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NW Georgia

Country: United States
State or province: Georgia

Team Leader
Zackary Little

Team Badges

Rocks and Socks

September 14, 2024

Out on our family weekly Wash and Dry run at the local Laundry mat we met a lady named Edith was a nomad living in her hippie van traveling the US in search of the truth. In her journey she explained that she had found a christ. I begin speaking with her about this and the true Christ, Jesus. After more in depth conversations, I learned that Edith had Catholic Parents, but was never raised Catholic. She also had a distaste for “organized religious”. We spoke more about that.
min the midst of the laundry, she shared that while living in the desert she had began praying and finding rocks shaped like hearts, and asked if my children wanted to pick one out, of course I accepted and also gather gifts of my own. With her vibrant colors and personality I selected the best rosaries from my car that matched as well as a couple Crucifixes and Miraculous medals. After. Asking if she’d like to accept, I shared that this was our family ministry, why we do it and that we wanted to share that with her. I then also shared my testimony of Gods love and mercy in my own life, and how in the Catholic Faith and in the body of Christ we are called to communion with other believers. I then proceeded to share the OCIA start and our local churches info and invited her to come and see.

At the end of this talk, I did learn more about her and how her view of Christ and the Church was skewed and that she had a “spiritual “ belief that was infringing on her faith, modern tarot and connecting to the “divine”. This was not present in our conversation. I know if she surrendered truly that she would find the fullness in faith but I will leave that work to the Holy Spirit after planting the seed.  I ask anyone who reads this to please pray for her on her journey and that she may find the truth, and that she can see Jesus is the only way. I would also ask that this be a reminder that we cannot allow ourselves to become rude or harsh when dealing with people’s souls just because we disagree. We speak the truth in love and allow the Holy Spirit that right to convict.




December 13, 2023

Welcome to your local chapter of St. Paul Street Evangelization.

St. Paul Street Evangelization is a grassroots, non-profit organization, dedicated to responding to the mandate of Jesus to preach the Gospel to all nations by taking our Catholic Faith to the streets. We do this in a non-confrontational way, allowing the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of those who witness our public Catholic presence.

Christ's call to evangelize was made to every Catholic Christian, and the Second Vatican Council reiterated this need, urging each of the baptized to bring the Gospel, found fully in the Catholic Church, to a culture that has largely reverted to paganism. As an on-the-street Catholic evangelization organization, St. Paul Street Evangelization provides an avenue for you to share the Person of Jesus Christ and the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith with a hungry culture. Click Get Involved on the menu to find out how you can help.

To learn more about St. Paul Street Evangelization at the national level, click here.


Evangelization Starts at Home

December 13, 2023

Good day!
When beginning my walk in starting this team and building up supplies, I knew my first real stop on the journey would be with wife and my children.
Upon receiving our starter package of Rosaries, Miraculous medals and pamphlets with the help of my kiddos we began to assemble the medals on chains and laying out to see the rosaries. In doing this I had a great opportunity to share the meaning with my kids, and to use the time to have my family pray over every single one item personally. This sparked many questions and many answers on Jesus, His saving grace, the cross and many more topics. Overall, I can say that even with our daily prayers our Evangelization can’t stop at our front doors, we must continue to share the beauty and Joy of Gods salvation with our families. This leads me into my next outing per se.
I am a convert to the Church and still new to the faith. After being received into the faith and being married on the church just in 2018. When looking back literally, the pews on my side were very empty. My family was not Catholic and had Deep Southern Baptist reservations to this particular discipline of Christianity. This to say again, evangelization starts at home and my first stop after praying over these medals and rosaries with my kids was a family “Thanksmas” that I will never forget. Without sharing to much of my family’s personal life, they are all non-Catholic either practicing or not, but they were all very receptive to the Medal of our mother and some even more were interested in the Rosary. I was shocked to say the least, however I didn’t allow this to stop me from sharing the beauty of my faith with them. And even though I know that they may never become Catholic in name, that day I learned that people are receptive to Love and that I will continue to share the light with them. May we never forget that our family’s needs Christ too.

Was it not Andrew who brought his brother Peter to Jesus? Let’s be like Andrew today!

May God bless and keep us always, Amen

- Zack


I gave out all I had to give and now must restock from the store, but I am not even mad!



December 13, 2023

Welcome to your local chapter of St. Paul Street Evangelization.

St. Paul Street Evangelization is a grassroots, non-profit organization, dedicated to responding to the mandate of Jesus to preach the Gospel to all nations by taking our Catholic Faith to the streets. We do this in a non-confrontational way, allowing the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of those who witness our public Catholic presence.

Christ's call to evangelize was made to every Catholic Christian, and the Second Vatican Council reiterated this need, urging each of the baptized to bring the Gospel, found fully in the Catholic Church, to a culture that has largely reverted to paganism. As an on-the-street Catholic evangelization organization, St. Paul Street Evangelization provides an avenue for you to share the Person of Jesus Christ and the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith with a hungry culture. Click Get Involved on the menu to find out how you can help.

To learn more about St. Paul Street Evangelization at the national level, click here.