with that transcendent, yet greater, Reality of God and His loving plans for us. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
Easter Adventures - 2022-04-17
April 24, 2022
[Easter Adventures] Easter Sunday brought us some interesting encounters. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
As we were setting up, e. Chuck saw a young man suddenly drop to one knee in front of a young woman. Big grins ensued, followed by hugs and kisses. So, e. Chuck called to the man, “Did you just propose?” Yes. He invited them to come receive a Rosary to get their life started off right. When they came to the table, he asked the woman if she had been expecting that. “Not today!” she said. Although not Catholic, they agreed to receive a Rosary, choosing one between the two of them. May Our Lord bless their marriage and bring their resulting family to salvation!
A 20-something, homeless-seeming man stopped at e. Chuck’s greeting. He has visited us before and goes by “Micah”. He told e. Chuck that he was wishing to get ahold of his family. His family is local, so we suggested maybe he could just go see them in person.
While we were speaking, another apparently homeless man stopped, advising us to stockpile certain commodities and making odd claims about the military. This one was wearing a politically ultra-conservative t-shirt under an unbuttoned and open white business shirt. He offered to pay us for a Rosary, pulling out a wad of cash.
When e. Chuck politely refused the money and suggested he give it to Micah, the second man turned on our first visitor, accused him of being drunk, and then proceeded to alternately insult, brow-beat, and try to bribe him into repentance and living a Christian life.
He also tried to goad Micah into throwing away his “druggie clothes”, promising him that he would not only buy him new clothes but would also set him up for 4 days in a hotel. E. Lucy warned Micah to not accept the second man’s “hospitality” until he saw the second man actually pre-pay for things.
- Chuck broke in and tried to dissuade the second man from his judgmental, literally hands-on tactics. While the aggressive man was thus distracted, e. Lucy slipped Micah a Divine Mercy prayer card and encouraged him to learn that powerful prayer. He was studying the card when the second man’s attention returned to him and he started his harangue all over again.
After a few more minutes, e. Chuck asked them to move away from the front of the table so other people could approach and choose a Rosary. They complied and, after several more minutes, they walked away together.
The second man was evidently still urging Micah to throw away his clothes and his last two cigarettes as he physically steered him toward a trash can. When he let go, Micah took another step toward the receptacle, but then changed direction and moved back to the middle of the walkway. At that, the second man threw his hands into the air and headed into a restaurant, Micah continuing out of sight.
Some time later, the second man left the restaurant and came back by our table. E. Chuck was busy talking with someone else, but e. Lucy helped him complete the process of selecting a Rosary that didn’t offend his male sensitivities. He didn’t try to engage her in any more conspiracy-theory or other ploys.
May Our Lord grant mercy and healing to Micah and gentle the other man’s heart, giving him peace and a love for Truth, and leading him and those he cares about to salvation.
Most people cheerfully returned our “Happy Easter” wish. But one man from a group of 4 people loudly said no to e. Lucy’s offer of a free Rosary. When she wished him a Happy Easter anyway, his second no was both louder and sharper. May he not give a final no to Jesus’ offer of salvation!
A man on a bicycle stopped briefly. He took the Rosary out of e. Chuck’s hand, and give him “an Easter egg with a nice message” in return. He pointedly didn’t return e. Chuck’s “Happy Easter” wish. The message inside the plastic egg was one that you might call anti-forgiveness.
A family stopped because the mother was interested. She and the kids selected a Rosary apiece, but the father did not. E. Chuck talked to the father about mundane things as e. Lucy briefly described the devotion to the others. As they were walking away, we could overhear the father reciting the Hail Mary to them, but it did not seem to be in a positive way. Later, when the family walked back past us the father did not make eye contact with the evangelists. Pray for peace and protection for the faithful in this family.
Altogether, the evangelist gave away 10-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a Divine Mercy prayer card.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God is Love. We try to mediate His presence to all comers, even those “rough around the edges”. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Truth vs Relativism - 2022-04-03
April 10, 2022
[Truth vs Relativism] E. Chuck was on his own last session. But, of course, he “wasn’t alone”, due to your prayer support. Thank you so much!
A family of three came to the table, the husband said he was about to be deployed overseas with the military and began a conversation about that with John, the parking lot attendant. The little boy (5-7 years old) took a Rosary, then asked what it was for. E. Chuck told him about prayer and God, but the child had a blank look on his face. His mother began to tell him, for the first time, about God and Heaven and Hell. Into her loose explanation, e. Chuck inserted Jesus Christ and how He saved us. She agreed with that addition. Then the evangelist pointed to the Crucifix and its depiction of what Christ did for us, and showed him the pictures in the Rosary pamphlet. But the boy continued to look confused. Then the mother said that she believes in God and Jesus but is not interested in any particular religion, and so hadn’t gotten around to telling her boy about it. The mother then told her son that he could choose any religion he wanted and that was okay, but that she would tell him more about God and Jesus when they got home. She then picked up a Divine Mercy prayer card so the boy would know what Jesus looks like. The evangelist entreated them to go through the Rosary pamphlet together and to practice praying it together. He also wished the father a safe deployment. Holy Mother, please pray for this confused mother that she will point her son to your Son.
A family of five declined a Rosary, but the three children gathered around the table asking what the Rosaries were for. E. Chuck gave a quick explanation of the Good News and the Rosary prayer, but said they couldn’t have one unless their parents said it was okay. The mother then said that it was okay if they take one between the three of them, and she would talk to them about it at home. Holy Spirit, grow the seed of Faith in that family.
A Catholic man broke away from his group to choose a Rosary for his son. He said he didn’t need a pamphlet, but e. Chuck convinced him to take one for the boy to use, and to pray through it together with his son. Other Catholics stopped at the table during the hour to choose a Rosary, often for a loved one. Lord Jesus, draw them each into a deeper relationship with You and each other through the prayer of Your Mother.
When offered a Rosary, a man on a bicycle politely said, “No thank you, I worship [the enemy of his very soul]”, and sped past. Pray the man is released from captivity to the father of lies!
Two men came to the table to choose a Rosary each. Then they told e. Chuck that they were “making rosaries” at the other end of the business park and giving them out (selling them?). They showed the evangelist what they were making: it wasn’t a Rosary but some kind of non-Christian prayer beads. They said they believed in Jesus, but also liked to practice an eastern-style meditation. So, e. Chuck talked about the difference between Christianity and the religion they claimed, and the very different focus on Jesus within the Rosary. He also told them that not all prayer beads are the same just because beads and string are involved. They continued discussing the differences. Then they wanted to know what the Divine Mercy cards were about, so the evangelist gave them each one after using it to point out that the fact that God became man and sacrificed Himself for us is the biggest difference between Christianity and all other religions. They reiterated that they believe in Jesus. One man chose a Rosary for his wife, who was back at their table. Draw them into Your Church, Lord, so they can become grounded in You, the Truth.
“John”, the parking lot attendant, arrived at the table in the middle of the conversation with the two men above and, after they left, he expounded on his theory that all religions lead to God and so no religion can say it is the only way. Among other things, the evangelist explained that the Catholic Church was not just a human institution subject to the fallibility of man, but a Divine institution full of fallible people subject to a loving God. Pray that John seeks Jesus alone and joins His family.
That’s all the conversational encounters from last week. The rest were each grab-and-go with little time to explain anything.
Altogether, the lone evangelist gave away 10-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as 3 Divine Mercy prayer cards.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
The Christian message is getting lost in our society’s fear of objective truth. We reach whom we can, to at least plant a seed of hope. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, May God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Abundant interest - 2022-03-27
April 3, 2022
[Abundant interest] An abundance of foot traffic brought us many interested people. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Both a music festival and a home and garden show were going on last week, so there was lots of people out and about.
A man named “Will” and his 4-year-old daughter politely declined a Rosary and passed by the table, but a woman and her tween daughter stopped. It turned out they were all together, so Will came back and let the little girl join her mother. Will was curious about the Rosary, so e. Chuck gave him a pamphlet, demonstrated how to pray it, and showed him how the meditations call us into a deeper love for Christ. Though Will seemed to hold Christianity at arms length, in the end, he decided to take a Rosary and was open to try praying it.
Meanwhile, the 4-year-old also wanted a Rosary, but the 10-year-old walked away. Her mother told e. Lucy that the older girl was “anti-religion”. The mom was thinking, though, about putting her in Catholic school. E. Lucy encouraged her to do so. She also encouraged her to pray the Rosary every day with her younger daughter. Then she gave the mother a St. Monica relic and told her the story of how St. Monica’s son, St. Augustine, was lost for years but eventually not only came back but also became one of our greatest Saints. Pray that the reality of the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, and healing and love He offers, draw this family into faith in His saving work.
Two women stopped, “Linda” and “Susan”. When asked if they were familiar with the Rosary, they said they were Catholic, but told us they belonged to an irregular “parish”. Janet said she prayed the Rosary every day and challenged e. Chuck that he’d “better pray it every day, too.” They declined the Rosary pamphlet because it includes the Luminous Mysteries, and they seemed doubtful that these Rosaries were actually blessed. E. Lucy and Susan did chat amiably about different indulgences offered for praying the Rosary. E. Lucy then asked them to pray for unity, but the suggestion was ignored. Pray that God softens their hearts, and the hearts of everyone who seeks God outside His Church. May we all stop “straining out gnats and swallowing the camel” of disunity.
We gave away one of e. Chuck’s hot-off-the-press, brand-new pamphlets, “Come Home”, addressed to inactive Catholics. It went to a woman who volunteered to give us her unused Rosary-making supplies. (Yes, please!) She had not been back to Mass since the pandemic began, was new to the area, and so didn’t know where to leave the supplies. We invited her back into active participation in the Catholic Church and recalled the unsurpassed blessings available only in the Eucharist. Pray for her belief in and return to the Sacraments of the Catholic Church.
A man with a longish, dark beard stopped to ask e. Chuck what we were up to. When e. Chuck explained our desire to draw people closer to Christ in faithful prayer, our visitor nodded agreement. Then he began a lengthy conversation about his belief in a flat earth and a large variety of conspiracy theories (most of which were concocted in the last 150 years specifically to discredit Christianity). E. Chuck pointed out that, whether true or not, most of those things were out of his hands, whereas our active faith in Christ was the only thing we could control, and was the most important thing in life. The man again agreed but returned to the other topics. Pray that he can turn his obsession from the world to God.
A 20-something woman stopped, sporting dramatic makeup. She had gone through RCIA and become Catholic a year ago at e. Chuck’s parish. Now, she wanted a Rosary. Thank you, Lord, for all converts! Fill them with Your strength, grace, and perseverance.
A teenage girl stopped briefly. Besides Rosary and booklet, e. Chuck gave her a Divine Mercy prayer card and encouraged her to try it because it was a shorter prayer than the Rosary.
A man went by, loudly proclaiming he didn’t “need the Rosary”. May God save him!
Two teenage boys came by, one of them being directed to our table by the other. After the one had selected a Rosary and received the booklet, the other boy told us he already had a Rosary from us and had begun studying the booklet to figure out how to pray it. E. Lucy encouraged him to look for “15 minute Rosary” on YouTube in order to “catch the rhythm” of the prayer. He told her that the other boy was his brother.
A man accompanying two or three children said they’d stop on their way back. We must have ended our session before then, because we didn’t see them again. May they accept God’s offer of salvation before it’s too late!
A mother and young child (5-6 years old?) stopped. The child asked who Jesus was. E. Lucy gave him a quick overview of salvation history, ending with the fact that Jesus was coming back to take us to Himself. The mom seemed satisfied. (I guess it had been a test.)
A man was walking by when he turned toward us and loudly saluted an entity that hates him and wants only his destruction. The evangelists remarked to each other that he’s going to be in for a nasty shock if he ends up in that one’s hands. Lord, have mercy! Save him!
A young mom, pushing her little boy in a stroller, stopped to pick out a Rosary. She was Catholic but had just moved here from another part of the state. So, we gave her a map to area parishes and showed her the one nearest her home. Pray she finds a warm welcome wherever she goes to Mass.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 35-40 Rosaries and its pamphlet, at least 1 map to area parishes, 1-2 Divine Mercy cards, 1 St. Monica relic card, and 1 “Come Home” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? One evangelist is out sick, but the other is rarin’ to go. Please ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Many people were interested in learning about the Rosary last week. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Week In, Week Out - 2022-03-20
March 27, 2022
[Week In, Week Out] Deep within the 10th year of this apostolate, we still offer a visible Christian presence in public! So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort. One evangelist was available.
Last week featured cool and breezy Spring weather but, praise God!, nothing threatened to blow off our table (except once, when a certain man was trying to choose a Rosary; he may have thought the evangelist was pressing down on a group of Rosaries to say “off limits”, but it was just to keep them from blowing away <sheepish grin>).
“John”, the maintenance man, came early and stayed until one minute before closing time. At least, he didn’t feel interrupted when the evangelist offered Rosaries to (the occasional) passerby. And, if she was distracted and would have missed someone, he cheerfully called out the offer.
A Catholic family stopped. They were already fond of praying together, they said. The dad and two children each chose a Rosary. The mom was evidently content with the one she already had at home. We encouraged them to pray it together daily.
A fairly young woman, all clad in purple, stopped for a free Rosary. She was already familiar with the devotion, and gladly chose a bright purple one.
One young-adult woman dropped back out of her group to get a Rosary. The evangelist gave a very brief explanation of the devotion before she hurried off.
A man and woman, 20-somethings, stopped for Rosaries. The man seemed already familiar with it because he exclaimed about how very effective it was when he wanted to get his mind off some worry. The evangelist urged them to pray it often.
Although foot traffic was fairly light, and interest in general seemed low, the evangelist still gave away 7-10 Rosaries and its pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Today is last day of the annual secular music festival, returning after a multi-year break. The last time it was held, some people passing our table were visibly relieved to encounter a Christian presence. May God use us again this year! Please pray, too, that God prepares people’s hearts to perceive their need for Our Savior and His Holy Catholic Church and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts!
There is never an off-season for the Gospel! So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
The Rosary, a Powerful Prayer - 2022-03-13
March 27, 2022
[The Rosary, a Powerful Prayer] The Rosary is so important! Therefore, we urge everyone to pray it! So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Two men paused because one of them wanted a Rosary pamphlet. He said he already had a Rosary.
A perhaps 20-year-old woman, who identified as belonging to a non-Trinitarian pseudo-Christian religion, stopped to say, “You guys are out here every Sunday!” And we offer her a Rosary every Sunday, which she declines. She told us she couldn’t use a Rosary because of her religion, but said she sees us every week as she walks from the city library to the women’s shelter where she lives. She told us about the terrors that exist for women living on the streets and was very thankful for the safe shelter that had accepted her. She avoided our offer to pray with her. But she recounted the abuse she suffered as a child and her current social anxiety, so we were thankful she had been granted the strength to talk to us. Pray for protection and healing for her, as well as for a growing relationship with the evangelists so that we can give witness to the love the true Christ has for her.
“John”, the parking lot attendant, stopped to announce his plans to retire in six months. He also said how blessed he and his wife were feeling about life. He said he still had the Rosary we gave him some years ago, but no longer had the pamphlet on how to pray it. E. Chuck gladly gave him a new one. Pray John seeks eternal blessings with Christ in prayer.
A perhaps 30-year-old man dropped back briefly from his female companion to ask for a brown Rosary (which he seemed to have no trouble telling apart from the dark-reds one, as our older eyes do). Pray he uses to Rosary to develop a vibrant Faith in Jesus Christ.
A man walked directly toward our table, reaching into his front pocket. He then pulled out the thumb-ring Rosary to show us. Praise God for Rosary-praying men! Later, two other men passed by together, also telling us they were Catholic and had Rosaries. Pray they all devote themselves to God in prayer.
A man on a bike yelled that he probably needed a Rosary, so e. Chuck yelled back “Here’s your chance to get one!” The man slowed down and came back to the table to tell us he was a believer, but neither elaborated nor chose a Rosary before riding away again. Pray his faith is in the Triune God.
A trio were going to pass us by, but then the woman asked us where she could “buy a Rosary”. We told her about a local store, but pointed to the table in front of her, full of “free Rosaries”. She selected one for the younger man with her (husband?) and said her son already had one, but she took a second pamphlet for him. Pray this family gathers in faith around the Rosary.
The weather was damp and cold, so not very many people ventured outside. Still, the evangelists gave away 7-10 Rosaries and its pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? As far as I know, one evangelist is available. Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God mediates powerful graces through the Rosary, especially when used reverently in prayer! So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Our Unchanging God - 2022-03-06
March 27, 2022
[Our Unchanging God] Last week featured changeable spring weather: sunshine alternating with cold wind gusts, snow, and sleet. When the sun came out, so did the people. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
As we were setting up, a homeless man named “Brian” selected a Rosary. He told us he had just finished cancer treatment and was told he was cancer-free. However, fear and constant what-if thoughts were depressing him and tempting him back into drinking. We prayed for him and gave him a Divine Mercy prayer card, encouraging him to unite his suffering with Christ’s. We also encouraged him to keep the Rosary near and use its meditations on Jesus’ life to break the recurrent thought patterns. He seemed to feel more hopeful as he left. Lord, please grant Brian peace, protection, and courage.
The couple from last week who claimed to follow a non-Christian eastern spirituality walked past and the man reminded us of their non-Christian affiliation. But his wife interrupted, emphatically saying, “We don’t believe in any religions!” This seemed to disconcert the man and he hurried her out of earshot. Pray their hearts are softened so they can hear the Good News that there is a God and how much He loves them.
A man, from the same state that e. Chuck’s parents grew up in, stopped twice to chat with him.
The man, still carrying the large flag of a war-troubled country, came by again. Though not Catholic, he had observed Pope Francis’ Ash Wednesday request for prayer and fasting for peace there, and throughout the world. “It was surprisingly difficult,” he said, “but worth it.” Please keep praying for peace.
Three middle-school-aged boys on scooters were hanging around the business park until we got our table set up. When they came over, two of them volunteered that they had received Rosaries from us before and still had them, but admitted they had not tried praying with them. The third chose one for himself. E. Chuck gave them each a Divine Mercy prayer card, letting them know it was a powerful, but much shorter, prayer they could try. Pray these boys, and young people everywhere, respond to God’s grace with faith.
A 20-something couple came to the table. They didn’t know anything about the Rosary, and the man added that he was not religious. E. Lucy assured them it was okay to pray the Rosary even with doubts, using the prayer to ask questions such as, “Jesus, are you real?” E. Chuck explained that the Mysteries of the Rosary are the Gospel story in miniature, and that Christ’s sacrifice was meant to save us from our sins. They listened, barely politely, and accepted a Good News pamphlet. Please pray for their conversion.
A Catholic man stopped to tell us he had just climbed the hill that overlooks the city, and which features a large cross. New to the area, the man had connected with the cathedral parish, but sounded like he wanted to find a parish closer to home. He had his Rosary with him, so just wanted to chat. Thank you, Lord, for faithful Catholics.
A 30-something woman hurried past us, saying she’d stop on the way back, once she “got the girls”. She came back only a few minutes later with two other women, not much younger than herself. “See, I said I’d be back.” She chose a Rosary and accepted the booklet on how to pray it. Neither of “the girls” did. Lord, please grant salvation, safety, and healing to all three women, confirming your pleasure at our praying the Rosary.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away another 15-20 Rosaries, 5-6 Divine Mercy prayer cards, and 1-2 Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to prepare people’s hearts to perceive the reality of God and His Love and their need for Our Savior and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God’s love for us is constant. We pray all the people we encounter will turn toward Him. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Families Need Prayer - 2022-02-27
March 8, 2022
[Families Need Prayer] Last week brought us in contact with quite a few families, some broken or not in unity. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
The husband of a passing middle-aged couple came to the table, while his wife waited some steps ahead. Catholic, they had just moved to the area and had not located a parish yet. We gave them a map, with thumbnail of the local parish churches and Mass times. The man selected a Rosary and thanked us before rejoining his wife on their walk. Pray they join a parish soon.
A college sports team from a neighboring state crowded around the table to select Rosaries. From what we could tell from their jostling and joking, they were all Catholic or at least knew about the Rosary. At least 5 of them accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet on how to pray it. Pray these men stay steadfast in faith.
A 20-something man and woman passed by. Dressed flamboyantly, they loudly declared their allegiance to dark and alien spiritualities. The man has stopped by before, e. Chuck remembered, and is trying to make up his own religion. Lord, have mercy on their souls! A bit later, another couple proclaimed they follow of a non-theist world religion. Lord, lead them to You, the One and only Way, Truth, and Life!
A father with three children, maybe 11 down to 3, declined receiving a Rosary. Then the middle child pleaded for one and the father gave in. All three children chose a Rosary. They were not Christian, so e. Lucy slipped the oldest boy a copy of the kerygma.
Two nicely dressed women in their early 20s stopped at our offer of a free Rosary. “Are they blessed?” one asked. Usually a question asked by a Catholic, right? They were. One, perhaps less familiar with the devotion, also accepted a copy of the Rosary brochure.
A group of about 5 pierced and tattooed teens stopped, greedy for a Rosary. We set them each up with one, pleading with them to pray it, though they didn’t seem to take it seriously. God, help them!
A man went by, carrying a large Ukrainian flag on a 10-foot pole. He declared himself a member of a local non-Catholic Christian denomination known for pacifism. He said he was going to fast and pray on (Ash) Wednesday for world peace because the Pope asked everyone to do so. He seemed surprised that we already knew that.
A non-Catholic Christian mother and adult daughter came to the table. They wanted to get a Rosary for their husband/father because he was Catholic, though they were not. The daughter was hesitant to get a Rosary for herself because she was not Catholic and didn’t know if she should. E. Chuck described the deeply Christ-centered nature of the prayer. Meanwhile, e. Lucy talked with the mother, who had seen Rosaries before, but had no idea what its purpose was. E. Lucy explained the devotion to her, including how the repetition builds muscle memory so she’d always have a prayer handy in case of trouble. The mother selected a Rosary for her husband and the daughter took one for herself. Pray for a unity of faith in their family.
A father with children coming out of the hockey arena let his children select a Rosary apiece. The man said he was not Catholic but his father had been. Then, our visitor told us he had never known his father because he was murdered by his own mother (the grandmother of the man at the table) when our visitor was only a few months old. The man said, “Yeah, that’s my crazy family.” Pray for healing for all broken families.
As he was selecting a Rosary, a 20-something man approached. He told us he was a Catholic, new to the area, but currently attending a non-Catholic Christian megachurch with a friend. He agreed he should return to the Sacraments and accepted a map of area parishes. Pray he has the will to return to the Church.
Yet another father with several small children let his kids select a Rosary but declined one himself. He asked why we were passing out Rosaries, and e. Chuck explained our desire to encourage people to be in deep conversation with God. The father agreed that we needed lots of prayer, and said his family prayed together all the time. Pray God strengthens their perseverance in prayer.
Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 15-20 Rosaries, 2 maps, 2-3 copies of the kerygma.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
The family Rosary is a powerful prayer for protection, unity, and peace. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate that encourages families to pray together! May God protect and greatly bless you and all those you love!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Pain not quite hidden - 2022-02-20
February 28, 2022
[Pain not quite hidden] We try to witness the Good News of Jesus Christ to people wounded by our sin-torn world. So thank you again for your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization effort.
Two women with broken English came to the table for a Rosary. They had a difficult time understanding they were free. Finally, they asked, “How many dollars?” E. Lucy replied, “Zero dollars!” A passing man overheard and also came to the table, in the middle of a video conversation with a man in another part of the world. The women had chosen a Rosary, but when e. Chuck explained that it was about Jesus Christ, they excused themselves and left. The man then picked up the Rosary the women had previously chosen.
A group of older teens stopped. One of the women shook her head when asked if she were Christian, so e. Lucy gave her a copy of the one-page summary of the Good News/kerygma and asked her to read it when she got a chance.
Former visitor “Jax” and a young woman stopped for a Rosary apiece. Jax reminded us that his mother “collects them”. We encouraged him to actually use the Rosary for prayer. The girl seemed sad, nearly to the point of tears, and didn’t say anything.
Walking a pair of rambunctious puppies, a trio stopped and the two men said they were familiar with the Rosary because they learned to pray them in jail. The woman, who was sister to one of the men and girlfriend to the other, told e. Lucy they were grieving the recent loss of their Rosary-praying grandmother, who had been “holding the family together”, and that now they were all struggling. We expressed sorrow for their loss and encouraged them to sit down and pray the Rosary together for peace and to restore the unity they craved. May Our Blessed Mother obtain for them guidance and stability.
Some younger teens on skateboards (except for the boy who forgot his) stopped for a Rosary. They brought with them a broken Rosary they “had found”. It was a distinctive black-and-gold one that we had given away earlier, but now was missing the Crucifix and 4 of the 5 leading beads. The boys all claimed to be Christian, but seemed lacking in reverence. May Our Lord bless and save them!
Another group of older teens stopped when one of them cried out that his grandmother “loved the Rosary!” We set them each up with one, and encouraged the grandson to pray it with his grandmother.
Two parents accompanying a 2- or 3-year-old stopped so the child could choose a Rosary. The child seemed barely old enough to make a choice, and neither parent took one. Lord, bless that family and lead them to You and salvation!
A couple, perhaps in their early 20s and financially distressed, came to the table. The man picked out a Rosary, and stood to the side waiting for her to choose one. She st